"Reverend God, how did he escape the Imperial Palace?"

…… Just before Kwon Hyuk left the Imperial Palace of Alpia, this was the question Marie asked. How, then, did the half-wit who sealed all the merits escape alone?

According to Marie, there was no sign of anyone helping her escape. Yoon Seok and Yoon Min, who were most strongly opposed to his pension and his dismissal.

Even these two understood how badly his position was due to this desertion of prestige.

There was no way the two of them could have helped escape the prestige. The death penalty was only five years' imprisonment.

I was dissatisfied that the shelf life was too long, because there was some part to convince myself that the shelf life was too long.

I had no reason to help me escape the prestige that I might be sentenced to death this time. Maybe if you convinced him to wait five years.

Then how the hell did the anti-Semitic god get rid of the Mock Machine that was restraining his power and get out of the Imperial Palace?

Marie had a hard face to answer the question of Kwon Hyuk, but once she knew, she told me the truth.

"…… In fact, we also questioned that part. How the infamous warrior escaped the Imperial Palace. And the answer to that question is……."

It was a letter of paper that Marie gave as she answered. Marie's story says it was a letter that was left in the room where the prestige stayed, where the terrible smell was.

"The only thing that was left of me when I forcibly opened the room of my sworn warrior in a sudden odor was the unknown odor and the letter. And the letter said," How could a great warrior escape with his own power? ""

With the words, Marie also gave the letter to Kwon Hyuk, saying that it was difficult to explain to herself whether all the emotions were not organized.

When I read the letter, I said that I would know how the God of Transfiguration escaped the Imperial Palace and where he disappeared.

In that story, Kwon Hyuk also received the letter again saying that he was sorry for making Marie recall a painful memory.

At the same time, after saying goodbye to Marie, she returned to performance-city atlion with Hina, Arias, Miris, Swimming, Silice and Acadians.

".... This is funny?"

After returning to the City of Heaven, Kwon Hyuk told his disciples, Miris, Swimming and Silice to pick out the room he wanted in the living room that was in the form of a courtesy skyscraper.

In the case of Hina, I asked for the same room as before, but I thought it would be better to have a swimming job and a room for Hina.

Ariah and Myris, apart from Hina, have chosen the room with their faces excited that their room will be created.

…… In the case of swimming, I also had a strange face in the appearance of the rooms more spectacular than the Imperial Palace. Like Hina, he also said that he would write a book with Kwon Hyuk.

Of course, I refused because Hina and Ariah's education was not good...... When the swim was talking, Hina looked up and growled.

.... The members of the Valkyrie have already chosen their rooms one by one when the revolutionaries arrived.

Silice slipped into a more comfortable and splendid residence than the Imperial Palace she lived in, and told Acadians whether she could not just live here, and then heard the groaning of a serious tone.

In any case, Kwon Hyuk, who assigned the room to his group who had stayed with him in Atleon, then arrived at the room he was going to use and read the letter that Marie had handed over alone.

'This guy, what are you really thinking?'

…… and after reading all the letters left by the anti-Semitic god in an instant, Kwon Hyuk was forced to look down at the paper he was holding in his hand with an outrageous look at the situation.

First of all, this letter was an apology to Yoon Seok, Yoon Min and Marie. I didn't understand what escaping from an annuity meant for myself.

At least when I left an apology to those who would be worried by their mistakes. The problem is, nevertheless, that we have put it into practice, even though we know it.

'No, I'm just very optimistic about the situation.'

According to the letter, the reason why this idiot was able to break the mock-up machine that suppressed his abilities was simple.

I accidentally realized that I was closing my mind for a month and clearing my name emotions at the limit. As a result, Fame broke the wall of the Absolute who was fortunate enough to stop it.

With the exception of Maduwon and Hangzhou, he became the 3rd largest warrior group in the world. And the limit of the moccasin that was suppressing fame was the superhero.

In other words, the ability of a talented person beyond the superhuman level cannot be sealed. The fame that was naturally released from the suppression of the Mock Machine was that it escaped the Imperial Palace with its ability to reach the Absolute Wall.

'I think I've gained some insight and got better.'

The letter also contained a story about Kwon Hyuk. If that's true, it's true. The reason why the anti-mysticism became such a twist is because a considerable proportion of it was caused by the revolution.

However, it was not to criticize Kwon Hyuk differently than I had thought. At first, Kwon Hyuk killed Lara and didn't save Yoon Su-ji.

And he resented him for weighing people's lives. But I fixed my mind with an enlightenment that climbed to the absolute.

To what extent did you know the consideration of Kwon Hyuk when you became able to organize and suppress emotions? He said that the enlightenment he gained to climb the Absolute was about recognition.

"You barely made it to the ground in recognition of your weakness? '

In other words, Faithfulness acknowledged that he was not the one who could do anything. And this recognition led to the process of confronting his shortcomings, and this trivial instrument came to a massive realization.

.... Yes, that was good. Finally, this Zaman warrior abandoned Zaman and acknowledged reality. The problem was the story after that.

'No, if you knew you were short of shit, you'd just be stuck in a corner for five years and you'd be training. Why the hell would you challenge the Dungeon of Abyss?'

This was the part that hit the goal the most. Fame sincerely acknowledged that he was weak. Although he understood his weaknesses before, he did not acknowledge them.

Should I say that if I were you, I would have the confidence to catch up with who I am in just a few minutes?

It witnessed the battle of the Sovereign Revolution in the Dominion, and broke out as it became pensionable and struggled for a month. But this is another problem.

'What? You're going to challenge the Dungeon of Abyss to get the power to save yourself now that no one can save you?! Hey, you lunatic. What a jerk....'

He acknowledged his weakness. At the same time, admittedly, there was nervousness. This nervousness was different from the nervousness held by meditation in the past.

If the nervousness of the past was the nervousness of his growth rate, the nervousness behind the absolute was the nervousness manifested by confirming his clear limits.

Yes, fame is realized as you climb into the Absolute. Now we know that it is usually impossible to go up the stairs in this way.

The fact that even if you believe in yourself as in the past and live like a thunderclap, it is an agent who rises above you.

That's why I thought of fame there. What is the way to break your limitations, reach your goals, your revolution? I say.

Yes, Myung wanted to be as strong as Kwon Hyuk. I wanted to be such a paradox that even death broke out and even went against the sky.

Then I hope that I can get Yoon Soo-ji, who didn't even get it. And what came to a conclusion was the dungeon of Abyss, which Gwon Hyuk advised.

'If the Dungeon of Abyss, even the Mighty Revolution is said to be dangerous, it might break my limits and give me a chance to reach the Mighty Revolution!'

Deuteronomy was like this. The power of the limitless para. In other words, the myth of the mind was originally possible because the mind itself had a self that did not acknowledge its limitations.

No matter how dangerous the dungeon is, he escaped the Imperial Palace alone with a fame of confidence that he could survive if he were now, and headed to the Dungeon of Abyss of Alcaya, the only known location.

"Ha, that's crazy. The Dungeon of Abyss is not important."

It was the dungeon that was the difficulty, precisely for the subordinate level. No, it was the Dungeon of Abyss that was dangerous for the dominant.

However, this irrefutable son of a bitch went straight to the dungeon of Abyss, ignoring the warnings of Kwon Hyuk that his eyes were turned upside down after climbing to absolute subsistence.

Others will think that they are not arrogant or careless as long as they aim to survive and grow stronger. But it was different. The idea of surviving was arrogant and careless.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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