"It's been 10 years. Teacher, have you been safe?"

"Yeah, it's been 10 years. Ariah. Well, if you're safe, can I just say that I've experienced hell more than you guys?"

Experience climbing through the body chain, not only in Hina, but also in Ariamasa's 6th class Viguinner, which is absolute. If the body chain was originally the cause, it should have grown slowly because of the anti-yoga feature.

Like Hina, she's an adult woman, and she can only be described as a beauty of excision.

When he looked at Ariah, he shook his head and greeted her as if he could not help it.

Even though after 10 years, Hina was quite mature in character. When I first saw him, I couldn't find him anywhere.

If anyone sees the elegant gesture of grasping and raising a dress and respectfully bowing their heads, they will think of Ariah as a noble lady.

That debt that Ariah was holding there, at first, was just a simple debt that I didn't know where it was going to come from, but now it was an artifact that was clearly imprinted with magic.

An experience that makes you feel a little bit bitter and proud of the idea that you have increased your understanding of magic enough to create your own artifacts.

'This one, this one, grows to his liking, but there's very little I can teach you.'

The bitter reason was nothing else. Certainly, Kwon Hyuk held the foundation of martial arts and magic for Hina and Aria.

There will be no such thing, but if there is a situation in which Hyuk will no longer teach Hinna and Ariah, he will tell them the knowledge they need to move forward on their own.

But even so, until they became absolute, Kwon Hyuk was going to guide them in detail as a teacher....

I never imagined that my disciples would spend 10 years in the dungeon of Abyss and become totally self-sufficient.

As a result, the disciples no longer have the teachings of Kwon Hyuk, so they have a solid foothold to move forward on their own.

Even if this happens, I have to regret that as a teacher, I haven't told them much yet.

'Well, it's a good thing the disciples surpassed the teacher's expectations and started walking on their own. It's a little bitter, too.'

Is this how you feel about marrying your daughters? Hina, who was being stroked by Kwon Hyuk while she was throwing up her admiration, fluttered her waist and shouted.

"Teacher! Can I hold you in 10 years?!"

"Huh? Well, it doesn't matter..... but why don't you stick your face in like before?"

Kwon Hyuk, who felt a threat to his coming face, gave him a warning. The best thing was not to allow the hug itself, but it was reunited in 10 years.

If you don't give me that much permission, how could you still be such a decent teacher? When Kwon Hyuk opens his arms and tries to accept Hina, Myris standing next to him and Ariah standing in front of him are embarrassed.

"Now, wait a minute, Master?! Now, Hina...!!"

"Above, dangerous, Master?!"

Ariah and Miris are trying to stop the power revolution with a close look of fear. In response, Kwon Hyuk laughed at her head, doubting her reaction, as well as the look on her face, which was a little steamy.

Swimming, the official girlfriend of Kwon Hyuk, felt a little steamed at the fact that Hina was objectively prettier than herself, and that she was more respectable than herself.

If you are not jealous of the idea that Hina came a little faster to her place to walk alongside Kwon Hyuk and that she is a powerful weapon, her appearance as a woman is superior to her own.

Fortunately, the difference was not great. Swimming was not a complete desquamation, like Hina. But the waste is drained and some skeletons are recaptured and certainly prettier than before.

Unlike Kwon Hyuk or Hina, it was quite a change to know that it was swimming at a glance, but it made it clear and made it several times more beautiful than before.

That is why, of course, there are no big differences in appearance. I'm just a little jealous that I'm falling behind, even if it's not big.

But even with that jealousy, swimming was a broad-minded girl. In the first place, the mind is like the sea, just as nature doesn't like being entangled.

Therefore, the swimmer pressed jealously and watched over the fact that Hina was embracing Hyuk and Kwon Hyuk.

Why did Miris and Arias dry up while swimming? In fact, Hina was already rubbing her cheeks like a cat in her arms when the swim was tilting her head.

"Hehehe, the smell of the teacher. Teacher's sentiments..... Coming in 10 years."

"I'm sure I'm happy with the reunion of 10 years, but I'm sure it's a bit of an overstatement."

In his arms, he held Hyuk face to face while expressing his frustration with Hina's behavior of rubbing his cheeks as if he were designating an area.

One hand was around Hina's shoulder, the other on her head, and she stroked like she had just done before.

The love of Kwon Hyuk was clearly felt in a cautious touch so that it did not gently wave to the surface.

Whether you're thinking of falling out of the arms of Kwon Hyuk as if you were savoring that sensation, Hina. The two looked like lovers who could barely see each other again in a few years, so the swim was jealous in a different sense.

Rather, it was because I knew Hina's desperate feelings that Miris and Arias, who were about to swim and dry, stopped for a while and looked at each other with an expression that they did not know what to do.

There was only one problem with this peaceful atmosphere. Rather, there was a Lori gentleman screaming at the image of Hina who had become a beauty in the brains of Kwon Hyuk.

Khhhhhh! Even if you knew! Even if I was preparing my heart to promote the future, how could this be such a terrible sight! That beautiful, protection-provoking girl became such an old man?!

'No, you're too old for someone else's disciples, aren't you? And you certainly grew up beautiful, didn't you? It's a little fuzzy, but what's your complaint?'

He sighed at the screams of Maheuk, the official Roricon, along with the feeling that he was a teacher, and the voice of cursing his disciples' growth.

There's no need to grow a woman in this world! Growing up to 13 years old is enough! Kwon Hyuk! Let's change the world with me! It's turning the world upside down! Let's turn the world upside down so that every woman can grow to the age of 13! You're putting an academic record in this hand!

…… Kwon Hyuk, who hoped that he would not try to change the course of the world for his own sake, ignored Roricon, who was out of his mind on this global scale.

I thought it was first of all to care for the compassionate disciple in my arms.

…… But for a moment, the brakes of the disciple, who was thirsty for love, began to run a little farther than he thought at the moment when he was distracted by Maheuk.

"... Teacher. Did you not want to see me for 10 years? It wasn't 10 years here, was it? But you wanted to see me, didn't you?"

"No, inside the dungeon of Abyss, there's a flow of space here and there, simply because the magnification of time is wrong. I've been trapped there for about 10 years. Of course I missed you. My sweet pupil."

Kwon Hyuk honestly replied to the voice of Hina who was asking questions in Kwon Hyuk's arms. In fact, I wanted to hug and heal that cute hina in hell.

Not in a sexual sense, of course, but in the sense of hugging a cute teddy bear. But what I wanted to see was true. Doesn't that matter?

"Huhu, right? You wanted to see me, too. I wanted to see you too..... 10 years. It was a lot longer than I thought. I've thought many times about what it would do if I didn't see you for 10 years, even if I was eating, training, or sleeping for you, or if I wanted to take your burden a little less."

Kwon Hyuk also thought it was extraordinary. For 10 years, only three people have been isolated in a specific space and trained solely in their epistemology.

A time when you're as young as Hina is, crying and hanging like Miris before. That's why Kwon Hyuk, as a teacher, took the light of his disciple with a broad heart.....

"And then I thought, Yes, I can help you when I'm strong, but at the same time, I can stay by your side as long as I haven't seen you in 10 years. Having gained the power to eradicate all the bugs that target you without knowing the subject, and then gaining the power that you can't escape, I realized that you don't have to be away for an hour, a minute, or a second for 10 years because you haven't met for 10 years. I thought that 10 years is just an algebra, and I was able to focus on nothing without wasting a second."

.... I tried to give her, but the voice of Hina contained in a slightly frightening remark was a little twitchy on the shoulders of Kwon Hyuk who was holding her.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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