This was a major accident during the live broadcast, and no one dared to delay it.

A group of people from the Reform Society quickly became involved in the rescue operation.

And Xin Ting found Ding Dangmao...

Xin Ting: "What about living?"

Ding Dangmao: "In the house, both of them are there."

Naturally, he would not leave the sniper in the old building, but brought it back with him.

As for the traces of their memory being modified, Ding Dangmao also reported.

The rest is left to the professionals, he just needs to wait for the results.

Soon someone carried the two out, and Ding Dangmao asked alone, "Minister Xin, do you know what the 'Eye Alliance' is?"

"An alliance formed by a group of old-time scumbags who don't even have T2 power users, trying to stop the action of the Reform Association from the perspective of public opinion, business, and officialdom. The head of the Xu family, who has hatred with you, is a member of the Eye Alliance... can't be them, they don't have the guts."

When Xin Ting said this, she asked: "Why, they mentioned the Eye Alliance in their memory?"

"They were trained in the Eye League... Of course, there are many unreasonable places in the memory, and they also have signs of being hypnotized."

Xinting nodded: "We will find out - by the way, besides the Eye Alliance, do you have any other enemies?"

"I killed a lot of people in the first two months, and there are many enemies."


Most of the official members of the Reform Association, many of them have deep blood feuds, that is, they have created many blood feuds...

Xin Ting suddenly said, "By the way, the organization has decided to temporarily suspend all activities on your face. Until this incident is resolved, the reform association's plan to join the WTO will also be postponed..."

Ding Dangmao frowned: "Why?"

"The enemy dares to carry out terrorist attacks on you regardless of civilian casualties, and even attack your family, why do you say?" Xinting said of course: "If you continue to be active, what will they do next? Your friends, your colleagues , your classmates..."

"So we have to be like a shrinking turtle?"

Ding Dangmao disagreed with her statement: "Shouldn't we make a statement and vow to make the terrorists who caused this series of tragedies pay the price?"

Xin Ting shook her head: "The change will be hidden in the dark, and we are not qualified to make any statement. We are neither the government nor rebel, and we will be restricted from doing a lot of things."

Ding Dangmao did not accept this statement: "Then make a statement in the name of the 'National Security Agency', we are not officially without a formal license! They came at me, and innocent civilians were killed because of this, the change will be followed by a sentence Don't you dare say it?"

"It has been said that the change will be done secretly, not that it will not be done, but that it cannot be said if it is done, and people are not ready..." Xin Ting was also a little helpless.

"Is it possible that after experiencing this kind of thing, you still want to continue to stand in front of the stage?"

Chapter [*] The danger of standing in front of the stage (middle)

What do you mean by still wanting to stand in front of the stage?

It's because of this that it's time to be in the spotlight!

If you want me to step back behind the scenes from now on, then I'll be doing nothing.

The higher the level, the higher the experience needed. Ding Dangmao was only promoted to the T3 level after doing such a big thing. Now, after he finished the big case of human trafficking, the amount of willpower he obtained is higher than The past ten years have added up to a lot...

But in such a huge amount of experience at the T3 level, only a small part has been taken.

According to his calculations, he had to draw treasures at least three times before he could be promoted to T2 level.

He needs more attention, more topics—

Even something that fundamentally changes society has to be done.

The case that I completed last time involved too much, whether it was the rescued victims, their family members, or even relatives or interest groups related to the perpetrator... People who were directly or indirectly deeply influenced by themselves , nearly one hundred thousand.

So many people continue to contribute high-quality will to themselves.

It's much better than killing people with a single hammer.

"How can there be any reason to back down when faced with difficulties?"

Ding Dangmao knew what the change would be afraid of, so he said: "There are so many people in the change, do they only know me? No, only because I am the most high-profile, they will choose to shoot at me... I quit , the whole change will be withdrawn.”

"But I won't retire. Even if you insist on retire, I will continue to act in a high-profile manner; could it be that you will suppress me in turn?"

To be honest, Xin Ting is only in her early twenties.

The reason why she is in a high position is because she is a dignified T2 power user, and her actions are not so extreme, so she can lead a department.

Therefore, there is no disgust for Ding Dangmao's words, on the contrary, there is some agreement.

When she heard Ding Dangmao's rhetorical question, she immediately shook her head: "How could we possibly suppress our companions? Although you are right, it is the decision of the organization to temporarily stop your activities on the surface... I can apply for you."

"But you have to think about it, if you continue to act in a high profile, your family and friends will continue to be violated, and even you will be assassinated anytime, anywhere, and a bunch of innocent people will die - we don't want this to happen. ."

Ding Dangmao said: "I will pay attention to this."

"One more thing... you can take a break from school temporarily." Xin Ting said.

After thinking about it, Ding Dangmao understood.

They dare to do it in the university town, and maybe they dare to enter the Daolin University to do it.

After all, like this cannon fodder whose memory has been modified and brainwashed, if he dies, he will die, and the mastermind behind the scenes will not feel distressed at all - but if Dao Phosphorus University is really attacked, it will be a college student who will die!

No university would dare to take this risk.

"Unfortunately, I haven't finished my theory class yet." Ding Dangmao sighed.

He was really interested in the content of the course, after all, many of the methods for revising his memory were learned through the course...and the books he read in the library.

"For theoretical courses, the school will give you a collection of online courses." Xin Ting said: "For practical courses, the Reform Society can teach you one-on-one."

Oh, that's fine.


Change will help him get it right.

Xinting said that important family members can be taken to a safe community specially open to family members, where the location is hidden and the security force is strong, and there will be almost no violent incidents.

A nominal management fee is paid each year.

This is a good suggestion, he is indeed worried about the safety of Qin Lele and the children.

This time it was an assassin with a sniper rifle, what about next time?

What to do with a human bomb?It's impossible to kill anyone who gets close, right?

"Taking advantage of the live broadcast to carry out terrorist attacks, no matter who did this, they are very courageous! But who would be so unscrupulous?"

To be honest, although Ding Dangmao killed people in a high-profile manner, it was because he occupied the righteous position. The people of Wei Shangguo knew that he killed people, but they all supported him in killing those damned scum.

The people are toward him.

And in the street to carry out terrorist attacks, killing innocent people...

This will completely arouse public anger!

It is not so easy to suppress people's anger together.

The government must respond to this matter, the administrative key has been opened up, a large number of resources have been mobilized, and a large number of professional investigators can be hired-in the super power world, it is easy to cover up evidence, and it is also the same to find evidence. in this way.

The government, super power association, business alliance, army, and reform association will all support it.

Until the murderer is completely found out!

No matter how sophisticated the means, the evidence cannot be erased.

Xin Ting left, Qin Lele also comforted the children, Ding Dangmao discussed with her: "Sorry, I didn't think carefully, maybe we have to move again."

Qin Lele said, "It's okay, you don't have to blame yourself, I will protect them."

Yes, Ding Dangmao was never worried about Qin Lele's force.

But what about these kids?

They will be blown to pieces by the silver gunpowder bullets like those innocent ordinary people!

Thinking of this, he quietly handed Qin Lele 13 medicinal pills.

It's all "Iron Ingot Beetle Imperial Pill".

"I'll give you the pills and let them eat all this stuff. If they can fight like us, we don't have to worry about their safety."

Qin Lele took the medicine pill and nodded.

And in Ding Dangmao's arms, the new phone that Xinting had given him rang...

It is Lu Yueshan.

"Hey, Ding Zi, do you remember the orphanage I told you about?"

"The one from the old kindergarten? I remember, what's wrong?"

"It was blown up and a fire was set."

"...the same group of people?"

"Guess so."

"I know, let's talk about it."

Lu Yueshan hung up the phone, while Ding Dangmao thought about it: as Xinting said, they will not only attack themselves, but also their family members, including their own career, colleagues, relatives and friends... ..

Ding Dangmao realized something.

"I'm going out."

In an instant, his figure disappeared in place, and soon passed the crowd, came to his own company, and pushed in the door!


"I fucking knew it!"

The flame of anger burned in my heart again.

Ding Dangmao quickly searched the whole house, and saw a piece of paper nailed with a dart in front of the toilet door.

Remove the paper, which is a hand-drawn map.

[Want to meet the four of them, come here]

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