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7:50 am.

Martial Examination site in Hundred Trees City.

Hundred Trees City City Lord, as well as the Supervisors of the Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, all rushed over.

They all sat down in the past few days, specially for the Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, on the seat above a huge platform newly built on the square.

In every circle of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, a lot of genius will emerge.

These geniuses are the future of Blue Star Human.

Therefore, every session of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, Blue Star, places great emphasis on it.

“Dear candidates, the Martial Examination of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination will officially start at 8 am.”

A principal walked up to a huge stage and raised his voice with a microphone:

“Now please invite everyone to take the city as a unit and stand in the order arranged in advance.”

Hearing this principal, the following candidates immediately raised their spirits.

Some candidates who had originally gathered together and chatted quickly returned to their positions and waited.

“Brother Gu, this year’s Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, it looks like the 1st place, most of it will be taken by Yang Dianfeng of your Cloud Water City.”

A Supervisor on the huge table said gossip.

“Yang Family this generation really has a real genius.”

Supervisor Gu hearing this, smiled suddenly.

“Yeah, at the age of ten, I reached Mortal Deity Stage.”

A Supervisor also said: “And it is estimated that it will not take long for this Little Brat to break through to the Opening Meridian Stage.”

“Yang Dianfeng Yang Dianfeng, the name is good.”

“His future may be really possible, to reach the top of Blue Star!”

“But the Little Brat of the 4 Overlord Stage is not bad.”

“If we can grow up, it will be the hope of our Human Race in the future.”


Other Supervisors are also nodded.

“Just don’t know, four of them, who will be better at this time.”

“I’m optimistic about Nie Chen, this brat has a hard work. And there is a lot of field actual combat experience, and later in the Combat Examination, the performance should be good.”

“I think Ding Wan is good. She is an Archer and has been trained for a long time. This Secret Realm is also suitable for her to play…”

Only in the voice of Supervisors, the eyes of’Xie Baisheng’ fell on the team of Yang City.

“Then Little Brat, why haven’t you come yet?”

In the past few days, he communicated with Supervisors in other cities twice.

The rest of the time is closed.

So I didn’t know Liu Yang at all.

At this time he saw the other people in Yang City, all of them arrived, except that Liu Yang did not appear and could not help being frowned.

Liu Yang has promised him to choose Dragon Gate Martial Arts University after the completion of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination.

Even for this, in the past few days, he has already contacted a clansman from this lineage of Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.

After preparing to wait for Liu Yang to go to Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, let that clansman take care of Liu Yang.

If Liu Yang was too late to participate in Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, wouldn’t all his arrangements be in vain?

Thinking about it, his consciousness condensed and released a trace of Soul Power in silence, like a piece of cloth, covering the past.

“Hey, I don’t know if you found it out. Liu Yang of Yang City, the champion of writing test, didn’t seem to come.”

At this time, some of the candidates looked at the Yang City team.

Only he looked for it, but found that there was no silhouette of Liu Yang in the team of Yang City.

“Huh, that guy, it really doesn’t seem to be coming.”

“Martial Examination is about to start, he is not coming yet, wouldn’t he shut himself in the dormitory for 3 days, could not get hungry?”

Some candidates whispered with a smile.

In the past few days, the topic about Liu Yang must be detonated.

Many people have certain disadvantages in their hearts.

Why can’t you be so good?

So secretly, many people were expecting, Liu Yang fell from Peak.

writing test champion?


Everyone is a martial artist, martial artist discusses heroes with strength!

Your strength is not good, no matter how good the writing test is, it is also an embroidered pillow.

But this is also because in the previous year’s Martial Arts College Entrance Examination.

No. 1 in writing test, has never been set by Diamond Stage candidates.

It is for this reason that Liu Yang this time will be pushed to the tip of the storm by everyone.

Coupled with the Bai Mei incident, it led to the jealousy in some people’s hearts and became the fuse of the public opinion explosion.

“To be honest, Liu Yang is a pity.”

Among the candidates, Diamond Stage martial artist said.

“A few days ago, if he could press the pride in his heart, he accepted Bai Mei’s invitation to join Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.”

“The future achievements are definitely much better than ours.”

“Who can blame? This is his own choice.”

“Mu Zisheng is an Overlord Stage martial artist, and the writing test is only a dozen points less than Liu Yang, and it is normal to receive the second-class talent treatment of the ten major martial arts schools.”

“But what about Liu Yang? What strength does he know? He actually wants to compare with Mu Zisheng.”

There are candidates with a disdainful smile.

I think Liu Yang is really unclear about his weight.

What a big appetite and how big a cake.

You Liu Yang is just a Diamond Stage martial artist like us.

Just because I took the first prize in writing test, would I be eligible to pick 3 out of 4?

“It’s these 2 days, what happened?”

After releasing a trace of Soul Power,’Xie Baisheng’ instantly captured a lot of information from the candidates’ comments.

“I don’t know why!”

The next moment,’Xie Baisheng’ complex sank, got up and said a few people beside him: “Several, I have something to do. I will leave for two minutes first. Please wait for me.”

At this time, Martial Arts College Entrance Examination began, and has several points of minutes.

He is leaving now, which is not a violation.

A few Supervisor hearing this on the side are all startled.

Followed immediately said with a smile: “Okay, but still please Brother Xie come back as soon as possible.”

“According to the rules, at the beginning of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, a few of us must be present.”

“I know.”

‘Xie Baisheng’nodded.

Then after he stepped off the stage, he changed his mind into a stream of light.

Quickly flew to Liu Yang’s dormitory area.

“Hey, look, how did that guy leave, and flew in the direction of the dormitory, wouldn’t he see that Liu Yang hadn’t come, and went to find Liu Yang?”

In the team of Yang City, Ma Xingwang saw’Xie Baisheng’ suddenly left, and flew towards the dormitory area, and he suddenly condensed in his heart: “You said, Liu Yang should not have anything?”

“What do you think, this guy can still care whether Liu Yang will come or not?”

Zhou Bing pouted.

His memory of’Xie Baisheng’ can be said to be fresh.

I don’t think at all,’Xie Baisheng’ will care about Liu Yang.

Moreover, they were sent by Yang City City Lord Guo Hengyi yesterday.

Candidates who did not keep up with the big army because they arrived late are proof of this.

“Don’t think about it, he will definitely not go to Liu Yang.”

Xu Wenjie on the side also said.

He also did not think that’Xie Baisheng’ would have anything to do with Liu Yang.


Ma Xingwang nodded.

Just looking, but still looking away, guessing in my heart, what did’Xie Baisheng’ do.

Not even him, but the Hundred Trees City City Lord on stage.

As well as several other Supervisors, after seeing the departure of’Xie Baisheng’, they also guessed in their hearts.

This one of the representatives of Cloud Sky City Xie Family was discussed a lot in the past few days.

In the eyes of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, what is going to happen.

Someone hesitated and asked, “A few, do you think this surnamed Xie guy is a little bit weird?”

“It’s a little weird, but this guy fights in New World all the year round. When he comes back, he may be a bit uncomfortable.”

Supervisor said.


“Overlord !”

“Overlord !”


In the Cultivation Room of the dormitory, Liu Yang hoarse his voice hoarsely from the depths of his belly.


With his roar, the infinite blood energy in his body, and the Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth attracted by him, suddenly merged into a huge river.

With a bang, the river rushed away from the layer of invisible shackles that existed in his body.

“Changed, I changed!”

Liu Yang felt immediately after breaking away from this layer of shackles.

In a short period of time, his body has undergone a significant transformation.

At the same time, as his heart moved, he has become more tenacious than cowhide skin, and it has suddenly risen to a layer of blood light.

This layer of blood light, covering his body, gives people a deep fear when he looks at it.

“Blood Soul, this is Blood Soul!”

“Overlord Stage, I finally broke through to Overlord Stage!”


Liu Yang is overjoyed.

But under great joy, his heart was the same as when he broke through to Diamond Stage.

Once again emerged, a sense of tyranny.

“No, it’s not my house here, wait for the disturbance!”

“I’m so poor. If I can’t get things from others in my arms and can’t afford them, they will leave me behind and I will be hurt if I lose money by working!”


Liu Yang forcibly endured this and suddenly emerged the urge to destroy everything in front of him.

Then the impulse, all gathered together, turned into a roar and shouted.

It was just that Liu Yang’s roar came out, and he didn’t know how many times his lungs were stronger than normal Human, and immediately agitated the air.

The air that made him spit out like an air cannonball.

With a bang, it hit the wooden door of the Cultivation Room in front of him.



The glass above the wooden door could not withstand the impact, and shattered after a flicker.

Then it fell to the ground, crushing the powder.

“Is this glass…defective?”

Liu Yang stayed alone.

Looking at the glass on the ground, all the impulses in my heart are instantaneous, disappeared.

“Well, what’s going on?”

At this time,’Xie Baisheng’ had found Liu Yang’s dormitory and found it outside Liu Yang’s dormitory.

But before waiting for him to open Liu Yang’s dormitory door directly, he suddenly felt that in the dormitory, Liu Yang’s aura actually skyrocketed in a short time.

PS: Shake the bowl.

4 chapters 10000 2000 words, already equivalent to 2 chapters of 1000 6 words chapter.

Please order it, especially the first one.

Big fat is willing to give you 30 pounds of weight to thank you.

In addition, at 9 pm, there will be a chapter of at least 3000 words.

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