It was a body that was hard to say that it was completely young, but it was hard to say that it was a woman. Seen as a junior high school student, it was still a body with a foothold close to that of elementary school.

In particular, didn't Maheuk also speak with his own mouth? He's into his own taste. He was more mature than Hinana Ariah, but he was more mature than Hinana Ariah.

It was not even possible to predict what Jinsung gentleman Roricon Mahayuk would do, since she was clearly a younger, even younger, sister compared to Kwon Hyuk.

So you want to give up Yoon Su-ji's resurrection here? Kang Kyung-hyuk, you know that. It took a few years for you to get into the dungeon until you were middle-class. It was actually affected by a situation where we didn't know when we were going to die. In that sense, no one knows how long it will take for you to set foot at the next level of excellence.

In other words, if I give up Yoon Su-ji's resurrection because Mahyuk is suspicious, I don't know when I'll get another chance to save her.

As Kwon Hyuk, it was good to save him in the first place, and even though he couldn't save him, it wasn't very good to pretend that he couldn't save him right away.

"... Hah, you're not going to hurt me by telling me clearly, are you?"

Even if there was a sun, you would be perfectly resistant. In the first place, this enchantment can only mediate your essence.

So, I can't harm Kwon Hyuk by talking about it with certainty. If you try to interfere with Kwon Hyuk immediately after the magic is triggered, Kwon Hyuk can stop supplying essence.

Even though he thought of his resistance, he was sure to talk about it and couldn't have one story in a year.

Didn't I swear there was no harm in it for you? A transcendent oath. Ten million, 100 million, Joe, there is no possibility.

So be reassured. In the story of Maheuk, Kwon Hyuk also thought, "If it doesn't hurt him, there's no reason to avoid him...", and nodded.

Even if a sudden situation arises because of the magic that Maheuk is not going to talk about somehow, isn't it enough if there is no problem with Kwon Hyuk?

…… If there is a problem with the resurrected Yoon Su-ji, I want you to see it. You think you saved the dead anyway? In other words, he was a lifesaver. Go beyond that damage.

Khh, no matter how much I think about it, it's my argument that what Maheuk is doing is not going to end up being crazy.

.... The words of the revolutionary who was just about to act called for anxiety, but 'What can happen?' Kwon Hyuk acted by forcibly lightening his heart.

"For now, Essence, is it an injection of Ora?"

In order to inject the soul of Yoon Su into the girl's body, it was necessary to release the seal of Genesis that entered the frozen state.

A simple task that is to open the seal and activate the aura in the enchanted enchantment with the magic of Soul Lucage and Reservoir and put the mind of Shin Resin on the body.

The problem was that the magic faction, which was injected into the capsule to loosen the freeze immediately, did not only loosen the freeze through the Ora of Kwon Hyuk, but acted as an unknown identity.

Even so, it won't be a big deal since Maheuk has personally guaranteed safety..... No, it was a revolutionary revolution that supplied Ora, hoping that there wouldn't be.

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi!!!

At the moment that Kwon Hyuk was asked to come, the function of the capsule worked and began to defrost the girl's body, which was frozen with fierce water vapor.


At the same time, the capsule was followed by a small amount of ora injected to activate Soul Lucesh and the reservoir, which was absorbed into the enchanted enchantment, unlike the intention of Kwon Hyuk.

Kwon Hyuk was dismayed by the fact that Aura was absorbed by other magicians by force, ignoring his will as a superior of the ruler.

"Hoo? Analyzing?"

And he was amazed at the phenomenon that happened shortly after, and he admired it without even knowing it. The magic faction that absorbed Kwon Hyuk's aura was surprisingly analyzing and informing Kwon Hyuk's aura.

The essence of life as well as the essence of coming, no, coming, will have a certain wavelength depending on the individual car.

The biggest feature is the difference between the attributes that can be handled well according to the body, or the attributes of the ora that awaken according to the mind.

In addition to this difference in attributes, it was the essence of personal cars in the detail.

And by analyzing the energy in such detail, it was possible to use it to distinguish individuals because not a single person was the same as fingerprints or irises.

Just as those on the horizon read only the energy of man to identify the individual.

No, rather, the energy of essence varies according to the replica and the original, even if it is replicated by the individual.

Because of this, it was easier to distinguish individuals than fingerprints or irises that became identical when humans were replicated on a genetic basis.

And now the magicians who forcefully absorbed Kwon Hyuk's aura were analyzing and informing Kwon Hyuk's aura to build a system that could perfectly distinguish Kwon Hyuk individuals.

What do you mean? '

Even if the wavelength of his essence was analyzed, it certainly did not harm Kwon Hyuk. In the first place, when you become dominant, you can artificially hide your energy completely.

Even if we analyze the wavelengths in this way, it is not possible to replicate the wavelengths of essence itself because they show small differences depending on the self-pattern or the nature of the body.

'Hmm? Beyond analyzing my essence..... you have connected with me?'

It was extraordinary to analyze Kwon Hyuk's own essence, but this magic made an essential connection with Kwon Hyuk himself.

It was a different form of connection than when the summoner was connected to the summoner. Summoning, Summering, is itself a door through spirituality, connected to the summoner and interfering with academic records.

However, the passes connected through this magic were……, close to the connection of information. Passes in the form of giving and receiving information, not giving or receiving power.

If you talk about it, do you think it's a close connection to the wireless Internet, like WiFi? Even this information was close to the connection to identify him.

"…… Maheuk, what is this?"

And the subject of that connection was clearly connected to a girl whose only body, named Genesis, lay inside the capsule.

Well? Let's leave what magic is a joy after resurrection.

Kwon Hyuk was offended by the fact that unidentified magic had connected her to the girl in front of her eyes, but Maheuk still had no intention of explaining it properly.

I decided that I could disconnect this connection myself if I wanted to. This connection could have been an essential element in resuscitating the resin.

'Not only is there a connection with me, but there seems to have been a lot of magic injected into it.'

Among the few magical factions that could be interpreted as the revolution, a series of magical factions that inject knowledge was also being activated.

In that situation, Kwon Hyuk took it out of the inventory and put the mind of Yoon Su-ji in her hand.

Then it triggers Soul Lucage, the first of the activated enchanters. Soul Luchezi. It was a magic to settle and connect the mind (self pattern) embodied on the outside to the material.

In this way, the fact that we can implant the extracted psychic images into other bodies has been widely used elsewhere.

Just like Myris, it seems to be a magic used primarily to make essence creatures like spirits fit into certain objects.

Using this magic, you can craft spirits such as essence creatures in objects and exert the power of essence creatures.

But in some cases, it's possible to use it to resurrect the dead as it is now.

And Kwon Hyuk began to invoke this soul Luchezi to place the soul of Yoon Su-ji in the body of Genesis.


"Argh?! Impact is spectacular!"

The moment Kwon Hyuk infuses aura into the enchanted enchantment and triggers the enchantment, Kwon Hyuk grumbles with wrinkles at the glowing silver flashes filling Dragon Road's laboratory.

It is merely a magic that seats the soul, but the effect was not so spectacular as to consume the aura more than I thought.

Of course, I knew that this was a by-product of the pressure of high density essence to settle my soul, but I still had no choice but to complain.


'All right, the seating of the soul seems to be done smoothly..... You're lucky you don't see any rejection, so if you resuscitate like this, you're done?'

Kwon Hyuk, who resurrected Yoon Su-ji on an unexpected occasion, touched the brains of a boy. A boy who lost a dear friend and began to run in a strange direction.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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