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“Finally home.”

The hot aura fluttered and Liu Yang exhaled slowly.

At this time, he has walked out of the space door and once again came to Defensive City 121 on Red Earth Wasteland.

As before, there are still many martial artists in the city.

But in Liu Yang’s feeling, there are more martial artists in this time than in the last time.

For this matter, he vaguely saw it on the Academy forum.

It seems that because of the last Red Earth Wasteland tide, a large group of powerful monsters died, making the danger of Red Earth Wasteland temporarily reduced.

Therefore, many low-level martial artists are willing to come here for training.

Thinking so, he looked around and saw that the martial artist in this city at this time, the cultivation base level is indeed not too high.

Sea Transformation Stage martial artist like him is already an outstanding existence.

Even the Condensing Liquid Stage martial artist, he didn’t see much.

Of course, in any defensive city, there must be senior martial artist oversee.

“Sea Transformation, Golden Core, Gathering Spirit…”

Liu Yang looked at several buildings in the center of Defensive City 121, and knew that the powerhouse of Oversee Defensive City 121 was definitely in those buildings.

However, at the level of Defensive City 121, it is estimated that oversee the powerhouse here, at most a few Gathering Spirit Stage martial artists.

As for Nirvana Realm…If it is not mutation here, it is usually difficult to have a martial artist of this level, oversee here.

“I am only one Golden Core Stage away from Gathering Spirit Stage.”

Liu Yang thought to himself.

And he knows that his distance to breakthrough to Golden Core Stage will certainly not be too far.

“Liu Yang?”

Just when Liu Yang was thinking this way, a sound that seemed to have several points of surprise suddenly came from behind Liu Yang.


Liu Yang turned his head in surprise, and then he saw that he shouted to himself, a martial artist with a flat face, a strong face, a sturdy body, and a black martial arts uniform.

“Second Senior Brother?”

Seeing this person, Liu Yang eyes immediately lit up.

He has seen photos of the person in front of him, so he knows that this person is Situ Tieshan’s second disciple Song Yan, which is his Second Senior Brother.

Next to Song Yan, there are 2 martial artists.

The two martial artists are not weak in looking at aura, they should all be Sea Transformation Stage Late Stage, or even Martial artist of Sea Transformation Stage Peak.

But for them, Liu Yang did not recognize it.

“What are you?”

Seeing Liu Yang turn his head, originally had several points of doubtful Song Yan, and was also surprised with a smile: “I went back to the Academy to inquire before, didn’t you all say you went to Black Cave Secret Realm with Teacher?”

Although this was the first time he saw Liu Yang, but because of Situ Tieshan’s relationship and being in New World, he still felt very kind when he saw Liu Yang.

“Second Senior Brother.”

Upon hearing Song Yan’s inquiry, Liu Yang even reverently explained: “Black Cave Secret Realm should be over in 2 days. I came back early because of some things.”

“That’s it.” Song Yan knew this, and then he asked Liu Yang, “Why, are you coming by yourself this time?”

After he swept his consciousness, he already understood Liu Yang’s cultivation base.

What Liu Yang showed at this time was Condensing Liquid Stage Middle Stage.

Song Yan was really surprised that Liu Yang had actually broken through to Condensing Liquid Stage Middle Stage.

But thinking that Liu Yang has only one person, he cannot help but has several points of worry.

He heard Situ Yue early in the morning and said that he has one more Little Junior Brother.

Through some channels, I know that Liu Yang cultivation is very fast.

But he was a little worried, Liu Yang cultivation was so fast, and he didn’t know what his strength was.

After all, if a martial artist puts all his mind on increasing cultivation base, it is difficult to improve the comprehension of Rule’s Profound Mystery.

But it is not deep for Rule’s Profound Mystery comprehend, the strength is obviously strong.

Song Yan side 2 martial artists, at this time also looked up and down Liu Yang.

Liu Yang is really not well-known throughout Blue Star.

But in Cloud Prefecture, his reputation is still not small.

Especially the two of them are familiar with Song Yan, they know Liu Yang’s name better.

At this point they felt that Liu Yang had actually broken through to Condensing Liquid Stage Middle Stage, and they were all surprised.

“This is the final disciple Liu Yang of Situ Tieshan? It’s really fast cultivation speed, but this Little Brat will not be young and vigorous. Put all your thoughts on increasing cultivation base. How come comprehension Rule’s Profound Mystery?”

2 People looked at each other and thought to themselves.

For martial artists, Rule’s Profound Mystery is the most important.

Only with the depth of Rule’s Profound Mystery comprehension will future achievements be high.

Because comprehension Rule’s Profound Mystery, it is equivalent to building a house and laying foundation.

The foundation is not well laid, and the achievements in life are limited.

“I am alone.”

Seemingly seeing Song Yan’s concern, Liu Yang said with a smile: “But Senior Brother is assured that I will return to Academy at this time in just one or two days, so I won’t stay here more.”

“And even if you leave the defensive city, you will definitely just wander around in the vicinity and will not go far away. I still have self-knowledge of my strength.”

“That’s good.”

Song Yan relaxed, listening to Liu Yang’s meaning, Liu Yang seems to be only planning to practice here and return to Academy.

In this case, he was not too worried.

After all, he also knew that during this time, Red Earth Wasteland was very calm.

“Liu Yang.” Thinking about it, Song Yan moved his heart and took out a rune-intensive talisman and handed it to Liu Yang: “I will go to the depths of Red Earth Wasteland with a few friends to complete a mission. Can’t stay longer here.”

“You hold this Sound Transmission Talisman. If you are in danger here, tear it apart. As long as I am within 100 miles of you, I will come.”


Liu Yang startled, did not expect at all, just for the first time, Song Yan cared so much about himself, and directly gave himself a Sound Transmission Talisman.

This Sound Transmission Talisman is a one-time talisman and can only be used once.

Coupled with its ability to transmit sound beyond 100 miles, the value is definitely not low.

But looking at Song Yan’s steadfast face and Song Yan’s concerned eyes, Liu Yang hesitated for a moment and did not say anything to refuse.

“Okay, thank you Senior Brother.”

He accepted Sound Transmission Talisman.

At the same time, this friendship was also recorded in my heart.

“Haha, who made you my Little Junior Brother.”

Song Yan patted Liu Yang’s shoulder.

Then introduced 2 friends of his side to Liu Yang.

According to Song Yan, his two friends are all martial artists of Ten Directions Martial Arts Academy.

One is called Shi Xuan and the other is Mu Zhenjiang.

Then the 3 people chatted with him for a while, and then left with him.

After Liu Yang watched the silhouette of Song Yan 3 disappear completely, he exhaled slowly.

“I have to complete the mission as soon as possible.”

Then Liu Yang thoughts move and went outside the city.


“Brother Song.”

Shi Xuan, who walked out of Defensive City 121, said to Song Yan: “You Little Junior Brother, I have also heard that it is said to be the ninth in the martial arts assessment of Cloud Prefecture, which is the real Heaven’s Chosen Child, but Is his cultivation speed too fast?”

“It’s too fast.”

Mu Zhenjiang also nodded: “In such a short period of time, cultivated to Condensing Liquid Stage may be hotly debated by general martial artists, but if he is not satisfied with Rule’s Profound Mystery’s comprehension, it will affect the basic things in the future. “

Song Yan hearing this said with a smile: “I know, but there is no problem with my Master. I should wait until the end of this time mission and return to the Academy. I also plan to have a good chat with my Little Junior Brother, not let him Enter the evil path.”

Shi Xuan and Mu Zhenjiang hearing this are both nodded.

Both of them have a good relationship with Song Yan, plus they really feel that Liu Yang is Heaven’s Chosen Child, so neither of them wants Liu Yang to go astray.

It seems to them that Liu Yang cultivation is so fast, but it is very likely to focus on cultivation base and ignore the comprehension of Rule’s Profound Mystery.

Otherwise, if the two are in parallel, how could impossible cultivation be so fast.

After all, it is only a few months before Cloud Prefecture Martial Examination.

In such a short period of time, Liu Yang cultivated to Condensing Liquid Stage Middle Stage. For them, it was really unimaginable.



When Song Yan 3 people talked about Liu Yang and quickly rushed deep into Red Earth Wasteland, Liu Yang also walked out of Defensive City 121 and came to Red Earth Wasteland.

The familiar scene came into view, Liu Yang took a deep breath and rushed straight to the stone forest where he was staying.

At this time, he still pressed his cultivation base to Condensing Liquid Stage Middle Stage.

The cultivation base of Condensing Liquid Stage Middle Stage is not too low and will not let something that cannot be told to good from bad come forward.

But it’s not too high and unobtrusive.

“Senior, I’m back!”

Finally, Liu Yang returned to the original stone forest after a while.

After returning here, he immediately started calling Paradise Spirit in his heart.

The last time he was here was the call of Paradise Spirit.

“You actually broke into the Sea Transformation Stage so quickly, and the cultivation base is solid, and the comprehension of Rule’s Profound Mystery is not low.”

Liu Yang just passed on his consciousness, and heard a shock in his heart.

The master of this voice is Paradise Spirit.

Obviously, for Paradise Spirit, Liu Yang’s means of hiding the cultivation base has no effect.

“I also had a fortuitous encounter during this time before breaking through to Sea Transformation Stage.”

Hearing the voice of Paradise Spirit, Liu Yang even thought to himself: “When I come back at this time, I just want to get Five Emperors Nirvana Technique from Senior.”

“Good! Good!”

Hearing Liu Yang say this, Paradise Spirit suddenly said 2 good ones in a row.

He really didn’t expect that Liu Yang’s cultivation speed was so fast.

In his feeling, it seemed that he had only squinted for a while, and Liu Yang came back.

Thinking about it, he immediately sent the message of Five Emperors Nirvana Technique to Liu Yang.


Liu Yang felt his Soul Sea startled, and then felt the message of one after another Profound Mystery, pouring into his heart.

“Is this Five Emperors Nirvana Technique?”

Liu Yang moved in his heart and carefully realized the message that poured into his own heart.

But the more he realized, the more shocked he was.

I feel that this Five Emperors Nirvana Technique is worthy of the cultivation technique of the previous owner cultivation of Paradise Spirit, which is really wide-ranging and profound.

However, the information contained in Five Emperors Nirvana Technique is too large, and Liu Yang did not accept it all at once.

Instead, only this cultivation technique was received at Gathering Spirit Stage level.


After Liu Yang received all the previous messages of Five Emperors Nirvana Technique Gathering Spirit Stage, the voice of Paradise Spirit sounded in Liu Yang’s heart: “I will only send you the message of Five Emperors Nirvana Technique here for now, otherwise you will only do it once Too much information will be bad for you in the future.”

Liu Yang nodded.

He also knew this.

For example, the various cultivation technique secret techniques of Dragon Gate martial arts are also divided into Nirvana Realm and Nirvana Realm.

For ordinary martial artists, Academy will not teach too much High Grade Cultivation Art.

It is because he got Divine Dragon 9 before this cultivation technique. After entering his Soul Sea, he also became a seal. He needs to wait until he reaches a certain realm to open it.

“Next, you can go deeper into Red Earth Wasteland, don’t go too deep, just start from here and go to 30 li.”

After Liu Yang received the message from Five Emperors Nirvana Technique, the voice of Paradise Spirit sounded again: “When I get there, I will give you an aura, which will allow you to practice Five Emperors Nirvana Technique as soon as possible. Improve your cultivation base.”

“it is good!”

Liu Yang’s eyes lit up immediately.

There are only a few drops of Rank 4 Volcanic Chicken heart blood in his hand.

With so few drops of Volcanic Chicken heart blood, even if he has enough Rank 4 Top Grade Item Slot and put it all in Item Slot, it is difficult for him to cultivate to Sea Transformation Stage Peak in one fell swoop.

So he has to think about other methods.

Now, the assistance of Paradise Spirit is a great opportunity for him.

He has signed a mission contract with Paradise Spirit through New World Ruler, and he is not afraid that Paradise Spirit will harm him.

So after the words of Paradise Spirit fell, Liu Yang separated his consciousness and fell into the new Life Detector in his mind.

After a few glances, he ran deep into Red Earth Wasteland.

The new Life Detector of Rank 4 low grade he just got, he can explore the distance of 2000-3000 meters in Black Cave Secret Realm.

In the place of Red Earth Wasteland, this treasure can be centered on him and explore the distance of 5000 meters.

5000 meters, which is 10 li.

That is to say, Liu Yang is within 10 li of the land, and where there is any level of life, most of them are clear.

“Just here.”

Not long, Liu Yang came to a red soil slope.

He stood here and glanced at four places, and after detecting that there was not too strong life nearby by Life Detector, thoughts move and escaped into the ground.

After entering the underground, Liu Yang quickly opened a cultivation space a dozen meters away underground.

“Senior, you assist me in cultivation this time, will it make the same amount of movement as last time.”

When ready, Liu Yang asked the Paradise Spirit in his heart.

“Don’t worry,” Paradise Spirit said. “You came at exactly the time. The guy was sleeping during this time and couldn’t wake up in a short time. You just need cultivation.”

When saying this, Liu Yang suddenly saw himself in front of him, and suddenly a ray of 5 aura emerged.

Innate Five Elements Energy?

Liu Yang thought suddenly.

Only in his induction, this time appeared in front of Innate Five Elements Energy out of thin air, in terms of level, it can be much stronger than the last time.

And aura seems to contain all sorts of inexplicable aura, which tickled him up.

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