As expected, Warrior, is there no perceptual distortion? …… I'll tell you more later. First of all, some people have seen it, so would you fit in?

In the bitter tone of the shadow ringing in his ear, the warrior knew how things were going.

The shadow before my eyes is the seedling of the Queen and I was looking at her work as a queen on her behalf.

Only because the seedling method failed to break through his essence resistance to the warrior ascending to the rank of dominant, did the warrior break through the fact that the queen's identity was a shadow.

Just as we were able to confront the magicians of heaven who had never been seen before from the moment we ascended to the rank of ruler.

And the moment he found out, the warrior understood why the shadow was sitting there. She had always sworn absolute loyalty to the Queen in the first place.

Therefore, even if the queen died, there was no way to deceive herself and replace her. It was physically impossible in the first place.

He is a queen's escort and is magically bound to act against her will.

It is a constraint that is effectively triggering even in this situation where the Queen is dead. That is, it is the will of the queen that she is acting as queen.

…… The Queen had set up a presence for herself in preparation for her death. In fact, the warrior made a faint look and killed his emotions again.

Finally, the warrior, completely forgetting his feelings about the fact that his hope was betrayed at the end, turned away as if he did not need to hear the story of the shadow of the queen.

Shadows rushed into the action and summoned warriors. She had something to ask the Queen to deliver to the warrior.

Wait a minute! Your Majesty's final restraint remains!

"…… last maintenance?"

Originally, the story of the queen's last maintenance should have had a somewhat emotional voice.

However, the voice of a desperate warrior who was already desperate for the world did not feel a single emotion. That's the most emotional voice a robot would want to talk about.

The shadow that pretended to be the queen in his voice somehow hid the feelings of infiltration and told the warrior. I remember the precious heart that I was asked of my lord.

..... Sleep in the Queen's Bed. There, Her Majesty left a will for the warrior.

.... The queen is dead, too?

.... Since the body is dead, it is natural for the incarnate to die.

The last testament and retention alone made it clear that the queen who had killed her hand on the battlefield was also dead, as was the queen who was supposed to be here.

And at the same time, I understood how the queen was accompanying the Devil and the Queen. Is it true that you are an incarnate with God.... I don't know how, but it could be in two places at once.

…… Finally, with such certainty, the warrior who recognized the death of her lover began to move unconsciously to the queen's sleeper where the shadow spoke, having lost all hope.

"... I hate to tell you the truth, but I don't want to see what he left behind."

Yeah, I didn't want to see it. The more I looked at it, the more I felt my chest was broken and I didn't want to see my emotions disappear. But I also wanted to see it.

I wanted to see her because I thought she would go over the edge of insanity and wonder what she would have thought before she died.

Every time I kill an emotion, the focus of the warrior's eye disappears in proportion to it. Nevertheless, the warrior moved his steps to the Queen's Bed in the sense of wanting to see her.

"…… letters, and rugs?"

And what's sitting there is a pretty big rug. And only one letter. In fact, the warrior raises his head.

The letter was what I had expected. I couldn't think of anything other than a letter if it was a will left to me. But what does this rug mean?

The rug was an unknown object, so curious that the warrior who had already died of all circumstances was unconsciously curious.

"…… it would be written in a letter."

But that curiosity also quickly disappeared. To be honest with the warrior now, I didn't know what the world was like.

And it also included all beings and things in the world, so it was not a crowd that was so fascinating.

Rather, the warrior, who showed a stronger interest in the letter, hesitated to open the letter. And as it was written there, I began to read down the Queen's last thoughts.

Really, to my dear Darling.


The moment I read the first part of the Queen's letter, the warrior exuded an object in her mouth without even knowing it.

The moment I heard the sweet title of a lover I had never heard of alive, I was forced to unleash it without knowing it.

But what can't you do when it's time to die? I barely cleared up my emotions and started focusing on the letter before my eyes.

…… I'm ashamed of what I wrote. It's all Darling. But since it's a title I've always wanted to use one day, would you forgive me for the vast amount of warriors?.. I think I will erase it with shame before the warrior forgives me. Huhu

When I read the contents of the letter, I remembered the image of the Queen, who was troubled by the embarrassment caused by her own writings on the warrior's brain, and who had lost her appetite without knowing it.

After that, the content of the letter continued to follow. At first it was a memory of the warrior and himself, and later it was a story of how much he thought about loving the warrior.

Originally, I loved a warrior who had to be used as a tool to kill the Demon King as a treasure, and I expressed my feelings as if I had never done this or done this and had only been deceived.

I loved you as a man, but I really admired you. I was in love with that attitude of treating me as a woman, not a queen, and I admired the tenacity of breaking through any absurdity in front of me. But do you know what it was like to give my heart to the last, to the last, to the last, to the last? At the same time as the day is rosy, the end of the day will slowly burn like ash. On that day, it seemed like my heart would burst at the same time as I was full.

Though I don't think I should do this, my daily life with a warrior has become an irreplaceable treasure for the Queen. To keep this routine, you want to throw away even your duty.

But it was impossible. Throwing out the duties of the Demon King means throwing out the salvation of the world. It was meaningless to throw out a world where you could live with a warrior because you wanted to be with a warrior.

Therefore, the Queen had no choice but to balance the warrior and the world to the last. Reason growled to choose the world.

But emotion, not all emotion is necessary, so I shout to choose a warrior. What's the point of the world? What's the point of having a warrior like this?

But I shouldn't have. Yes, for the world's sake, a warrior had to die. That's why the last magic camp that slows the world down as a warrior is completely reinforced.

.... I may have told the warrior before he died, but the warrior summoning magician summons a creature who is talented in magic and martial arts. That's why when the battle between the Demon King and the Warrior comes to an end, most warriors are on the highest level of absolute merit, even if they can't. And by killing this warrior, it reduces the absolute supreme essence to the world, triggering a magic clan that saves the world. This is the final overview of the salvation plan using the Demon King of the Age.

So to save the world, the death of a warrior was decided. It was calculated thoroughly. But the queen didn't finish killing the warrior. I couldn't betray my feelings.

The fact that the warrior is watching this letter means that I chose to die in the hands of the warrior on your behalf..... Or did the warrior who hesitated until the end suddenly beat me up? Either way, I'm satisfied. the fact that the former died for you, and the latter survived.

So I said that I could resent myself, cheat you to the end, use you, and experience the painful experience of killing an ending lover, and hate myself for being satisfied alone.

He told me not to forgive such a lowly woman who was satisfied and disappeared alone, but to hate her for the rest of her life.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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