There really existed a number of questions. No, what the hell was the Devil King in the first place? From that it was a mystery.

I heard it suddenly appeared and began to destroy humanity by manipulating unidentified monsters called monsters. Is that practically possible?

It's on the Dominant Land. It wasn't impossible to try. It could be there. It's just a low probability story.

But what the hell are the monsters that follow the Demon King? No, how can such a creature live in such a crowd in this world?

And what is the purpose of these monsters to destroy humanity? Why is the Demon King trying to destroy humanity? The question existed like a pile of sandwiches.

…… but one of the biggest questions. How could a warrior, not just an absolute superior, always survive against a demon king with the power of a ruler? The part called ’.

At first, it's just a miracle. That's what I thought. That's why I've been through it. In the dungeon of Abyss, Kwon Hyuk suffered a miracle that he always said he was tired.

Otherwise, he couldn't survive, so somehow he was able to perform a miracle and, consequently, always make a miracle to survive.

So, of course, at first, even the warrior was as lucky as he was, so he thought he was the type to survive. But it wasn't.

It doesn't make any sense that a warrior is always resurrected when a demon king and a warrior fight dozens of times in the course of many months, no matter how many miracles.

It was absolutely impossible unless someone's will was involved. Yeah, for example, "The Demon King."

“Phew... Phew, yo, warrior. No, were you surprised? ”

…… The battle between the warrior and the Demon King is over. Both of them poured out everything they had and fought for a week without a break.

And at the end of it, victory is no different, warrior. …… No, is that what you can say victory is?

No matter how fast the time was reached, even though it was a beginner of the same dominant class, it was the law that favoured the faster. There is a difference in proficiency.

As a result, it was the warrior who first fell out of the battle for a week. I am not accustomed to fighting the existence of the same landscape when I just got into the ranks of the dominant. I think I mistakenly mismanaged the essence.

.... And of course, the first exhausted warrior was forced to be killed by the Demon King... No, I should have.

But somehow the movement hardened as if hesitating for a moment at the neck of a warrior.

And a warrior who literally couldn't move one of his fingertips in the gap of the Demon King caused a miracle.

A warrior who thought he would never be able to move any longer gained an enlightenment at that moment, and a truly absurd situation emerged that went up to the ranks of the dominant.

At the moment immediately before death, the warrior who remembered his beloved lover raised his awareness at such an exquisite moment that he thought there might be such a miracle.

And as the landscape rose, he stamped the Demon King in a lying recovered state and left the Demon King shattered. …… the result was this.

“... What the hell are you doing?! Are you going to shake my heart just before I die and beg for my life?! What about you?! ”

“Huhu, huhu…. Don't worry, it's not like that. Cool! Cool!... in the first place, Cooluk! Mo, save my life...., cough, cough, cough! Haa, haha,.... It's not even a body that can live. Hrrh.... ”

.... In the attack of the warrior, the Demon King shattered his armor and an unexpected doll appeared inside.

A girl in a state of no longer rehabilitation, no matter how she sees it, whose whole bones are broken and her head is torn in half and her brains slowly leak between the broken skulls.

.... The warrior felt like the sky was falling apart when a strange little girl who had opened her eyes and didn't die instantly broke so badly that she could not see.

Even if it was so broken that it was hard to recognize, it was a warrior who knew very well.

.... I was a lover who gave meaning to fight for the world despite being dragged into this world by force and allowed me to forget the terrible past and draw the future together, so much so, so precious.

“... Oh, don't be ridiculous!! Then what the hell is that look, Demon King?! Are you going to feed me just before I die?! No, how did you know what my lover looks like in the first place?! ”

And the warrior who confirmed it was forced to feel like the world was going to collapse. What did you do now?

With my hand, you made your lover the only remaining leader of humanity?! To the extent that it was immobile and rigid at that shocking moment.

The warrior, however, desperately revolved around an incident that did not return to shock, denying the current situation.

Yeah, that doesn't make any sense. Why is the Queen? Is the Queen here, waiting for news of the defeat of the Demon King, to win her victory in the rear?

It's also in the Demon King's armor! The warrior who recognized the fact immediately determined that the Demon King was merely blunt as his lover to confuse himself.

I don't know what number he wrote, but I don't know why his instincts tell him that a woman dying in front of his eyes is his lover, but the warrior absolutely denied it.

The presence before his eyes is desperately a demon king who imitates his lover everywhere.

.... Otherwise I thought I would go crazy right away, so I felt like I would be overwhelmed with desperate emotions so that I wouldn't move like the dominant emotion control failed..

“Haha, ugh, cough! Ha, I don't know. How do I know that? About the lover of the warrior..... ”

“Argh! Don't call me with that voice...!! ”

All organs were torn apart, the bones of the body were broken, and half of the brain had already stopped functioning and died.

No matter how dominant, death is confirmed. A demon king who dies even if he is not as unusual as Kwon Hyuk.

…… No, the Queen began to open her mouth with a vague expression. No, the teeth and tongue, as well as the neck, were not functioning properly, so I was forced to speak through the remaining aura.

“..... You already know that, don't you? I know that I am the Queen who was the lover of the warrior, the last leader of mankind. ”

“…… Cut the crap! That can't be right! Such a thing.... It should never happen?! ”

The Queen's eyes stared at herself with a sad look as if she was just bravely accepting her own death and apologizing for everything.

Even though the warrior in his eyes looked like he was going to cry right away, he was desperately unclean with a betrayed face.

“... Haa, haha. I can't breathe with Auror. Ugh...! Phew...! …… good. I'll explain from the beginning so you can trust me. The mission of our kingdom, no, the cursed mission of our royal family. ”

The Queen smiled bitterly at the warrior's behavior in such a way that she had no intention of believing what the Demon King had said, and began to tell the story after forcing her to hold onto a body that was not strange even if she died immediately.

“…… Do you know that this world has already been destroyed once, Warrior? ”

“…… what? ”

And the story started was the secret of the world that I never imagined as a warrior. …… this world has been hit by an absurdly irresistible doom in the past.

It seems that the inevitable destruction began with the end of the planet's lifespan. This was the forefront of such destruction, which could not be done by human power.

“…… what does that mean? If so, what is this world..? ”

A warrior with knowledge of the planet could tell how absurd the Queen's explanation was. The star stopped for the rest of its life?

Then it is the destruction of the world before the annihilation of mankind. If space technology existed, humanity would be forced to perish in the Middle Ages.

But what is the identity of this world that is moving now?! This world where strangers and nights exist and seasons exist...!

“…… the warrior is mistaken. There is no night on this continent, exactly. Being only stranger. You realize you're a warrior now. Now look up at the sky. ”

The warrior glances at the sky without even knowing that the world has already been destroyed. And I was forced to open my eyes wide.

“What is that?! ”

There were dozens, hundreds, thousands of his wizards who had never seen it.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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