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Liu Yang stared at the distant 9-Layer giant Golden Spear Bee nest for a while, and finally made up his mind.

Queen Bee in this honeycomb, I don’t know how powerful it is.

But those ordinary Golden Spear Bee certainly cannot break his 4-Layer Black Iron Armor.

Do not!

It’s 5-Layer Black Iron Armor.

Before breaking into this honeycomb, Liu Yang decided to find a way to kill the Black Bear and the developed Item Slot, and also fill in a set of Black Iron Armor.

5-Layer Black Iron Armor defense layer is more insurance.

But in this case, he has a way to avoid the surveillance of almost everywhere in Secret Realm Space.

But Song Fei stays here, it won’t work.

Thinking this way, Liu Yang turned his head, looked at side Song Fei, and asked:

“Big Brother Song, I don’t know after you entered Secret Realm, you killed a few monsters. Did you find any treasure in Secret Realm?”

When asked, he added another sentence: “I’m good luck, as soon as I came in, I killed an Opening Meridian Stage Azure Snake.”

“When I just came here, I also killed the Black Bear of the Opening Meridian Stage.”

Hearing Liu Yang’s words, Song Fei complexion stiffened, said:

“After I entered Secret Realm, I didn’t find the monster, so I came here.”

“Seeing the Golden Spear Bee honeycomb in the distance, I was excited for a while and watched it for a while, but I haven’t looked for the monster.”

“Haven’t killed the monster yet?”

Liu Yang slightly raised his tone slightly, as if somewhat surprisedly said: “Big Brother Song, you have to hold on tight.”

“Let’s come here, after all, to come to the exam.”

“Only a good performance can make major universities value it.”

“I know.”

Song Fei said dumbly: “I am also planning to go to the monster, and you have to say goodbye to Liu Yang.”

Liu Yang said with a happy heart, he blurted out: “Well, okay, then Big Brother Song, go slowly.”

After he finished speaking, he realized that what he said was a bit wrong.

Suddenly, somewhat guilty reminded him again: “Besides, Big Brother Song, if you walk towards the sun, must be careful.”

“I heard people say that there is a powerful Flesh Tiger in a valley over there.”

“Thank you, I understand.”

Song Fei turned back and waved at Liu Yang.

Half a minute later, Liu Yang passed the life detector and found that Song Fei was far away.

With a move in his heart, he carried the dark Battle Saber in his hand and walked to a huge ancient tree.

This ancient tree cannot be surrounded by two people.

“You can start.”

Looking at This big tree, Liu Yang eyes flashed, he lifted the knife and cut it at it.

whoosh whoosh!

saber light is bright and swift.

After a few knives, This big tree was cut down by Liu Yang and a large piece of intact bark was grown.

And after cutting off this huge bark, Liu Yang once again used a knife in his hand to open a huge tree hole where this big tree fell off the bark, which could accommodate his entire person into it.

If this project is replaced by an ordinary person, it will be difficult to complete in a few hours.

But here in Liu Yang, it took only a few minutes to do it.

“It looks pretty good.”

Then Liu Yang’s heart moved into the tree hole.

And belt the previous tree.

After entering the tree hole, he covered the whole tree hole with bark.

“The examiner said that the camera in Secret Realm was everywhere. I was hiding here. Could they still photograph what I was doing?”

Liu Yang is proud.

Then he was in the dark tree hole, thoughts move.

Take out one of the three Black Iron Armor placed in the storage bag, and after a moment, it is included in the newly opened Item Slot.

“Body of Steel +1”

A message circulated, Liu Yang suddenly felt that his Body of Steel talent was more powerful.

Now he has +5 Body of Steel talent.

Even Liu Yang felt that with his Body of Steel talent alone, he might not be worse than Yang Dianfeng’s Heavenly Astral Water Spirit Body talent.

At the same time, he feels that he is too buggy.

“Well, from today on, my defense will continue to stack up.”

“But if I want to stack up my defenses, without encountering the danger of life and death, I can no longer show my true defenses like before.”

Liu Yang thought in his heart.

He was afraid that if he exhibited too defensive ability, he would be known, and he would search for himself.

Others don’t mention it, that is,’Xie Baisheng’, he is not at ease.

“Well, the defense of 5-Layer Black Iron Armor is revealed temporarily, the problem It shouldn’t be too big.”

“Besides, I have to do it.”

Thinking about it this way, Liu Yang moved his heart and took out several sets of clothes from the storage bag and put them on himself.

After everything was ready, Liu Yang took a deep breath, pushed the big bark in front of him, and the whole person walked out of the tree hole in response to the sunlight shining on his face.

Striding meteor, walking towards the Golden Spear Bee honeycomb in the distance.

“Why am I thinking more and more wrong?”

“Just Liu Yang’s brat, did you want to take me away deliberately and did that?”

At this time, Song Fei, who had been far away, suddenly moved in his heart.

“No, it’s definitely not right. That brat must be doing something there, before saying that, and wanting to take me away!”

Thinking of this, Song Fei suddenly stopped.

“This brat, it’s a bit bad. Did he find any benefits there?”

Gloomy and uncertain on Song Fei’s face, after a while, he clenched the teeth:

“No, I have to go back and see!”

Thinking about it, he immediately turned around, followed the original path, and quickly walked back.

“What is this brat doing, should he be the one who wants to fight the Golden Spear Bee?”

At the same time, play in the room.

A Supervisor who followed Liu Yang saw a curiosity in Liu Yang’s heart when he saw that Liu Yang had dug a tree hole into it.

I don’t know what Liu Yang is going to do.

At this time, after seeing Liu Yang walking out of the tree hole, he actually wore a pile of clothes and wrapped himself into a cotton monkey.

His eyes were suddenly wide, staring at the screen.

“what happened?”

Several other supervisors who followed Yang Dianfeng and other talented candidates turned their heads when they heard the supervisor.

“Not good said, you look at it and you know, anyway, I always feel like waiting for something, I’m afraid it’s…fuck!”

In the video, Liu Yang is moving towards the Golden Spear Bee nest faster and faster.

At the end, he took a big step directly, rushed towards that huge Golden Spear Bee honeycomb, and ran wildly.

In a flash, Liu Yang ran to the huge honeycomb not far away.

At this time, there were already sporadic Golden Spear Bee, swimming in the vicinity.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ……

As Liu Yang stepped closer, the fine buzzing of these Golden Spear Bee’s wings fluttered, even more.

It is even more intense than the earth red that is put on the New Year.

Looking around, Liu Yang found that each of these Golden Spear Bees had the size of a thumb.

The bee needles behind their buttocks are as long as the large needles.

If this stuff, the whole sting enters the body of the ordinary person.

I’m afraid it’s a Golden Spear Bee.

If it stings, the martial artist is probably unbearable.

Liu Yang immediately after Golden Spear Bee’s honeycomb, there were 5 6 soldier bee, just like the small missile, rushed toward him.


Liu Yang reached out quickly and grabbed a Golden Spear Bee in his hand.

“Jin is quite big.”

Liu Yang murmured.

After this thing fell into his hands, he struggled immediately.

However, compared to the 10000-jin body strength he had after breaking through the Overlord Stage, the power of this gadget was little.

Bang bang bang ……

At this time, several other Golden Spear Bees had fallen on him.

These Golden Spear Bees also seem to know that Liu Yang’s body is wearing thick clothes, I am afraid it is not easy to start.

So each and everyone hit his face like a bullet.

Even after hitting his face, they directly fell across the buttocks, facing Liu Yang’s face, struck out their sharp poisonous bee needles like long spear.

Clang clang clang !

On Liu Yang’s face, there was a sound of iron needles falling to the ground.

Suddenly these Golden Spear Bee were a little dazed.

unbreakable protection.

Isn’t this a moving stone?

“Well, it seems that there is not much problem.”

Feeling the attack power of these Golden Spear Bee, Liu Yang felt relieved.

Then he took the Golden Spear Bee that he had just grabbed, and with his bee needle, slammed his arm.


In the next moment, this Golden Spear Bee’s bee needle was broken into 2 pieces.


Liu Yang’s heart moved, and he no longer hesitated.

The whole person was like a fearless heroic warrior. With a bang, he rushed into the front of the countless Golden Spear Bee colony.


In the distance, Song Fei hurried back all the way to speed up.

Standing in the position where he had stood before, looking far in the direction of the Golden Spear Bee honeycomb, he immediately saw Liu Yang as if he was committing suicide.

“Liu Yang, the guy who took me away just to hit the Golden Spear Bee honeycomb?”

He opened his mouth wide, completely dumbfounded.

At this time, because Liu Yang rushed to the colony of Golden Spear Bee, those Golden Spear Bee also began to riot.

A large number of Golden Spear Bees soared up, patrolling around their territory.

“Not good, I’m not with him!”

Suddenly, Song Fei complexion changed and saw that dozens of Golden Spear Bees flew towards themselves when Liu Yang impacted the bee colony.

Even after seeing him, each and everyone fluttered their wings, just like a Self-destruction plane.

This scene immediately made him turn around and fled into the distance in awkwardness.

He didn’t dare to stay in this place.

As for what Liu Yang is doing, he dared not have any curiosity any more and came to peep.

At the same time, each and everyone Supervisor in the play room outside were also stared wide-eyed, and the heart peng peng jumped up.

If they are replaced, they will naturally not be afraid of those Golden Spear Bee.

Although there are a large number of Golden Spear Bees, for them, it is just a wave of things.

But Liu Yang has just broken through to the Overlord Stage, and even the Opening Meridian Stage has not yet been reached.


At this time, as Liu Yang rushed into the bee colony of the large group of Golden Spear Bee, these Golden Spear Bee suddenly burst into the pot.

With a hum, it seems to have received an order.

The golden Spear Bee all over the sky gathered.

Covering the sky, the black pressed against it, just like the dark clouds, appeared on the top of Liu Yang’s head.

There were countless black spots, all falling down, falling on him.

In an instant, Liu Yang was submerged into this endless black tide.

The densely packed Golden Spear Bee, lying on his body, revealed a gruesome gesture, baring fangs and brandishing claws, and biting the thick clothes on his body with his teeth.

More Golden Spear Bee, use the usual tricks, long spear like a forest, fiercely stab him.

There are also Golden Spear Bees, who rush to his ears and want to get into his ears.

Fortunately, his Black Iron Armor is omnidirectional and has no dead ends.

As soon as these Golden Spear Bees reached the depths of his ears, they encountered an invisible diaphragm and could not enter.

Otherwise, if these things follow the natural holes of his body and drill into his body, he will cry.

“Good sink!”

Liu Yang was surprised.

These Golden Spear Bee, can not cause any harm to him.

But so many Golden Spear Bees got together and pressed against him, but it made him feel very heavy.

“This stuff is really amazing.”

Liu Yang sighed.

At this time, the Golden Spear Bee alone hung on him, afraid that it would weigh several thousand pounds.

And there are a lot of Golden Spear Bee, flying outside.

He shook his body and knocked down a lot of Golden Spear Bee.

But he just shocked a part of Golden Spear Bee, and soon more Golden Spear Bee rushed in, almost endless.

And in the face of these Golden Spear Bee, it is estimated that only that large-scale technological weapon will be useful.

Liu Yang can be transformed into the hands of a golden blade. At this moment, it is completely useless.

“This is crazy too?”

“My eyes are closed, there is only a little gap, but I still drill in?”

“Grass, if I don’t want to behave too much, I must clamp your little things with your eyelids.”

Liu Yang feels that he is about to suffer from intensive phobia.

Taking a deep breath, he hung the Golden Spear Bee from 1000 to 10000 thumbs, striding forward and rushed toward the honeycomb of the Golden Spear Bee.

“go to hell!”

Finally, Liu Yang stepped out a few steps in a row and came to the huge beehive hanging on the cliff in front of the mountain.

This hive is not high from the ground.

Liu Yang didn’t hesitate to capture this hive with Soul Power.

Immediately broke out, Golden Spear Bee on Clone.

Then he jumped up, actually carrying countless Golden Spear Bee, and jumped to a height of 3 4 meters.


At the next moment, a black long knife appeared in his hand.

saber light is bright and cut through the sky, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

In an instant, I didn’t know how many Golden Spear Bees were killed by him.

Then this saber light, which is a dazzling golden glow, landed on the root of the front hive.


The huge root of the honeycomb, which was firmly fixed on the cliff wall, was cut by Liu Yang.


Then, Liu Yang lifted his left hand when the right hand long knife fell, and he cut it out like a god’s sword.

in a flash, landed on the root of the honeycomb that still exists halfway ahead.

Hong long long !

No surprises, as Liu Yang’s left-handed knife fell and the huge Golden Spear Bee honeycomb was suspended, he was immediately cut off by him.

Like a collapsed tall building, it fell to the ground.


Then Liu Yang also fell from high altitude, and his feet stepped on the huge beehive that fell on the ground.

“Finally I find you!”

Suddenly, Liu Yang eyes shined.

He finally used Soul Power. Among the beehives, among the numerous Golden Spear Bees that were completely rioted, he found a huge Golden Spear Bee with the size of an adult arm.

Obviously, this Golden Spear Bee is the Queen Bee of this whole nest of Golden Spear Bee.

“Run away, where do you want to run?”

When Liu Yang discovered the Golden Spear Queen Bee with an extremely large belly, the Queen Bee was drilling out of the honeycomb and fluttered its wings to fly away.

But this thing, the wings degenerate badly.

One flight can only fly as far as one meter, and it will fall, which looks extremely clumsy.

“You guys are still equivalent to Opening Meridian 6th Stage monster, Golden Spear Queen Bee.”

Sensing this scene, Liu Yang suddenly smiled.

But this is actually normal.

Some monsters have the same rating as Human.

But some monsters, because of the different types, even like this Golden Spear Queen Bee, have a clumsy body and their life class may be high.

This is especially true of Mind Type’s monsters.

Liu Yang estimates that this Golden Spear Queen Bee, which can control countless Golden Spear Bees, should be a Mind Type monster.

Thinking this way, Liu Yang’s body moved, and then shook countless Golden Spear Bees on his body, a few steps, caught up with this Golden Spear Queen Bee.

Then he reached out the big hand and grabbed it into his own hand.

“zhi zhi !”

Golden Spear Queen Bee screamed and struggled in Liu Yang’s hands.

At the same time, the surrounding Golden Spear Bee rushed towards Liu Yang frantically.

“Are you moving again?”

Liu Yang grabbed the Golden Spear Queen Bee and used it as a weapon to hit the surrounding Golden Spear Bee.

Pa pa pa ……

Countless Golden Spear Bee were beaten out.

But immediately followed, there were more Golden Spear Bee, flying to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang keeps his hands in sight, seeing where there is a normal Golden Spear Bee, he grabs the Golden Spear Queen Bee and hits where he is.

“zhi zhi !”

Finally, as Liu Yang kept beating.

The Golden Spear Queen Bee in his hand felt a sharp pain, as if he understood something, and hurriedly made several sharp tweets.

As its sharp chirping sounded, the surrounding Golden Spear Bee suddenly flew high.

Like a dark cloud of pitch-black as ink, suspended above Liu Yang’s head.

“Tsk tsk, is this thing human-friendly?”

Liu Yang eyes opened, set his eyes on the Golden Spear Queen Bee, the size of his arm, squeezed and shook.

The next moment, his heart suddenly moved.

A bold idea was born.

“With the strength of this group of Golden Spear Bee, in the entire Secret Realm, I am afraid that there will be no natural enemies except for the Monster of True Energy Stage?”

“This Golden Spear Queen Bee is so humane, if I train it well, and then take these Golden Spear Bees to swim around, aren’t they invincible?”

“As the previous candidate told me, the Flesh Tiger in the far valley can be fearless or even slaughtered?”

With such a thought, Liu Yang’s heart suddenly became excited.

Judging from his observations during this period, this Secret Realm probably does not really have a monster above True Energy Stage.

In other words, the monsters above True Energy Stage were removed by Mu Wenbo and the others in advance.

“This idea seems very feasible.”

Thinking this way, Liu Yang glanced at the Golden Spear Queen Bee in his hand again.

The big man, blinking his eyes, was looking at him.

Looking at it, it’s not as grim as other Golden Spear Bee.

On the contrary, it is a little Mengmeng, very cute.

“Try this!”

Thoughts move, Liu Yang immediately pointed to the Golden Spear Bee in his hand.

Then he pointed to the Golden Spear Bee group in the sky, and finally pointed to a big tree in the distance.

Indicate the Golden Spear Queen Bee, direct the swarm, and rush towards the big tree.

What made Liu Yang frown was that he pointed it again and didn’t respond.

After pointing it twice, there was still no response.

“refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit !”


Seeing this scene, he lifts the head, facing the head of Golden Spear Queen Bee and patting it lightly and not too heavily.

“zhi zhi !”

Golden Spear Queen Bee screamed.

At the same time, the bee colonies in the sky, after a shock, lowered their height a bit.

It seemed to strike him again.

“Damn, are you too stupid?”

Liu Yang is anxious.

Almost slap, directly shoot this thing in the hand, and die here.

“Let them go there, understand?”

Liu Yang pointed at the Golden Spear Queen Bee again and pointed to the distance.

Golden Spear Queen Bee still has 2 eyes open, staring at Liu Yang, remaining unmoved.


Liu Yang grabbed the Golden Spear Queen Bee’s hand and exerted a little force.

And the power is getting stronger.

At the same time he pointed to the distance again.

“zhi zhi !”

Golden Spear Queen Bee made a shrill call.

This time, Liu Yang saw it immediately after its cry.

The Golden Spear Bee in the sky all flew towards the big tree he had just pointed at.

“Tsk tsk, okay.”

Seeing this scene, Liu Yang’s heart burst into joy, and at the same time, the hand tightly clutching the neck of Golden Spear Queen Bee was loose.

“Come, let them go to that big tree.”

Then, Liu Yang reached out again, pointed at another big tree.

“zhi zhi !”

Understand what Liu Yang means, and also know that the bee is in the hands of people and can only listen to the commanded Golden Spear Queen Bee.

Immediately after seeing Liu Yang’s gesture, he called again.

Once again, he commanded many of his men and flew to the big tree pointed to by Liu Yang.


Seeing this scene, Liu Yang was excited and immediately grabbed the Golden Spear Queen Bee and jumped from the huge honeycomb.

“Next, you follow me.”

He laughed and then grabbed the Golden Spear Queen Bee and walked away.

“zhi zhi !”

Just seeing Liu Yang grabbing himself and leaving his home, Golden Spear Queen Bee struggled in Liu Yang’s hands.

At the same time, a large group of Golden Spear Bee in the sky also rioted again.


Liu Yang’s hands are tight again.

However, at this time, Golden Spear Queen Bee did not submit.

Instead, he stared at Liu Yang and continued to struggle.

“This guy……”

Liu Yang frowned, and then he glanced at the huge honeycomb behind his eyes, and his heart suddenly moved.

In the next moment, he walked to the huge honeycomb with a height of 9-Layer and a diameter of ten meters.

Turning hard with your feet, the honeycomb half-buckled on the ground turned over.

Then he walked to the root of the huge honeycomb, his waist bent, and with one hand, he put this huge honeycomb in his hand.

The honeycomb is hollow.

Although this honeycomb is huge, Liu Yang holds it in hand, and there is really no problem.

“Is it alright this time?”

Then Liu Yang went to the distance while holding a huge honeycomb.

Golden Spear Queen Bee, caught in the hands by Liu Yang, glared.

It stared blankly at Liu Yang’s movements without moving.

Just called 2 times, and let the Golden Spear Bee group in the sky follow.

PS: There is a call… try adding more.

Place the bowl.

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