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“Three Essences Body Refining Pill!”

Liu Yang has divine light in his eyes.

Based on the memory of the Kain Star martial artist, Liu Yang learned that the white light he threw into the abandoned yard was a pill bottle.

And what is contained in the pill bottle is a kind of’Three Essences Body Refining Pill’, Rank 1 Top Grade medicine pill.

And there is only one medicine pill in that pill bottle.

This medicine pill is the Kain Star martial artist, specially prepared for his son.

It’s just a pity that he can never go back to his hometown.


Liu Yang exhales one breath saying for a long time before dissipating his emotions.

No wonder he found nothing on the Kain Star martial artist.

The original Kain Star martial artist, in order to prevent himself from being caught or killed, has long throwed the treasure on his body everywhere.

It is a pity that Liu Yang only got the message of’Three Essences Body Refining Pill’.

“But this is enough!”

Liu Yang made up his mind that when he went back, must find out where the abandoned house with blood fingerprints on the wall was as soon as possible.

In the memory he got, there was only so little information.

I don’t know exactly where that house is.

After breaking through to Diamond Stage, he has no medicine pill.

This will undoubtedly delay his cultivation to Overlord Stage and even the speed of Mortal Deity Stage.

Overlord Stage has no bottleneck for Liu Yang, Mortal Deity Stage is not easy to say, but no matter which of these two, if you want cultivation success, you need a lot of resources.

What Liu Yang lacks most is resources!

The’Three Essences Body Refining Pill’ ranks Rank 1 Top Grade.

The effect of the medicine is much larger than the ordinary Body Refining Pill.

Even if there is only one tablet, the help for him must be extremely huge.

Not to mention, if he can put this medicine pill in the Item Slot, he may still be able to play a more unimaginable role.

Thinking this way, Liu Yang took a deep breath and consciously withdrew from Soul Space.

His eyes fell on the Golden Scales War Saber in his hand.

“put into a!”

Thoughts move, Liu Yang no longer hesitated, began to communicate Item Slot with consciousness.

Try to add Golden Scales War Saber to Item Slot.

“Must succeed!”

Liu Yang prayed in his heart.

Incorporating item into Item Slot is sure to be successful.

But after earning Item Slot, he may not be able to give him talents.


As Liu Yang communicated with the Item Slot, Golden Scales War Saber shuddered and blurred in his hands.

Until disappeared, there is no shadow.

“Metal Saber Body +1”

Suddenly, a message came out of the Small Golden Tower and entered Liu Yang’s mind.


Liu Yang looked very happy.

All Special Skills can increase the cultivation speed of Owner to a certain extent.

And this Metal Saber Body comes from Rank 1 High Grade weapon Golden Scales War Saber.

Although it is only +1, it is probably more powerful than the Body of Steel talent he has improved to +3.

At the same time, this talent can not only increase Liu Yang’s cultivation speed, but also allow Liu Yang’s comprehend of saber technique in the future, far beyond the previous.

“Now I think it can already be the same as Qi Feng with Storm Saber Body. The knife feels extremely powerful. Can you quickly develop into various saber skills?”

Liu Yang’s heart moved.

He felt that he might be stronger than Qi Feng.

After all, most people’s talents will improve with their own strength.

Qi Feng is a Body Refining Realm martial artist.

His Storm Saber Body talent is also the talent of Body Refining Realm.

He must wait for Qi Feng’s cultivation progress to Energy Refining Realm before his talent can be further developed.

And Liu Yang’s Metal Saber Body talent is given by Golden Scales War Saber, which is directly Rank 1 High Grade talent.

Directly equivalent to Opening Meridian Stage martial artist’s talent.

Of course, in terms of potential, Liu Yang’s golden blade is not as good as Qi Feng’s.

But for Liu Yang, who can develop countless Item Slots in the future, this is naturally not a problem.

“Try it!”

Thinking this way, Liu Yang suddenly reached out the right hand, put his palm into a knife, and stroked gently in front of him.


In the sharp wind, he clearly felt some differences.

After Black Iron Armor was placed in Item Slot, it formed a defensive layer covering his whole body.

But when Golden Scales War Saber was put in the item column, its original ability, although still existing, was fixed on Liu Yang’s 2 hands.


Liu Yang looked at a big tree in front of him, and the thick branches extending from the big tree. His body suddenly moved forward, jumped up, and his feet were 2 meters above the ground.

Even when he reached high altitude, his right hand became palm saber again, drawing a half-moon shape from back to front.

In the moonlight, his palms cut through the night sky like a man picking stars and slashing quickly.

Hey! Suddenly, a thick wooden branch with an arm on top of his head was chopped off with a sharp knife.


Liu Yang landed.

He looked at the ground, like a branch cut by a sharp knife, and looked down at his hands.

It seems that his own hands are no different than before.

But he knew that if he urged gently, the inside of his 2 hands and the tip of his 5 fingers together would have a golden glow that couldn’t be seen, just like saber energy.

It can make his 2 hands as sharp as Golden Scales War Saber.

This is not talent, but the capabilities of Golden Scales War Saber itself.

If he had such ability long ago, when he killed the Kain Star martial artist before, he didn’t need to be so violent at all. He used his head again and again to kill him.

He only needs to turn into a palm saber, fearing that he will be able to let his head fall.

“What a great ability!”

Liu Yang was immediately excited.

He put his hands into a knife and waved several times in front of him before calming down.

“Now my 2 hands only have the same sharpness as Golden Scales War Saber. When I add more Battle Saber to my Item Slot in the future, I will definitely make these sharpness attributes superimposed together. .”

Liu Yang secretly said in one’s heart.

This is also a capability of Small Golden Tower.

He felt that if he put enough Battle Saber into the Item Slot, he would be able to split the space in front of him even with the kind of extremely terrifying sharpness.

Of course, this must be a long time later.

And not only Battle Saber.

If Item Slot is enough, resources are enough, sword, giant hammer, big gun… Liu Yang wants to try it.

“Come back home.”

Thoughts move, Liu Yang wore thin half sleeves and hurried home.

When he and Yan Bing were separated before, he and Yan Bing asked for some water, and he had cleaned the blood from his face.

As for the clothing on his body, he really has no choice.

The outer clothing contaminated with the blood of the Kain Star martial artist can only be thrown to Yan Bing’s men and let them help deal with it.


“I can’t find it. It seems I have to wait and ask Xu Wenjie Ma Xingwang tomorrow.”

When Liu Yang returned home, Father and Mother Liu had fallen asleep.

He turned on the computer and checked it online.

It’s a pity that I didn’t find any place in Yang City, there was an abandoned house with blood fingerprints on the outer wall.

Liu Yang shook his head, preparing to wait for tomorrow, and ask Xu Wenjie a few people.

Several people know Yang City better than him.

“Also, I have now broken through to Diamond Stage and can already go to the Hunting Certificate.”

“Only martial artists with Hunting Certificate can be qualified to go hunting in the wild.”

“This must also take time to take the exam.”

After obtaining the Golden Scales War Saber, Liu Yang felt that with his own super defensive power, he can now hunt the ordinary Opening Meridian Stage monster.

Hunting monsters, developing Item Slots, and defending more items in Item Slots are the best ways for him to be fast and powerful.

PS: Ding, the system reminds you that the bowl is set.

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