Silis frowns at him as if he thought of something, and immediately releases his face and talks again.

“I see..... Your parents' hands are like combs to clean your hair. If it was such tenderness.... ”

“What about my hand? ”

After a brief pause, Kwon Hyuk expressed his curiosity about Silis' remarks, and Silis opened his eyes and replied.

“... It's like you're winding your head. ”

“That's a metaphor I don't understand at all. ”

When he spoke in an absurd manner, Silis thought of a way to explain something with the sound, and said the same thing.

“You can clean your hair with a comb, you don't have to, but you always have to wrap your hair. That's what I said. Especially on intense battlefields, it's not very uncomfortable to comb your hair, but if you don't detect it, it's hard to tickle your hair. And it smells.”

“No, I don't understand. ”

When Kwon Hyuk shook his head to the side with an incomprehensible expression, Silis complained that he was staring at Kwon Hyuk with his eyes lightly raised.

With her eyes shrugged, Kwon Hyuk continued to gently stroke her blue leaf-like green hair.

“By the way, it's my parents. The Demons were mutants born of all races..... When you look at Silice, were your parents human? ”

The moment Kwon Hyuk answered the question in a light sense, Silice's body hardened once more. However, he immediately pulled his strength from the body and returned his answer in a slightly sunk voice.

“... Yes, you can see her by her appearance, but she is a demon born of humans. And he was abandoned for being a demon. ”

At the moment when Kwon Hyuk was in Silis' voice, which was somewhat sophisticated, he stopped beating her head in the thought that this was an area he should not touch.

However, in response to that reaction, Silis grabbed her hand and slowly stroked her own hair.

“…… It was a long time ago and I don't really have feelings right now. So you don't have to care. I also thought I'd like to have a drink, so let's use the story of Maier as a drink to help her build the Maier Empire. ”

The story continued with her hands on her head, filling a glass of wine that she had never used before.

“As you know, the Demons are more of a mutant than a race. Appearance is no different from the race of those who become parents. Those born of the elves look like devils, and those born of Dwarves look like Dwarves. ”

Born with human parents, Silius was born a demon, of course.

“… and now, I don't know, the Demons were the ones who were excluded from all races at the time. Those who said they were a race, but who had this trait that was close to being called a mutant, were the ones who had this strange trait. ”

The Demons were clearly born with the appearance of the same race as their parents. Nevertheless, it has completely different racial characteristics.

Once the Demons are able to use the attribute, the attribute of the Ora is all about the dark attribute. It is adjusted by magic power.

From birth, the average steat is born with a strong body of 30 and a great magical power starting from an average of 5,000.

The life span was also long. The average life expectancy is close to 1,000 years and there is also an unbelievable record in one literature that the longest living Demons in history lived for nearly 10,000 years.

However, it was difficult to distinguish the Demons by this fact alone. The appearance of the child born immediately was nothing different from the appearance of the parents' race.

If you are a human, you are an elf, you are an elf, and if you are a Demibeast, you are a demon.

“Considering these traits, the Demons are just those who are naturally strong in physical abilities and magic. ”

Even if I thought of the social characteristics that would be excluded if I had strong personality, that was not a characteristic that deserved to be excluded.

Life expectancy was 10 to 20 times longer than human life expectancy and 100 times longer than human life expectancy, but it was only a characteristic of a level that was not unusual, even if viewed simply as talented.

Calling a Featured User (Power User) a Cursed User, it may not be possible to think of the entire culture of society that was killed, but there was still a lack of it.

“…… The reason the Demons were rejected. The biggest feature is the color of the hair. ”

Nevertheless, the Demons were excluded not only from man, but also from the Demihumans. Demons who are classified as a minority, but who are in fact rightly classified as mutants such as creeds and lumps rather than as a minority.

If the Beast is a mutated animal, the Beast is a mutated animal, and the Demon is a mutated human being.

Therefore, it was the existence of the Demons who were reluctant to become human beings as well as the Demihumans. The Demihumans were better off thinking about killing or abandoning their children born of the devil.

At least you didn't throw it away or kill it. It was only at a socially isolated level. But even so, the treatment of the Demons was not good.

“The color of the Demon's Fur was a color that most of us couldn't have. You can see her hair right now, right? Green is the color of hair that you can't have if you think plainly. ”

There were occasions when the color of the hair changed mottledly depending on the meridian and the essence of the processing form used.

However, there could not be a case where a person's hair physically becomes as green as Silice. Green, of course, pink, purple, blue, orange, etc.

The color of the Demons' fur was so varied. And the color of these hairs became more individualistic, visually verifiable.

Therefore, the Demons were even more excluded. Because you can see other parts of the world that are different from ordinary people.

When a powerful force and long life were thrown away there, the Demons, as something different from themselves, had been excluded as a species that would not be good for human beings, at the same level as the main user (the almighty user).

“That's why she was abandoned by her parents who gave birth to her as a child. Honestly, I don't even remember who they were. ”

At that time, it was said that the whole world was loathsome to torture itself just because it was a demon.

Above all, the human side used to call the Demons slaves as a slave. Then, it is said that it was a Demibeast couple who saved Silice.

“You were already at dusk. Those are the kind of people who would fall a few years from now, and there's nothing strange about it. ”

The old couple of the Demibeasts, who were so poor that they had to worry about their own position right away, said that Silius had nevertheless been reaped.

“I don't know why you reaped her. But they reaped her, and they did their best for her, even though she was so old that it was uncomfortable for them to act right now. ”

For Silice, who was younger than Hina, the two Demibeasts really did their best.

She was warmed by her tail because she lacked a cover in the cold winter, and in the summer she was old and stiff and went hunting to give Silice a meatloaf.

“He also taught her many things. I don't know what they were doing before, but their knowledge was only a treasure that would give them the strength to live in the future. ”

It was thanks to the Demibeast couple at the time that Silis realized the existence of the status card and learned how to acquire power.

“My personality was also very sweet. My father always laughed loudly and kept his back clean. My mother pretended to do her job with a gentle expression rather than hating it. Perhaps the current personality of the mother-in-law is greater than that inherited from them. ”

In doing so, Silius met with the Demibeast couple over an unfortunate period of time, and for nearly 20 years he was able to spend a really warm life.

“…… how does that connect with the reason you founded the Meier Empire? No way?”

“No, that's not what you think. Her foster parents were already at dusk age, and she closed her eyes comfortably after about 20 years of living with her. It was a story a few years later that she came to unite the two races. ”

Thereafter, Silis, who had the ability to stand alone with the help of the Demibeasts, traveled to Mandalas at that time.

And I saw it. He saw the Demibeasts, a race like his foster parents, being enslaved by humans.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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