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No match?

Xu Wenjie’s words fell, and there was an uproar suddenly.

“Xu Wenjie is too wasteful. Ma Xingwang provoked him. He didn’t come forward. Now Liu Yang is showing great strength. He didn’t even try it.”

“Hehe, this is indeed his character.

“Don’t you think about it, what use is he trying? Liu Yang has awakened the martial artist of Special Skill, where Xu Wenjie can deal with.”

In the 3rd Martial Arts Academy of Yang City, Xu Wenjie and Ma Xingwang were always the first and second.

Sometimes this is over that period of time, sometimes that over this period of time.

Although before that, Liu Yang performed amazingly.

But after all, he never showed the strength to compete with Xu Wenjie and Ma Xingwang.

At this time, after Liu Yang defeated Ma Xingwang, Xu Wenjie bluntly said that he was not Liu Yang’s opponent, which really surprised everyone.

However, some people think about it carefully, just after Liu Yang defeated Ma Xingwang, it was relieved again.

After all, Liu Yang awakened the special ability.

After defeating Ma Xingwang, he did not change his face, as if he had never consumed much.

After Ma Xingwang, not only did his two fists swell, but the whole person was gasping for breath.

2 Which one is higher, has been apparent at a glance.

“Am I a reap what you have sown?”

It’s just that no one knows how complicated Xu Wenjie’s mood is after saying’no match’.

Liu Yang, he spent 50,000 yuan, please come to deal with Ma Xingwang.

Even a few days ago, Liu Yang just and honourable told him that after challenging Ma Xingwang, he would continue to challenge him.

But at the time, he didn’t take Liu Yang’s words seriously.

I feel that Liu Yang is just talking arrogantly.

“Senior Brother Liu, we can’t compare, this time first, you are not just in name only, but also in reality.”

At this time, two other Body Refining 2th Stage Tidal Surge Stage students on the ring looked at each other and spoke.

Even Ma Xingwang and Xu Wenjie are not Liu Yang’s opponents. They are just Tidal Surge Stage. They are not Liu Yang’s opponents.

They took the stage this time, just holding the mentality of picking up leaks, thinking that if Ma Xingwang and Xu Wenjie fight for both sides suffer, they might get the first place.

But I never imagined that in the end it was such a result.

Liu Yang, who was never in their eyes, would actually be on stage at this time, come out first.

There is a trace of regret in their hearts.

If Liu Yang had been able to awaken the special ability, they would never intersect Liu Yang before.

It’s just that they are only students after all.

Like some greasy adults, comprehend has the ability to change his face quickly, and immediately slap Liu Yang.

A sound of’Senior Brother Liu’ has made them blushing.

sou sou!

Two figures followed Xu Wenjie and successively fell into the ring.


In the whole ring, except Wu Lixin and Sun Feiyu, only Liu Yang himself is the student.

“Very well, it seems that our strongest student of the 3rd Martial Arts Academy in Yang City has been decided.”

Wu Lixin walked to the ring center again and walked to Liu Yang.

He looked at Liu Yang, his face showing a bit of relief.

Liu Yang’s unexpected rise is also an accident for him.

Although with his strength, Liu Yang has seen through the Furious Wave Stage early in the morning.

But it was completely unexpected that Liu Yang awakened a certain special ability and became a Special Martial Artist.

The 3rd Martial Arts Academy of Yang City was only established for 3 years, and it was established only after he insisted repeatedly.

If he can’t get results, it’s really unreasonable.

Now, with the strength revealed by Liu Yang, it is clear that they can already become their trump card.

“Come on, our little hero, this is your reward.”

Wu Lixin took out a small box and handed it to Liu Yang, said funnyly.

The box contains the Deer Blood Pill, the reward of this Student Competition champion.

It stands to reason that this reward will not be awarded to Liu Yang until all games are over.

But Wu Lixin obviously does not have that many rules here.

“Thank you Dean.”

Liu Yang quickly reached out and took it.

The reward of the Student Competition champion is not just Deer Blood Pill.

After winning the championship, it will also receive a reward of 100,000 yuan.

For other students, this money is actually not at all important.

But for Liu Yang, the money really rained in time.


Because of the last Pig-Dog Beast, Liu Yang before Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, no matter how many times he practiced in Academy’s Cultivation Room, the money needed will be provided by Ma Xingwang, but for Liu Yang who has Item Slot Say, money is never enough.

“100,000 yuan should hit my card soon, and I will find a way to open the second Item Slot as soon as possible.”

Liu Yang thought to himself.

Just opened up an Item Slot and incorporated a Black Iron Armor, so he had such a big gain.

This made him look forward to the opening of his second Item Slot.

After Wu Lixin sent Liu Yang the prize, he encouraged Liu Yang to let Liu Yang step down and announced that the Student Competition would continue.

But obviously, with Liu Yang’s unpolished jade in front, the performance of other students is lacking.

“Liu Yang.”

Under the ring, Zhou Bing, who had been waiting for Liu Yang to come down, saw Liu Yang coming to himself, and immediately greeted him:

“You guy, is it too deep to hide? Also, what’s the matter with Ma Xingwang, obviously he hit you, why did his two fists swell into trotters? Don’t tell me, you are not Furious Wave Stage, but Diamond Stage martial artist, right?”

“Not that I hid deep.”

Liu Yang laughed: “It was only in the last few days that I awakened the Special Skill, and it was only last night that I broke through the Furious Wave Stage. Otherwise, in the previous Combat Class, you might have to be beaten by me every time. Get bloody nose and swollen face.”

In the Combat Class a few days ago, because Liu Yang’s progress has become greater and greater, Zhou Bing almost never encounters Liu Yang in every actual combat.

So he didn’t know how strong Liu Yang’s defense is now.

While speaking, Liu Yang has lifted the head, looked towards the ring.

At this time, there are already 2 martial artists of Body Refining 4th Stage Whale Breathing Stage fighting together.

The battle method of these two martial artists, in Liu Yang’s opinion at this time, is already a weak spot 2.

But he looked attentively.

Even Low-level Martial Artists, during battles, will have flashes of aura from time to time, bringing out exquisite skills.

Liu Yang has to capture these skills and turn them into his own.

He came from an ordinary background, so he wanted to seize every opportunity to strengthen himself.

Martial artist battles are actually very fast.

If you say more than 3 50 moves, you will get the winner.

Time passed quickly in the competition.

At noon, all the students who participated in this time Student Competition were all finished.

“Okay, today the school is on holiday for half a day, and you all relax.”

After all the battles were over and the rewards were distributed, Wu Lixin stood on the ring and suddenly waved.

“ao ……”

The students howled suddenly.


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