Despite this, in the static field, their movements and thinking will still be slowed down - of course, in their view, the kinetic energy weapon in their hands suddenly loses its power, and the speed of the enemy (the owner of the field) changes. Get thief Nima fast!Hundreds of times faster!

"The ability to manipulate metal, so-so."

The middle-aged man came to Ganchuan, who was manipulating a metal knife to cut the rope on his body very slowly.

So he stretched out his hand, ready to crush the guy's head.

Although the boss asked to withdraw, but...

The mouth that should be extinguished will be extinguished.

And it was at this moment that a figure penetrated the wall and stepped into the field.


There are guests in the field, and the owner naturally knows.

The middle-aged man turned his head and saw Ding Dangmao.

"It turned out to be you, I didn't expect you to come so early."

In the man's sight, Ding Dangmao also saw himself, and then he started to run...

Its speed, at least 6~7 meters per second!

Seeing this scene, this [*]-year-old man's eyes almost popped out!

Such speed? ? ?

You know, this is in a field of stagnation a hundred times more!

His speed was no different from that of a middle school girl running at full speed.

Such a sight... he had seen it before.

But I never thought that I would see it on Ding Dangmao!

Astonishment flooded into his heart, he immediately abandoned the idea of ​​silence, and moved away on the spot, the whole person's speed soared to more than 20 meters per second, and he directly smashed the wall and rushed out.

In the static field, the kinetic energy of the power user does not decrease.

That's why he was so panicked, without saying a word, he flashed on the spot!

The stasis field also quickly moved away from the hall.

The next moment, Ding Dangmao's speed returned to its original state - he didn't feel anything, he just passed by in an instant, making everyone in the hall lucky.

Brother Dao was pulled out of the ground by him, and the ropes were directly untied together with Gan Chuan and Tang Ya, and he took away the firearm in Yongzi's hand... Before that, two people in the hall More than a dozen men in black were directly lying on the ground, and the joints of their hands and feet were dislocated on the spot.

"I heard that you were kidnapped, I'll take a look."

Seeing that the four of them were intact, Ding Dangmao also felt relieved, and joked: "I thought you were all dead!"

Only then did the four react, and the crisis seemed to be resolved.

Hearing the sound, they turned around and saw Ding Dangmao.

"Brother Ding!" Yongzi reacted: "How can I surpass you... How can I surpass them... Where's my gun?"

Ding Dangmao didn't have time to explain, just said: "You guys go first, get out of here, I'll go after that big fish!"

Having said that, he chased after the broken wall.

Four people: "..."

Yongzi: "Actually, I think that even if Brother Ding doesn't come, we can fight back."

Ganchuan: "Indeed, a group of ordinary people doesn't even have a power user... By the way, where is their boss?"

Donald Duck: "Look, when did the hole in the wall exist?"

Brother Knife: "Am I the only one who wants to know, when did you guys get promoted to T5?"

The four looked at each other, speechless.


In a balanced state, Ding Dangmao had [Efficiency Improvement Sugar] in his mouth, and in a 10-fold time acceleration, his speed was enough to soar to nearly [*] meters per second!

Therefore, it is not difficult to save everyone and knock down the man in black in an instant.

But the previous enemy who left the hall...

So fast!

That speed, at least 3 times his own!

In other words, it is a speed of more than two kilometers per second!

Damn, this is far beyond the scope of T3 level, and even more than T2 level. Could it be that I met a T1 power user?

... no no no, no.

The sonic boom didn't even set off, it just smashed the wall.

something wrong.

Ding Dangmao didn't feel much sense of danger, so he immediately chased after him and saw at a glance that this person was running towards him at a speed of 20 meters per second. many meanings?

Tiger beetle form is fully open!

In full open mode, Ding Dangmao's speed soared six times on the spot!

He broke through the sound barrier instantly and appeared twenty meters in front of the person in a large circle.

"Are you determined to fight against me?" Ding Dangmao was surprised and said to him, "In order to kill me, you even dispatched an advanced power user like you?"

"Are you so afraid that the change will stand upright in the sun?"

While speaking, Ding Dangmao flicked his finger.

The cement stone in his hand was ejected—

At the moment of approaching the enemy within ten meters, the stone stagnated in the air on the spot... Then it seemed to be slowed down by a hundred times, and slowly fell with gravity.

"That's it, I almost thought you were a T1-level super expert."

Like myself, it is not pure speed.

A stance that can slow down, why didn't I feel it before?

Could it be that it slows down time...?

No, if that's the case, the stone thrown by him should move forward slowly, rather than automatically fall after a while.

It is not time that is being slowed down, it is simply slowing down the speed of objects.

Or even take away their kinetic energy?

Then why didn't I feel it before?

In other words, this person can not only take away his own body speed, but also his own thinking speed... It seems that it is no different from the deceleration of time.

The thoughts of "famous detective" run in Ding Dangmao's mind.

Pulling the cocoon, quickly solved the mystery of the enemy's super power.

"I seem to understand."

He said, returning to the equilibrium state, the speed plummeted six times.

At the same time, he also activated the [gravity bending machine] around his waist.


Fourth more

Chapter 46 Static Field (Part 343) [[*]/[*]]

Static field, this is the super power of the snail.

Yes, the snail is his code name, which means that any object within the static field will be as slow as a snail.

When in a static field, everything except yourself and the speed of light will be slowed down by the static field...including sound.

At this time, the voices of others could not reach his ears at all.

They dissipate as they spread.

The radius of the stagnant field was ten meters around him, but now Ding Dangmao was standing vigilantly twenty meters away, he couldn't hear what Ding Dangmao was saying at all, he could only see the opponent's mouth moving. .

However, now he understood the reason why the boss told him to retreat.

Grandma's, this guy is too fast.

But it's just dangerous. In the stagnant field, the speed of the enemy is far inferior to that of yourself. You need to be careful if you don't get attacked, it won't be dangerous...

Moreover, he did not come empty-handed.

The fact that he can avoid him has already given him enough face, but this guy is still trying to come to court for death, so he is forcing me... tsk, gan!No matter, bite the bullet!

It's true that snails restrain speed-type power users.

But when it comes to the kind that is too outrageous, it will also shy away.

For Ding Dangmao, he was actually under a lot of pressure, and he was not sure of winning.

Especially the wonder of the seeker...

"Alas, I have sent out the signal for help anyway, I just hope they can come quickly." He sighed, then drew his sword.

From inside the clothes, Snail took out a hilt, and after injecting willpower, a bright lightsaber instantly took shape!

At the same time, his left hand also pulled out a giant hand cannon.

This thing once blasted the T2 power user into slag!

"Come on, like a man, let's have a decent fight—"

As soon as the voice fell, Ding Dangmao took the lead and stepped ten meters earlier.

And at this moment, in the snail's perception, the direction of gravity is inclined by 90 degrees!

He fell in the direction of Ding Dangmao on the spot!

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