"It's not too late to make amends!"

Ding Dangmao showed a kind smile: "What's more, I am a human rights person. The death penalty is too inhumane. Even if they kill people, what they need is redemption, not killing to stop killing."

That said, everyone present looked at Ding Dangmao with strange eyes.

You're a fucking killer, and you're notorious for change.

Everyone remembers the video of the logistics department cleaning up the Jingguan for you!

He said, "I've read the regulations. According to the standard, it's okay to sentence them to life imprisonment as coercive accomplices, right?"

Forbidden Demon's eyelids jumped: "What do you want to do? I have to tell you in advance whether the Reform Council will allow private revenge..."

Ding Dangmao said kindly: "Who said that I want to take revenge on them? I just want them to use labor to atone for the dead. Prison is a good place to make atonement."

Forbidden Demon reminded: "The prison of the Reform Society has not yet opened this function..."

"The rules can be changed." Ding Dangmao still kept a smile: "The rules and regulations of prisons are not laws, and there is no saying that the laws are not retroactive."

"You can't raise prisoners in vain, right? I will write a plan for the specific reform proposal and submit it myself. It would be better if the Minister of Demon Banning could put a name on it."

Ding Dangmao's thinking is very clear.

To be honest, in the past life, there is no way to check the memory, and the policy of tenderness towards criminals is also to allow him to confess more accomplices and more crimes.

In other words, the reason why he is still alive is valuable.

The same is true in the super world.

We have also read and backed up the criminal's memory, so it is impossible for this person to give me more value in information, in that case...

Use waste.


From feudal ancient times to modern times, it has experienced a super revolution.

The large-scale use of [Intention Memory] has made ordinary people useful on the battlefield, allowing low-level power users to engage in industrialized work.

Incessant will, super power.

But willpower, this thing still has to be stored by people. The willpower of ordinary people is useless. Hundreds of thousands of people are required to store a tank of T5 level; Not enough, unless your superpower is too partial, you will not choose the way to sell your will to make money...

Because the price/performance ratio is too low for superpowers.

To put it bluntly, the [Intention Reservoir] is the human flesh battery.

Ding Dangmao's idea was to give these two prisoners life sentences, and then let them become human flesh batteries, which have been supplying energy to the [Intention Reservoir].

What?Reduced sentence?what does that mean?

Since it is a life sentence, it has to be without any guarantee and salary to make people work diligently to death!

What?Will the prisoner be dissatisfied?Will they riot? !

Ah, yes, super criminals in this world are still very dangerous. For example, the black flame snake riots enough to turn a few hundred meters into a black sea of ​​fire...

But this is not a problem. After erasing all their original memories, inject new 007 labor memories, supplemented by various hypnosis methods - send people to refresh their memories every day, until they die of old age. That's it.

What?Will change be allowed because of humanitarianism?

I'm paralyzed by you...ahem, I mean, I will argue this point at the meeting and try my best to promote prison reform, so that prisoners can still contribute to the society.

Everything is negotiable.

I made a 'sacrifice' for the Change Society, and the Change Society should 'give in' for me.

Don't make the relationship too stiff.


Before the interrogation was over, Ding Dangmao had already left.

They also want to know more, such as the national society from which this snail comes from, and his identity...

You must know that high-level power users like Hei Yan Snake and Snail will be approached through diplomatic channels not long after they are captured.

Then asked Wei Shangguo to release people.

People are being threatened!Foreign guests whose memories have been modified!Such a pitiful victim was cruelly imprisoned by your Wei Shangguo!You haven't let the fuck out yet, what about my diplomatic immunity? !

Anyway, that's the process.

And then everyone started wrangling, Barabara...

To be honest, Ding Dangmao is not in a bad mood, and he is not a vengeful faction who has to pay blood debts with blood - if he can make the enemy's life worse than death, he doesn't have to kill, right?

When these two people were in Ding Dangmao's hands, there was no possibility of living and free.

What's more, Ding Dangmao also felt the benefits...

The two T2 power users were deprived of their original social status and became prisoners.

In other words, the two will continue to provide Ding Dangmao with high-quality will!

The higher the level of super power, the more willpower it can provide.

This is much more cost-effective than the one-shot deal that directly kills.

You know, a hammer sale can only be regarded as killing a chicken to get its eggs. At that time, it was true that I ate chicken until I was full, but I will never eat eggs again.

Fortunately, there are a lot of chickens in this world, so it's okay to kill some.

Moreover, now Ding Dangmao has embarked on the road of raising chickens.

It can only be said that it is convenient to rely on the organization.

But Ding Dangmao doesn't care, it doesn't mean that others think Ding Dangmao doesn't care.

Not long after Ding Dangmao left the interrogation room, Xinting came to the door, and she comforted Ding Dangmao: "Ding Dangmao, you may be very angry, in fact, I also want to kill them like this to avenge the people. ."

"But we can't do this. The reform will represent justice. We have a program and laws, and we will naturally act according to the law. This is the cornerstone of the legitimacy of the reform."

"I know you may be dissatisfied with what the Reform Society did, but since we've captured them, we can't kill people without evidence..."

Ding Dangmao looked at her strangely.

Feelings, do you think I'm going to be angry because of this?

No, you've done a great job, and if the change is going to be the kind of organization that kills people on a whim and ignores the evidence, you'll definitely start over.

"Minister Payroll, I'm fine and understand and obey the organization's decision."

He changed the subject: "By the way, Minister, since I captured two T2-level enemies alive, how many merit points can these two people correspond to?"


one more

Chapter 54 Buying Items Jointly Signed [343/[*]]

Ding Dangmao once cracked a major human trafficking case that shocked the whole country.

Killed a number of power users, including T3 power users; rescued a number of victims who were abducted and sold, so I got 402 points of merit.

And merit, represents the upper limit of your purchasing power in change.

For example, a high-explosive pistol that can break through the T3 super-energy field costs 400 crystal coins; and the high-explosive bullets it comes with, doped with silver powder, are also 400 crystal coins for a hundred rounds.

And the laser rod enough to penetrate the T2 super energy field, this thing can fire three laser lasers a day after charging, the price is 600 crystal coins, and Ding Dangmao could not afford it before.

And now?

Xinting told him that if he captured an enemy T2 power user alive, he could get 1500 merit points according to its lowest value; after the interrogation by the security department, the information would be handed over to the senior management of each department for decision, and he could also be promoted according to the actual situation. Adjusting the merits, not even capping...

In other words, Ding Dangmao captured two T2-level powerhouses, and he had already obtained 3000 merit points. Adding in the contribution and influence of the recent terrorist attack, his current merit was 3420 points.

He came to the 'mall' of the Reform Society, intending to buy something new.

With his current authority, he can naturally buy more things:

[Life Potion: 3000 crystal coins/bottle]: It can make the body age backward by 5 years. It is only effective for humans over 30 years old, and each person can only drink one bottle in their lifetime.

Yes, in the super power world, life extension is not a problem.

Depends if you can't afford it.

[Super Weapon Coupon: 2500 Crystal Coins/Time]: You can let the Master Craftsman (T2) of the Reform Society to create a weapon that suits you, only once a year.

There are various types of power users, among which the props department is the most popular.

This is also the reason why Yang Tuo's eyes lit up when he saw him.

And each power user of the prop system has a different method of making super power props. Some create props out of thin air, some use ordinary objects to create props, and some directly give props the characteristics of super power...

The T2-level master craftsman of the Reform Society is a treasure among treasures.

...unless you are willing to expose the treasure bag.

[Healing Talisman: 1000 crystal coins/piece]: A spell with powerful vitality, which is invulnerable to all poisons within a short period of time after use, and the vitality inside is enough to make a seriously injured and dying elephant heal within five seconds. (Limited to one purchase per person per month)

Alright, here we go, a healing item.

This thing is equivalent to a second life.

No matter what, you have to buy a spare.

[Energy lightsaber: 1000 crystal coins/piece]: A lightsaber charged with willpower, which is powerful enough to cut through a T2-level super energy field. (Click for details)

After reading the details, I know that it is much worse than the lightsaber I seized from the snail.

It seems that the change will be compared with them, and there is a generational difference in equipment.

Ding Dang Spear can also break through the T2-level super energy field when the ant form is fully opened, but the efficiency is far less than that of super weapons.

[Laser machine gun: 3000 crystal coins/piece]: Willpower can be charged, can be replaced by Willpower battery, the power of each shot is twice that of the 'Laser Staff', can easily penetrate the T2 level super field, and can be fired 80 times a day , the password is 'Shooting Explosion'.

Good guy, and the laser rod must be from the same person.

But long-range weapons have always been more expensive than melee weapons, which is common sense.

Because super weapons are different from gunpowder weapons, they cannot be mass-produced.

At least, most of them can't.

After reading about weapons, Ding Dangmao held back and did not place an order, but continued to check other auxiliary super power items, such as the storage ring he was thinking about...

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