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“Tsk tsk, 3 Diamond Stage martial artists, dare to surround the Opening Meridian Stage martial artist, really Heroes come out from the Youth!”

A bearded man martial artist wearing a City Guard standard gear with a red bar on his arm came over and looked at the scene a little and laughed.

Most of the martial artists who can cultivate to Diamond Stage are Special Martial Artists, and have boundless prospects in the future.

Liu Yang 3 people, dare to use Diamond Stage’s cultivation base to round up this Kain Star’s Opening Meridian Late Stage martial artist, and succeed, it is both smart and courageous.

Coupled with Liu Yang 3 people, they all look very young.

So as soon as he came over, he laughed.

Immediately, both Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei were injured, and he cared more: “How about you two, is it okay?”

At this time, he raised his eyebrows suddenly and looked at Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei 2 carefully.

He thought about it carefully and said, “You are Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei of No. 2 High School?”

“Report Senior Officer, it’s us!” Hu Yue immediately loudly shouted, “When we first entered No. 2 High School, we participated in military training, or you trained us!”

“Haha, it turned out to be the soldier I brought with Old Huang.”

Bearded man Officer hearing this, he burst out laughing.

The soldiers he brought saw the scene and laughed.

They are equipped with special equipment that can detect that the Kain Star martial artist lying on the ground is indeed dead.

Also know that there is no powerhouse hidden nearby.

So neither is very worried.

“Instructor Huang.” At this time, Hu Yue glanced at Liu Yang and found that Liu Yang still had no intention of letting go, then he felt cruel and said, “Thank you for coming in time this time, otherwise we may be Ke Yuanfei , I am afraid it will be cruelly injured by others!”

“En?” The bearded man’s eyebrows were raised immediately, and his expression became very serious. “What’s the matter, tell me clearly!”


Hu Yue immediately nodded, and immediately set his sights on Liu Yang, said solemnly: “This time, Ke Yuanfei and I were lucky enough to discover the traces of 2 Kain Star martial artists who invaded our Yang City, and immediately notified City Guard .”

“But the two Kain Star martial artists at the time didn’t know what was the reason for the separation.”

“Unfortunately, Ke Yuanfei and I can only follow this Opening Meridian Stage martial artist and want to see where he is going.”

“Unfortunately, we haven’t experienced professional training, which led him to be aware of it.

“Fortunately, this Kain Star martial artist was already seriously injured, and we were pressed by him step by step, to the end of death.”

Speaking of which, Hu Yue finally revealed his fangs: “But we didn’t even think of…”


He suddenly pointed to Liu Yang: “Just when we were about to kill the Kain Star martial artist, he suddenly ran out, first let’s take a step and kill the Kain Star martial artist!”

“Following him, he captured the Golden Scales War Saber of the Kain Star martial artist in order to monopolize the spoils of war. He wanted to kill us on the spot and marry the Kain Star martial artist.”

Immediately he pointed to the injury on his chest again: “Ke Yuanfei and I’s injury was not caused by this Kain Star martial artist, but by this person!”

This time the person who came to deal with this matter was actually his own Instructor, which Hu Yue had never thought of beforehand.

But this made him more confident about this time.

Feel Liu Yang this time, the end will definitely not be too good.

“Is there such a thing?”

bearded man hearing this, immediately frowned.

Such a dispute is what he least likes to see.

Because no matter what happened at this time, it was really Liu Yang who took advantage of it, or Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei who framed Liu Yang for the benefit.

The final result is definitely one side damaged.

Liu Yang has 3 people. At first glance, he is the elite of Yang City.

Such an elite, if all can contribute to the country and Yang City, it would be great!

But at this time, they had such a conflict because of a small profit, and really let him down.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei and said, “Although I have been your Instructor, I can’t listen to your words.”

Then glanced at Liu Yang again.

Somehow, he felt that Liu Yang seemed to have several points of familiarity, but he didn’t think much, but asked coldly: “What’s your name, what can Hu Yue say, can you admit it?”


Liu Yang reached out and took out a few business cards from his arms.

These business cards were given to him by Guo Hengyi and Yang City’s Peak great figure a dozen days ago, one after another.

After seeing this person as the former Instructor of Hu Yue, he felt a little bad.

Although Yang City is developing rapidly and prospering year after year under the administration of City Lord Guo Hengyi, it does not mean that there is no harmy insect horse in Yang City.

He was worried about this time, and this was the kind of person he encountered.

“Forget it.”

But before waiting for Liu Yang to speak and pass the business card in his hand, the bearded man officer waved his hand: “You don’t need to explain.”

Then he turned and rushed to a soldier under his command: “Get me the command and say I want to tune the video here.”


A soldier hearing this immediately walked back.

Tune video?

Hu Yue hearing this aside, dumbfounded.

Where is the video from the wild country?

At this time, after the bearded man issued the order, hehe said with a smile: “You should all know a black technology called Mosquito Detector? Not long ago, we Yang City got a batch of these things.”

“Every time we issue a mission, we will use this stuff to detect the situation first.”

“This time, this thing was sent before we came.”

“It’s just that we heard the end of the movement here and rushed up without waiting for its feedback.”

“and so……”

Speaking of which, the bearded man glanced sharply at Liu Yang and Hu Yue: “No matter whether you are lying at this time, or if someone really sees it, it is better to tell the truth immediately, like this It can also be lenient.”

“If not, hehe…”

Listening to the officer Huang’s words, Hu Yue’s face has turned pale.

He never imagined that he had made a lot of plans and was lucky to meet his former Instructor. The end result was so.

Instructor Huang’s eyes are extremely sharp.

Just by looking at the expressions of several people, he had a score in his heart.

But he not at all said more, but waited quietly.


He does everything in evidence.

But while waiting, he saw Liu Yang take out a few business cards from his pocket and put it back in his pocket again. He couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Why, you brat know what Sir, just want to get great figure to suppress me?”

“Don’t dare.”

Liu Yang even said: “I just want a fair judgment that’s all, but now it seems that it is no longer needed.”


The officer Huang surnamed suddenly said: “I tell you, which great figure you used to press me, it doesn’t work!”

“My Old Huang is notoriously impartial and incorruptible!”

“See it.”

Liu Yang also smiled.

Yang City has been able to develop so rapidly in these years, it is not without reason.

PS: It’s Monday, continue to put a small bowl. I don’t know what’s going on in my book, but it doesn’t show up on the signing list. Although it is useless to vote, your favorite bookmates can still give them a little more comfort.

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