The moment that Kwon Hyuk took power from his body and closed his eyes.... His body, which had risen close to the atmosphere, began to fall without any resistance.

But that wasn't a problem. It wasn't Kwon Hyuk who was going to die because he fell at this height. The problem is that from the moment of defeat, the law began to erode his body, his consciousness, his mind.

The death of an absolute proposition that the transcendent can never refuse to put in this world.

'Ha, shit. I feel dirty.'

In a gradually blurring consciousness, the idea that Kwon Hyuk had come to mind was really uplifting.

I was irritated by the sense of the body being drawn to gravity by cutting air, and the sense of being drawn to death by laws that I could not even detect properly.

But there was nothing to say that was annoying. The law of the whole body slowly dying, eroding and fragmenting the mind and ripping the mind apart was clearly a law that the revolution could not even recognize properly.

A clear sense that no matter what number you use, you cannot resist as a revolutionary power. This was an absolutely inevitable death.

Kwon Hyuk, who knows how to admit, gave up his resistance. No, I wanted to resist, but I didn't even know how to resist.

Therefore, in the moment of death that escalated unavoidably, I simply smiled bitterly and entrusted my consciousness to the coming death.

'It's not like I can do anything.'

The absolute death penalty imposed by God. Only God in the same position can resist this sentence. Equally, only transcendents can twist the laws of this world.

But Kwon Hyuk was not a transcendent. So impossible, natural common sense, the laws of the world. In the death that reminds me of that fact, Kwon Hyuk came to mind.

'... but what's the difference between common sense and law?'

That's one of the propositions I've been thinking about for years since I came into the dungeon. Yes, it was something common.

A spear thrown in a conversation with Hina, and a proposition that came into this dungeon and gave rise to an awakening momentarily.

The meaning of common sense. The verb about what common sense means to Kang Gyeong-hyuk himself. In his words, Kwon Hyuk came to mind. Common sense was the limit that people in the world decided……, yes.

Natural limits. Humans cannot fly. Humans must eat, sleep, and eat. Humans cannot move objects by will alone, etc.

What most people have in common, the common limits of being human. But think about it. What about Kwon Hyuk? What is the existence of Kang Gyeong-hyuk?

I could fly even though I was human. When you use power, you can use the aura that is anchored in space as a foothold. With no air, there was an empty answer.

Magic was called Aye Fly magic, and augmentation was possible by dealing with the wind through attribute interlocking, and finally, summoning was the story of borrowing the power of the summoner (essence creature) who flew through the sky.

I didn't even have to sleep. I need to eat to fill my stamina, but the need for excretion has already disappeared.

It's already a simple story to move things by your will. Then, is it common sense that most of the commonalities that humans cannot share are not human?

But Kwon Hyuk was biologically correct. Yes, with the common sense of the people of the world, the revolution was not human, but with the common sense of the revolution, the revolution was human.

Then what is common sense for Kwon Hyuk? …… For most people, common sense was a 'limit'. But to Kwon Hyuk who has already surpassed so many limits and realized that there is nothing 'impossible' about knowing the existence of the transcendent, there is no such thing as' limit ', what the hell is common sense!!

"…… Ah, yes. To me, common sense is the law of the world."

The moment of realization was so obvious, but the moment of obtaining that realization, in absolute inevitability, in the swamp of death that it could not be done by any means……, the situation was reversed.


The walls that were already golden before the eyes of Kwon Hyuk began to collapse so easily that the barrier that had not collapsed, no matter what the number, nevertheless fell.

Common sense was the law of the world. Maybe it's a natural story. In the first place, human limitations often talk about physical laws.

But it didn't mean that. Yes, knowing the transcendent, knowing that there was no possibility, one of the limitations for Kwon Hyuk was the existence of the Essence Law, the upper rule that transcended the laws of physics.

It was already a revolution that transcended its limits as a human being. What are the limits to such a revolution? What is the limit to a revolutionary who has already acquired a myth that can even manipulate possibilities to affect the dimension itself?

Does common sense exist? What are the limitations? No, there was no limit. Even if there is an area that cannot be touched right now, there is no common sense, no limit, in the realm of possibility.

"Yes, I am the absolute 'king' who exists in the realm of possibility. If this is my kill, I won't even twist the possibility of this death!"

A light has returned to the pupil of Kwon Hyuk, who was slowly dying in the swamp of undeniable death until just now. Hope has returned and absolute majesty surrounds the body.

Accompanied by such a willingness, the world, the dimension, …… the archaic record at the root of everything, gave him permission. The power to twist everything in the realm of possibility!!

"Well, let's twist it here. The one called the law."

With that said, a power hyuk that was 180 degrees different from what he had just said, a vibrant power hyuk reached out before the eyes of the orbit he was falling.

In response to the will of the Sovereign Revolution, a huge torsion of space was created in front of his eyes. After the essence of the atmosphere was forcefully transformed into aura, it began to create 'what' that interfered with the laws of the world itself.


What comes to mind is the revolution, the twist, the reversal... No, the madness that does not seem enough to express itself.

Yes, the madness that even the world seems to twist has manifested itself in its apparent form here. The form is……, the throne!

"This is my second wonder, the throne of paradise, the Possibility Crown!"

Breaking through the horizon to become the dominant rank, the second wonder of Kwon Hyuk in the B + rank! The final evolutionary form of his power to interfere in the realm of possibility!

"Now, let's twist the meaning of the world that has already been decided!!"

With that cry, Kwon Hyuk exercised the function of the throne that appeared before his eyes. The moment the throne that twists the world, flips information and expands possibilities emits light……, the world begins to reverse!

+ + +

".. Puhaha!!!!!!!!!!! I thought you were really going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The center of the space where the five gyrodops are placed in a pentagon. Kwon Hyuk was breathing heavily.

Even though he is the dominant, his systemic cold sweat proves how nervous he was until just now.

Has he ever done this before? The distance between the occipital muscles was doubtful, and he sighed with relief as he felt the heartbeat.

It was really a miracle. Fortunately, the thought that came to mind shortly before his death was awakened, coupled with the arrows that had been plaguing him for years, and miraculously the landscape rose.

However, the death of Kwon Hyuk was definitive, even if the landscape was originally raised. Transcendent, the death that the world has pronounced by law is not an ability to resist even if the rank of power originally rises to the B + rank, the rank of dominant.

But still, Kwon Hyuk resisted. No, he twisted the past, rewritten the world, and eventually reversed the future that he belonged to death.

I think I've accomplished a miracle that could be there now. And the power of the Second Shinigami Possibility Crown.

…… the crown of possibility, but the name of Hangul is the throne of Revelation, and the English name was Possibility Crown..... Never mind. If I cared, I'd lose.

Don't be ridiculous! How can a mere ruler have the power of a retainer?!

When Kwon Hyuk sighed with such relief, he heard a cry close to the scream in Kwon Hyuk's deep system. It was not the other way around, but it was always Maheuk's cold-hearted cry if not related to Laurier.

If it wasn't Lori, it was very rare for a cold philosopher like Maheuk to throw up a cry that was close to screaming.

No, it wasn't just Maheuk. All the transcendents who were watching the time in the dungeon of Kwon Hyuk were appalled, even though they enjoyed the current situation in the deep system of Kwon Hyuk.

.... I saw the Piece of Maintainer's unique authority in his power, but I can't believe it even changed in the past.

This is a tremendous achievement. If Hyuk-hyuk rises to transcendence and expands his realm in academic records, he may be the only one who can stand up to the retainer.


Long time no see!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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