In his remarks, Yoon Su-ji opened her eyes in a circle as she looked alternately at the swimming and Kwon Hyuk.

"…… did you and Han swim start dating?"

"Yeah, it's been a while. Since you dated right after the polite revolt, how many months has it been?"

More astonished at her reaction to the fact that Gwon Hyuk and Swim had become classmates than she cared about the swim's remarks themselves, Gwon Hyuk shrugged her shoulders and returned her answers.

Yoon Su-ji was even more surprised by the story. Once I heard that the rebellion was a courtesy, I didn't know it would have passed months ago.

"…… Is it too late already?"

The moment of death is as vivid as the memory of a few hours ago, but the reality is that time has already passed on a monthly basis…….

After sighing at that strange sensation, Yoon Su-ji approached the swimming pool and began to shake her hands.

"…… congratulations. You've finally taken your master down! Half the girls were interested in when the two of them would make a bet about when the swim would take you down. Please make your master happy."

"… Ugh, huh. Thank you... But how can I not give you the title of Master?"

I appreciate the celebration between myself and Kwon Hyuk, but no matter how the title of Kwon Hyuk became master, it created a sense of disguise.

So, Suzie frowned a little at the story of swimming with her awkward face, and when she tried to put something in her mouth, she quit and sighed and shook her head.

"… I want to do the same, but it's impossible. If you try to use something other than the name of your master, you'll get a suicide."

"Now, suicide impulse?!"

Yoon Su-ji's explanation frightened him as he looked at Kwon Hyuk. He opens his mouth with one hand, blindfolded by his gaze.

"…… It was made as a new weapon. The fact that powerful restraints are acting so that you can never resist me, the owner. This really hurts."

"How is it impossible for Hyuk to go back to normal with your abilities?"

"It's too much in my power right now. The ability to interfere unconsciously with human consciousness is impossible unless you get to the top of the ruler. No, even if you get to the top of the Dominator, you can't deny the possibility of becoming another human being more seriously than you are now, rather than returning to your original state unless you interfere unconsciously."

If Kwon Hyuk remembered the mind of Yoon Su-ji, namely the pattern of self-patterns, without even one tooth's error, the story would be different, but if it wasn't, it was impossible to modify even the twisted personality.

No, even the criteria of emotion were vague. It seems impossible for Kwon Hyuk to set an accurate standard unless he clearly knows how Yoon Soo-ji felt about the situation.

"The only solution is for Yoon Soo-ji himself to rise to the rank of dominant and reset unconsciousness with his own power. In that sense, Yoon Soo-ji. I need you to be my disciple from today."

"…… Are you referring to a disciple?"

In response to Kwon Hyuk's unthinkable remarks, Yoon Soo-ji was forced to raise her head. The words Teacher and Teacher in Yun Su-ji's memory were not matched at all by honest sentiment.

"Yes, disciple. I'm going to teach you the bifurcation of the name of augmentation. Once you've mastered this dualism, you'll be able to climb to the rank of dominant. If you do that, it's possible to revise your emotional standards that you now feel are odd."

"... again, can you go back to the old days?"

I started to be fascinated by the fact that I could go back to my former self, even though I forgot to talk to him and tell him to be a disciple.

Fortunately, when I thought about going back to the old days, I was motivated to go back to the old days to see if there was anything wrong with the feelings I felt.

Even so, if you implant the self-pattern created by the dragon rod, you won't have to feel disgusted by the situation of subduing the body to the awakening creature in the first place.

However, it served as a grave water and it was possible for Yoon Su-ji to keep her feelings that she wanted to go back to the way they were.

Kwon Hyuk nodded and spoke to her gaze as she looked at herself with a glance that even though her eyes were open.

"Even if it takes time, one day. You know, there's got to be something really ugly in this world. Isn't it nice to have the means to protect yourself?"

Yoon Su-ji, who had already died once in the story of Kwon Hyuk, nodded gently to see if it was a good enough story.

Then, as if something had come to mind, I paused and asked Kwon Hyuk a question.

"Hey, mister? So, once we hear that the rebellion has begun because of you, can we hear a specific explanation? Wondering what happened after I died...."

It was Yoon Su-ji who said that and looked at Kwon Hyuk with strange aspirations in his eyes. And Kwon Hyuk knew the clear intention of that gaze.

'.... It's hard, but I'm curious about the Greetings of the Invincible God.'

He was curious about where the boy was currently doing, which clarified the hot gaze that Yoon Su-ji was sending.

In fact, Kwon Hyuk did not know what to explain. He shut his mouth for a moment. Do I have to tell you the truth?

You've challenged the Dungeon of Abyss without even knowing your subject, so you must have searched for 10 out of 10? Or are you lying about being nursing in the capital because you haven't been away from Kwon Hyuk for a while?

'Even if you lie roughly, you'll believe it because of the effects of subordination right now. You can't even resent me for the effect of subordination, even if you're lying.'

In that sense, I could just talk about it. I was going to throw it to Maduwon because I did everything I could to bring him back to life.

I didn't want to easily talk to Yoon Su-ji about this. However, the situation cannot be beaten right now in the sense of apprehension due to an accident committed by Maheuk.

But the part where he has to be held accountable is where the standards of Yoon Su's emotions are twisted, isn't that what Yoon Su's emotions are all about?

In that sense, honestly, isn't there any reason for you to worry about Yoon Soo-ji? So, whether Kwon Hyuk is lying or telling the truth, Yoon Soo-ji has no choice but to accept it.

'.. Then you don't need to lie any more.'

Yes, there is no reason to lie. Whether Yoon Su-ji was shocked or fallen after hearing about the death of the anti-mythology god, he doesn't need to care....

'No, it's hard to fall, but you can't teach me augmentation. Hearing about the death of the anti-mystical god there and losing your motivation....'

It was difficult in many ways. The title of Lord Yoon Su-ji of Kwon Hyuk-do right now was one thing that couldn't be settled.

If I talk without hiding it, I just wanted to ask Madu Wong to solve it.

"…… that's what happened then."

Then, when Kwon Hyuk was in trouble, one day the swim started to explain it specifically to Yoon Soo-ji.

Kwon Hyuk just explained the part about anti-Semitism as part of it without hiding it.

Perhaps Kwon Hyuk was curiously noticing what he was thinking and began to explain it to her on his behalf.

I smiled and waited until the explanation of the swim was over, even on my own behalf, for Gwon Hyuk's consideration of the girl friend who delivered the difficult part.

"…… does that mean that prestige is currently being ruled out?"

At the end, Kwon Hyuk urged Myung Hyuk to answer which of Yun Su-ji and Anz he would save. Kwon Hyuk saved Anz even though Myung Myung said he would save Yoon Su-ji.

He explained the whole story that he had been robbed for threatening the Emperor's family in the middle of the day because his reputation was inconclusive.

All of the reporters have been staring at Yoon Su-ji's excessive power towards the revolution, but they have also had seizures of suffering that seem to be affecting themselves shortly after the dragon rod's magic.

Kwon Hyuk did not resent it so much. Just, you know, a little more kind.

However, Yoon Su-ji, who was overwhelmed by a sensation that seemed to deny even his fundamental feelings, felt a little overwhelmed.

Then, barely truly, he understood that it was an unforgivable situation for him to embrace any feelings of wealth.

That's why Yoon Su-ji, who forcefully turned the topic to the current state of the Invisible God, asked the swimmer in a voice that was worried about his comfort, and the swimmer also looked a little hard to answer.

He told the truth on behalf of Hangzhou, who had explained it to me so far.

"..... the half-god is dead. No, there's a 100% chance he's dead."


I slept a little late today. It's late, so have fun reading it!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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