Then I started looking around with my head tilted as if I didn't understand the situation properly.

"This is....."

"Oh, is that how time went by already? Well, it's been going fast for years. I haven't done my research yet....."

"Argh?! Me, are you out? De, are you finally freed from that hell?!"

Approximately one girl who revealed herself was a girl who was also familiar with the eyes of the revolution. Myris, the spirit of the revolution, stood there as though he had not changed at all.

'.... This is an intermediate spirit?'

However, her appearance had not changed to a certain extent. She had made a remarkable change.

She was amazingly grown from a low-level, no-attribute spirit to a mid-level spirit. A middle-ranking spirit was a great power, exercising the highest level of power at the junior level according to its proficiency.

In the past, Myris, who had not been very powerful in combat other than the management of Maid and Devil, has now returned with the skill of slapping a single knight.

It takes time for a spirit to grow, not just for its owner to share its energy.If it's about 10 years, it can't be strange to be promoted from the lowest level to the middle level. Well, I was thinking it would take longer to be a non-attribute spirit, but I'm surprised that I'm middle-ranking in 10 years.

So-hyuk told me about his speculation about spirits when he was revealing the surprise of Kwon Hyuk.

Perhaps it was the result of the constant supply of energy to the invincible spirit, the invincibility of the invincible god. He made a prediction.

However, there was something more remarkable than the growth of Myris, who came back to reality immediately and began to sniff and weep. Rather, it was the fact that the two figures who appeared with Myris were familiar women, even though they had never seen them before.

Yes..... apparently, the characters who appeared with Miris were not the 'girl' that Kwon Hyuk was thinking about, but the 'woman' who was perfectly mature.

One woman was characterized by red hair and black hair, as if she were about 165 cm tall.

Long-lasting, shiny hair with no bending of one tooth to the vicinity of the thighs was giving a calming impression to the beautiful woman.

You can't say that your body is bread all the time, but it's a slim shape with a clear place to go. Rather, it was the taste of Kwon Hyuk, who was smaller than his breasts, but who was on his way.

Appearance is somewhat cheeky but elegant. Finally, the deep darkness in his eyes was literally the beauty of excitement that caused the man's chest to flutter.

The other side was equally beautiful. The rich hair was a mixture of white hair and pink light, revealing a sweetness.

Unlike the woman standing next to her, even though long hair is slightly swollen, the wavy hair adds playfulness to her beautiful appearance and adds playfulness and playfulness.

Height is about 160cm, a little smaller than the woman next to you. The body itself was a full-haired, yet thin-headed body so rich that it could be discriminated against the woman next to the taller one.

With a frank look, his head curled up how to support the two items on his chest with such a thin waist.

Such a body and such a pleasant impression. But more than that, the pain in the eyes and the pale pink glowing lips gave the impression of shaking a man's chest with color.

The biggest characteristic of the girl without stopping there was the fact that the fox was sitting on her head, with six tails near her waist.

After confirming the appearance of the two men, he called out his name with a resolute expression about the fact that the situation he was worried about had happened and the appearance of the 'disciples' who became more beautiful than he imagined.

"…… uh, so. Hina and Aria, right? Hey, Miriam. I don't know about the projections, but Hina, explain why Aria grew up like this."

With the appearance of a woman of more than imaginary appearance, he focused on swimming next to Kwon Hyuk, as well as scarcely throwing up his sleepy Marky group.

The only one who looks a little embarrassed in that situation is Myris, who has been reunited here and there for 10 years.

"Don't, Master...!!!!!"

Immediately after Myris turned his head to the voice of Kwon Hyuk, he rushed to him and suddenly began to cry with his arms around his neck.

"Argh! Master! Master, listen! That was hell! Yes! It's hell! Hina and Aria are nothing, so I thought I spent a lot of time training because of magic, but I didn't have anything? Did you know? I've spent 10 years watching Hina and Aria, really dumb?! That boredom! Can you imagine how painful it was to eat yourself?!"

In fact, he was embarrassed by Myris' voice, not only tears, but also snot, and threw up his labor on him. He held her in his arms and stroked her head.

'What? I know Myris was a cooler guy.'

No, it's been a while since I was born, but there's so much I don't know. 'It was a lot of girls when I wanted to move on.

That's why it was quite a fresh reaction to cry and make a fuss. I'm really tired of the cube.

"Everyday! Stupid! I'd rather hear from Hina and Aria! After a few years, both of them went crazy with magic and ate without bathing properly...."

Even though I was tired of being in the cube, Kwon Hyuk smiled awkwardly at Myris' voice, crying like a waterfall and never wanting to go back in.

But at that time, she suddenly had hair mixed with red hair and black hair in the eyes of Kwon Hyuk. …… encountered a woman presumed to be Hina.

Her thoughts, which she could read through her eyes at the moment of encounter with those red eyes, were clearly cheerful.

In fact, Kwon Hyuk asked Miris, who was crying out of his arms, to understand her and beat her up a little, and then spoke to the woman who was allegedly Hina.

"Hey, Hina is right....."

But first, the woman in front of her eyes disappeared as soon as she opened her mouth..... No, it just seemed to have disappeared by stepping on the method.

'With the groom's gall?!'

Sudden movement of women. If the average person has seen it, it's a very unusual step for a woman to evaporate.

It was a hand that clearly transcended the body's movements and the extreme assimilated movements of the inner pores. It's a moment, but I was completely vigilant enough to miss a woman in my field of view.


But even if he missed the field of view, Kwon Hyuk was a dominant user of power. Even advanced in this dungeon attack.

I may have missed it in my sights, but I didn't miss it at all.

In fact, the power revolution, which sensed the fundamentals of the woman who came as far below her jaw as the moment of Charlna's folding and moving the ground, reflexively attempted to evade by running in mock power and body technology.

Kwon Hyuk, who was able to produce the dominant output, naturally allowed him to move a few steps back, even though he did not seem to have even fainted there.

From the point of view of the woman who came right under her chin, the power revolution that was just in front of her eyes came to her senses, and it was a strange movement that seemed a few steps away.

However, in response to that movement, women have been dealing with it in ways that Kwon Hyuk had never imagined. Surprisingly, he wore a 'Strength' in his hand, and tried to pierce his stomach with it.

"Huh?! Now, wait...?!"

Even the self-inflicted attack contained the doctrine of deceitful extermination. It was a terrifying attack that could kill you if you were hit like that.

If a woman in front of her eyes triggers her own defense mechanisms, it won't do much damage, but even if she was a martial arts user, she was at risk for her life.

In fact, the power revolution, which instinctively exercised physical as well as mental domination to give space to the body's movements, quickly grasped the woman's hand by the action of the Time Reck, which did not exist.

Then he looked at the woman with an angry expression and tried to open his mouth in a tone that looked like smoking.

"Hina! What the hell are you...?!"

Even if you say you understand what's running towards you all of a sudden, you're self-harm? It was the moment that Kwon Hyuk was about to vomit his anger against the incomprehensible behavior.

It seems that the hand of a woman who can't face it quickly and strangely is surrounded by the neck of Kwon Hyuk. In response to his actions, he could instinctively realize that this technology was the culmination of the Extermination Act.


No wonder Hyuk was embarrassed that he didn't know how to use his restraints against him. He tried to escape from his restraints.

However, the power of Hina is more than I imagined, so I can't move quickly.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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