"A bunch of criminals! They shouldn't live so comfortably! Let them atone!"

This is the most fucking hilarious meeting ever.

Not only the official members of the audience, but even the young leaders secretly gave a thumbs up, and only some veterans frowned, shook their heads and sighed.

Forget it, change it.

Anyway, that place in the prison is indeed a big expense.

Ding Dangmao gestured for everyone to be quiet, and then continued to speak.

"In terms of reform, please see the PPT!"

"The following points are the terms of my application to change."

"Article [*], make atonement absolutely politically correct in the prison of the Reform Society. Every criminal with solid evidence must use their body to pay for their sins after stepping into the prison..."


"...Every family present must have a T3 power user."

"They are responsible for containing and besieging Ding Dangmao; while the killer hired by the Eye League from Qingtang Kingdom will take advantage of the opportunity that he is entangled and kill him!"

The ancestor of the Xu family turned to his grandson, who was most pleasing to the eye, and talked about the meeting of the Eye League: "Ding Dangmao, who you are thinking about in your heart, will be eliminated by me together this time."

"In this way, your heart will be unraveled."

After all, he gave Xu Lifeng the information and said: "This is the requirement of the meeting, our Xu family only needs to meet one of them, you can find a corresponding T3 power user, whether it is from the Xu family or not. It's okay, they just want people."

But Xu Lifeng began to think, and was speechless for a long time.

After thinking for a long time, he made up his mind and said solemnly, "Grandpa, I'll go!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyelids of the ancestors of the Xu family jumped.

"Richemon, it's not a child's play!" he reprimanded.

And Xu Lifeng did not mean to back down: "Grandpa, I have already thought about it, Ding Dangmao is the calamity in my heart, and killing Ding Dangmao is the most critical step on the road to my proof - if I can kill him with my own hands, I will It can definitely go further.”

Although, Xu Lifeng is a T3-level power user.

But if you really want to count, it can be said that he has stepped into the T2 level with half of his feet.

It's a pity that there is no realm in the super-energy world, otherwise it would be possible to get a nickname like 'Half-step T2'... But Xu Lifeng already felt that Ding Dangmao occupied a too heavy place in his heart.

He killed his own family, his own son.

So, you should kill him yourself.

It was like a shadow, the more he couldn't get rid of him, the bigger the shadow in Xu Lifeng's heart, until now, it has been a little too heavy for him to breathe.

Even in a dream, he can dream of the scene where he killed Ding Dangmao.

Demons breed belong to yes.

"You... all right."

The ancestor of the Xu family looked at his grandson's firm eyes and couldn't help but sighed: "You can be considered to meet the requirements. Since you really decided, I will not stop you."

"But compared to the killers of Qingtang Kingdom, you people are in a more dangerous situation. If you are not careful, you are likely to die..."

Xu Lifeng said: "Grandpa, with my super powers, it is very difficult to be threatened with life."

Also, he can form an electronic avatar remotely.

But what he didn't say is that if you become an electronic avatar yourself, you can become stronger and the chance of success will be greater...

He has suffered two failures.

As the saying goes, there are only three things.

This time, either Ding Dangmao died, or he died.

Chapter 73 The clues of the assassination [343/[*]]

The meeting lasted at least twelve hours.

Ding Dangmao's application was passed perfectly amid applause.

From next month, the system of the Reform Society prison will be overhauled, and many power users of T3 and above will be stuffed into cans, and they will create energy all day and night - if you don't want this kind of treatment, you can to try other labors.

Factory assembly line, construction site ash, road construction in barren hills, you can choose.

If you dare to run, or dare to sabotage, the canned will is your forever home!

As for the T4 and below, they have no willpower. They can't find the cost of being a canned food, and they are easy to control because of their weak ranks. It is better to send them to the front lines with the best physical strength to work. The specific performance is slightly better than that of private prisons. Be humane.

For non-life and non-death sentence prisoners, daily ideological education must keep up.

What?Can the sentence be reduced if you behave well?

Performed well or not, let's use memory to judge... what?You complained a lot during the labor period. It must be because your mind has not been properly reformed. If you return to society, there will be serious problems. You must continue to stay in prison for labor reform!

When you truly regret it, when will you be let out again.

Sentence?This stuff doesn't matter.

The purpose of putting you in prison is firstly to punish, and secondly, to reform your thoughts. Since your thoughts have not been reformed, why are you going out?Endanger social public safety?

Good, don't worry, change will prison is the most humane.

Even if you don't change well in this life, we will support you for the rest of your life...

Under Ding Dangmao's proposal, it is not only the prison system that has changed.

Even the judicial model of the entire Reform Council has changed.

In the future, there will be two ways of sentencing, one is a punitive bottom-line sentence, and the other is a reform-style unlimited sentence. In prison, if the reform is completed, you only need to sit in the bottom-line prison.

If the remodel is not complete... uh.

Just wait until you finish the makeover.


In the prison, Hei Yan Snake, who was wearing a restraint device and was eating with a mechanical prosthesis, shivered for no reason, always feeling that something bad would happen.

"Are they going to shoot me?"

A bad picture appeared in her mind.

It seemed that something more terrifying than being shot was waiting for her.


Time flies, two weeks have passed in the blink of an eye.

Ding Dangmao completed three more missions and expanded his business in more cities.

The financial resources are rolling in, and the high-quality willpower is also flowing like a tide, pushing the progress bar of the treasure bag to more than [*]%.

However, when Ding Dangmao was on his mission, every time he arrived in a city, when those gangsters saw him, they would go directly to the ground and rest.

Said that he would never resist and let him be slaughtered.

And he also took the initiative to provide the location of the goods he smuggled.

Then, a large number of criminals fled.

Ding Dangmao always felt that this was not good, and even took the initiative to find some direct lineages and direct lineages of aristocratic families along the evidence, and even clan elders...

After they saw that they were approaching aggressively, they went to the ground without saying a word.

Don't fight, I recognize it, I recognize everything you say.

Take me to the police station, thanks.

It was so cooperative that Ding Dangmao even saw someone take out the handcuffs automatically, put them on him, and then ran to the police station to surrender - and the police were surprised from the beginning, and then went numb.

Someone turned himself in?Go, stay inside the detention center, and wait for someone to come and redeem.

Ding Dangmao danced in the minefield of the local aristocratic family, but the other party didn't say anything.

Even the TV stations that often follow themselves to track reports and judge themselves no matter what happens, have stopped reporting and evaluating themselves.

As if there was no such person in the world at all.

On social platforms, Dangmao's name gradually stopped appearing in hot searches.

Only Lu Yueshan's Mushe website is still holding on.

Even the navy has become scarce, but the black fans or natural sunspots that have been cultivated in the later stage are very powerful, but the fans of Ding Dangmao on various platforms counterattack very fiercely, especially the war on the screen shooting video website. A great advantage.

......Causes Ding Dangmao's recent willpower acquisition to drop a bit.

This is not a good thing.

But the high-quality willpower didn't know why, but instead jumped up.

That's a great thing.

In the consciousness space, the gray space has faint traces of bleaching.

On the ocean of willpower, all kinds of willpower are intertwined, Ding Dangmao can't tell each other, but high-quality willpower is easy to identify...

He divides the categories, and classifies the high-quality willpower that is not in the stream~T1. The more at the bottom of the pyramid, the greater the base for providing high-quality willpower to himself.

And at the T2 level, there is a steady stream of hundreds of shares.

Ding Dangmao found out that 30 of the trickles were more violent than usual.

There are even several other T2-level willpowers pouring into the consciousness space.

He stretched out his hand and carefully felt the emotions of these high-quality intentions—without exception, they all carried extremely obvious malice.

"Someone is targeting me."

Ding Dangmao was full of vigilance.

"I have to take precautions in advance!"

Thinking of this, Ding Dangmao went to the 'shop' of the Reform Association, which is the material exchange office, to buy some life-saving props:


A total of [*] crystal coins were spent on Ding Dangmao.

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