Lu Yueshan said with a little apology: "I'm sorry, I have to sacrifice you." what am I sacrificing?

Ding Dangmao always felt that they seemed to be hiding something from him.

Are you going to give yourself a big one during the interview?


I've been a little slack lately, and I have to try to recover.

Chapter [*] Cheer on the Convertible

Everyone has their own way.

Especially the seekers, who take their own Tao very seriously.

But at the same time, everyone will hide their own Tao. For them, they would rather expose their superpowers than hide their Tao.

After Lu Yueshan led the Reform Association and analyzed Ding Dangmao's behavior pattern since his debut, he came to a conclusion on his Tao...

Ding Dangmao is a person who is very concerned about exposure.

He wants to show his truest side to everyone, and the Internet is his way of showing himself.

Just show, let more people know about yourself - as for the purpose, no one knows yet.

I only know that on the Internet, no matter whether it is a bad or a good review, it will not have any impact on him, and even this guy deliberately provokes a war among netizens.

Just like a fun guy.

However, one thing remains the same.

Dangmao likes to show his true self!

Whether it's ugly or the whole life, it's all part of his reality.

But Ding Dangmao doesn't like to lie in front of the camera...

The change will require Ding Dangmao to be restrained during the interview, which is equivalent to asking him to go against his own Tao - well, restraint is not a lie, and ambiguity is not a lie, but it will undoubtedly have an impact on Ding Dangmao's Tao. .

Therefore, Lu Yueshan felt guilty and indebted.

In order to change the big plan of the society, he had to choose to sacrifice...

No, it should be a concession.

What is the difference between asking the Daoist to give in and sacrificing?

I just hope that the decision of the Reform Council will not affect the foundation of his preaching.


In the morning, Ding Dangmao, who had already put on makeup and changed clothes, got into the car.

This is a convertible, which helps Dangmao interact with others cordially, without leaving him locked in a sturdy bulletproof car and losing his closeness to the people.

The driver started the car, and the assistant sat next to him.

The vehicle drove across the street and came to the university town.


It was obviously only in the morning, the opening day of Daolin University. I don't know how many people received the news of Ding Dangmao's interview, and they gathered in the university town very early.

It can be said that the streets of the entire university town are crowded with people.

The crowd was even pushed outside.

A group of people held banners full of bloody photos, many headless corpses and heads, blood and stumps everywhere, and the crying faces of family members.

The biggest plaque was held high by them, with four big characters: Severely punish the murderer!

Seeing Ding Dangmao, these people burst out with angry accusations.

With the help of some special superpowers, their shouts overwhelmed vehicles and pedestrians, echoing in the university town:

"Severely punish the murderer! Blood debt pays blood!"

"Society doesn't need murderers to be heroes!"


"The law is supreme! Lynching is pointless!"

They all belong to Ding Dangmao's opponents.

Compared with the black fans who only dared to force Lai Lai on the Internet, it was obvious that the people present were more motivated, which reminded Ding Dangmao of the demonstrations in European and American countries in his previous life.

Just don't know when to start zero-dollar shopping.

Looking to the other side, it is a more strange picture:

"Ding Bao Ding Bao I love you!"

"Ding Bao fly with confidence, and mother will always follow!"

"Do it for the sky! Brother Ding is a hero!"

"Ignore the rumors and slander!"

People held up love signs, or cheering sticks like a concert, and it was like a fan meeting, setting off wave after wave.

Its sound is no worse than the opposite.

Even the two sides who disagreed even yelled at each other, and even had a hands-on attitude.

It's not hard to guess that someone on both sides is fanning the flames.

Even such a huge parade was organized by someone behind the scenes.

In addition, there are people watching, students, parents, teachers, pure passers-by and real passers-by, journalists and videographers, and even some drones hovering in the sky to shoot.

The crowd extended from the gate of the university town all the way into the school.

A large number of police and security guards, as well as volunteers, are maintaining order.

They all came because of Dang Dangmao...

"Hello everyone."

Ding Dangmao smiled from the bottom of his heart.

No wonder Yili has grown a lot recently!

After putting on makeup, his smile became more friendly and pure.

There is a wild beauty...  


The convertible slowed down.

Ding Dangmao leaned against the edge of the car and stretched out his hand to slap his fists one by one with the people who supported him, enjoying himself.

On the right, the opposition is abusing itself.

What's more, they threw eggs, tomatoes, beer bottles and other things at him.

Ding Dangmao didn't even look at it, so he was blocked by his assistant's super powers.

Some beer bottles, potatoes, rotten vegetables, leaves and unfinished breakfast were blocked by invisible thoughts, and they fell to the ground with a bang.

The scene was magnificent.

"Brother Ding, look here! Wuhu! I'm your old fan!"

"Executioner, why don't you die!?"

"Brother Ding, take me away! I haven't seen you for a day, and I feel like there are ants crawling all over my body...!"

"Ding! What did my son do wrong? Give my son his life!"

"Ding Bao, can we meet again Ding Bao... Ding Bao! How can I live without you, Ding Bao! Take me away too!"

"I like this kind of murderer, you have a fucking brain problem!"

"I forbid you to say him, he is my father!"

The supporters on the left and the opposition on the right, the voices of the two sides, and the actions they made, can be called a dance of demons.

I am afraid that even the most sharp elections in Europe and the United States in the past life did not do so.

Seriously, it's a goddamn miracle that this group of fans and Kuroko can stand on the same street and split into two spectacularly without a complete fight.


"It's in place!"

On a high-rise building hundreds of meters away, a gun barrel poked out covertly.

"The target is close to the sniper location."

"...Received, you can snipe the target at any time."

The gun body is silver-white, not an ordinary person's sniper rifle, but a special super weapon. The ammunition inside is silver gunpowder bullets. After hitting the target, it will produce an explosion comparable to a mortar, and shrapnel splashing in all directions.

A bullet is worth at least 10 crystal coins.

The sniper stared grimly at Ding Dangmao with his modified telescope-like eyes, calmly reading in his heart...

The goal is near.

Then, the sniper aimed at Dang Dang, who was sitting on the convertible and smiling cheerfully at the crowd - aimed at his head!

He didn't pull the trigger with any emotion.

Bah! ! !

With a loud bang, the bullet popped out of the chamber and shot straight into Ding Dangspear's head!

Chapter [*] Everyone's Unexpected

Change will, many people have turned on the TV.

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