Not to mention these, Ding Dangmao carefully observed the face of the Patriarch during the selection process. Whenever he picked an industry he controlled, this person became nervous.

And when he picked other clan elders, he breathed a sigh of relief.

According to this standard, Ding Dangmao almost swept away the property of the clan elders, and then cut off a few more of the patriarch's, and finally gave them some sunset property, and then gave up.

And real estate, he only needs less than 10%.

They are the most valuable ones in prosperous areas.

The two combined, the value has exceeded [*] million crystal coins.

"That's it, in half a month, transfer them to my name."

Patting the head of the family on the shoulder, Ding Dangmao comforted: "I will write off the matter between you and your Dongli family."

"...Understood." The owner sighed weakly.

The heritage of the family is amazing.

Taking away these properties means losing the tools to make money, but it doesn't mean that the Dongli family will collapse.

After all, how could the centuries-old family have no savings?

"Minister Salary, I still have something to do in my house, so I'll leave first." Ding Dangmao stood up and planned to leave.

Xinting nodded: "Have a rest early."

And after Ding Dangmao left, Xinting slowly raised her head, she said, "Why are you Donglijia buying so much real estate in the province? There are too many unfinished buildings!"

What holiday resort, what villa community, what high-end home...

"It's okay, the change will handle it for you."

As soon as her words came out, the head of the family couldn't hold back: "Your Excellency, we have already made compensation to Mr. Ding Dangmao, why are we still——"

"Ding Dangmao is a member of the Reform Association." Xin Ting said lightly: "You want to kill him, and the only thing you provoke is the Reform Association, but he is kind-hearted and doesn't care about you... So, we avoided a fight. Total war."

"It's just that our reform meeting is about justice and fairness after all."

While talking, she took out her phone and sent a message.

Soon, her teammates came outside the main house.

Everyone carries a person, plus a stack of documents.

"My colleagues wandered around your house and found some domestic workers who have signed a contract with you - treated outside the contract."

Xin Ting thought about how to speak better.

What contracted housekeeping staff...

Yes, after I signed the contract, I entered such a country within the family. From then on, I could not help him. I lived like a slave servant in the Dongli family. Those who didn't know it thought I lived for hundreds of years. pre-ancient.

"They look at the high wages and come to work in your house full of hope, but you treat them as slaves... oh yes, and some of your 'adopted' children, what have you done to them? , do you need me to explain one by one?"

"Fortunately, it was me who you met today. If it were someone else from the Reform Society, your Dongli family would already be bloodshed, don't even think about leaving a living person behind!"

After a pause, Xinting calmed down slightly, and then said:

"They're all poor ordinary people."

"The Dongli family needs to compensate them."

Chapter [*] The Conflict of Ideas (Part [*])

Change meeting, canteen.

Ding Dangmao ordered a high-energy supper.

Halfway through the meal, he saw someone walking over to sit down opposite him, Ding Dangmao raised his head speechlessly and looked at his boss: "Is there only one vacant seat in the cafeteria?"

After Xin Ting sat down in front of him, she didn't bother to understand what Ding Dangmao said.

She said, "You were assassinated, right?"

"Assassination? That's called siege!" Ding Dangmao emphasized: "Three T2 superpowers from Qingtang Kingdom, plus 30 T3 level, come together to kill me alone."

"Fortunately, I was superior and killed."

Ding Dangmao downplayed it and did not mention how dangerous the original situation was.

Ah, no, it doesn't seem to be dangerous, and I haven't even broken my skin...

If he can't teleport, I'm afraid he will have to fight a hard battle with Xu Lifeng - unfortunately, he can, so Xu Lifeng sent it apologetically.

"Did you guess that they were going to assassinate you?"

Xin Ting said in front of him: "I checked your previous cases and found that the Xu family had assassinated you it's three times! After each failed assassination, you can get a Expensive compensation."

"I guess, you like this feeling, right?"

Hearing this, Ding Dangmao swallowed the food in his mouth and laughed softly.

"Nonsense, who doesn't like it!"

He said bluntly: "If I go directly to steal and rob, even if I only submit a crystal coin to them, it will cause hostility and revenge from these noble families... But if they take the initiative to kill me, I will propose bankruptcy to eliminate disasters. If they do, they will be satisfied and happy.”

The former, ignoring the rules, hurting people and looting, all harm and no benefit.

It's against me, so naturally I have to do my best to expel it!

And the latter, abide by the rules, will not flip the table casually, the psychological burden of breaking the bank and eliminating the disaster is much less, and they are willing to make compensation.

It's like the Dongli family, who admits their faults and thinks that it would be good to not kill them to vent their anger. It is very convenient to take the initiative and do their best to handle their own requirements.

Conversely, what do you get by robbery alone?

Make everyone think that you are a sociopath, and the more you get, the more hostile you will be.

He does not have the strength to bear the malice of the whole society.

"I see. You deliberately made a big deal out of your mission, so that the noble families would notice you, and then send killers to assassinate you--this way, you can justifiably get more money."

Xinting expressed her opinion: "Do you think that your behavior is actually very dangerous. If you overturned once..."

Ding Dangmao: "Wealth and wealth are at risk. No one is likely to overturn the car when the big guy is doing the task. Don't worry, Minister, I have a sense of balance."

Ding Dangmao's image of 'playing the rules' is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

At least, from today onwards, the upper echelons of the super power world will know.

So if Ding Dangmao asked for compensation, they would not refuse.

Xinting said coldly, "Did you know that the Dongli family kept slaves in captivity."

"Then you rescued them, didn't you?" Ding Dangmao replied calmly, "So they became your bargaining chip, and in this way squeezed more things out of the Dongli family."

"No! They are not bargaining chips!" Xin Ting looked directly at Ding Dangmao and said solemnly, "They are living people!"

Those 'slaves' were mostly women and had children.

Hearing this, Ding Dangmao put down his chopsticks.

"Oh, then you must have obeyed the victim's wishes, and refused to solve it in private, but led the team to wash the Dongli family's blood!"

Ding Dangmao gestured twice: "In order to satisfy the wishes of the parties, you must let them take revenge personally! What kind of reconciliation in court is not within your consideration, right!"

Hearing these words, Xin Ting was silent for a rare moment.

Ding Dangmao saw through her psychology and continued: "What do you want to say, think I'm too focused on my interests and forget my original intention and the program of the reform meeting?"

"I ran a hundred paces, you who run fifty paces came to scold me for being greedy for life and fearing death?"


As I said before, the own territory of those great families is equivalent to China.

In other words, it is completely closed to the outside world.

Speaking of Ding Dangmao's previous life, if those white-skinned men want to vent their animalistic desires, they have to build an island so that they can enjoy life on it.When those big families closed the door, they were as happy as feudal nobles.

Does Ding Dangmao know about this?he knows.

From the memories of those domestic servants or direct descendants, it can be searched.

For example, in the Dongli family, the underground space is twice the size of the community. It has detained victims of human trafficking from all over the world and even other countries, or ignorant people who were tricked into it, or who were 'adopted' in orphanages. orphan......

Ding Dangmao knew all about this.

What about the change meeting, they can't possibly not know.

"I rescued 74 people from the Dongli family." Xinting's voice became smaller: "They need to return to their normal lives, and the Dongli family has given them a compensation fee that satisfies them, and the reform meeting can also guarantee their well-being. Safety and medical..."

"After that, whether they want to return to their past lives, live in a different place and identity, or become non-staff members of the Change Society, or even plan to wash away those unforgettable memories... We will be satisfied. they."

"In addition to this, they can also get a large amount of compensation, which is enough for them to spend the rest of their lives worry-free."

Ding Dangmao nodded: "That's great."

It is indeed very good. For this society, the handling method of the reform meeting is very humane, and even if it is discussed on the forum, it will not find many faults.

It can make the big family bleed, and can stand on the side of ordinary people and fight for the interests of the people.

In the eyes of the people of the Wei and Shang states, the behavior of the Reform Society is extremely rare.

If you raise your arms after joining the WTO, you can attract a large number of followers.

"...Any of them want revenge?"

Ding Dangmao suddenly asked.

Xin Ting did not speak.

Ding Dangmao said: "Of course there is. After being detained and abused for so long, how could you not have the idea of ​​revenge? If you were treated like this, you would have already crushed everyone from the Dongli family to scum!"

She still didn't speak, she picked up the mineral water in her hand and poured it into her mouth.

"But you didn't do it, you know that the Dongli family is a bunch of fucking scum, and it's not a pity to die [*] times, but you just used those victims as an excuse to ask the Dongli family to pay a big one. Money—and this money! Much of it will go into Change’s inner pool!”

Xin Ting is not naive and silly, but she is a T2 superpower and the minister of the real leather department.

She knew what she was doing.

After taking a sip of water, she raised her head and looked directly into Ding Dangmao's eyes: "You are right, I did it; but I didn't lie to you, each of them got what they were satisfied with. compensation."

"Then what else do you want to say to me?" Ding Dangmao picked up his chopsticks and prepared to continue eating supper: "Let's eat half a catty."

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