After such a short explanation, when he concluded that he had resurrected his dead Yoon Su-ji, Valkyrie members were born and looked at him with the same look as if he had seen a miracle for the first time.

"I doubt it's human enough to save the dead....."

"I never thought I could change the flesh....."

Immediately, Morka and Jeanie murmured to Kwon Hyuk with the look that she was over admiration. Kwon Hyuk merely shrugged his shoulder.

The swimmer also had to smile awkwardly because he didn't know if his boyfriend would do anything so absurd.


A girl in the arms of Kwon Hyuk, who had not even breathed before, began to groan at the moment when she was covered in such a ridiculous atmosphere.

In fact, the Valkyrie members trembled and saw the girl with a slightly nervous expression on her body.

I think it's going to be okay, but I'm starting to get a little nervous because there could be one in a year. But as soon as the girl opened her eyes, Kwon Hyuk was forced to be surprised again.

"…… Start the Genesis maneuver. Code name Yoon Su. System Status All Green. Navigate the owner. Check the pass connection. Record the owner's information. From now on, we begin the activity of Genesis, the code name Yoon Sushi. We look forward to hearing from you. Master."

"Huh? Huh?"

"Lord, master?"

In response to an unexpected response, Kwon Hyuk was forced to lose his mind as well as swimming in the face of a beautiful girl who was not sure whether she was a doll or a person.

If such a cute girl suddenly tells her boyfriend that she is the master, it would be natural for anyone to freeze.

Kwon Hyuk also implanted Yoon Soo-ji's soul, but I was forced to be as ridiculous as if I didn't know how to react.

The girl who implanted Yoon Su-ji's soul called herself the master. In other words, isn't this different from what Yoon Soo-ji called himself the master?

No, it wasn't any different. Rather, it was called Yoon Su-ji. Then why?! Why did Yoon Su-ji, who was just a little acquainted with her classmate, call herself the master?!

Khhhhhhhh!! Hahahahaha! That's a good sound! Very good! Owner! The owner! The owner of this Laurie girl! Viva!! Hallelujah!

When Kwon Hyuk looked at Yoon Su-ji, who had the body of Genesis in his arms, with a brief, ignorant gaze, he suddenly echoed in his head with the voice of Ma-hyuk.

He shouted as if Yoon Su-ji's reaction was natural, and rather enjoyed her reaction.

In fact, a thick blood vessel appeared on the forehead of Kwon Hyuk, knowing that he knew the current situation with certainty.

In other words, this Roricon bastard wanted to be recognized by Lori as the owner, so he got a good idea of the situation and didn't explain it at all.

If I had explained, I might not have resurrected Yoon Soo-ji! Knowing that, Kwon Hyuk asked with a face like the messenger had come.

'.... Maheuk? What happened to this? Why do you call me the owner of Yoon Soo-ji?'

Khhhhhh, isn't it strange not to call him the owner? Think about it.This girl's body is a weapon that the dragon crafted for goddess. I made it to kill the transcendent!

The transcendent was the same as God when it was interpreted as transcendent by the automatic translation of Kwon Hyuk.

After meeting with Kwon Hyuk, he said that he was a transcendent, not a god, but that the transcendent was perceived as a god or a creature in the heart of Dragon Road.

That is why the word 'God' heard through the crystal bead was also perceived as' transcendent 'in line with the revolution.

Since there is no difference between the transcendent and the divine in the Dragon Road, Kwon Hyuk is an easy-to-understand word, and the automatic translation of the mock-up power has interpreted it as a transcendent.

What was important was that Dragon Road recognized the transcendent as an omnipotent god. And the girl in front of her eyes is a weapon that dragon rod made with great care to kill such a god.

You don't think a dragon rod would have left that weapon free, do you? Of course we have a control plan, don't you think?

It was a weapon that killed a god. If the dragon lord can't handle it even if it's finished, isn't it different from creating a self-conscious god?

That's why the dragon rod is magically imprinted by constructing a way to handle the finished weapon more precisely according to his doctor.

That magic is the Sulvodination. It is the magic of submission. Use this magic to recognize the caster as the owner and then twist the criteria of the Fisherman's emotions to voluntarily obey the caster. Speaking easily makes the caster feel loved to follow his orders voluntarily, or to feel the pleasure of the seedling whenever he performs his orders.

'What, the evil magic?!'

Isn't it magic to twist the emotional standards of the affected being to follow them voluntarily?! That?!

Well? I think that the mind control that forms the basis of this magic is human, at least voluntarily, in that it completely deprives and dominates the opponent's doctor himself.

'No, mind-control or sulfodination is bad enough to rule your opponent! Is it okay to rule a man born to make a transcendent in the first place with that kind of magic? Are you trying to raise the horizon? Even if the landscape rises, you can resist magic when it rises, right?'

Magic that forces the opponent to dominate is just as risky. If the opponent's mental barrier becomes stronger, it doesn't mean that magic can't be lifted.

…… Hmmm, in the case of mind control, it will depend on how you control the opponent. If you fully rationalize and make yourself a puppet, the rising tide does not exist no matter what. Enlightenment is the kind of person who is ruled by someone else who can never get it. On the contrary, it is not possible to gain enlightenment and raise awareness if even a little reason exists. In fact, it is not uncommon for you to resist the magic while you are under mind control.

The point is that even if you are dominated by the opponent, if you are sane, there is a way to reverse it. But if the mind is crushed, it's a good thing the landscape doesn't fall.

But the Sulvodination has a different story. It's a magical peculiarity to twist the criteria of emotion in a one-off, not debuff, way like mind control.

'….. What does that mean?'

It's possible to raise the horizon, but nothing will break the magic. Even if you're on the transcendent. Easily, for example……, even if a psychopath gains enlightenment, it is called a psychopath. Well, when you reach the level of dominance, unconsciousness and consciousness are integrated, so if you want to, you can restore the standard of emotion to its original state... but that's what happens when you recognize that your state is wrong. If you don't even realize that you're wrong, it doesn't change whether you're in the dominant or the transcendent. The item destroyed by the attack magic has unlocked the attack magic, so it can be repaired.

In other words, unlike mind control, where magic is constantly maintained and dominates the opponent's mind, Sulbodination is a form of magic that instantly interferes with the opponent's mind and changes the criteria of emotion.

If mind control is to take complete control of the system through continuous hacking, Sulbodination is a form of embedding the code you want in the system through instantaneous hacking.

The former could have taken control of the system again through the same hack. But the latter, in any case, is confident in taking control of the system.

However, the system is forced to be induced by the code inserted by the opponent unless the opponent finds the code inserted.

'So the dragon rod did not create mind control, but the magic of the name Sulbodination, so that the girl with the body of the name Genesis voluntarily obeyed herself?'

If you look at the girl with Yoon Su-ji's mind looking up at you, who is blind, and you don't know what's going on yet, Ma-hyuk nods back at you.

That's it! That means the girl is in a state of twisting emotional standards to make you committed by magic! Even if you hit me here, I'll be happy to accept it!

'.... Isn't that different from brainwashing?! Your guy?! You knew, didn't you? You let me save Yoon Su from this body, didn't you?!'

But there was a lorry in front of his eyes! Of course you have to reach out! Is that a man if you don't reach out?! Goddamn it!

'Hey, you, you, authentic gentleman bastard?! Are you kidding me?! Did you just forget that you almost died by swimming in the wind?! Look! The swimmer's mood has fallen below zero?! He used to like transfiguration there?!'


Ma-hyuk ended up doing his job. Yes, I did.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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