"Who!?" Xing Mo opened his eyes and shouted angrily, already carrying Buddhism Lion's Roar's divine ability.

The sound is like Nine Heavens Lei Yin, shocking the entire space.

Furious Flood Dragon got up at the same time, divided both hands, with a silver fish scale long spear, true essence catharsis, and the divine light on the body, majestic and majestic.


The door of the Buddhist temple with the 5th layer prohibition and ban, like paper, was pushed open from the outside without any hindrance.


The true essence condensed by Xing Mo and Furious Flood Dragon, turned into heavy pressure and swept away.

Void vibrates, making distorted noises from time to time.

"This is a wandering cultivator. I don’t have enough name. I visited late at night. I was disturbed. Please forgive me."

next moment, a tall man wearing a black night walker The man hands behind ones back and walks slowly.

Every time he takes a step, the strength and coercion in the meditation room is weaker.

Wait until he walks into the Buddhist room.

The strength of Backlash of strength and coercion has already swelled the blood of Xing Mo's body inner Qi, and Hall Master held on, and his face was flushed at the moment, as if feverish.

As for Furious Flood Dragon, he took a few steps back, clenched the fish scales long spear with both hands, and glared at the visitors.

Rao is so.

Xing Mo and Furious Flood Dragon were shocked in their hearts, secretly saying: "really strong!"

"Amitabha, this poor monk Light Temple host Xing Mo, has seen the Lord. ”

Xing Mo frowned, forcibly runs the true essence, slowly stands up, the high-profile Buddha, to resist the pressure released by the coming people.

At the same time, he also broke Guan Cheng's identity.

Guan Cheng stood calmly, his eyes swept over Xing Mo and Furious Flood Dragon, and finally fixed on the face of Furious Flood Dragon, lightly said:

" The politeness is avoided. If the Master Xing Mo is willing to teach him, he can discuss the cultivation of Buddhism with the Master after the master captures and kills the dog ."

unspoken implication, the master is to capture the criminals. Come.

If you Xing Mo want to get in the way, you can solve it together!

When the voice fell, Furious Flood Dragon suddenly changed its color.

Its cultivation base is the same as Country Magistrate Gao and Hong Gu. It is a two-thousand-year cultivation, and it is only one point stronger than Hong Gu.

During the day, Hong Gu and Country Magistrate Gao disappeared for no reason, and even a trace of Remnant Soul did not escape.

Fools know that these two must be bode ill rather than well.

I wanted to use the Buddhism divine ability to hide and wait for rescue, but it fell short.

"Xing Mo, what nonsense with him!? If you dare to break into the temple, you are provoking Buddhism!"

"You and I joined hands and cooperated with the Buddhist prohibition in the temple to solve him !"

"Then my Furious Flood Dragon will definitely escape into the empty door and pray to the Buddha at the Light Temple! Is that so possible!?"

next moment, Furious Flood Dragon has a lot of azure light , Condensed into a defense, and then a long spear, a wind and dust, took the lead to stab Guan Cheng.

Guan Cheng intends to try [Primordial Embry Divine Transformation Art], now hide not hide, true essence rushes through the body, the vitality and blood are in harmony, and a layer of azure defensive streamer is immediately condensed on the surface of the body.


The fish scales long spear slammed into it, and the violent spear intent everywhere, instantly stabbed hundreds of spears, all of them pierced on the condensed defense of [Primordial Embry Divine Transformation Art].


A crack suddenly appeared in the defense of the divine light.

However, the Furious Flood Dragon gun could no longer make an inch and was forcibly blocked back!


"Xing Mo, don't you help yet!?"

Furious Flood Dragon was suddenly shocked, long spear changed, and two thousand years of cultivation Unreservedly venting down, once again strikes Guan Cheng in front of the door.

"Not bad."

Guan Cheng slightly smiled, the Ice Spirit Seven Stars Blade flashed out of the storage bag, [Blade Stream True Meaning] has reached the point of do as one pleases, Between waving and throwing, cut out a knife.

Boom ka!

The fish scale long spear was instantly cut into two pieces by Martial Dao True Meaning.

Furious Flood Dragon seemed to burst out in front of his eyes, and then his hands fingers numb, feeling a mighty force hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Divine Soul immediately issued a warning sign, continuously warning: "Run! I'm going to die! I'm going to die! Run!"


Furious Flood Dragon roared wildly, never daring to fight anymore, and transformed into a Flood Dragon with a length of more than ten feet, directly breaking through the roof of the Zen house and rushing into the void.

"Just shoot two shots and run, are you a Demon prostrating on the ground?"

Guan Cheng coldly snorted, his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared instantly.


When his figure manifested, Guan Cheng was already standing on the roof.

At this time, Furious Flood Dragon just got out of the giant flood head.


The earth-shattering blade glow hiding the sky and covering the earth down, right on top of the Furious Flood Dragon.

Flood Dragon is not a dragon yet, without double horns, but the defense of the Fleshy body is comparable to horror.

But under this blade, Furious Flood Dragon's head was suddenly broken open for defense, half of the head was chopped, and golden blood spurted out.


Furious Flood Dragon roared painfully, fell heavily, and slammed back into the Buddhist room again.

Half of the body is on the outside and half is inside.

With such a blow, Furious Flood Dragon has been unable to transform itself. It just wants to condense Divine Soul and escape alive.


Sure enough, a strand of golden Primordial Spirit Phantom vacated from the Furious Flood Dragon fleshy body and quickly fled to the sky.

"wishful thinking!"

Guan Cheng stretched his left hand, and the Shadow Illuminating Thousand Cranes Pot was transformed into the size of a water tank out of thin air, and the terrifying suction exploded directly, attracting the Furious Flood Dragon Primordial Spirit. No matter how Furious Flood Dragon struggles, it can no longer break free.

In less than a breath of time, with a crisp sound, the Furious Flood Dragon Primordial Spirit Phantom was swallowed by the Shadow Illuminating Thousand Cranes Pot.

The reason why Furious Flood Dragon is not killed is to keep its Primordial Spirit.

Because there is a Lue City forbidden area to be opened behind.

Guan Cheng runs true essence to make the Shadow Illuminating Thousand Cranes Pot smaller and put it back into the storage bag.

Then, one hand hold blade, with one hand on his back, turned around, and said to Host Xing Mo: "Furious Flood Dragon doesn't understand Buddhism, it's boring. Why not talk about Buddhism like the official and the master? "

Host Xing Mo: "..."

Furious Flood Dragon and Light Temple host Xing Mo have intersected for decades.

Many incense and contributions of Light Temple come from Furious Flood Dragon.

This time Furious Flood Dragon found Xing Mo and stated directly that he was willing to convert to Buddhism and become Buddhism dísciple.

This makes Xing Mo very excited.

That’s why I vented the power of Dharma and intended to protect the life of Furious Flood Dragon.

Buddhism mana, can resist evil monsters, and can also block other Magical Artifacts for soul searching.

Xing Mo is confident that Furious Flood Dragon is absolutely safe to hide in the Light Temple.

Result... When Guan Cheng came to the door, there were only two moves before and after, and the time was only three breaths.

Furious Flood Dragon was cut off the fleshy body, and the Primordial Spirit was condensed...

This fuck...

The strength of his and Furious Flood Dragon It is comparable, even if it is high, it is not much higher than Furious Flood Dragon.

People deal with Furious Flood Dragon just like brat playing loach.

Why do you still play this?

On Buddhism? What a fart!

Host Xing Mo was shocked, sweating from his bald head, and constantly squeezing the rosary in his hand, saying: "Amitabha...this..."

"Why? Master no Give the official face?" Guan Cheng asked sincerely with a knife in his hand.

Xing Mo lowered his head and dared not look at him, but in his heart he scolded the eighteen generations of the ancestors of Furious Flood Dragon.

If I had just listened to the words of this loach and acted rashly, I am afraid that I would have turned from this poor monk to a dead monk...

Cowardly for a long time, Xing Mo trembled and said: "Amitabha, the donor is extremely brave, this poor monk knows he is invincible, and dare not argue with the donor."

"No." Guan Cheng said amiably, "Furious Flood Dragon" Collusion with Demon harms the people of Lue City, but Master can protect it and be supported by its incense."

"Unfortunately, Master is equivalent to colluding with Demon."

"So, tonight, either the local official killed the Master or the local official was killed by the Master. You can only choose one of the two."

"You...this poor monk is the Outer of Master Zong Hui. Sect Disciple!" Xing Mo's heart sank, "Don't you dare?"

The voice fell, banging!

In the Light Temple, the silhouette flickered and the footsteps were heavy. Hundreds of monks were inspired by the host and rushed to the meditation house.

Although Light Temple is located in Wu Prefecture, the identity of this Host Xing Mo is not simple.

The monks in the temple also have a cultivation base.

If the image of Guan Cheng is seen by the monks, I am afraid that something will happen in the future.

And Xing Mo's intention is also obvious: this poor monk is the dísciple of the Great Xia Buddhism number one expert Zong Hui.

If you kill me, you must die too.

The monks from the summon temple came, one is to bless the monks’ faith and increase the battle strength; the other is to let the Light Temple monks remember the image of Guan Cheng, if there is something wrong with them, At the very least, Master Zong Hui avenged himself.

"Old bald donkey, his mind is cunning." Guan Cheng sneered hearing this.

Just as the footsteps were approaching outside the Buddhist room, Guan Cheng body flashed, and the Ice Spirit Seven Stars Blade broke through the air and slashed directly towards Xing Mo.

"Amitabha!" Xing Mo's eyes flashed with frightened rays of light.

At the same time as Gao Xuanfo, a golden-bright and dazzling Buddha's radiance floated up on his body. The right hand was held in the void, and an eyebrow stick appeared in his hand.


The eyebrow stick swept across, and Guan Cheng this blade banged against each other, making a violent roar.

deng deng deng!

Xing Mo couldn't stand Guan Cheng's fierce sword force, his golden light dimmed slightly, and his figure suddenly stepped back five or six steps.

The strong impact caused him to plow the ground of the monastery into deep marks.

The blood of inner Qi rolls over immediately. If it were not for the blessing of golden Buddha's radiance, Xing Mo would vomit blood!


Xing Mo's heart was terrified, and cold sweat on his forehead was like a waterfall. "The donor this blade, is Martial Dao True Meaning?"

Only one face, Xing Mo knew that he was definitely not Guan Cheng's opponent.

Even if he forcefully runs the true essence and exhausts a stick of Life Power, it is nothing in front of his opponent.

It's over!

"What are you talking about?" Guan Cheng was also slightly surprised.

I wanted to take away this old bald donkey with a knife.

Unexpectedly, it was offset by Xing Mo.

Although the old bald donkey is Holy Mother, his strength is one point stronger than that of Furious Flood Dragon.


Ice Spirit Seven Stars Blade rotates, Guan Cheng flashes sideways, [Blade Stream True Meaning] runs to the third realm and cuts out horizontally.

The unmatched Blade Qi is condensed into a single line, and all the forces are gathered together, seemingly unremarkable, but in fact it contains Supreme mighty power, and it instantly cuts to Xing Mo.

"Not good!"

Xing Mo immediately noticed something wrong and opened his mouth to announce the Buddha's name, "Amitabha! Buddha, save me!"


It's as if the words tell the law.

A golden-bright and dazzling Buddha's radiance swept from the golden Buddha statue in the Light Temple Hall Of Great Strength, unbiased, and submerged into Xing Mo's body.

Xing Mo's eyebrows immediately showed a touch of golden glow, and then the golden glow filled the whole body like paint.


Sanskrit sound bursts, and a "swastika" symbol forcibly appeared in front of Xing Mo.

Boom ka!

Boundless's Blade Qi instantly slashed on the "swastika" symbol printing method, and immediately burst out a cloud of golden light.

The collision of power and power made the entire Buddhist room shake. Two walls broke apart and the roof flew up. Even the fleshy body of the Furious Flood Dragon was crushed by the violent shock wave. into fine powder.


Xing Mo opened his mouth and spouted a golden blood arrow, his legs sank deep into the ground, and the soil did not reach his knees.

Even with the blessing of the Buddha's Dharma Seal, Xing Mo still has countless insignificant scars on his body.

Smears of blood shed from the scars of the knife, horrible to see.

As soon as the "卍" symbol seal had condensed, countless cobweb-like cracks were immediately opened, and the Buddha's radiance on the seal became dim.

"Buddhism is good at defense, and the name is not in vain."

"3rd-layer Blade Stream True Meaning failed to take away this servant, I still underestimate the enemy!"


Guan Cheng heart shivered with cold, his figure steadily landed, his blade changed again, and it has been converted into [Blade Stream True Meaning] fourth realm, with the intention to kill Xing Mo in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, after the assembly of the Light Temple monks, it will cause no end of trouble.

"Hold on!"

At this time, Xing Mo, who was a powerful man, saw that Guan Cheng could still use the power of terror, and suddenly shouted.

"Why?" Guan Cheng focused slightly, the sword was concentrated in the void, steady and not sending out, "Want to delay time?"

Xing Mo coughed a few times and sprayed again from his mouth. A few wisps of blood came out, and his expression sadly said: "My lord calms down...please listen to this poor monk's explanation..."

"Explain a woolen thread."

"This official will send you to pass away! ”

Guan Cheng sneered slightly, and through the aggregation of Martial Dao True Meaning, the 4th layer [Blade Stream True Meaning] unreservedly vented down.


Xing Mo's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of fear. He hurriedly Condensation of True Essence, adjusted the Buddha's seal, raised his eyebrows and sticks, and faced the matchless The Blade Qi.


Blade Qi is like a thin line, passing through the center of the eyebrow stick, piercing the "swastika" symbol seal and the Buddha statue of Xing Mo. Xing Mo cuts in with his head, enters from the upper body, comes out from the lower body, and finally falls on the ground.

chi chi chi chi!

Countless vigor catharsis, similar to the sound of broken glass one after another.

The Buddha's Dharma seal shattered, his golden body shattered, and his eyebrow stick shattered.

Host Xing Mo fleshy body shattered.

Along with the Primordial Spirit, it was also chopped up. The first generation of Buddhist cultivator, body dies and Dao disappears instantly.

A wisp of gray and black demon soul plucked from the minced meat and sank secretly into Guan Cheng's body.

Demon soul +18.

The total number of Enhancement Points has been increased to 23.

Although Xing Mo did not directly mutilate Human Race, after all, he had a good relationship with evil gods like Furious Flood Dragon.

Not only has Furious Flood Dragon's incense and contribution, but also intends to resist cause and effect for Furious Flood Dragon, it has been contaminated with a trace of Demon.

The ability to produce demon souls after death is the most powerful evidence that Xing Mo indirectly colludes with Demon.

He died unjustly.

However, Xing Mo is still a Human Race body after all, without a Demon body, so it does not produce soul orbs.

Guan Cheng also has no way of interpreting his memory by searching for souls.

"The officer knows what you want to explain."

Looking at the light and meat all over the floor, Guan Cheng shook his head slightly, "It's nothing more than Furious Flood Dragon. Buddha nature."

"Everything in the world can become a Buddha. Just put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha."

"As long as the Furious Flood Dragon focuses on the Buddha, you can enter Buddhism, wash away your sins."

"Hehe...Unfortunately, this is not effective for the official, so I don’t want to be the Holy Mother in my next life."

Slightly glance at it. There are no valuable things or utensils in the Fanchan.

A golden glow rises from Guan Cheng's body, running the Divine Movement Technique, turning into an afterimage, and disappearing invisible.

"The Abbot Zen Master!"

"The Abbot's Zen House has a foreign invasion!"

"There is a gangster! Hurry up and finish the battle, don't let him run away!"

At this time, the monks of Light Temple were just enough to rush, and the leader of the precepts hall master arrived first.

Seeing the foreground, I suddenly sucked in a cold breath.

"Not good! Host Xing Mo was killed by a gangster and passed away..."

The Master of Commandment Hall only felt that the sky was spinning, and the Buddha's heart was immediately eroded, almost cultivation deviation.

"Host Xing Mo is the Divine Transformation 8th layer cultivation base, personally handed down by Master Zong Hui, and blessed by the Buddha Dharma Yin, the strength is comparable to Dao Fusion powerhouse......"

"How I die so much that there is no scum left..."

crash-bang ——

next moment, hundreds of monks all rushed over and looked towards the ruins of the Buddhist temple. , Everyone was stunned and shocked.

"Report...Express the Master Zong Hui knows! Hurry up!"

Light Temple suddenly became a mess.

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