You can search for “I have countless Item Slot” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Master, go to No. 1 High School.”

Liu Yang called a taxi as usual.

“Are Little Brothers going to Martial Arts College Entrance Examination?”

After the driver loaded Liu Yang, he asked with a smile.


Liu Yang replied succinctly and did not mean to talk more with the driver.

“Your luck this time, I don’t know if it’s good or bad.”

The driver didn’t understand Liu Yang, each minding their own business said:

“Last year, the Combat Examination of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination was not conducted in the wild.”

“Not to go as far as Hundred Trees City.”

“But last year today, I remember it was raining heavily.”

“Candidates participating in Martial Examination are all bitter.”


Liu Yang could only take one sentence.

Then he stopped and touched his arms.

Guo Hengyi lent him the storage bag, which was already in his arms.

At the same time, he spent 150,000 yuan and purchased three new sets of Black Iron Armor, which were stored in the storage bag.

For these three sets of Black Iron Armor, Liu Yang has already beheaded himself to kill those Evil God Society martial artists.

The spoils of war obtained are sold to the bearded man and the money obtained by the officer is spent cleanly.

“Bringing this thing in my arms always feels unsafe.”

Touching the storage bag, Liu Yang smiled bitterly in his heart.

Now he, as long as there is treasure in his hand.

Whatever it is, I want to put it in the Item Slot.

“This time Martial Examination, must seize the opportunity and strive to open a few more Item Slots!”

Liu Yang made up his mind secretly.

This Martial Examination will be conducted at a Secret Realm in Hundred Trees City.

According to Guo Hengyi’s statement yesterday.

In that Secret Realm, there are many rare monsters.

Liu Yang feels that, with his own strength, how can he be there and open up several Item Slots.


Because there was some traffic jam on the road, the taxi dropped at the door of No. 20 High School only 1 minutes later.

While still in the car, Liu Yang saw a huge green leather car parked on a large open space in front of No. 1 High School.

The sum of these green leather cars, I am afraid that there are dozens of cars.

At the same time, there are already three-four hundred candidates in No. 1 High School.

“Tsk tsk, great generosity.”

The taxi driver saw this scene, and tsk tsk admired.

At the same time, Liu Yang also moved.

Knowing to wait for yourself, it is estimated that I will take one of these cars to Hundred Trees City.

“Liu Yang.”

Liu Yang just arrived at No. 1 High School and walked off the car and saw Ma Xingwang, Xu Wenjie, and Qi Feng 3 people.

All of them were even earlier than him.

But Liu Yang not at all saw Zhou Bing.

In the greetings of several people, he walked over.

“How are you excited?”

After Liu Yang came over, Ma Xingwang immediately put his hand on Liu Yang’s shoulder.

“What are you excited about?”

Liu Yang controls his skeleton and muscles.

Shocked his shoulders, bursting out a dark energy, swayed Ma Xingwang’s big hand.

“You guy …”

Ma Xingwang felt a pain in his palm and quickly took his hand away.

He was also shocked.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yang’s manipulation of his body has actually been so strong.

“Really fucking monster!”

He scolded inwardly, and then said: “We are going to Hundred Trees City soon. I grew up and have never left Yang City. Are you not excited?”

Never left Yang City?

Liu Yang startled.

But following him came to mind.

In fact, not only Ma Xingwang, but he and Xu Wenjie have never left Yang City.

In this World, there are a lot of monsters in the wild.

Ordinary person does not have the ability to leave the city at all.

“Excited, why not excited.”

Liu Yang said with a smile: “If we go to Hundred Trees City this time and encounter some monsters in the middle, I am even more excited.”

“We believe this.”

Hearing Liu Yang say this, Ma Xingwang smiled.

I thought of the last time Space Crack appeared in Yang City, Liu Yang showed a vigorous interest in the invading monster.

“Look at it.”

Suddenly, in a few people chatting.

Xu Wenjie eyes shined, screaming at the stream of light on the horizon.

call out!

Several people’s eyes followed Xu Wenjie’s fingers.

Suddenly, I saw a black streamer, like lightning, from the distance in the sky, a rapid electric shot.


After the streamer flew over No. 1 High School, it was slightly paused and stopped.

It turned into a black triangle-shaped UFO.

“It’s Celestial Wings Aircraft!”

Xu Wenjie, who is quite familiar with this aspect, saw that this flying saucer showed its true colors and could not help being sucked in a cold breath.

Liu Yang and Ma Xingwang were also surprised when they heard the name of Celestial Wings Aircraft.

Celestial Wings Aircraft is quite famous on Blue Star.

This is a new black technology aircraft developed by Blue Star.

Not only is it extremely fast.

The edge of the wings of the aircraft is sharp like a knife.

When flying fast, when encountering most flying monsters, there is no need to dodge.

You can go directly through the shuttle, blood spilled into the sky.

Cut all monsters into 2 halves.

Of course, this aircraft has such power, and its value is extremely expensive.

Although it can’t carry too many people, it still costs a few billion yuan.

At the same time, we have to pay for something that can only be obtained in New World.

It is for this reason that generally only the Martial artist above the Sea Transformation Stage and the powerhouse in the Sea Transformation Stage martial artist can get a Celestial Wings Aircraft.


The aircraft door was opened, and a black clothed martial artist with aquiline nose emerged from the aircraft.

Immediately following the black clothed martial artist, Liu Yang saw that the height of 1.9 m was not too high among martial artists, but Guo Hengyi, who was imposing in an amazing manner, also flew out of the aircraft.

Guo Hengyi flew to the black clothed martial artist.

He said: “Brother Xie, most of the candidates participating in this Martial Arts College Entrance Examination should have arrived. Do you want to say a few words?”

“No need.” The black clothed martial artist shook his head, then he raised his hand and looked at the table below, “It’s 8 o’clock, and there are ten or five minutes.”

“However, we don’t have to wait for ten or five minutes. We will arrange all the students to get on the bus now. After ten minutes, we will leave.

“Students who are too late to come, let them find a way to go to Hundred Trees City.”

“If you can’t go, just give up.”

“Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, for candidates, should be the first major event. Such things are not ready, come a little earlier, and there is no future.”

“Brother Xie!” Guo Hengyi hearing this, his face changed immediately, “There are some traffic jams today, and there may be some candidates. It is still too late to leave the house early.”

black clothed martial artist, interrupted Guo Hengyi’s words with his hand:

“It’s not that they didn’t have time, but that they did, it was not early enough.”

“Moreover, I am only 5 minutes ahead.”

“If you have comments, you can tell me.”

“If there is punishment, I will continue.”

Seeing the black clothed martial artist, Guo Hengyi’s complexion suddenly became very ugly.


Although he is Lord of the entire City, this time Martial Arts College Entrance Examination is not his responsibility.

So he had no choice.

“Oops, Zhou Bing hasn’t arrived yet!”

The words of black clothed martial artist are completely uncovered.

It’s like deliberately speaking to the students.

From high altitude, it spread to the whole ground.

Candidates who have come to No. 1 High School all hear clearly.

Hearing the black clothed martial artist, Liu Yang’s face all changed.

Liu Yang quickly took out his phone and called Zhou Bing.

But there was a busy tone on the phone.


Liu Yang secretly scolded.

However, there is no way.

The black clothed martial artist, I think it is the Supervisor of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination Yang City.

He didn’t even listen to Guo Hengyi’s words, obviously he would not listen to himself and the others.

“Everyone gets in the car, hurry up!”

At this time, there were already soldiers, commanding the candidates carrying the admission ticket, and began to board the green leather cars.


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