"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What is this! This city, it was full of diving features?! What's impossible about swimming boyfriends?!"

"Completely unexpected. I should have expected this huge city itself to dive into the sea from the moment it lowered its altitude with confidence."

"I've been thinking about it since I went swimming, but this adventure seems to be a particularly unrealistic one. Ah? There's a fire."


When Atleon, who had been diving from the beginning, dived into the sea with a faint voice, a luminous beam of light suddenly appeared in the dark sea.

Kwon Hyuk created a light source that reminds of the artificial sun that exists in Atleon. In fact, it wasn't the device I had in mind, but it was surprisingly useful.

The artificial sun is actually called the City of Perforation, but it's natural that the exterior creates an interior environment, no matter what. It was made with the idea of

However, it seemed like a corporation that would have time to use whatever it was prepared for. There was no wrong place in the words of the ancients. Now, look.

Haven't you immediately used the artificial sun that you thought you would use after going into space? In the first place, the universe appeared faster than I thought it would.

The longer you stay in this place for as long as the darkness inside the Great Sea doesn't come into the light right now, the greater will be the light created by Kwon Hyuk.

In fact, if you could only breathe, it might not be a big problem for Jeanie's group, who is an absolute self-sufficient swimmer or now a veteran adventurer.

However, I was able to lose my mind simply by staying in such a dark place, not at the level of the Soviet Revolution.

Especially for young children such as Hinana Aria, the spirit Myristia was originally a universal maid type that was not greatly affected by the surrounding environment.

However, the environmental composition system created by Kwon Hyuk is practically a mental care effect. To be honest, I felt like praising myself for constructing this system in the past.

I think I have a foresight. Thinking about it. As Kwon Hyuk started his self-hymn, Atleon's vision quickly recovered.

"…… what is this? Are all the seawater in this area absorbing light as well as sleep?"

"The atlion is brighter, but I can't see anything out there. It's worse than this because it's like we're the only ones left in the world."

But the only thing that came back was the interior of Atleon, where there was an artificial sun everywhere. The warm, gentle light stems starting from the air of the perforated city were illuminating the interior of the city.

But even this light is completely absorbed at the moment of contact with the surface, like when you look down at the ocean of the Great Sea from the surface, and you have no idea what's going on inside the surface.

Rather, the only thing that can be confirmed by the clock is the Atrion interior situation, and the exterior is completely immersed in the darkness at a time when it stops the water from flowing, which makes it feel like it is flowing through space.

No, even if you fold into space, the light emitted by the stars is beautifully coloring the black space. They also have various colors because they are rich and floating.

But the outside appearance of Atleon was completely different. Only darkness, that's all. The swimmers were forced to get tired of the dark landscape that seemed to suck them in.

"It seems physiologically overwhelming. I don't even know what's in there right now. Well, swimming, surely this city is great, but is it okay?"

Genie asks her anxious face to swim about Atleon's actions that cut through the darkness, which can't come out right now.

Her question was relevant. Inside the deep sea is complete darkness. It was only darkness that provoked a man's fear, whose vision could not confirm anything.

The act of cutting through the interior itself causes fear of the unknown and is forced to be slightly mentally eroded.

"... I don't know, I don't think it's okay yet. He wins slowly, but he seems to be heading down smoothly. I can't feel anything coming over me."

As Jeanie was slightly frightened, she looked at the boundaries of Atleon and the deep sea, where she could not see anything, and the swimming returned her answer in a slightly shivering voice.

There was nothing wrong with her voice. In the case of swimming, I was a little worried about the current situation rather than fear.

She was as good at handling feelings as she was an absolute power-user. I felt immediately that I could not observe the deep sea in perspective.

Fortunately, even if it was the sea water that absorbs light, it was possible to look outside with the feeling that it did not absorb even the essence.

Swimming was also extremely self-sufficient, so it was not difficult to look outside around Atleon.

That's why she knew. I know it's pretty slow because of Atleon's fall speed right now. And that was of course the situation Kwon Hyuk intended.

Then why is he slowly descending perpendicularly to the Great Sea? It was simple. Kwon Hyuk is also on the lookout. We have enemies who don't know when they'll pop out of the deep sea.

'Notoriously, the Great Sea seems to have descended quite deep, but nothing has yet come out.'

That made the breasts of the swim sulky. As if on the eve of a storm, the situation of the deep sea is following a quiet night....

…… As a matter of fact, things were going very differently than the Valkyrie party members were worried about.

They were embarrassed by the fact that Atleon was submerged, and they were there because they were unaware.

It was the fact that there were more than 100 level fish monsters below the surface at the moment of the dive by the Atelion.

There were also various rectifications right away. Isn't that Cracken, who looks like a serpent in a novel, or like a big squid? Monster that will say.

Among other things, the most hated was a group of monsters that looked like reeds. A fish monster that swims in the sea with tens of thousands of monsters.

If there were flies and other parts, it was the monsters that swayed through the sea at the speed of ultrasound, eating without a trace, just as the time of locusts had passed.

The level of each object is the lowest 100 levels in the deep sea. However, it was a monster that instantly ate and wiped out monsters of 150 or more levels.

In other words, there were powerful monsters inside the Miriris Great Sea that could be called the Horseshoe.

That's all? As I said, those who enter the Great Sea are prepared to put themselves in an extreme situation where they only have to believe in their own feelings.

Among the horoscopes that Kwon Hyuk knows, the most powerful ally at the moment is the rank horoscope.

That was the Great Sea of Miriris. The situation of limited visibility, the environmental element of the sea, and above all, the level of absolute self-sufficiency and combat power that was given to the creatures wandering around the Baggage was the inside of this great sea.

.... Now, why can you descend Atelion so quietly even though you are in the Great Sea of Miriris, one of the Horseshoe?

As I said, the situation was in fact completely different from what the swimmers were feeling. There were enormous numbers of monsters under the sea level in the location where the atlion was falling and submerged.

The monsters that bite, eat, and sustain the ecosystem as monsters make the horoscope marvelous, they said.

... The problem was that these monsters, Atleon, instantly lost their weight as the city dug beneath the sea level.

Yes, Atelion was a city of weapons and existence. A powerful weapon that instantly devastates a large city if it falls fast on top of the city with its strong durability!

As a result, the monsters that existed below the submerged sea level could not make a sound of sudden catastrophe, but they were just as different as the others.

That wasn't the end here. Even though the majority of the monsters were exterminated by the enormous location energy of Atelion, it was only a modifier of considerable level.

At the moment of the fall of Atleon, the monsters who noticed its existence and quickly cut the water and left the position, even the monsters that were outside the scope of Atleon in the first place.

There were still a significant number of monsters. And of course, basically, monsters who could defeat superhuman abilities were not willing to forgive the intruders before their eyes.

No, for those who had no reason before the intruders, the giant perforated city atlion in front of their eyes was nothing but food.

Surprisingly, there are supergiant monsters of the same size as Atleon inside the Great Sea, and even these monsters sometimes fall into the dining room of other monsters.

Of course, a myriad of monsters perceive Atelion as reluctant to eat and overwhelm him..... No, I was going to overrun it.

However, at that moment, a voice sounded like a man laughing at their quest for Atleon, which you and I had nothing to do with.

Literally, the catches are dented. They seem to be hard to use as food.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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