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“hua hua! ”

In the room, Liu Yang has continued to display the posture of Nine Movements of Body Refining, I don’t know how long.

Through inner vision, his sense of his body has been countless times stronger than before.

Under his induction, he found that with each change of his posture, the blood energy lurking in his body would be like a river soaring, opening a river channel, breaking out of a dike, and constantly tempering his body and everyone part.

Under such tempering, the energy of his body is also consumed at a rapid rate.

Fortunately, he has taken Three Essences Body Refining Pill before.

Three Essences Body Refining Pill is Rank 1 Top Grade medicine pill, and the medical power is extremely huge.

Even after so long, Liu Yang’s body still harbors a large amount of residual medical power from Three Essences Body Refining Pill.

With Liu Yang running the’Nine Movements of Body Refining’, the medical power of the Three Essences Body Refining Pill lurking in his body suddenly went from stock to stock, like Qingquan, flooding from Mysterious Land in his body. come out.

Turned into a strange power, nourishing his body.

Don’t let him body, because the energy consumption is too large, causing damage.

It’s just that the residual medical power of these Three Essences Body Refining Pill is different from the original medical power that can be used to strengthen his body.

These residual medicinal power can only assist him and nourish his body.

If you want to use them to strengthen his body, you can’t get enough power.

“It’s these medicinal power!”

Through inner vision, Liu Yang saw the medical power and poured out from all parts of his body, and he was very happy.

His purpose of this time cultivation is to refining all of the medical power.

Don’t let them keep lurking in their bodies.

Because only in this way, he can use the Three Essences Body Refining Pill in Item Slot again to start a new round of tempering his body.

Thus impacting Body Refining 8th Stage, Overlord Stage!

Otherwise, if he left these residual medical powers left in his body, he started a new round of Body Cultivation.

I’m afraid it’s a complete Three Essences Body Refining Pill’s medical power. Ten percent of him can absorb 1 percent, which is good.

All the remaining medical power must be wasted.


“You said, this guy Liu Yang, wouldn’t he really drive himself crazy?”

One day later, Ma Xingwang, Xu Wenjie, and Zhou Bing were together and came to the door of Liu Yang’s dormitory.

Looking at Liu Yang’s locked dormitory door, 3 people looked at each other in blank dismay for a while.

At this point, it had been a whole day since Liu Yang closed himself in the dormitory.

As Liu Yang said before, he seemed to be really inconvenient to eat or drink. He continued to cultivate for 3 days and 3 nights.

“I think, not only Liu Yang will be crazy, I feel like he is going to do this, I am afraid that Qi Feng will be crazy.”

Zhou Bing shook the head.

Just this morning, Qi Feng went out for dinner with them.

As a result, after seeing that Liu Yang actually did not walk out of his dormitory for a day, Qi Feng went back to his dormitory cultivation immediately after having finished his meal.

“Crazy, really crazy.”

Ma Xingwang scratched his head.

If he can, he actually wants to go crazy.

However, personal talent is limited.

He also has limited resources.

His daily cultivation time is almost fixed.

If you prolong the time forcibly, it will not only do you no good, but may also cause damage to your body.

“You said, when did Liu Yang start to become such a monster?”

“I clearly remember that he seemed not equal to me not long ago.”

Hearing Ma Xingwang’s words, Xu Wenjie looked slightly dark.

He said: “I feel that he has become such a monster, it seems that he started after killing your Pig-Dog Beast.”

“So, am I still the nobleman of Liu Yang?”

Ma Xingwang hearing this startled.

Then he thought about it carefully. It seemed that Liu Yang really became monster after that time.

“You?” Xu Wenjie curl one’s lip, “If Liu Yang was really stimulated by killing your pig-headed beast, awakened the powerful Special Skill, then to say noble, I am his noble Yes……”.

“You are his noble, what does this have to do with you?”

Ma Xingwang startled.

“Forget it, don’t say this.” Xu Wenjie shook his head. “Let’s take a break and go to cultivate.”

“Just can’t cultivate, just look for this book.”

“It can’t always, really let our old classmate, all the way.”

“So that we will not even have the qualification to see his back in the future?”

With that, he pats Ma Xingwang’s shoulder.

After all, he didn’t tell the original story.

Now he has a very good relationship with Ma Xingwang.

He also likes this feeling.

So I really don’t want to tell the secrets in my heart, so as to destroy the feelings between them.

“Yes, we can’t cultivate, can’t we still read?”

Ma Xingwang hearing this, gritted his teeth.


Three days after Liu Yang closed.

2097, April 6.

7 a.m.

Candidates who participated in the Martial Arts College Entrance Examination were all full of energy and walked out of their dorms.

“Let’s go, Martial Examination is about to begin, and we must hurry.”

“I heard Yang City candidates say that their Supervisor actually took them a few minutes earlier when they took them out of Yang City.”

“Making some candidates fail to follow the large army.”

“It was yesterday that the City Lord of Yang City sent people and sent them over.”

“Yes, I also heard about it.”

“Let’s all hurry up, but don’t watch Martial Examination about to start officially, because these broken things are caught by the braid, and we are not allowed to participate in Martial Examination.”

a Candidate, quickly rushed to the meeting place.

Soon, most dormitory buildings became empty.

“Liu Yang, why don’t you come out?”

Outside Liu Yang’s dormitory, Ma Xingwang, Xu Wenjie, Zhou Bing, and Qi Feng were together again.

They looked at Liu Yang’s locked door, and they were all anxious.

Ma Xingwang whispered: “Martial Examination is about to start in an hour. This guy will not be a cultivation. Have you even forgotten such a big thing as Martial Examination?”

At this time, they were already outside the door, waiting for nearly half an hour.

But after such a long time, Liu Yang’s house still did not respond at all.

“Can’t control that many anymore.” Xu Wenjie gritted his teeth, “Ma Xingwang, you knock on the door and ask Liu Yang what is going on?”

Before, they called Liu Yang 2’s voice outside.

But because Liu Yang did not agree, they were afraid that Liu Yang cultivated to the critical moment and dared not disturb, so he knocked at not all.

But now, obviously, it is no longer possible to wait.

“it is good!”

Ma Xingwang, who had been unable to bear for a long time, promised, and then stepped forward, raised his hand, faced the door of Liu Yang’s dormitory, and gradually increased his strength and knocked it up.

Dang dang dang ……

A louder knock on the door reached the house.

In the room, Liu Yang, who had been standing for so long, heard the knocking of the door outside, and the closed eyelids shook.

Then an invisible Soul Power, centered on him, was released and went outside.

“How long is it before Martial Examination?”

When Liu Yang passed Soul Power and felt that it was Ma Xingwang who knocked on the door, his brain moved slowly and asked hoarsely.

“Liu Yang, you guy, finally responded.”

“If you are slow, I will break your door and break in.”

Hearing that Liu Yang finally got a response, Ma Xingwang put out a long breath immediately.

But immediately followed, he yelled at Liu Yang inside the door.

“One hour, one hour from Martial Examination, but you know, our Supervisor, I’m afraid we can’t allow us to go too late…”

When Ma Xingwang scolded, Xu Wenjie calmly spoke and replied Liu Yang.

“An hour is enough.”

At this moment, Liu Yang’s voice finally got better.

“I have to wait some time before I can go out.” He said, “Gather, let’s get together first.”

“Liu Yang, you guy, don’t really want to…”

Hearing Liu Yang’s words, several people in Ma Xingwang thought of something at the same time.

“I said that if you want to break through the Overlord Stage in 3 days, you must break through in 3 days!”

Liu Yang said hoarsely.

No more words came out.


Hearing Liu Yang’s words, Ma Xingwang’s eyes flashed with excitement, and fiercely patted Xu Wenjie’s thigh.

“Go, we are not waiting for Liu Yang!”

Liu Yang this time, if he can really break into the Overlord Stage, what if he does not participate in Martial Arts College Entrance Examination?

Overlord Stage martial artist, Cloud Prefecture’s top ten martial arts schools, each will compete for recruitment.

In order to recruit Liu Yang, when the time comes, the ten major martial arts schools are definitely willing to come up with a special recruiting quota.

“This guy, wouldn’t it really be able to break through?”

Qi Feng, who only heard Liu Yang’s words, although he was also following Ma Xingwang and walked outside the dormitory building.

But he couldn’t calm down in his heart.

He has a lot of resources to use.

Talent changed from the original Storm Saber Body to the Wind Spirit Physique.

But at this time, he was still a little bit before he could break through to Overlord Stage.

And Liu Yang?

“Otherwise, I will try it in the future, like this guy, crazy cultivation?”

Qi Feng thought that he had eaten three meals in the past three days, which was convenient three times, and slept for three hours. He felt a guilt in his heart.

I feel like I wasted my great talent.


“It’s almost okay, I’m within the body. Three Essences Body Refining Pill medicinal power is almost refining.”

After Ma Xingwang and the others left, Liu Yang murmured to himself.

“So, it’s time to break through to the Overlord realm.”

Next moment, he thoughts move.

Then he manipulated the Three Essences Body Refining Pill in the Item Slot, and with a bang, the rolling medical power was released.

Let these medicinal power quickly strengthen their bodies.

Overlord Stage, just today!

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