After the unexpected explosion of Marie, the revolutionary revolution scratched her shoulders, she was overwhelmed by the force and slightly distanced from her.

It was not only Kwon Hyuk. From the beginning, I left Hina, Ariah, and Myris a few miles away with the intention of telling a serious story when I saw Marie being depressed.

Of course, even if Kwon Hyuk dropped it, they were watching Marie talking to Myung.

Aria was witchy, Hina was invincible, and Miris was using the power of the Spirit to see the two of them with an exciting face.

In the case of Hina, there was an urge to throw the cute Marie, especially to the teacher, out of space, like a courtesy mobile fortress.

But the message to Kwon Hyuk was that Marie had a crush on him.

…… Even so, I unconsciously sprayed the stem of my life on the fact that I was not interested in Kwon Hyuk but somehow endured it.

And the three of them, including the Hina, are just like the Kwon Hyuk! I was surprised when I raised my voice with bitter and lamentable voice.

No way. I never imagined that a gentle princess would raise her voice with a squeaky high voice.

"I really tried? Trying to help the Magnificent Warrior somehow in a line that doesn't go as far as being a princess?! I really, really tried to think that even if you were a blunt warrior, you would know my mind. Really?!"

However, Marie did not realize whether the clogged bank of emotions had exploded, as well as the fact that a group of Hina looked at herself with a dumb expression.

Without realizing that, he just started to burst out of his chest, vomiting his sensual voice to the extent of his emotions.

"But I didn't notice! How many months do you think I've been there?! Did you ever visit me for handicrafts?!"

In the voice of Marie, something exploded, Kwon Hyuk just unconsciously nodded and reflectively agreed with her remarks.

"Do you think that's it?! I asked my sister to hand me some pretty good equipment compared to other warriors.... I tried so hard...!"

At the end, Marie muttered in a voice swallowed by overwhelming sadness rather than anger, muttering in a manner that seemed to be swallowed up in a swamp that was immediately clamorous, in complete contradiction to the previous posture.

"... but he put a sword in me. No, this part understands. Even the brilliant warrior would have lost his mind at the time. But then, for the sake of the honorable warrior, I took the honorable warrior's ball and almost used force to lighten my guilt. I tried to make it easy for you. By the way... by the way...!"

Marie, who muttered like that, ended up covering her face with both hands and starting to feel blurry. Kwon Hyuk, who had barely regained his mind, was forced to sigh deeply.

Even if I heard Marie's story right now, I could see how much she was trying to make a name for herself. However, the party hid itself in the Imperial Palace simply to be cool.

"Argh! What makes me feel even more miserable is that the Magnificent Warrior didn't care about my efforts at all!"

A Marie who talks in a voice that sounds even more frivolous, mixed with water. Soon after he started to feel again, Kwon Hyuk had a hard look on his face.

'Oh, I hate to do this, but I'm sorry about the swim.'

He sat in his arms, embracing Marie's shoulders, who felt as silent as he could bear to cry, as though he could not do so for a while with a difficult face.

"… just cry out in a loud voice like before. This time, it will be a wall, not just a stroke on the head."


Unlike before, Kwon Hyuk himself was quite open to Marie. With her help, she was able to survive the first dungeon of Abyss.

That's why, unlike the last time, Kwon Hyuk lent his arms rather than stroke his head.

At the same time, I did not forget the consideration of preventing others from hearing her cry. After such consideration, Marie couldn't stand it any longer and burst into tears from his arms.

A Marie who vomits with tears all the emotions she has endured in her warmth like the dead prince came back to life.

Kwon Hyuk, who held her, sighed and muttered softly as he stroked her hair.

"It really hasn't changed since the first time I saw Princess Wolbo."


.... The reporters of Kwon Hyuk murmured as he did. Marie seemed to be crying even louder to deny his murmurings.

…… It was a funny situation to be positive in reverse, so Kwon Hyuk was forced to stroke Marie's hair without even knowing it.

"Sister Miris. Please stop him. I really think I'm going to kill that princess."

"... Would it be better if you stopped him than me? I am the lowest of the lowest spirits who can't interfere with proper attributes."

"If I get a little stronger, it's not like I'm getting that ignorant sasser right now."

On the other hand, at the corner of Kwon Hyuk and Marie's exterior, she is wiping her favourite exam with the light of the cognitive bundle.

It is said that Ariah and Myris were thinking about how to dry the hina in a serious tone a little further away from the hina.

+ + +

"How's it going? Calm down? Whatever you're doing, this brother could have grabbed his collar and dragged it right away. My legs shriveled so I could never run away again. It's okay. Just put it back on when you need it."

"Huhu, it's okay. You don't have to suffer because of me. …… and it was the choice of the prestigious warrior who ultimately chose to escape. It's not my job to do what I want."

Marie, who cried in Kwon Hyuk's arms, somehow embraced her emotions and turned her head down with a joke-like tale of Kwon Hyuk.

Wipe your tears with the back of your hand and take a deep breath to calm your trembling body. To some extent, Marie, who had completely regained control of her body, arose from her seat with a face full of resolutions.

".... You made a decision?"

"Yes, I don't have any disagreement with you from now on. I've decided on that policy."

In the declaration of Marie, which seemed to stand a little above each other's childhood, Kwon Hyuk looked up at Marie with a strange face.

The emotion she had on the myth was clearly that of a foot-foot first love. But Marie now declared that she would give up her first love.

"I don't care if the illusion dies on the Knights of the Empire..... Is that the story?"


In order to know Marie's definitive doctor, this time she stood up from the chair with a sharp trimming glance from the side of Kwon Hyuk and looked up at her and asked. At that moment, Marie threw up her groaning.

As a weak-minded woman, even if the object was not a meditation, her heart would be heartbroken if she heard that someone who could be saved by her actions might die.

But at the same time, Marie was also a contradictory girl with a strong heart. With a poor heart, the position of Princess forced me to have a strong heart.

And Marie was also a girl who brilliantly found a consensus between the two senses. Despite Kwon Hyuk's nasty questions, she nods with a chopped face.

"... Yes, they just said that I have no reason to save the warrior you promised me. because I think I did the best I could. This anomaly..... is because of the betrayal of Abama who raised me."

Knowing what Marie wanted to talk about, Kwon Hyuk sighed and stood up in the chair where she was sitting, just like Marie.

"If that's what you think, I'll make sure my reputation doesn't interfere with him. Honestly, I don't even know where he went to look."

In a way, even though he was a friend of the same school, he made an indecent statement. However, Marie noticed that the story of the revolution is a consideration of the revolution, which is to keep her from caring about the work of blasphemy.

So she didn't have to talk about Kwon Hyuk either. Honestly, if the Sovereign Revolution was trying to help its revolutionaries because it was the imperial side of the Lyudas Empire.

"Oh, by the way, I think I've talked too much about myself. My brother must be here because he has something to tell me...."

Speaking to Kwon Hyuk, Marie, who had lost some of the emotions she was carrying by meditation, asked him why he came to Kwon Hyuk to convert the topic.

Why are you saying this? I wondered why Kwon Hyuk suddenly came to me after a few weeks when he didn't look right.

"Oh, that's what I meant……."

Kwon Hyuk reveals his distressing feelings in Marie's gaze with a slightly pointed face.


That's right. Counter-narcissists.... Well, it's too bad for a good man.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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