Therefore, Kwon Hyuk changed his appearance through a polymorph reverse imprinted on the armed armor.

When I reproduced and showed him the image of Kwon Hyuk in the past, I opened my eyes as if Yoon Su-ji had been surprised for the first time since I regained my mind.

But that, too, was brief. Once again, a girl who came back with half an eye of decency nodded and opened her mouth as if she was going to be gratified.

"... I see. Your master is the Kang Gyeong-hyuk who was missing. You were alive."

She has many emotions on her face, whether it's true or not. And at the end, I opened my mouth with a small smile.

"…… I'm really glad you're alive, and I'm glad to see you again."


In response to Yoon Su-ji's reaction, Kwon Hyuk was forced to sigh with a restless face. It is not the effect of Sulbodination, but a girl named Yoon Su-ji who feels that she is happy with the survival of Kwon.

Rather, the consequences of Maheuk's recklessness made me feel sorry. However, because of what had already happened, Kwon Hyuk tried to ask the situation in detail.

"…… then, will you let me know within the time that you are aware of the current situation? That way, I can tell you what you're in."

"My situation?.... Certainly this hard speech, and I remember that I was definitely dead in memory. And this body...."

He frowned and looked at his body as if Yoon Su-ji had clearly understood his side in the story of Kwon Hyuk.

"This hair……, blue? No. Sky?"

After going there, he checks his hair and frowns as if he really can't understand it, and in response, the swimmer swiftly approaches the side of Kwon Hyuk and asks.

"... Hey, is she really Yoon Soo-ji?"

"Once you've implanted it in that body, you'll be sure because the soul belonged to Yoon Su-ji. You're sure there's still a memory of Yoon Su-ji, right?"

"I remember you, and I remember me. No matter how much I look and how different my personality is, I know Yoon Soo-ji..... Is it strange to think that Hyuk is called the master?"

At first, the heat soared to the top of my head, simply because this beautiful girl called Kwon Hyuk the master.

However, after some time, and seeing the incomprehensible reaction of Yoon Su-ji, the blood that had been drawn to his head sank and instead of jealousy, he was forced to arouse suspicion.

Is this girl really Yoon Soo-ji, according to the story of Kwon Hyuk? I have doubts about him.

Once you recognized yourself, there was definitely a memory of the resin, but it was a completely different reaction from the personality of the resin in the memory.

"That's it. Actually, what happened...."

With Kwon Hyuk sighing in suspicion of such a swim, Kwon Hyuk began to explain that the body was made by a dragon rod, which had hidden a device he had never expected.

"… uh, so you didn't know that you had a device that recognized the person you woke up as the owner, but you woke up by putting Yoon Su into that body?"

"…… I'm guessing maybe not. I think I need to check the condition of Yoon Su-ji before I can be sure."

I can't even tell you what Maheuk's explanation is, and I can't even tell Yun Su-hyuk what he's thinking right now, so I'm not sure I can return the answer to the young swimmer.

So, once he reached out to the swimmer, Kwon Hyuk approached Yoon Su-ji, who looked at his body as an elongated face that looked like a middle school student.

"I just want to check on a few things for a second, okay?"

"Ah, yes……. I want to know a lot. Please."

After politely nodding at Kwon Hyuk's question, Kwon Hyuk asked Yoon Su-ji to check her mental state.

"So first of all, it's about me..... why do you call me master?"

".... Then why do I call Kwon Hyuk the master? The master is not the master..... hmm. Almost like a sense of instinct. If I don't call you a master, should I say that I feel that my existence is being denied....."

In response to Kwon Hyuk's question, it was Yoon Su-ji who raised doubts about his title, but immediately, Kwon Hyuk returned his answer as if it were natural to call him master.

"All right, then, let's say I give you some orders. So, how far do you think it's going to go?"

"Anything, if I tell you to die, you could die. If you serve at night, do your best... What? Why...?"

Yoon Soo-ji, who returned his answer as if it were the truth, recognized the oddities of his answer and opened his eyes half open. 'Huh?' he said.

In response, Kwon Hyuk looks at each other with the expression that swimming is serious, and in that situation, he sighs and asks.

"... I'm sure Hyuk has something similar to subordinate to you. What do you intend to do?"

"No, I don't know what to do. I'm in a completely unexpected situation..... Damn it, I wouldn't have resurrected you with this body if I knew this."

To be precise, it was deceived by Maheuk, but that was the end of it.

Swimming was also very uncomfortable with the fact that a boyfriend had completely subordinated a woman to his life, which made it difficult to question him.

"… but if we don't save it now, when will we save it?"

"..... that's it."

"Hah, then it's hard to say....."

That's right. I didn't know when I could save Yoon Su-ji if I didn't run like this.

Even if what a boyfriend did in good faith became strange as a result, it was hard to say because it saved a person's life.

"... What the hell happened over there? I'm dead, and it's strange to be alive. Why do you say that naturally...?"

Marcie's group watches how Kwon Hyuk and swimming are troublesome, and how she looks as exciting as an audience a little further away.

Finally, Yoon Su-ji is very proud because she doesn't understand her current state among them. In such a complex situation, Kwon Hyuk decided to start explaining so that Yoon Soo-ji could accept it.

"..... that's what happened."

+ + +

…… After that, Kwon Hyuk took about 30 minutes to understand what situation Yoon Soo was in.

First of all, Yoon Su-ji died through a rebellion in Alpia.

And the fact that Kwon Hyuk, who came back fortunately, extracted a soul-like thing from Yoon Soo-ji, who died after suppressing the rebellion alone.

Finally, the power of Kwon Hyuk was also limited to extracting souls, but this time he was lucky enough to find a body to settle Yoon Su-ji's soul.

However, it was also problematic that the body that seated the soul was the body obtained by beating the dragon with loot.

"I didn't anticipate what the function would be because it wasn't the body I made…, Mo, I didn't know. I never thought I'd be subordinate to a awakened being."

..... I didn't tell you at all because of his greed even though Maheuk interpreted magic, but I want you to move on. It's all true Loricón's fault.

"… that means that I was coming back to life, but I was completely subordinated to you because of the side effects? Because of this personality and tone, and the feeling that you could die for your master right now?"

"Well, it's like that..... I'm sorry, I should have been a little more careful."

I look at the void and open my mouth as if I was thinking about what Yoon Su-ji had quickly regained tranquillity because of the twisted personality in Kwon Hyuk's explanation.

"…… you don't have to apologize. I wouldn't have been alive in the first place if I wasn't your master. If it wasn't for this body, when would it have been resurrected?"

"That's why....."

"It's fine, then. Whether it's because of this body or because it's a lifesaver, it doesn't make me very angry with the fact that I was subordinated. I should rather say thank you for saving my life here."

Kwon Hyuk sighed and shrugged at Yoon Su-ji's actions, who smiled slightly with his words and told her that he was rather grateful.

"... I don't care if you think so."

"Obviously, this happened, but Hyuk saved a man in good faith, no matter how much he left him to die. In fact, all you have to do is thank me."

"Yes, it's certainly a situation where you can thank your master for the hat. …… even though the fact that you died and lived when you talk about honest emotions is so out-of-consciousness that you can't really perceive it."

When he thought about swimming again, Yoon Soo-ji said that he had nothing to be sorry about.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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