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The consciousness fell into his Soul Sea, Liu Yang hesitated slightly.

High-level Item Slot can put low-level item.

But he finally developed an Initial Rank Item Slot, and naturally he would not only put things like Black Iron Armor.


The Rank 1 Item Slot he developed this time ranked Rank 1 High Grade.

In his hands, there are only Body Refining Pill and Deer Blood Pill, these two Rank 2 Low Grade medicine pill.

And what can I do by putting a Body Refining Pill or Deer Blood Pill in Item Slot?

Speed ​​up his Body Refining?

This is fine.

But what Liu Yang wants more now is a powerful attack!

With less than a month left, he is going to participate in Martial Arts College Entrance Examination.

With his talent, Martial Arts College Entrance Examination has no pressure on him.

But Martial Arts College Entrance Examination has Combat Examination.

This year’s Combat Examination, to be conducted in the wild, will allow candidates to participate in the assessment, hunting monster.

Liu Yang felt that he was necessary. Before the college entrance examination, he gained the strength to kill Diamond Stage and even Energy Refining Realm monster.

After the battle with the giant black ape of the Diamond Stage, Liu Yang knew that there is still a big gap between himself and Diamond Stage.

Defensively, he is not inferior to Diamond Stage martial artist.

But in terms of strength, he is too much.

“Wait a minute, let’s think of a way to see if we can get a Rank 1 High Grade item.”

Liu Yang thought to himself.

He turned on his mobile phone and found it in the online martial artist shop.

“Black Moon Devil Saber, Rank 1 High Grade, created by Black Meteor Iron, can increase the Saber energy power of the dark attribute…”

“Wind Slashing Spirit Saber, Wind Attribute Battle Saber…”

“Golden Scales War Saber…”

Liu Yang compares his favorite sword weapons.

It’s just a pity that this Initial Rank’s martial artist supplies are difficult to buy even if they are rich.

If you want to buy an Initial Rank item, you must be able to barter or use points that only New World can earn.


Liu Yang sighed.

Poverty is a big flaw in him.

Closed this special martial artist shop page, Liu Yang visited other shops.

Shopping in online shops has become his habit in his spare time.

Even if you can’t afford it, just look at it, it is also very enjoyable.


Suddenly, Liu Yang eyes shined.

He turned over and suddenly opened a black technology store.

The technology level of Blue Star was almost the same as Earth where Liu Yang was before several decades ago.

But with the emergence of New World several decades ago, countless rare materials were excavated.

And Earth’s Human, in New World, contact with other people in the universe who are more advanced than Blue Star technology planet.

In these several decades, Human has made a lot of black technology.

Liu Yang opened the page of this black technology store, which was originally read with insight.

But after watching a few items, he suddenly moved his heart.

“Mosquito Surveillance Monitor: Ultra-small monitor, used with brain wave amplifiers, can be controlled by consciousness, placed outside five hundred meters, and monitors the surrounding situation in all directions without dead angles. Mosquito Surveillance Monitor True Body is a Rank 1 Middle Grade technology product The brain wave amplifier is a Rank 2 middle grade technology product, both of which are driven by Crystal Core. The full set price is 2 yuan.”

“Crystal Invisible Battle Suit, Rank 2 high grade battle clothes, inlaid with headless chameleon Monster Crystal Core, can absorb light and make the wearer invisible. The price is 10010000 yuan.”

“Lightweight Life Detector, with 3-eye monkey Crystal Core as the main body, a full set of 15 jin, is a Rank 1 High Grade technology product, which can detect life levels within a range of 1000 meters without the lifeform converging its own aura. The highest The detection level is Rank 6. The price is 500,000 yuan.”

Liu Yang took a deep breath.

As far as he knows, technology products are also graded.

The hierarchical division of technology products has nothing to do with its power, only related to the level of Monster Crystal Core that builds its main body.

The Monster of Initial Rank has a chance to condense Crystal Core.

It is with the existence of this Crystal Core that Human has produced many black technology products.

And things like the original car on Earth are Mortal Rank item.

Therefore, some people also call Initial Rank’s black technology products as variant equipment.

“tsk tsk.”

Seeing this piece of black technology merchandise sold at this store, Liu Yang could not help but shook the head.

These technological products are extremely practical.

Unfortunately,’Mosquito Surveillance Monitor’ and’Quantum Invisible Battle Suit’ both require Rank 2 Item Slot to be placed.

Although these things can be used without Item Slot, they are not convenient enough.

Especially these things, once broken, want to repair, it must be a lot of money.

Liu Yang is short of money.

Very scarce.

But put these things in Item Slot, you don’t have to worry about these.

Liu Yang’s Item Slot has a powerful hiding function.

That is, all the items put in the Item Slot can be restored after being destroyed. For example, the Black Iron Armor he put in the Item Slot.

Even if someone can cut through his Black Iron Armor’s defensive layer with one sword, the Black Iron Armor’s defensive layer will be restored immediately after the sword is removed.

Even if the man’s next sword is still cut in the same position, it is necessary to cut through the defense layer of Black Iron Armor again in order to cut the sword on Liu Yang.

“Mosquito monitor, and quantum Invisible Battle Suit, don’t think about it for the time being.”

“But Lightweight Life Detector, I need to get one.”

Liu Yang thought to himself.

He will definitely go to the wild and hunt monsters in the future.

If you have a Life Detector, it is extremely convenient to hunt monsters or avoid powerful monsters.


This thing costs 500,000 yuan.

After buying 2 pieces of Black Iron Armor, he has already left 10% of the money.

“It seems that we can only wait later.”

“Ling Ling …”

Suddenly, the doorbell of Liu Yang’s house rang.

Liu Yang’s heart moved quickly and ran out of his room. When he went downstairs, he opened the door.

The door opened and it was the courier from the same city.

And the same person as last time.

“Come, leave it to me.”

Looking at the tired gasping for breath courier, Liu Yang quickly took over the box containing 2 Black Iron Armor.

It’s also because the courier has practiced.

Otherwise, he would like to move these two extremely heavy Black Iron Armor all the way here, so he must be tired and get down.

“Little brother, how old are you this year, what is a realm martial artist?”

Seeing Liu Yang holding a box in one hand, he easily placed the two boxes on the ground behind him. He had come to the young courier of Liu Yang’s family for the second time and couldn’t help asking.

“16 years old, Furious Wave Stage, it is estimated that it will take some days before it can break through to Diamond Stage, not worth mentioning.”

Liu Yang laughed and asked, “This big brother, come in and drink some saliva?”

He himself estimated that under normal circumstances, he had to pass the college entrance examination for a few days before he could break through to the Diamond Stage.

But that was before.

This time he opened up 3 Item Slots in a row, and when he went to the 2 Mortal Rank Item Slots, all of them were put into Black Iron Armor, which would make his Body of Steel attribute reach +3.

Martial artists with Special Skills are faster than common martial artist cultivation speed.

Previously Liu Yang only had +1 Body of Steel talent, and the improvement of his cultivation speed was not too obvious.

But after his Body of Steel attribute +3, his cultivation speed can definitely be improved.

With the addition of a few bottles of medicine pill, he will break through to Diamond Stage in more than ten days, and neither is impossible.

“no need.

Deliveryman shook his head and turned away.

He is 2-3 years old older than Liu Yang.

But the martial arts cultivation base between 2 people is too big.

“Today I will send a few more orders and earn more money, and I will be able to buy another opportunity to use the dojo Cultivation Pool.”

This World, many people, have their own martial arts dreams.

Some people are reluctant to give up even if they have left Academy and failed to enter college.

Seeing the Deliveryman leaving quickly, Liu Yang realized that he was too excited to see the arrival of Black Iron Armor, and seemed to be a little too humble.

PS: How does it feel to try to make a bowl larger than the tank eat? Everyone is awesome, this time put a big [email protected]

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