The concept of the dungeon is the main concept of the park. The story of the warrior who destroyed the world was an unmistakable dungeon where the slaughter courses that made up the amusement park were fused.

.... Yes, it was a new concept dungeon that tortured people so novelly. Every time a scenario entered a particular event, Kwon Hyuk was always forced to participate in a Death Game called Attraction.

I would rather proceed with the scenario as it is. That may be a battle that literally saves a warrior's life, but it's impossible for Kwon Hyuk to smoke anywhere.

Yeah, even if it's a defeat event, it's just a scene for Kwon Hyuk to act so painlessly.

However, when such an important event appears, the space in which Kwon Hyuk stands is twisted and reconstructed, transforming into a vibrant, baby-friendly amusement park without the heavy world being used.

In a strange space that looks like a backdrop, the buildings that make up the park have already spent nearly a decade fighting for their lives.

“Argh?! Now, wait a minute? Stop?!! ”

And now he's still being held by a murder weapon called One Window Attraction, running for his life with all his might.

.... Yes, I was running. I was driving a racing car that I had never driven before.

Bang! Quang! Quajijijijic!!

“Argh?! Are you kidding me? ”

Of course, it was not my intention at all that Kwon Hyuk was sprinting through this racing car. Who would enter a race where the course evaporates in front of their own eyes because it's crazy?

“Khhhhhh?!! ”

No matter how much you look at it, the surrounding background was a baby-friendly and vibrant landscape, yes, literally a park of dreams and hopeful landscapes.

However, the atmosphere was not the same as the trajectory in which Kwon Hyuk was sprinting at the same rate as Maha's unit.

High-rise bridges you can't find in the park. This leg is long enough to be invisible.

Without stopping there, there were strange objects on both sides of the bridge that did not know where to use them.

…… one of them just emitted a light before, and at that moment, the racing car that was burning and racing vigorously, was reconciled with the light just as the road had to pass.

In this situation, he poured his aura on the part of the leg that had been severed in a hurry and made a platform.

After the Dark Ora was materially embodied, the racing car became a bridge that could be trampled and passed at a high speed instead of a lost platform fixed to the space itself.


‘Gigi, you almost fainted?! ’

Already running at a speed far beyond the sound speed, the racing car of the lower body passed the course as soon as Kwon Hyuk reproduced the foothold of Aura.

The moment the racing car, which ran at such a speed that it could not even be torn apart by the sound of the sound, passed over the liver bridge, Kwon Hyuk had no choice but to sweat.

The length of the bridge that had just evaporated with the light before was a few tens of kilometers.

It embodied a bridge of that length as an ora only for a moment. Of course, a huge amount of Aura was forced to be consumed, and as a result, Kwon Hyuk almost fainted from the moment he hit the floor. The total amount of Aura Kwon Hyuk, which corresponds to the superior ruler, is 12 million.

The total amount of Kwon Hyuk's Aura was already at the limit of the dominant rank by mobilizing the rank and ways to consume various elixirs.

The elder brother of Kwon Hyuk disappeared in a moment. It's not unusual to pass out if you do something wrong.

In that situation, Kwon Hyuk, who had barely maintained his mind, was vicious and focused on the course before his eyes again. A sudden start to racing attraction leads you straight to the death route as soon as you get distracted!

In fact, Kwon Hyuk has exercised the power of the Possibility Crown twice. At first, I didn't know what that bizarre architecture was standing next to, but I was wary and left the course.

As a result, he was killed because he was unable to leave the course, which is a restriction on point missions. With the Possibility Crown, he could barely escape death by overturning his record of carelessness.

The second was the sudden change of the fog from a strange obstacle to a particle cannon. The moment the fog erupted, I was clearly prepared for what would happen next.

However, it was not expected that the foggy particles would be transformed into inevitable particle cannons as soon as they entered the fog.

The racing car that Kwon Hyuk was riding on in the aftermath of the injustice, as well as Kwon Hyuk, was ashed in one moment and died.

It was a particle cannon of such power that it killed Kwon Hyuk, the superior power of the dominant. Even if you don't explain it in detail, you can see how absurd the power is.

No, maybe the particle cannon wasn't powerful, it was an attack that was immediately judged by a transcendent.

That is why Kwon Hyuk almost died without resisting properly, and would have died if he had not used the Possibility Crown to twist the reality just before death was approaching.

‘How the hell am I supposed to drive this car?! ’

A racing car that has no deceleration function and only acceleration. All an occupant can do is change direction.

Every time I ran out at Maha's speed, there were many obstacles that made me feel strange in the structures installed on the left and right. I held onto the lifeline of Kwon Hyuk.

‘Where did you see this toy car?! ’

Funny thing was that the runners were not the base of this attraction that ran at such a frightening pace, but the rides that the children made to ride, which are often seen in the park.

Why, isn't there a car attraction that doesn't work so fast because it's baby and tiny? It's hard to find in my country, but it's often seen in Japan.

It was not funny that a car with the expression "toy" was the base of this racing car that was running at a speed that now surpassed even the jet.


“You son of a bitch...!! Why does a demon king who hasn't seen his tail in half a year have to come out and do this..?!! ”

Another obstacle appeared in front of the racing car that sprinted through the window. The obstacle that emerged this time was spatial distortion, not the other way around.

It wasn't even just distortion. The vertically bent space is divided into 10 pieces in an instant. In that sight, Kwon Hyuk moved with malice.

First of all, let go of the hand that was immediately holding the handle and then free the phase space, replenishing the insufficient aura to implement it in the same form as his hand.

I immediately left the car in the driver's hand and got out of the seat. The racing car that Kwon Hyuk currently carries does not have any equipment to protect the passengers.

Of course, in the immediate aftermath of Kwon Hyuk's rise at the speed of ultrasound, the resistance of the air, which seemed to be breaking his neck, had to be overcome.

It was not just the resistance of the air, whether it was even due to the adjustment of the difficulty of the point mission itself. Because it was a reaction of a family that completely ignored the resistance of merit, it seems that it was the resistance that had to be endured solely by physical ability.

Nevertheless, the power revolution that took place in the first place, forcefully withstanding the wind with the enhanced state, immediately triggered the Mojo power, Uroboros.

Remaining HP consumed about 20%, converting to aesthetic power, and triggered the truth through the aura that began to recharge to the ground.


However, I had no idea what the right path was, even though I had activated the truth.

Because there was a transcendental protector in the spatial distortion in front of his eyes, just as he knew how to harass the revolution.

In fact, while kicking his tongue, Kwon Hyuk did not delay his actions. Again emphasizing, the speed of movement of the racing car that now carried him was Maha's unit.

Faster than sound was enough to keep the racing car from even hearing the sound of cutting the wind, which could lead to death even after a brief delay in action.

Judgment, at the moment of Charlna's death, embodied a total of seven Swallow Oras in the air, identified what she had to do.


And come to Swallow, where you started shooting. The bullet, simply embodied in the form of a sphere, was immediately ejected at a rate that overtook the racing car that burned the revolution and flew towards each of the seven distorted spaces.

‘4th from the right!! ’

And there's only one Swallow Orathan in sight that doesn't disappear as soon as it passes through the only distorted space.

Knowing that one was headed for the correct answer, Kwon Hyuk immediately moved the racing car holding the handle and twisted its direction.



Today, it was a power-running revolution.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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