"... offal," she said.

The next moment, the sword light flashed, and the girl's head was chopped off.

The muscular man with the tattoo raised her head and threw it to the younger brother beside him, showing a cruel smile: "Give me her head and hang it on the flagpole, I want those people to know and resist me!"

"A little brat who doesn't even have full hair, dare to fight against me?"


In the eyes of the world, Ding Dangmao has no background.

Before the Reform Council joined the WTO, the Eye League and other forces did not want the people of Wei Shangguo to know that there was such a force, so under the cover of both sides, Ding Dangmao had always been single, with at most a few company groups supporting him.

So, in the eyes of people, just such a person...

Become a sword hanging over the criminal's head!

Every time he passed through a city, the gangsters there would flee.

Until now, Ding Dangmao has been active, neither was he wanted by the government as people guessed, nor was he killed by those aristocratic families and group forces...

Oh, there was once and it just failed.

Since then, Ding Dangmao has kept a low profile and no longer mentions his career.

But it was also very high-profile, because people took pictures of him exorcising evil.

The people of Wei Shangguo saw it in their eyes and remembered it in their hearts.

Since this powerful power user with only T3 level (official information) can do this, why can't he do it?

His behavior inspired some silent power users.

Even some ordinary people are infected by its spirit.

They chose to stand up and do the same thing as Ding Dangmao...

This road is destined to be full of thorns, not everyone will succeed; some people fail in the process of being a chivalrous person and die.

There are also people who get stronger and stronger with each battle, and finally become famous and make achievements.

Yes, Ding Dangmao dances on the bottom line of the aristocratic family.

But these new knights don't know what the bottom line is!

They killed the direct line and the direct line without mercy... After killing the corpse and destroying the traces, they fled on the spot, and the family had to spend a lot of money to find the murderer.

It is very likely that you are catching the murderer here, and there is a fire over there.

Many families suffered heavy losses as a result.

That's why they were so angry that they had to cooperate with Qingtang to buy and kill.


At night, Ding Dangmao's video was updated on time.

Compared with the sound of abuse after the terrorist attack, his reputation continued to rise after being suppressed. Even if the navy remained, the people who supported him were growing all the time.

And the screen video website is Lu Yueshan's site.

He can tolerate the navy, but he will not agree to the request of the Eye Alliance - such as banning Dang Dangmao's account, or banning the person who speaks for him.

Therefore, after his video was released, the comment area was divided between pink and black.

There are those who like Ding Dangmao, and naturally there are those who love Dang Dangmao.

Many are not even in the navy.

They met in the comment area and ripped:

[Brother Ding, are you busy? Come and visit my hometown Wuheng County. This place is too messy. Five people went missing in a row last month. There are even gangsters who go to school to make trouble (five hundred words omitted)...]

[Reminder from the front row, Mo Jingren still has one minute to reach the battlefield]

[Thanks to Dingzi, our city has sent a few righteous heroes. I heard that yesterday we brought several drug-making dens directly and caused more than a dozen people's lives. It's so cool.]

[Ha, the murderer is here again. When I saw the comment section, there were a bunch of imitators and a group of followers of the murderer; they thought they were doing something good for society, but they didn’t know that they were the culprit who caused the chaos in the society. The culprit - I have nothing to say to you potential murderers, don't reply]

[I don't know if you are doing a good thing, I just want to ask you when you plan to pay your life to the people you hurt... I won't say pay your life, even if you don't even apologize, if you are strong enough, There is no punishment, right?]

[Husband supermarket me?]

Ding Dangmao closed the phone and felt the increase in willpower.

The confrontation in the comment area has surpassed the peak before the terrorist attack.

Sure enough, the public opinion of the mainstream media could not stop the audience's mouth.

The people are not blind, they will make their own judgments.

But people confirmed that when Ding Dangmao was doing good deeds and punishing evil and promoting good, he would naturally have a good impression of him, instead of scolding him.


Just listen to it, don't really treat the people as fools who can be manipulated.

After Ding Dangmao sighed in his heart, he put on a mask, and then took out the safety and brought it to himself...

The willpower of the T3-level quickly disappeared.

In an instant, he disappeared in place.


Five more, today is [-] words again.

Goodnight everybody.

Chapter [-] The Conflict between Yi Xia and Business

After the figure of Ding Dangmao disappeared in an instant, he appeared in Qiming City in the next instant and rushed to the address on the list.

Came to the appointed place at the appointed time.

Ding Dangmao, who put on a mask and covered his true face, soon saw hundreds of thousands of people gathered together, all of whom were the achievements of Ganchuan in Qiming City.

In addition to the students, there are also the parents of the students.

After all, parents are also worried, afraid that their children will be involved in any accident, and of course they should accompany them to this venue.

This group of people paid the deposit in advance.

So everyone on the list has arrived.

"Hello, customers."

Ding Dangmao's figure appeared out of thin air on the high platform, and he made a sound that startled everyone, and he heard him say: "That's right, I'm the person in charge, please don't ask other things, I'm in a hurry, everyone keep quiet and don't make noise. , let's finish the work quickly."

After all, he also took out a stack of documents from his arms.

"My classmates who read their names, please come to the stage, the first..."


A ray of light fell from the sky!

Ding Dangmao avoided it without saying a word, and saw a sharp flying knife descending at a speed of [-] meters per second, and inserted in front of Ding Dangmao who was standing before - it didn't come to my vital point?

Seeing that the flying knife stuck on the ground suddenly burst out a wave of air, the surging air wave lifted the surrounding five meters of soil and rocks, and the rolling aftermath caused the parents in the audience to back up several steps, and the scene was full of commotion.

"It's okay! It's okay! Don't panic!"

What he thought of at the time was to maintain order on the scene.

Otherwise, thousands of people scream and trample, and it will kill people.

While transmitting the sound to the surroundings of the venue, Ding Dangmao took time to look at the ceiling, but saw a person jumping down from the beam and slamming his knife!

The tip of the knife pointed at Ding Dangmao's head.

This dear man was covered in black clothes, and he wore a mask on his face like himself, but he just covered his nose like a mask, exposing his eyes.

He vibrated towards the crowd: "Go away!"

Ding Dangmao hurriedly drank: "Don't! It's the show! Come back!"

After speaking, he rushed forward with lightning speed, a seat belt appeared in his hand, and wrapped around the opponent's body like a rope on the spot.

The two disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Sky Cloud City, in the woods.

The two appeared out of thin air without any sense of teleportation, and the next moment a vigorous force rushed in, throwing the man in black with the knife more than ten meters away!

"are you crazy!"

Putting away his seat belt, Ding Dangmao said in dissatisfaction.

Inside his mask, a low voice transformed by a voice changer came out. He looked at the man in black who was thrown at the enemy and quickly got up, and scolded: "I'm doing business, what the hell are you doing? But my first clients!"

"Ah, yes, business, right?" The man in black stood up.

In an instant, he looked around and found that something was wrong.

Space teleportation?when? !

There is no need for any preparation, and people can be taken away in an instant.

Forget it, don't worry too much about it now.

The man in black shook, and soon ten flying knives emitting various colors of light appeared around him. These ten flying knives, Dangdangmao, looked familiar, and then remembered this thing and the flying knives used for split parts. is a style.

"What kind of business needs to modify the memory of its customers?"

The man in black sneered: "Cult? Or MLM brainwashing?"

But he didn't wait for an answer.

Because in front of his eyes, the target disappeared in an instant.

The man in black was stunned.

...you don't even need to prepare for teleportation?

He looked around in disbelief, trying to figure out which direction the enemy would attack him from next...for five minutes.

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