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Holding the Heavenly Scar Saber, Liu Yang held like a sky and fell like a Star River, and at the same time, there were more than 5 colors, and he ran to a Flying Centipede swiftly walking in the sky.

The centipede wandered in the sky like a dragon, and it was amazingly fast. However, in the face of the saber light cut by Liu Yang, it was only an embarrassing part.

In the distance, a martial artist saw this scene, and they all revealed a look of shock. Even though this scene, they have seen it more than once.

The centipede hunted down by Liu Yang is a Golden Core Stage Peak centipede. Not only is it extremely toxic, but it is also lightning fast.

It has a rough water tank, and its length is more than 20 meters.

While roaming, the scales on the body hit each other, and the sound of the steel armor pieces hit each other completely.

The general martial artist sees such a centipede, and is afraid that he will get a paw immediately.

But in the face of Liu Yang, this centipede revealed with horror, and fled in a hurry.


Liu Yang’s right foot stepped on the void, undulated a wave of ripples, and then when he rushed forward, there was one after another silhouette that looked exactly like himself, attacking the Flying Centipede from other directions go with.

In addition to these silhouettes, there is also a Dragon form illusory shadow.

Just like Liu Yang himself, it is actually true of True Dragon.

This move is Liu Yang cultivation’s Nine Appearances of the Cloud Dragon secret technique.

To this day, he has cultivated this secret technique to the point of perfection.

If you twist your body at will, you can create 8 Clone illusory shadows exactly like him in the sky, confusing the enemy.

Si si !

The Flying Centipede saw Liu Yang approaching, knew that he could not escape, and immediately turned his head, swinging all the Clone separated by Liu Yang and Liu Yang, and spit out a deep green poison mist.

Its poison mist is extremely powerful. In the spray, the void zi zi rang, even the air was corroded to make a noise.

This poison mist falls on the martial artist. I am afraid that the martial artist will be corroded to the point of loss.

However, as Heavenly Scar Saber in Liu Yang’s hands fell gently, wherever the five-color sword river passed, all the poison mist was cut into nothingness with a knife, and nothing remained, not to mention Liu Yang. A little threat.

Then Liu Yang held Heavenly Scar Saber and moved on. With a knife, he fell the Flying Centipede of the Golden Core Stage Peak under the knife.

“Almost over.”

After slashing the Flying Centipede with a knife, Liu Yang’s expression was dull, and he didn’t feel complacent.

He lifts the head and looks deep into Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain.

At this time, nearly an hour had passed since he was slashing Wei Yiqing.

After such a long time, counting this Flying Centipede, he was in the Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain, killing ten or seven Golden Core Stage monsters.

In addition, there are 32 Sea Transformation Stage monsters, and more than 100 Condensing Liquid Stage monsters.

Under 4 rushes, many martial artists from Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain often appear to him from time to time, and are shocked by his performance.

Especially, like Liu Yang, he is also a martial artist of Golden Core Stage. After seeing Liu Yang’s performance, he didn’t even know what to say.

This time the battle of Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain, in addition to Liu Yang, is one of the strongest Golden Core Stage martial artist among them, and only killed 3 4 Golden Core Stage monsters.


In the depths of Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain, roaring repeatedly.

Compared to battles in other places, this is the main battlefield of this battle.

Eight-Armed Devil Ape, Heaven Shrouding Black Roc, Earth-Shaking Thorn Dragon… Several heads of Nirvana Realm monster, roared under the attack of Human martial artist.

Although they are hidden in several immovable evil thing caves deep in Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain, they are blessed with evil thing and their power is greatly increased.

However, in the face of more than twice the number of Human martial artists more than his own, or gradually fell into the downwind, killed by the Human martial artist all bruises, all arrived at an arrow at the end of its flight.


Human martial artist imposing manner is like a rainbow.

Monster’s threat to Human is too great, this time has this opportunity, no one does not do their best.

Under the mad fighting, the most brutal Eight-Armed Devil Ape was first beheaded by Shen Nanqiao and several people on the spot.

Although this Devil Ape is powerful, it is also the most powerful martial artist against it.

After the death of Eight-Armed Devil Ape, the martial artist who had previously besieged it immediately moved to another place, so it didn’t take long for the remaining few Nirvana Realm monsters to follow in the footsteps of Eight-Armed Devil Ape. In the pool of blood.

“These are our enemies!”

After the battle was over, Shen Nanqiao looked at the huge black holes that opened like a devil’s mouth on the earth, said solemnly: “According to the previous plan, let’s seal them!”

These huge black holes are just a few of the immovable evil things deep in Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain.

These evil things, whether they can move or not, are extremely difficult to kill.

When faced with evil thing, Human martial artist can only choose to seal it most of the time.

“If that’s the case, let’s get started!”

Others are also nodded.

In the depths of Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain, there are only three black holes like this.

One of the big ones is the evil thing of Nirvana Realm.

The 2 little ones are Gathering Spirit Stage evil thing.

In the previous battle, these three evil things were also riddled with scars. They looked like they were dead, and they couldn’t feel the life of Aura on them.

But everyone knows that these evil thing simply are immortal.

In other words, it must be killed many times before it can be completely killed.


At this moment, Liu Yang saw this scene from afar, thoughts move, spread his body, and went straight to the depths of Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain.

When several monsters of Nirvana Realm died, Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain was no longer dangerous to him.

Liu Yang is fast.

It didn’t take long for Situ Tieshan and Shen Qiaonan and the others to come by.

A huge black Roc with a wingspan of 100 meters is in the pool of blood not far below him.

Liu Yang clearly remembered that the last time Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain had a beast tide, he killed a Golden Core Stage Black Roc and was stared at by this large Black Roc for a long time.

Only a few months later, the Black Roc, which was so powerful in his eyes, died completely.

He looked at the Nirvana Realm monster in the pool of blood beside him, feeling very shocked.

Not to mention, the size of these monsters alone makes people feel depressed.

“Master, Dean…”

took a deep breath, Liu Yang gave Situ Tieshan and Shen Nanqiao and others a gift in the sky.

“Liu Yang, what you just said about the Six Soul Control Race, is it true?”

Seeing Liu Yang, Situ Tieshan immediately charged him solemnly asked.

“it is true!”

Liu Yang nodded.

Then he said what he had said to Situ Yue before, before Situ Tieshan and Shen Nanqiao and the others.

Finally, he took out the Hexagram from Wei Yiqing before: “The True Body of Six Soul Control Race is this kind of Hexagram. I accidentally left such a Hexagram in the body possession of a Six Soul Control Race. Soul Sea, so I also acquired some of the capabilities of Six Soul Control Race.”

“Like Bai Shenge, they can take this Hexagram from their bodies if I kill them.”

“What about us?” Situ Tieshan frowned said, “Don’t we get the Hexagram if we kill the person who owns the Six Soul Control Race’s body possession?”

“will not.”

Liu Yang shook his head: “After other people kill the person in Six Soul Control Race’s body possession, their Hexagram will be directly transformed into nothingness, and they will get nothing.”

Then he threw the Hexagram in his hand and said: “Even this Hexagram, if I give it to you in the Master, it will become nothing.”

“This Hexagram is very high-level. I keep it for some purposes. I don’t want to use it for experimentation. But wait a minute and I kill a few members of Six Soul Control Race. After taking out their Hexagram, you can experiment. “

Everyone is nodded and not embarrassed Liu Yang.

Firstly, because Liu Yang said it was clear, after a few people killed Bai Shenge, and after he was able to obtain Hexagram, he was able to prove what Liu Yang said.

2 It is Liu Yang’s current identity that is too special. Even a Nirvana Realm martial artist is not as important to Blue Star as Liu Yang.

After the explanation, Liu Yang eyes flashed, looked towards Situ Tieshan and said: “Master, are you planning to seal these evil thing caves now?”


Situ Tieshan nodded said: “These evil things are extremely difficult to kill. If you don’t seal them, let them be here, and when will the powerful monster and the evil things come together from New World, it will be another disaster. “

Liu Yang looked towards a few huge caves below, shaking Heavenly Scar Saber in his hand and said: “Master, I this saber, I got it from the New World Ruler after completing a mission after my fortuitous encounter, and bound to my soul Miraculous saber.”

“It can not only erase the curse, but also the power of killing the evil resentment contaminated by the low-level monster, but also have a great ability to restrain the evil thing.”

“At the same time, my talent seems to be a little special and able to restrain evil things.”

“You mean?”

Situ Tieshan glared suddenly.

At the same time, others also set their sights on the Battle Saber in the hands of Liu Yang and Liu Yang.

Liu Yang said: “As long as the level does not exceed my too many evil things, I can kill, it is the real kill, not the kind that can be resurrected after death.”

As Liu Yang’s words fell, everyone’s breath in the field was slightly heavy.

Liu Yang looked at everyone’s expressions and said nothing.

Previously, he dared not reveal his secrets.

But now, he can already expose a little.

He is a genius, he is special, what’s wrong?

Of course, the most important thing is that before the Evil God Society appeared near Evergreen Immortal Sect, the scene of unblocking the powerful evil thing made him always worried.

So he decided to cultivate more quickly.

If you want to cultivate faster, you naturally need more resources.

Now that he is vigorously trained by Blue Star, he estimates that he can break through to Gathering Spirit Stage for at least one month!

If it goes smoothly and gets more resources, Liu Yang estimates that this time is shortened by more than half, and it is not impossible.

Similarly, after he breaks through the Gathering Spirit Stage and then wants to break through to Nirvana Realm, it will probably not take much time.

In this case, it is someone who wants to explore his secrets. It is estimated that he has real self-preservation power before he even starts.

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