And not only can he fly, but he can also 'fly' with people.

The Internet gods took action one after another. After precise calculation and research, they found that Ding Dangmao couldn't fly at all, but deflected gravity and fell into the air!

When he said that, everyone understood.

Some people began to recall the information deduced by the great gods on the Internet, and they also shouted: "So, is it true that Brother Ding's super power is actually accelerating time?"

"Acceleration time... I said! His running posture in the video is obviously wrong!"

"There is also air acceleration. I will say how to suddenly increase the flight speed several times. If superpowers can speed up time, then it makes sense!"

"But, what's going on with gravity?"

"I don't know, maybe the essence of Dingge's superpower is gravity, and the effect of time acceleration can be achieved by controlling time through gravity... It's very possible!"

"No no no time to slow down, I can still understand, how to increase the speed?"

Even though Ding Dangmao was already mentally prepared, he was speechless for a while.

Well, it's actually quite normal.

In the past month or so, there have been many videos about myself, and it is normal for people to speculate about their 'supernatural nature' just from the videos.

Moreover, ordinary netizens do not know that they can also view other people's memories.

I think that my skills are practiced by myself, rather than relying on ability tapes.

This is enough!

"Everyone, listen to me, whether I take photos or sign autographs, or do interviews and the like after school starts in two days. I'm on vacation recently, and I won't accept anyone."

With that said, he withdrew the willpower in the [Gravity Bending Machine], and after returning the surrounding gravity to normal, he hurriedly accelerated to meet the company.

The teleporter quickly followed: "Wait for me!"

They saw a man and a woman disappear in front of everyone.

Everyone hurriedly approached, and the heart of gossip would not be extinguished.

"Brother Ding, tell me, is the girl just now your girlfriend?"

"Wuwuwu Ding brother has a girlfriend, he is only two years older than me!"

"As soon as I think that Brother Ding has another woman, I...I just...have the joy of a good harvest."

...... Can only say, what kind of idol, what kind of fans are born.

Ding Dangmao's actions allowed him to add a large number of core fans.

And his videos changed the behavior pattern of the fan base.

Everyone has become valuable.


Today is the third watch, good night everyone.

Chapter [*] Going Home

As soon as he entered the door, he found that the room he rented was very different.

Almost all of them have been decorated again, and they have been replaced with brand-new furniture. The kitchen has all kinds of ovens and microwaves, and the sofas and beds in the bedroom have been replaced with trendy brands.

These guys had a really good time.

"Brother Ding, you're back!" Seeing Ding Dangmao entering the door, Captain Hong quickly slid on the floor and shot over, with a good attitude: "I haven't seen you for two months, my brother misses you!"

Ding Dangmao glanced around the room: "You guys had a good life when you were little."

"Of course, no one can suffer for themselves... By the way, Brother Ding, I don't know who this is?" Head Red's eyes were on the teleporter.

Ding Dangmao said, "She is my colleague, her name... What's your name?"

The teleporter squeezed his fists and cracked: "Emotions, you don't even know my name!?"

"Don't everyone usually call the code name directly." Ding Dangmao said honestly.

"It makes sense... The surname is Ding, the old lady's surname is Qu, and her name is Qu Huahua, please remember it for me!" She still couldn't accept this.

Although I don't get along much, I'm your colleague anyway.

It's been two months and I don't even know my name!

Ding Dangmao nodded and said, "Yes, this girl's name is Qu Huahua. She said she was hungry and came here to eat. Do we have anything to eat here?"

The answer is naturally yes.

It's not that no one in the five-member group has changed careers to eat and broadcast, and besides, they are popular now, and they are also popular with themselves - and with the help of Ding Dangmao, these five people can be considered to have a skill.

If you have the skills and skills, you will naturally be able to have a good meal.

Fan gifts + advertising are two-pronged, isn't the money coming?

Greeting Qu Huahua for lunch, Ding Dangmao saw that the entire company was the only one in the company, and asked, "Where are the others?"

"Going out to shoot commercials," said the head of the red team.

"Why didn't I call you?" Ding Dangmao asked.

The head of the red group said: "I'm not good at acting, forget it."

This sentence made Ding Dangmao smell the smoke of the fight in the office.

Something seems to have happened between the five...

They are likely to have a conflict!

This is normal, after all, everyone was only gathered here by Ding Dangmao, and Ding Dangmao himself didn't care much about the company's affairs, and recently went out to stir up such a big storm.

The people downstairs knew it, and it naturally affected the company.

Then it affects the big guy's mentality...

Then some forces are likely to send people to take advantage of it. Whether it is using superpowers to influence or sow discord, all kinds of calculations will come to them-naturally, conflicts will arise.

... This is also the purpose of Dang Dangmao's founding of this company.

They are on the bright side and have a good relationship with Ding Dangmao.

Without them, Qin Lele and the children would have to bear these temptations...

"You've worked hard these days."

Ding Dangmao and Head Hong were sitting on the sofa, and he chatted, "You also know what I did outside, so many people downstairs must have affected your work, not to mention the temptations of all parties... ..."

The head of the red group said: "It's not hard work. If we didn't have the fame of Brother Ding, we would still be cutting videos bitterly - just because we are your employees, our income can be multiplied dozens of times these days!"

"And Brother Ding, the things you did... It's so cool!"

"Punish evil and save people from fire and water. Damn, this is too handsome; don't worry, Ding, there are many people who support you. Those gossips on the Internet are all fucking navy and sunspots. It's sophistry, it's all bullshit!"

It seems that these days, the head of the red group has been online to meet people.

He's a big anchor now, and his laning style must be wild.


Ding Dangmao didn't stay in the company for too long.

After he understood the current situation of the company, he knew that the place was thriving and getting better and better. At the same time, he also had to reach out to the hands of all forces to try to start with the people around Ding Dangmao, so as to indirectly influence his actions.

Even the five-member group of the Precious Treasure Alliance was used without even knowing it.

For example, Captain Hong, his words are full of admiration for Ding Dangmao, and he is also full of disgust for those sunspots on the Internet, and he sneers at the reports in the media that smear Ding Dangmao... and beautified infinitely. Ding Dangmao himself.

His actions will have an indirect impact on Ding Dangmao.

Of course, Ding Dangmao also saw through this point and didn't say it.

This impression has to be slowly changed.

After the teleporter had eaten and drank enough to leave, Ding Dangmao also informed Red Head that he was leaving, and the other party reluctantly said goodbye.

After that, Ding Dangmao came to a corner with no one.

After applying [Swimming Powder] and carrying a small oxygen tube on his back, he sank directly into the ground, calculated the distance in his heart, and left by diving.

By the way, there is [Efficiency Enhancement Candy] in his mouth.

At the full power of 10 times the speed, Ding Dangmao left very quickly.

And it left from the underground that no one could have imagined.

Even with a perceptual power user, it is difficult to find the trace of Ding Dangmao.


Soon, Ding Dangmao returned home.

He skillfully walked out of the wall and came to Qin Lele's bedroom.

He didn't have a key, and he didn't bother to knock on the door. Naturally, he didn't take the usual route.

As soon as he walked out of the wall, he saw a figure moving like a gust of wind, picking up the machete hanging on the wall... and stopping at Ding Dangmao's neck.

Ding Dangmao raised his hand cooperatively: "It's me."

Whoosh, the sharp machete was thrown on the bed.

Qin Lele was so excited that she hung directly on top of him, rubbing Ding Dangmao's head fiercely: "Liao Mao, you are finally willing to come back!"

Ding Dangmao felt like a Shiba Inu, being manipulated by her.

"Calm down, take it easy, we haven't seen each other for a month."

"One month and nineteen days!"

"That's less than two months!"

Ding Dangmao let her hang on him, walked a few steps to the edge of the bed, removed the machete on it, and threw the man on the bed.

"Last time we were apart for a few months, and I didn't see you so excited." Ding Dangmao said.

Qin Lele came over and leaned on his shoulder: "I miss you."

...don't, it's too straight, I can't stand it.

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