She then looked satisfied with her reaction and suddenly took one item out of the inventory. It was a sleeping bag that fit the body of Kwon Hyuk, not the other way around.

"… Sir? That?"

"Sleeping bags everywhere!"

Kwon Hyuk returned the answer like a cat robot pulling things out of a four-dimensional pocket just as he asked Yun Su-ji's question well.

In response, Kwon Hyuk laughed and explained when Yoon Su-ji leaned her head with a dark look.

"It's a sleeping bag that I made specially. A sleeper bag that can be customized with all sorts of magic to ensure a more comfortable night's sleep than a fine bed. Even if it's absolute self-sufficiency by adding a bunch of counter magic for fun when I'm sleeping, is it a scary thing to turn it into a handful of dust?"

.... Where did you see that sleeping bag? It's a murder weapon, isn't it? When Yoon Su-ji was shaking her face in the presence of something she could only think of, Kwon Hyuk put her body in her sleeping bag.

"I don't know about you, but I haven't slept in almost a decade, and I've suffered a lot. Fatigue is at the pole. It's more like sleeping now than swimming and rolling."

"Ha, are you doing it?! Well, of course you can get along, but you think it's worth it at this age?!"

After preparing to go to sleep in an instant, Yun Su-hyuk yelled with a slight reminder to her face as she struggled.

"I'm sorry, but I have more experience than you think. Thinking of pure mental age, you're already in your 30s?"

"Ew, Eek?!"

Kwon Hyuk's remarks were more than expected, and Kwon Hyuk continued to speak with a shrug as Yoon Su-ji vomited her alarming sentiments.

"Well, I'm almost in my 30s, but I'm still a 17-year-old florist..... That's a good thing, right?"

"It is also surprising to insist that my classmate is in his late 20s, but the following remark is a frivolous one……. The brain can't keep up."

Yoon Soo-ji opened her mouth in a tone that Kwon Hyuk would not find that difficult when she was sighing without simply accepting a dream reality.

"Well, before denying reality, let's start with Chakra, and I'll sleep long enough to replenish my fatigue. Oh, why don't you think about touching me when I'm asleep? This sleeping bag is also a sleeping bag, but I have a counter condition. Are you going to hook me up for nothing?"

Yoon Su-joo nodded at Kwon Hyuk's warning, which sounded like a joke, but was no joke at all. In response, Kwon Hyuk stood up in a sleeping bag.

Then I moved to the position where I ran from the bean spot, and I stretched my face and fell asleep as if I felt reassured about going to the corner.

After I woke up, I barely had time to think on my own with the sense that the process that had passed like a whirlwind was finally over at the moment of Kwon Hyuk's sleep.

Then, given this time to think alone, Yoon Su-ji finally had time to calmly reflect on his condition.

'.... Really, it's all over. It's like this because I woke up the moment I wanted to. What happens next?'

By being able to think this alone, Yoon Su-ji could barely see that his current situation was really ambiguous.

He died once. I even heard that the original body was lost because of it. Then she can no longer hope to return to her original body.

It was this awkward and familiar contradictory body that began to open its eyes and assimilate today that it had to make a lifelong impression.

'Thankfully, she's the same woman as her old body. Appearance..... I don't know because I don't have a mirror.'

If it was' it 'that I had never seen between my legs when I woke up, Yoon Su-ji would have fallen into a panic and left the body as it was.

But luckily, this body, like the old body, was doing the body of a woman. The sphere itself was quite smaller than the old body, but as I said, it was awkward and familiar.

The body itself was awkward, but the sense of moving the body is familiar. There was no disturbance in moving thanks to the effect of adjusting the sympathy with magic.

Rather, the performance of the body itself is superior to that of the old body, so it can be as cool as the sense of being cool. She was also worried about her appearance, which she had not yet confirmed as a woman.

But I didn't even think that I could live with this body if my appearance was perfect.

She was also a considerable optimist in the first place, coupled with a friendly personality, and she seemed to be somewhat satisfied with the fact that she was dead and resurrected.

…… more specifically, the body of Genesis was a female body because the elements of the external dimension acquired by the dragon rod were so large that at least the male sphere and the male sphere also made it.

In other words, the sphere of Genesis is now small and feminine because of a lack of material at the external level. Maybe it wasn't a sturdy, sturdy male body with a falling muscle?

It was very fortunate that Yun Su-ji lacked an element of the external dimension.

'Dead..... or not.'

To tell you the truth, Yoon Su-ji, who has been raised to a new body, still doesn't have a real life. It was not exactly a denial that he was dead.

There is a miracle that pierced the heart just before it died properly. I even remember the moment I was dying so vividly that my back still frowned and cold sweat flowed from my forehead.

However, I couldn't believe that I was even more alive because I experienced such a vivid death. But this vivid sense is clearly a reality.

It seemed like a dream just before death, but it was so full of reality. That's why it didn't feel real.

"…… What kind of being did you come back from?"

Until just now, I couldn't recognize the situation properly, but the calmer I thought about it, the more I couldn't sleep in my sleeping bag like a caterpillar in front of my eyes.

It was surprising that he had saved himself from death, but it was also astonishing and mysterious that he subordinated himself so perfectly to the living.

Kwon Hyuk said it wasn't intentional, but even if it wasn't intentional, his ability to twist a person's personality was clearly demonstrated through his personality, Yoon Soo-ji.

Just trying to hold a negative emotion on Kwon Hyuk is overwhelmed by the impulse that seems to break his own self.

Just looking at Kwon Hyuk like this made my heart feel better. A more fundamental emotion, unlike the bludgeoning between men and women when Yoon Soo encountered fame in the past.

Dependence? Intoxication? Yoon Su-ji clearly felt different from her past self and her present self in her emotions, which were hard to express.

What's even worse is whether it's dragon magic or the fact that you don't really hate yourself that much.

Rather, "Isn't this okay? I also felt like, Kwon Hyuk did not do anything too overwhelming after he saved himself.

There are acquaintances who die in front of their eyes everywhere, and I spare them because I can't afford to ruin Bourne's life and try to apprentice him somehow. I was treating Yoon Su-ji with the perception that

It's time to say that it's a perfectly subordinate resin to you, and I don't even see how to do it.

At the moment, I simply liked Yoon Su-ji's behavior. The fact that you do not force something even though you cannot refuse it.

"I've thought about it before, but he's a really weird guy. After this reunion, I didn't even know you."

Originally, it was a "person." "Wow." 'Even though I was thinking about talking, even my own words changed and I laughed at the tone of my vomit.

It's good to be dead and alive, but you can't even adapt to yourself that has changed so radically.

"I've never been able to tell you this because it's so surprising. I'll tell you later. …… Thank you for saving my life."

"What, until the end of thanksgiving. It wasn't hard, so don't worry. If you really care, you can get away from me by doing an augmentation. That's why it's enough to relieve my annoyance."

"That's a bit of a lonely story..... but are you awaker than you think?!"

Yoon Su-ji jumped to her arms in the face of Kwon Hyuk who had returned so naturally to her muttering, and told her that Kwon Hyuk was nothing.

"You don't have to go to sleep with a dominant level of ability. The speed at which fatigue recovers is higher than the speed at which it builds up. Well, in this case, no matter how tired I am, I tried to sleep, but it's different from sleeping with a normal person."


Three, I'm scared of brainwashing, buzzers.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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