So the children couldn't bear it either, and desperately hoped that someone would save them from the sea of ​​misery.

No, Ding Dangmao is here!

Put the money on the bank card he specially prepared, and the money received on it every day will be transferred and converted into crystal coins, which will flow into Ding Dangmao's account.

In just six or seven hours, he earned 230 million Wei coins, or 2300 crystal coins.

For the sake of their children, these ordinary families donated 10 yuan without blinking an eye.

...I don't know what Linguoguo, who only earns 1~2 crystal coins for a day's work, would think if she could see how fast she was making money?

Uh, it's better to compare people less with each other.


3000 words, take a break!

Author, you have to work hard...don't put it off...

Chapter [*] Pulling People Into the Occupation (Part [*])

According to Ding Dangmao's request, the new company was placed outside the urban area of ​​Kuimu City.

Head Red and the three of them contracted a villa with a basement.

During these days, they made a lot of money.

Ding Dangmao also came, and threw out all the packages in the storage ring, and then opened the contents, revealing a large number of super power props/weapons.

When he first went shopping at the Reform Club, he spent several thousand crystal coins.

And after going to the reform meeting last time, he naturally bought a lot of things that he can't use anymore... He can't use it, it doesn't mean that others can't use it.

In the past life, it was to stuff millions of arms into the villa.

It was the first time the three of them saw the super power props, and they had a lot of fun.

"A high-explosive pistol, can a single shot explode a T3-level super energy field?" Gan Chuan was playing with the firearm in his hand, a little disbelieving: "This power is even higher than an anti-equipment sniper rifle, it's not even a single shot. Tens of thousands of joules..."

"It is said that silver powder was mixed into the bullet."

Donald Duck picked up the gun, aimed it at the palm of his hand, and pulled the trigger without blinking an eyelid!

There was a loud bang, and the bullet burst into the hands of Donald Duck with a dazzling fire.

His hand was blown away!

"Not only does it give more powerful kinetic energy than sniper bullets, but it even has an explosive effect after hitting it. No wonder it can penetrate a T3-level super energy field."

He spread his hands out, naturally intact.

In the balanced state of Ding Dang Spear, it can resist sterling silver gunpowder sniper bullets without being injured, which is equivalent to the power of a large mortar; although the three of them are weakened versions of Ding Dang Spear, they have no problem with resisting high-explosive bullets. of.

"Don't fucking shoot in the room!" Head Hong couldn't help but scolded.

Tang Duck said: "What does it matter, anyway, we are the only ones living in this place."

Hearing this, Head of Red was stunned: "Yes!"

"But don't play with guns indoors. This villa is rented by us. If it is accidentally damaged, it will be bad."

They tried all the props.

It is a pity that any offensive props are difficult to break through their physical defenses.

It proved that the medicinal pill Ding Dangmao had given to the three of them was incredibly strong.

"Brother Ding has given us such a high level of reinforcement, and he has prepared so many props for me. There must be a very important task!"

Thinking of this, there seems to be a flame burning in the hearts of the three of them.

It's finally their turn to shine!

It didn't take long for Ding Dangmao to come to the new company, and he really gave the three of them the task--

After hearing the content of the task, the three of them only felt that their brains were a little big.

"This is our job?"

Holding the mask in his hand and wearing a uniform, Head Red couldn't help but say, "Just to advertise from door to door?"

Brother Ding, I thought I could punish evil and promote good with you.

Seeing that the other two had similar expressions, Ding Dangmao exclaimed in shock: "Development organizations have to make money, do you think that the money for my good deeds has fallen from the sky!?"

No, we guess you have a way to make money.

But I didn't expect it to be this way.

"Isn't there any danger?" Ganchuan asked cautiously: "In our country, it is illegal to smuggle superpowers."

Although not as good as smuggling super powers.

However, Wei Shangguo has always been very strict about cracking down on illegal memories.

Donald Duck seemed to remember some unpleasant memory, and he pouted on the spot: "Fuck the super memory potion!"

As the only family of four to be complete.

He also went to school and was expected by his family. Of course, his family background was not good, and his family couldn't even buy Chaoyi potion, so expectations naturally turned into despair.

Rather, he hates Super Memory Potion.

Rather, he hated Wei Shangguo's deformed education system.

And Ding Dangmao can directly give others knowledge from elementary school to high school, Tang Duck will naturally support it with both hands and feet!

"Don't worry, I won't break the law in the future."

Ding Dangmao smiled mysteriously, pointing his finger up: "I have inside information."

Will the reform meeting indeed allow Chaoyi Group to continue to exploit Wei Shangguo by relying on this thing.

Even if the change will be compromised after taking power, Ding Dangmao will not compromise.

Not breaking the law in the future?Insider information?

You will make the law yourself, that's enough insider!


With three people helping to run the business, it is indeed a lot easier.

They will indicate their intentions and leave business cards. As long as there is a need for families, they will call or send text messages to themselves... It is necessary to prepare a group of dedicated hotlines.

Just three people is not enough.

It's best to find a few dedicated phone callers.

I have to find an accountant... This can only be handed over to Qin Lele, and he will not be at ease if it is handed over to others.

And my job is only responsible for imbuing customers with memories.

Ding Dangmao began to think, what other trusted friends do he have...?

Those orphaned companions who got together as children?Most of them hadn't seen each other for years. Without any survival skills, they either died, joined the gang, or became addicted to drugs—Ding Dangmao met a few people occasionally, and almost all of them died.

There are also some people who have long since disappeared; orphans like them, not to mention missing, even if they die on the street, no one will care.

Only he and Qin Lele are still alive and well.

Then think about it, the friends you made in college?There are many people who have a good relationship with him, Ding Dangmao can also figure out their personalities, but...they still have their studies!

And it's not a material for cooperating to make black money.

After thinking about it, Ding Dangmao thought of Lu Yueshan.

Although he is only a recreational person, as a member of the Reform Association, he is still a T3-level powerhouse, and he has never seen this fellow to be afraid of anything.

So he called Lu Yueshan, told him that he had a way to make a lot of money, and asked him if he wanted to get involved?

The other party said, first choose a place to meet.

So at noon, the two came to the private room of a restaurant in Kuimu City.

After ordering the food, the two of them were considered acquaintances, and after a few chats, they got to the point.

"I have a very profitable project here..."

"Is it illegal?"

"A little bit."


Ding Dangmao whispered his plan.

He said while eating, and soon swallowed most of the food into his stomach, and Lu Yueshan didn't eat another bite of rice except for the previous taste.

Without him, I was shocked.

"Ding Zi, you are not 'a little bit', you are fucking digging your roots!" Lu Yueshan was shocked by Ding Dangmao's bold idea: "We have so many superpowers in Wei Shangguo, and there are also a considerable number of memory departments. , do you think they didn't think about it?"

After a pause, he added: "Indeed, most of them don't have your "memory compression package" method. Seriously, where did you get the super power items from, you can read and change memories, and it's easy to use them. So convenient..."

"...No, I want to say that there is no need to make the contradictions of our reform meeting so sharp with Wei Shangguo; Wei Shangguo's purchases are less!"

"Chaoyi Group found out that there is a problem with the purchase of goods in this country, what would they think?"

Chapter [*] Pulling in People (Part [*])

"Wei Shangguo's economy is not good, and the residents have no money. It is normal to buy less potions."

Ding Dangmao is very calm, not impatient or impatient: "The customers I choose are ordinary families who can pay [*] yuan through gritted teeth. Even if they don't buy Super Memory Potion anymore, they won't let the sales drop too much. Big float."

"There is no fluctuation. With Wei Shangguo's slow government like a zombie, it can react with a hammer."

Ding Dangmao could see clearly that the official of Wei Shangguo was really not good.

It's like a rusted machine, not to mention dirty on the outside. When you take it apart, every screw and every small part is rusted and needs an overhaul.

Unless a year and a half later, the number of top students with scores above 800 suddenly increased by a thousand times.

Well, at that time, Wei Shangguo will reluctantly move his huge body sour from rust.

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