If you don't want to see people die anymore, you're gonna die peacefully. Kwon Hyuk grabbed it in the sights that seemed to be asking.

"…… Battle Royale! Is that what this means?!!!!"

Then Kwon Hyuk figured out what the Battle Royals were talking about. The time limit is 30 minutes. Kill all the creatures in the park in 30 minutes and survive alone.

This is the mission's clear objective. In other words, they were now telling Kwon Hyuk to kill anyone who could only exist within the amulet.

.... Yes, this was kind of a charade. Human beings who do not exist in the past are hiding.

If you don't die, you won't notice the existence of Kwon Hyuk. If you don't die, you won't be lucky.

If you're as lucky as you are to die in a bombing that targeted Kwon Hyuk, or if you are killed by Kwon Hyuk, you will not be seen to die.

What about Kwon Hyuk? You can go around this amusement park and kill everyone with a bumper car within a 30-minute time limit.

Or, just like now, we could try to wipe out the bombardment of all kinds of fallen catastrophes.

.... If it was hot, it was a hot mission, but no matter how you think about it, it was a mission that only thought it was bad for this situation.

"No, I'm sure you've been looking for this too! Destroy the world with smoke and destroy the place of my dreams of being an ape with a mission! Ha! He's a real Seekerman!"

While shouting that he couldn't eat because he was really dirty, Kwon Hyuk immediately twisted the handle and changed direction. The goal is attraction that looks like a carousel!

It was not a standard carousel displaying strange notes that Kwon Hyuk had woken up before, but a carousel seen in a real amusement park of the right size.

The attractions that exist in these parks are all just the right attractions in the background. But now Kwon Hyuk couldn't care less about it.

What must be accomplished by killing emotions beyond a set goal is to kill all human beings except yourself in this space.

If so, it was correct to throw Ajax out with a bumper car with the attraction that was assumed to be the most present.

"Huh?! Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?!"



Boaaaaaaaaaah! Quqic! Kuaang!!

The moment it was decided to do so, Kwon Hyuk's bumper car passed through the carousel at a supersonic speed. And at that moment, dozens of human beings who were about to board the carousel as expected by Kwon Hyuk were crushed and became present in this mission.

The sight of people joyfully riding a carousel in the virtual world being stuffed in a bumper car and dying in the moment of death was so disgusting.

Moreover, like Kwon Hyuk, he wanted to spit on the pain of the warrior who was destroying the world.


"Argh?! What is it?! This guy?!"

In his thoughts, Kwon Hyuk was frightened when he realized that he had stuffed something into the side of his bumper car, which was swept away by emotions.

Once it ran, the pilots themselves caught it. The instantaneous light flashed on the radar. The problem was that, unlike those who had been flattered so far, they had changed course and pursued the revolution endlessly.

People were literally irritated by the fact that they were dying like garbage, and they were struck by an unexpected shock.

'…… no damage! The magic of the Spirit!'

However, it was not only Swallow Ora's defensive barrier, but also his repulsive power, which caused great damage at the moment when he felt strange, by the instinct of the Mock Power of Survival.

".... What is this guy again?"

So I naturally went to the one who lifted his side. No damage, so let's see who the culprit is.

But Kwon Hyuk was forced to be surprised again. That's because the Bumperca of Kwon Hyuk was a bumper car like Kwon Hyuk (something unidentified).

Whether it was a very determined and stuffed one, the Bumperca of Kwon Hyuk stuffed in that state and even laughed in vain at the sight that ran in a straight line.

If we talk about the current situation, if the bumper car that was running at supersonic speed was getting flanked by the bumper car that was running at the same supersonic speed and was spinning at the same speed and turning the amusement park into a whirlpool, would it make sense?

The bumper car that sticks to the side of Kwon Hyuk sticks to what it does and pushes the bumper car of Kwon Hyuk aside.

In comparison, Kwon Hyuk's bumper car tried to go forward as he wanted, so naturally the two bumper cars are combining and rotating.

'Haha, when you say the bumper car is attraction, of course the occupant exists instead of me? Tsk, so some of these signals on the radar are not attacks, they're bumper cars.'

Even in a spin like the world is circling, he drives the bumper car to the desired position and turns the thinking circuit around the revolution.

Suddenly, he was embarrassed by the fact that another bumper car came out instead of his bumper car. It was anticipated that another bumper car would appear in the first rule called Battle Royale.

But then I had to die. I changed my mind with the presence of existing targets. Battle royal in the sense of killing them all.

But now we see that the latter is right, and the electron is not wrong. In other words…….

'I'm telling you to cut off the Epic Bumperca to hell by getting along with the attackers and the uncertain ones.'

…… Honestly, the bumper car was willing to kill him, but he didn't let the people appear as corpses, saying, 'I'm a victim who died passing by.'

No, I don't think so. I felt dirty because I thought I had become some kind of carnage. In that sense, should it also be a mission prepared by a courtesy transcendent?

Thinking of that idea, Kwon Hyuk first dealt with this one who clings to his side. I hit him with ignorance, and he called out a fire that emitted an overwhelming heat through the ora.

Heat source by fire magic belonging to the lowest differentiation attribute magic. The only thing that made this small sun was the power of the dominant power alone.

It's easy to say that simple physical temperatures are amplified by the law hundreds of times to melt the opponent.

…… When you say bumper cars, you can think of destroying them by colliding with the status quo, but Kwon Hyuk didn't hesitate to melt the bumper cars himself. But....

Chug! Chug!


Like answering to such a question, the side of the bumper car that was clinging to the bumper car of Kwon Hyuk was opened with a strange mechanical sound, and something of an old-fashioned alien (?) I pulled out this legitimate gun.

.... I simply described it as a toy gun and took out a weapon that would not suit me at all in this situation where corpses are scattered all over the place.

The moment the Syrian cartoon turned into a comic cartoon, the moment the genre seemed to have changed, it was the revolutionary revolution that hit the bruise, and immediately after that the trigger of the toy gun was pulled and emitted....



…… It was a ray that seemed to be sequentially listed in circles. Is it supposed to be a ray that emits exactly what it looks like?

However, Kwon Hyuk couldn't scream simply because he was surprised. Just put a fitting on my head and say, "Is this bastard playing with me? 'You must have spit next to me with a cheeky face.

However, this ray was ejected at the speed of light (because it is a ray) ……, and the defensive barrier embodied as the Swallow Ora of Kwon Hyuk began to melt at shovel.

He immediately dropped the little sun he embodied toward the bumper car, frightened by a horrendous power that did not match his appearance.

Ying, Ying! Jiaying! Jiaying!

"Oh, don't be ridiculous!"

…… And this little sun was also broken down by the rays of the ray gun coming from the other side.

Yeah, that's not even funny. Toy guns and toy rays (?) had the power to lightly melt the assault on Aura and Kwon Hyuk.

'It's the last mission, but the difficulty isn't strange?!'

…… I felt bad if I should say it was strange..... I always felt bad, didn't I? Then death, no, death is the same.....

In any case, the auxiliary armor of the bumper car, which is strangely difficult (? Kwon Hyuk grinds it and turns the handle. If you can't break yourself, you think it's enough to make your opponent self-destruct!


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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