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With Xing Linong’s passionate words, the field gradually became bloody.

Carry a banner of your own.

Martial arts is king.

make Blue Star be Eternal, make Dragon Gate be Eternal, make Yourself be Eternal.

in this brief moment, has become the goal of countless people.

It is the students of Second Year, Third Year, and even Fourth Year who have watched this scene from afar.

They all raised their heads slightly, and their hearts were ups and downs.


At this moment, Xing Linong waved his hand, and the light curtain behind him disappeared.

Only his silhouette is left, standing on the gimbal, looking at the more than 2 freshmen of Dragon Gate Martial Arts University this year.

“This is what I want you to see.”

“The next thing I want to say is your first collective action after joining our university.”

“In this time, all students whose cultivation base is in Body Refining 7th Stage and above can voluntarily sign up.”

“The place of action is in New World.”

“The time for action is set in ten days.”

“By then, Senior Brothers and Senior Sisters of your Second Year will also join you in this operation.”

“After the operation, each student will receive a credit reward.”

“The credit reward for freshmen will be three times higher than normal.”

“At the same time, including the students of Second Year, in this time action, the top ten students who finally obtained the highest credits will receive a physical reward for entering Dragon Blood Pond and tempering.”

“Apart from this, No. 3, you can choose a Rank 2 Top Grade secret treasure among treasury.”

“In the second place, you can get another Rank 2 Top Grade treasure talisman Wind Chasing Talisman based on the third place.”

“1st place, on the basis of the second place, another one can greatly increase Energy Refining speed medicine pill, Celestial Mountain Snow Lotus Pill.”

Hearing Xing Linong’s words, in an instant, countless students below were all binocular.

It is a great reward for freshmen to triple the credit for participating in the action.

Since this time, everyone has understood the importance of credits.

Even Liu Yang has bright eyes.

He can get 300 credits per month.

But for him, the 300 credits are still nothing.

Just wanting to buy another storage bag is not enough.

Without a new storage bag on the facade, he did not dare to throw the old storage bag into the Item Slot.

After all, storage bag is the treasure most used by martial artists.

If he doesn’t have a storage bag in his hand, he can take it out or take it away with a wave in the future, and it will definitely be counted by countless people to explore his secret.

and also……

Then, Liu Yang’s heart moved again.

He turned his head towards Wuya Xue and said: “Sister Wuya, Dean Xing said, our first trip to New World, we tripled the credits we received.”

“In this case, after we have tripled the final ranking, will we compare it with Senior Brothers and Senior Sisters in Second Year?”

“Yes.” Wuya Xue glanced at Liu Yang. “I heard my brother say that’s it.”

“However, Senior Brother and Senior Sister in Second Year, although they have just been promoted to Second Year, are only a year cultivated in Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.”

“But among them, there are already some people, cultivated to True Energy Stage.”

“So for us, even if the points tripled, it is difficult to compare with them.”

“It’s better to compare, not to know how!”

Liu Yang bit his tongue lightly.

“Yes, how do you know?”

Wuya Xue smiled suddenly.

Liu Yang, who looks like this, only fits her image of in mind, Cloud Prefecture Martial Examination No. 9.

Liu Yang does not know Wuya Xue’s thoughts, but in his mind, this time is really determined to take a rush.

There is no reason for it.

The reward given by this time Academy is too generous.

It’s just a pity that he doesn’t have Clone Technique.

Otherwise, he will take the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place all by himself.

It’s really elated.

At this time, Xing Linong said a few words of encouragement on the gimbal, and then waved his hand: “Students, this year’s freshman ceremony, here will declare the end.”

“I hope that at your graduation ceremony next time, I can still stand here, and you can still stand here and listen to me nagging a few words.”

After the words fell, Xing Linong bowed to everyone.

Then, in the midst of countless applause, he rose into the air and flew to the back of the huge black eagle before.

Carried by the Black Hawk and left quickly.

As Xing Linong left, the cloud platform in the distance also slowly dissipated, turning into an ordinary scene.

“Martial arts is king…”

Liu Yang’s words came to mind in Xing Linong’s mind: “I don’t know what realm to achieve in order to be able to martial arts king.”

At this time, as Xing Linong left, the students in the field also left in small groups.

“Liu Yang, let’s go too.”

Wuya Xue’s eyes fell on Liu Yang and said with a trace of fiery.

“Ah good.”

Liu Yang startled, only to react.

Before myself, it seemed to have agreed to the little elder sister.

Use Mortal Deity Stage’s cultivation base to learn from her.

“Sister Wuya, where are we going to discuss?”

Liu Yang looked around.

He has been on his own hill for the past few days. He is certainly not familiar with Wuya Xue and Yuan Mengmeng in Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.

“Just go to your mountain.”

Wuya Xue glanced at Liu Yang.

Dragon Gate Martial Arts University has a public meeting place.

It’s just that there are too many people there, and if someone discusses, it will definitely be watched by countless people.


Liu Yang nodded.

I followed subconsciously and asked, “Oh, Sister Wuya, why not go to your mountain?”

Wuya Xue and Yuan Mengmeng’s faces suddenly turned black.

Although they are both Overlord Stage martial artists, one of them won the 11th place in Martial Examination and the other won the 17th place.

But it has not yet obtained the right to live in the mountain.

Students who have just joined Dragon Gate Martial Arts University will only be given the mountain if they receive the treatment of first-rate talented students.

Only if they perform better in Dragon Gate Martial Arts University in the future can they be given the peak.

Seeing 2 people not answering, Liu Yang wondered.

You can only lead the way in front of you and take 2 people towards your own mountain.

“Wuya Xue, Yuan Mengmeng, let’s meet again.”

“The last time I invited you to dinner, you said there was no time, I don’t know if there is time at this time?”

Suddenly, just when 3 people just walked out of the crowd.

A martial artist wearing a sloppy face with a long face and holding a tall barbarian with 6 legs in his hand, smiled and stopped the 3 people.

“Senior Brother Niu Mang?”

Seeing this person, the faces of Wuya Xue and Yuan Mengmeng both showed a bit of unhappiness.

“No, sorry, please let go!”

Yuan Mengmeng said a little sternly.

This man is a rogue.

Seeing her and Wuya Xue a few days ago, they invited them to dinner together.

They did not agree, and this person later met them several times, and they were really sick.

Most importantly, they all inquired.

Niu Mang, despite his strength, has broken through to True Energy Stage.

But it is extremely lustful. Among Academy, there are already many girls who do not know how to be harassed by him.

Especially during this time, it is getting worse.


He harassed girls, all of them were just and honourable pursuits, and they didn’t engage in evil ways.

Therefore, although some Teachers at Academy don’t like him, they have no choice.

“It’s okay, this time it won’t work, next time it’s all right, I’m not in a hurry.”

Niu Mang looked at Yuan Mengmeng’s baby fat face, laughed.

But then he did not go away immediately, but turned his head to Liu Yang.

Smiled to Liu Yang: “This is our Academy this year, freshman 1st place Liu Yang, tsk tsk, it really is the same as the video’s delicate and pretty.”

“Introduce myself, my name is Niu Mang.”

“We are students of Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, Second Year.”

“When you first arrived, I, as Senior Brother, should take care of you. Not tonight, you come to my mountain, how about we have dinner together?”

Hearing Niu Mang’s words, Wuya Xue and Yuan Mengmeng were both staring.

Niu Mang, now more than harassing girls.

Has even the boys started to harass?


However, Liu Yang, who didn’t know Niu Mang’s character, heard Niu Mang’s inquiry, but his eyes shone brightly, and he was a little moved.

Someone invites you to dinner, which is a good thing.

It was just that he suddenly thought that after waiting for his discussion with Wuya Xue, it is estimated that he will start to break through to the Opening Meridian Stage.

It’s really bad to waste time for a meal.

“He is not free, if you really want to find someone to have dinner, you can go to Sister Wuya his brother, he will definitely be willing.”

But waiting for Liu Yang to refuse, Yuan Mengmeng on the side said fiercely.

Then he pulled Liu Yang’s sleeves and said, “Go away, what are you still doing here, do you really want to go for a candlelight dinner with this guy?”

candlelight dinner?

Hearing Yuan Mengmeng’s words, Liu Yang was suddenly ignorant.

Isn’t it a Senior Brother’s ordinary dinner for Junior Brother?

Why did it become a candlelight dinner?

When I think of the big night, two big men have a candlelight dinner together.

And still with Niu Mang’s big long face, Liu Yang immediately felt numb for a while.

“Liu Yang ……hehe.”

Seeing Liu Yang pulled away by Yuan Mengmeng, a strange smile appeared on Niu Mang’s face.

Then he pulled the rope in his hand and dragged the tall bull with 6 legs behind him and walked away.

At the same time, he whispered in his mouth: “It seems that it’s time to get another Controlling Beast Bag, otherwise you have to hold you everywhere, which is really troublesome.”

“Little elder sister Mengmeng, just that Niu Mang?”

Waiting to go further, Liu Yang asked curiously at Yuan Mengmeng who had released him.

“Don’t mention him, it’s a pervert, it’s annoying to watch.”

Yuan Mengmeng hummed.

“Mengmeng is right, Liu Yang, you will stay away from him in the future.”

Wuya Xue also said.

For Niu Mang, she was too upset.


Liu Yang even agreed.

At the same time, my heart is also looking thoughtful.

After getting along twice, he felt that Wuya Xue and Yuan Mengmeng were still getting along well.

Then Niu Mang can make 2 people like this, most of the character is really a problem.

“gu gu.”

Then, the three people chatted all the way, and finally came to the mountain of Liu Yang in the distance.

At this point, Dumby called and immediately took off.

Turned into a white shadow hovering above Liu Yang’s head.

“gu gu ?”

For the first time, Yuan Mengmeng, who heard Dumby’s cry, immediately looked at Liu Yang.

“Liu Yang, you crane, you don’t have a tongue problem, how can you make such a hen’s cry?”

“My crane is smart, so I thought about letting it practice 100 birdsong. Now, besides the hens, it will make ducks.”

Liu Yang said in deadly earnest.

“So powerful?”

Yuan Mengmeng was shocked.

She lifts the head looking at Dumby hovering in the air, envious.


Dumby seemed to feel Liu Yang boasting about himself and cheerfully called several times in the sky.

Wuya Xue on the side also looked a little surprised.

I feel that Liu Yang is really amazing.

Not only is he good at raising Spirit Pet, he also has a set.

“Oh, Sister Wuya, Sister Mengmeng, how heavy are you all?”

At this time, Liu Yang suddenly asked: “I’m 100 40 kg, do you guys weigh me?”

“I will let Dumby take me up now. If you are not as heavy as me, after I go up, I will let Dumby come down to pick you up.”

“But Dumby was just born, if you are too heavy, I’m afraid Dumby won’t be able to move you.”

“no need.”

Hearing Liu Yang’s words, I just felt that Wu Yang Xue of Liu Yang very difficult to deal with suddenly had a cold face.

Although the martial artist’s body is relatively heavy, she and Yuan Mengmeng are both girls.

She said, “Go up with your bird yourself, and Mengmeng and I can climb the mountain.”

“Okay, Sister Wuya, Sister Mengmeng.”

Liu Yang immediately said: “Then I will go up first.”

“When you climb the mountain, you must be careful. This mountain is very steep. Don’t fall down.”

“Hurry up, you.”

Yuan Mengmeng pushed Liu Yang angrily.

Liu Yang took advantage of his short stature, and then stepped on the ground, holding the snow white little tiger, and jumped up.

Following his right hand, he grabbed one of Tumby’s thighs, which was in harmony with himself, and flew towards the top of the mountain.

“This guy, be alone!”

Seeing that Liu Yang really left him and Wuya Xue 2 alone, Yuan Mengmeng could not help cursing.


Wuya Xue is also funny to hook the head.

Following her, she and Yuan Mengmeng walked lightly along a winding and steep path towards the peak of Liu Yang.

With the strength of the two of them, for ordinary people, it is almost impossible to climb up the mountain, just like walking on a flat road.

Of course, 2 people want to compare with Liu Yang who hangs on Dumby’s thigh and buys a ticket, then 10000 10000 impossible.


After Liu Yang reached the top of the mountain, he waited for a long time, and Wuya Xue and Yuan Mengmeng climbed up together.

Liu Yang didn’t say much, just took 2 people and came to his courtyard dedicated to cultivation martial skill.

“Liu Yang.”

Once here, Yuan Mengmeng said with a smile: “How about you and Sister Wuya, how can you hug me this little tiger?”

“I’m fine, I’m afraid it won’t find you.”

Liu Yang said, “Should you try it?”

Then he extended the hand and handed the little tiger in his arms to Yuan Mengmeng.

Yuan Mengmeng eyes shined and immediately took the tiger into his arms.

“ao wu.”

A’Hu screamed at Yuan Mengmeng.

But staying in Yuan Mengmeng’s arms seems to be much softer than staying in Liu Yang’s arms.

It hit the eyelids and hu hu fell asleep again.


“Sister Wuya, I am ready, you come up!”

Above the mountain, Liu Yang looked at the prepared Wuya Xue in his courtyard dedicated to cultivation martial skill and said.

This discussion between two people, because without the Teacher on the side, naturally cannot use weapons.

That’s why Liu Yang went to a stop in the field, and raised his fist in the sandbags, preparing for both offense and defense.

“Be careful.”

Wuya Xue complied.

It’s very direct, and it moves forward in a dash.

It broke out in a few consecutive steps and reached Liu Yang.

Raised his white fist and hit him against Liu Yang.

Before her fist arrived, the strong wind had already taken the first step and hit Liu Yang’s face.

It shows that she is not a vase, but a genuine, martial artist of Overlord Stage cultivation base Opening Meridian.

“You can’t beat you in the face.”

Liu Yang moved away from Wuya Xue this fist when his mind moved, and his head was crooked.

Following his footsteps, the whole body exploded, and with a bang, the whole person rushed towards Wuya Xue with a violent wind.

Wuya Xue complexion changed, knowing that Liu Yang’s defense is extremely alarming, of course, she does not want to meet force with force with Liu Yang.

So she immediately stepped on a strange step at the foot, a shaking, and reached Liu Yang’s side.

Then she punched again.

Such as the white meteor that pierced the sky, pierced the airflow, and aimed at Liu Yang’s armpit.

At the same time, her fist is more powerful.

On top of her punch, there is a little Yue Mang, faintly, seems to have used her Special Skill.

“Fast speed!”

Afterglow in the corner of Liu Yang’s eyes, glimpsed Wuya Xue’s two long legs, his heart moved slightly, and asked, “Sister Wuya, is the Muddy Sky Wonder Art you cultivated?

He asked in New World Language.

New World Language focuses on changing the tone, which is extremely simple.

As soon as the word fell, he shifted his body sideways, actually hitting his fist with Wu Ya Xue’s fist in the reverse with his side waist.


Wuya Xue’s fist hit Liu Yang’s waist, his face suddenly changed.

Liu Yang had long predicted that he stacked ten layers of Black Iron Armor’s body, which is not something ordinary martial artists can break.

As soon as his body turned quickly, his fists were already punched out and hit Wuya Xue’s body.

However, Wuya Xue 2 flicked her legs but stepped back at a faster rate.

After pulling away from Liu Yang, she looked down at her right fist.

I saw her fist, and now she has faint red.

It is estimated that by the time this battle conclusion is reached, it is probably slightly swollen.

“so hard!”

She thought that she had watched the video of Liu Yang in Martial Examination, and she was even more vigilant.

As Liu Yang expected, after Opening Meridian, she chose the major cultivation technique, Muddy Sky Wonder Art.

Muddy Sky Wonder Art is an amazing work of fellow initiates Energy Refining and Body Refining.

Coupled with her special physique Ancient Moon Martial Body, she’s physical strength far exceeds the average martial artist of the same level.

But she never imagined that she punched Liu Yang with a punch. Liu Yang seemed to be okay.

Instead, she herself felt extremely painful.

“Come back!”

Wuya Xue was aroused by his enthusiasm, sipped softly, and rushed up again quickly.

It was just this time that she rushed out, but she dared not use her fist anymore.

As soon as her palm opened, she opened it.

Prepare to capture Liu Yang by the method of capture.

She is very tall, and although she did not break through Mortal Deity Stage during Body Refining Realm, she also opened five meridians in one fell swoop at the time of Opening Meridian.

Coupled with her powerful Body Strength, which is the general Opening Meridian Late Stage martial artist, she is not afraid.

The Mortal Deity Stage martial artist, before Opening Meridian, was at most similar to the general martial artist of Opening Meridian 6-Layer.

She felt that if she could not get Liu Yang today, it would be too shameful.

Pa pa pa ……

Two people, Liu Yang and Wuya Xue, fought fiercely in the courtyard under the watching of Yuan Mengmeng.

At this time, Wuya Xue, who has learned his lesson, dare not meet Liu Yang and meet force with force.

Instead, the power burst out, moved ingeniously, and walked around Liu Yang continuously.

Looking for an opportunity to capture Liu Yang’s uniform.

Liu Yang soon clear comprehension the meaning of Wuya Xue.

He should change 10000 without change, except Wuya Xue will not hit his face, any other parts, Wuya Xue casually touch.

“I really deserve to be able to win the Heaven’s spoiled daughter in Cloud Prefecture, the 11th among Martial Examinations, as a woman.”

With the battle, Liu Yang admired Wuya Xue in his heart.

Wuya Xue’s combat experience is too rich.

Compared with him, he is really much worse.

On several occasions, he was almost caught by Wuya Xue and pressed him to the ground.

“However, I disguised it for so long, and it was also time for a wave to erupt and let her see how powerful I am.”

Suddenly, Liu Yang saw Wuya Xue walking around behind him again.

At the same time, there is a small hand with great strength, resting on his shoulder.

He moved his heart, touched the ground with his right foot, twisted quickly, his body turned back, and came face-to-face with Wuya Xue.


Then divine light flashed in his mind, as in every breakthrough, loudly roared, sound wave transmission, and at the same time squirting aura, rushing to Wuya Xue’s front door.


Wuya Xue’s complexion changed sharply and hurried backwards.

But as soon as she retreated, Liu Yang was tightly followed along.

And at this time, he stepped out, quietly, but step by step faster.

All the power of Straw Flying Shoes broke out.

With Wuya Xue Opening Meridian 5-Layer’s cultivation base, blood energy erupts, and then cooperate with your powerful Body Strength.

Her speed is no worse than that of Liu Yang with Straw Flying Shoes full power.

It was only at this time that she was misled by Liu Yang, and she did not expect Liu Yang at all. She was able to explode at such a speed.

So the reaction is slower.

After a few steps, she was chased by Liu Yang.


Liu Yang hit two fists at the same time.

The wind screamed and approached Wuya Xue in the blink of an eye.

Wuya Xue complexion greatly changed.

Quickly raised his hand to resist.

But Liu Yang’s speed is too fast, she just opened Liu Yang’s fist.

Then saw Liu Yang’s other fist, fiercely hit his shoulder.

A sensation of severe pain struck her, her body crooked, and her pace immediately fell apart.


Liu Yang did not stop.

After a punch on Wuya Xue’s shoulder, he immediately moved forward again, catching up with Wuya Xue again.

Turning the fist into claws, the two hands were caught on Wuya Xue’s shoulder like eagle claws at the same time.


Following him, he lifted his knee and slammed into Wuya Xue’s tender stomach.

Fighting means attacking fiercely after seizing the opportunity!

This is what Teacher Sun Feiyu taught him when he came to this World and took the first lesson.

Above the stomach, the pain caused by Liu Yang’s punch was more intense than before.

Wuya Xue felt his eyes sore, and tears came out uncontrollably.

Following her body, Liu Yang was pushed and fell down.

When Wuya Xue plopped down on the ground, Liu Yang also pushed upward.

At the same time, a hand holding Wuya Xue’s shoulder was loosened and stretched forward diagonally, turning into a palm saber.

Put it on Wuya Xue’s fair neck.

“Sister Wuya, you lost.”

Liu Yang gasped slightly.

Wuya Xue is really strong.

If it wasn’t for him that he didn’t show his speed at first, this time he really might not be able to win Wuya Xue.

Not far away, Yuan Mengmeng, who was still watching the two men fighting happily, opened her eyes at this moment.

“Liu Yang, you guy…”

She looked at Liu Yang and didn’t know what to say.

“All’s fair in war, I lost.”

Wuya Xue pushed Liu Yang and stood up from the ground.

“In the future, we will discuss again.”

“Mengmeng, let’s go.”

Then she said 2 sentences, said goodbye to Liu Yang, and quickly walked away.


Seeing what Wuya Xue looked like, Yuan Mengmeng quickly returned the snow white little tiger in her arms to Liu Yang, and quickly followed Wuya Xue.

“Sister Wuya, are you okay.”

After waiting for the mountain, Yuan Mengmeng asked immediately.


At this time, Wuya Xue had wiped away the tears she had just shed because she was too painful to control.

She shook her head and said, “That guy, it’s too stiff. I still have some pain in my stomach and swollen hands.”

“But the problem is not too big, it will be better soon.”

Yuan Mengmeng Um, there are 2 sounds


“Sure enough, fighting little elder sisters is different.”

While watching Wuya Xue and Yuan Mengmeng leave, Liu Yang took a long breath.

I feel that after this time, I have grown a lot.

After experiencing this battle at the same time, he also felt that his Essence, Qi, and Spirit all reached Peak.

“Now, it’s time to break through to the Opening Meridian Stage.”

PS: Damn is so tired in this chapter.

I coded 2 1000 at home in the morning.

Then go to the 4S shop and hold the computer code 2 1000 in the car.

Code 4 in the 100S shop.

On the way back, I coded more than 1000, and when I got home, I coded a few 100…

Prostitute bowl

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