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“Is this Hundred Trees City?”

Above the convoy, one student after another, looked at Hundred Trees City like an azure giant beast, entrenched in the earth from afar, excited.

They all looked at each other with far-sighted faces, all with excitement on their faces.

Most of them left Yang City for the first time and arrived in other cities.

Liu Yang is no exception.

The city of this World, even a small city, is incomparable gigantic.

From a distance, it looks like a giant beast.

It exudes a powerful oppression force, which makes people dare not commit offenses.

Hong long long !

Dozens of green leather cars rolled on Grand Dao, with the engine’s rumbling sound, and drove quickly to Hundred Trees City.

“Yang City’s team of candidates has arrived. Their Supervisor is Xie Family Xie Baisheng. You will pick it up with me.”

Above the city wall of Hundred Trees City, a tall man saw the arrival of Yang City’s convoy and immediately took a few men to the sky.

Straight to the Celestial Wings Aircraft following the team and flew past.

Several people were extremely fast, and almost reached the fleet of Yang City in a blink of an eye.

“City Lord Mu, let’s meet again.”

At this moment, a silhouette suddenly flew out of Celestial Wings Aircraft.

It fell in front of several people.

This silhouette is’Xie Baisheng’.

‘Xie Baisheng’ had a smile on his face.

It was completely different from the cold appearance in Yang City.

“Haha, Sir Xie, we haven’t seen it in a long time.”

The tall man, Hundred Trees City City Lord Mu Wenbo, saw Xie Baisheng and immediately laughed.

“Other people, this time, but they arrived before you.”

“I don’t know if you want it or not. Let me see the others?”


‘Xie Baisheng’nodded.

Then said: “But the candidates I brought…”

After completely destroying Xie Baisheng’s True Spirit, he didn’t have to worry about his exposure in front of people who were not too familiar.

“Don’t worry about this Sir Xie.”

Mu Wenbo waved his hand.

One of the few people who came with him immediately stood up and said, “Sir Xie, I am Hundred Trees City Foreign Affairs Manager, Su Qianqi.”

“This time, I will be responsible for the accommodation and food supply of the Cantonese candidates.”

“Please rest assured that I will arrange all the candidates you bring in properly.”

“So, thanks to Manager Su.”

‘Xie Baisheng’ suddenly nodded with a smile, and should be down.

Immediately he and Mu Wenbo flew to Hundred Trees City first.

His Celestial Wings Aircraft followed him.

After he flew into Hundred Trees City, he stopped at an open space in the city where the aircraft was parked.



After watching’Xie Baisheng’ leave, Ma Xingwang on the green leather car immediately took a long breath.

“This shameful face is finally gone, he is here, I feel like I’m going to suffocate.”

“Don’t always talk about others behind your back.”

Liu Yang patted Ma Xingwang’s shoulder:

“With the strength of Sea Transformation Stage martial artist, if you want to hear what you say, you can hear it a few miles apart.”

“Also, although Sir Xie is stricter, the words he said in Yang City are not completely wrong.”

“Martial Arts College Entrance Examination is such a big thing that it pinches candidates who come to it, and it is indeed a little bit bigger.”

Liu Yang felt that the maintenance of’Xie Baisheng’ should still be maintained.

After all, 10000 one, can these words really pass into the ears of’Xie Baisheng’?

Now, he is already a gang with’Xie Baisheng’.

‘Xie Baisheng’ is the Sea Transformation Stage powerhouse, which is driven by Celestial Wings Aircraft worth 1 billion.

Very rich.

For Liu Yang,’Xie Baisheng’ is an extremely thick wool.

In the face of such a large piece of wool, if he is not hesitant, he will ask himself, will your conscience hurt?

“You guy.”

Ma Xingwang glared, not knowing what to say at all.

Liu Yang hugged Ma Xingwang with his hand: “child, I tell you a sentence, when the Martial Examination is over, we are even half-footed people.”

“What to do in the future, can’t be as willful as before.”

“If you still can’t, you can learn from Xu Wenjie.”

“Although his brat is insidious, it is much better than you in this respect.”

Are you boasting me or are you hurting me?

Xu Wenjie on the side felt that he was lying down.


Under the arrangement of Hundred Trees City Foreign Affairs Manager, Yang City’s convoy of candidates quickly drove into Hundred Trees City.

Came to a group of buildings in the north of Hundred Trees City.

There is a lot of open space here.

After arriving here, everyone suddenly saw.

There are already neat and tidy, parked on 100 green leather cars and the same cars they ride.

At the same time, there are many candidates who wear various uniforms.

“Look, the people of Yang City have arrived.”

Candidates from other cities saw Liu Yang and the others, standing in the distance, pointing for a while.

“Tsk tsk, Yang City, the writing test results were announced before. I remember that this time the writing test champion was Yang City’s guy named Liu Yang.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“I really didn’t expect that among our ten cities, Yang Dianfeng, Mu Zisheng, who was the most popular, was actually crushed by the unknown Liu Yang.”

“It’s true that the name doesn’t pass. I haven’t heard of this guy’s name before. It’s such a dark horse.”

“Dark horse? Hehe, it depends on his Martial Examination performance.”

“Yes, our martial artist, the most important thing is our own strength.”

After seeing the candidates from Yang City, candidates from other cities suddenly discussed spiritedly.

And it didn’t take a long time to turn the topic to Liu Yang who was extremely hot during this time.

Many people were amazed that Liu Yang was a big dark horse.

But some people, lemons are really sour.

“Dear candidates, three days later, the ten-city test will officially start.”

“Before the entrance exam, you must live here for the past few days.”

“Now I will send the dormitory arranged for you to the mobile phone you left, please check it out.”

Su Qianqi took over the arrangement of Liu Yang entire group and brought them here, loudly said.

It didn’t take long for Liu Yang and the others to receive messages on their mobile phones.

“I am in Building 44, bedroom 404, how about you?”

“Fuck, this is too bad luck. I have a bedroom with you. What is the room number of bad luck in our bedroom.”

Soon, candidates will be discussed.

Liu Yang looked around and suddenly saw that the dormitory he had been arranged in was No. 11 in the 111th building of this community.

Moreover, it is a single room.

“Huh, my luck is so good.”

Liu Yang laughed.

Then he asked Ma Xingwang several people: “How are you guys, have you found your dorm?”

“Xu Wenjie and I found it. Both of us are in Building 11, Room 133.”

Ma Xingwang said immediately.

“I’m also in Building 11, but it’s 112 beds, a single room.”

Qi Feng also reported out his bedroom.

“Is this ranked by cultivation base, or by writing test results?”

Zhou Bing said depressedly: “I’m just like you in Building 11, but my dormitory is on the 2nd floor, it’s 222.”

A group of people laughed and walked to their dorm.

In the next 3 days, they will live here.

“Liu Yang, right?”

Suddenly, just when a group of them just walked to the front door of No. 11 dormitory.

A young man wearing white clothed white pants suddenly came from the front and stopped them.

white clothed youth looked at Liu Yang and asked with a smile.

“Yes, I am Liu Yang, I don’t know if you are?”

Liu Yang was slightly surprised.

At the same time, I thought to myself that I didn’t know this person.

But this person called out his name in a single bit. It seems that most of them know their own through their writing test results.

He thought weird in his heart, but he didn’t expect that he now has fans.

“Almost forgot, this is Mu Zisheng of Hundred Trees City.”

white clothed youth immediately introduced himself.

“Oh, it’s you.”

Liu Yang eyes immediately lit Mu Zisheng up and down.

For this Mu Zisheng, he is also known for a long time.

With this opportunity this time, it is natural to take a good look.

“Have you heard me?” Mu Zisheng asked.

“Of course.” Liu Yang said without hesitation, “We Yang City, but many people know your name.”

“Especially before the writing test started, there were people who repeatedly mentioned you.”

“Haha, trifling is just a thin name.”

Mu Zisheng said with a laugh, “Your writing test this time, won the first place in the entire Cloud Prefecture, and it is more famous than me.”

“What’s the use of high writing test scores, I think now, many people are waiting for me to be ugly in Martial Examination?”

Liu Yang smiled and was not complacent.

He knew his situation well.

Mu Zisheng startled.

Following seriously said: “It seems that you already know this very well.”

“But I, besides the others, also want to see how strong your martial arts are.”

“I plan to talk to you at the beginning of Martial Examination.”

“If you want to come, you also know that the champion you are determined to win is robbed by others, and it is always uncomfortable in my heart.”

“Uh… will it still be like this?”

Liu Yang said with some regrets: “We Yang City is relatively small, there are not many geniuses, and my ambitions are always not so high. I have never experienced this feeling.”

“Also, you came here this time, not because you want to tell me this?”

“Unfortunately, at first, I thought you were my fan.”

In Liu Yang’s heart, to Mu Zisheng’s words, it was completely snort disdainfully.

What kind of communication?

It’s not that I’m not willing to be taken away by myself, and I want to find my place in Martial Examination.

It’s just that Mu Zisheng’s performance is better, and people can’t pick out that’s all.

So he doesn’t mind pretending.

Although to his knowledge, Mu Zisheng is an Overlord Stage martial artist.

But it’s 3 days before Martial Examination begins.

What happens after 3 days, who can know?

Hearing Liu Yang’s words, Mu Zisheng’s face suddenly turned black.

Liu Yang not at all scolded him.

But what Liu Yang said was wrong.

He froze in place, unable to say a word.

“Student Mu Zisheng, I have been looking for you for a long time!”

At this moment, a beautifully dressed woman wearing high heels suddenly walked out of the crowd and reached Mu Zisheng.

“I have been with you for a long time, I don’t know if you are interested, talk to me?”

After walking out, the pretty woman did not shy away from others, and said directly to Mu Zisheng, “My name is Bai Mei and I am the teacher of Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.”

“We at Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy are very optimistic about your potential. If you join our Academy, we can give you the treatment of talented students at the next level.”

“In addition, if you have any needs, we can also discuss.”

Mu Zisheng hearing this, raised his eyebrows, some surprises, but also some emotions.

At Blue Star, each Martial Arts Academy, before Martial Examination, began to compete for genius martial artists from all over the place, which is quite common.

At the same time, Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy is also one of the top ten Martial Arts Academy in Cloud Prefecture.

But as soon as he came up, he directly gave him the treatment of the second-level genius Academy, which still cost a lot of money.

Candidates around me heard a beautiful woman named Bai Mei.

“The treatment of second-level talented students, this is already the Overlord Stage martial artist, the best treatment you can get?”

“Yes, I heard that the general Overlord Stage martial artist seems to be treated only as a Level 2 genius.”

“Isn’t it said that although Mu Zisheng is an Overlord Stage martial artist, isn’t his strength outstanding?”

“Golden Sun Academy directly gave him the treatment of second-level talented students, is it because of his writing test score?”

“It is very likely that Mu Zisheng this time, although he failed to get the 1st place in the writing test.”

“But he is only a dozen points less than that of Liu Yang.”

However, at this time, Mu Zisheng thought of his talent, and after hesitating, he still said: “Teacher Bai, sorry, this matter, I need to think about it again.”

“No problem.”

Bai Mei smiled gently at Mu Zisheng: “The door of our Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy is always open to you.”

“Thank you!”

Mu Zisheng bowed slightly to Bai Mei.

Just now, he was all blown up by Liu Yang’s words.

Actually saying that he is a fan of him, what is that?

Fortunately, Bai Mei appeared in time to save his face.

Then he glanced at Liu Yang again, then turned and walked away.

“Liu Yang.”

And when Mu Zisheng just turned around, Bai Mei set his sights on Liu Yang again: “Hello, our Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy, also very optimistic about your potential.”

“If you are willing to join our Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy, our Academy can give you a Level 2 talented student treatment, I don’t know what you think?”

Mu Zisheng, who hadn’t gone far, heard Bai Mei’s intention to give Liu Yang the treatment.

Showing his complacency, he speeded up and walked away.


Upon hearing Bai Mei’s inquiry, Liu Yang suddenly had no affection for this pretty-looking woman.

He is Diamond Stage martial artist.

Diamond Stage martial artist, coupled with his writing test scores, won the Cloud Prefecture’s top ten martial arts level Academy, the second-class second-rate talent treatment, it is not bad.

But this Bai Mei did not ask him this in private.

Instead, he chose to ask Mu Zisheng while he was still away. Most of them were saved. If he agreed, he would not lose.

After all, the title of the writing test champion is still very attractive.

If he did not agree, she gave Mu Zisheng a level of treatment lower than Mu Zisheng before she left, it was to give Mu Zisheng a head start just for the matter just now.

Can increase Mu Zisheng’s favor with her.

Therefore, Liu Yang directly refused: “I didn’t plan to join Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.”

“And before the end of Martial Examination, no choice will be made!”

“It’s ok.”

Bai Mei smiled, didn’t stay much, and turned away.

Her goal at this time is only Mu Zisheng.

As for Liu Yang.

The title of this time writing test champion is indeed very loud, but Liu Yang’s martial arts cultivation base, after all, only Diamond Stage.

Martial artist, the most important thing is its own cultivation base.


“Tsk tsk, you guys.”

“There is no official participation in Martial Examination, and now there are people from the top ten martial arts schools to invite you.”

After Bai Mei of Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy left, Ma Xingwang looked towards Liu Yang said:

“How about, do you feel now that this matter can be recorded, as your pretend history?”

“Do you think I am such a low-level person?”

Liu Yang hearing this smile.

“In the next 3 days, I have to retreat, it is inconvenient not to eat or drink!”

“We will see you in 3 days!”


Ma Xingwang hearing this, immediately ignorant.

Ma Xingwang reached out and touched Liu Yang’s forehead: “Liu Yang, what are you going to do, won’t you have a high fever?”

Liu Yang opened Ma Xingwang’s hand: “Nothing, just to break through to Overlord Stage.”

Talking, he turned around and walked towards the dormitory building.

The bedroom 111 is on the first floor and is easy to find.

After finding his dormitory, Liu Yang waved at Ma Xingwang and they walked into the room.

Ka! ka!

In a flash, there was a sound in Liu Yang’s room, the sound of the lock locking from the inside.

“This…Liu Yang, this guy looks a little irritated?”

“You can have a snack, then Bai Mei, in front of Mu Zisheng, in front of that many people, ask him, give him a lower level of treatment of Mu Zisheng, can he not be stimulated?”

Xu Wenjie pats Ma Xingwang’s shoulder.

“Let’s go, there are 3 days left, and these 3 days, we can’t waste it.”

Several people said and walked to their dorm.


At this time, after entering his room, Liu Yang looked around his eyes and exhaled for a long time.

“An old saying goes well, prosperity and decline never last.”

“In my Liu Yang, it only takes 3 days.”

“Three days the river flows east, three days the river flows west!”

In his heart, he encouraged himself.

Not crazy, no survival, the next 3 days, he decided to be completely crazy.

As he said before, in these three days, even if he is not convenient to eat or drink, he must break through to the Overlord Stage!

PS: Nearly 5000 words chapter, the last ticket before the shelf

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