
The administrator angrily pointed to the name of the hanging compound, and said angrily, "This is poison! If children eat it, it will kill people!"

The employee was stupid and stayed.

Then he knelt on the ground and cried while smacking his face.

"I was obsessed with money, it was me, damn it, it was my fault...!"

"I-I confessed! And the director! The director of our office also has contact with them!"

As a result, everyone in the factory took action in full swing...

Soon, this matter passed through layers and came to Ding Dangmao's hands.

"It works pretty fast."

He gave a slight smile.

Behind the smile, there is more fear.

What would have happened without this poker card?

Chapter 87 Lucky Shelter and Change 【343/[*]】

boom! ! !

The loud explosion lit up the night sky, and Xiang Jingjing was blown up by the violent shock wave. When she landed smoothly, both her body and her internal organs were so painful that she could barely stand still.

As a power user nearing the T2 level, he should have been able to resolve this battle quickly, but he did not expect to step into the enemy's trap.

No, just gangsters can't make such a powerful trap.

There must be an expert behind them.

... [*]%, it is undoubtedly a noble family.

Since Ding Dangmao intercepted the family's hundreds of billions of property, the conflict between the righteous heroes such as Xinghuoge and the aristocratic family has become more and more serious, reaching the point of extreme and out of control.

Even if the ancestors did not go out, some clan elders at the T3 level would end up in person.

"Well, following their way, I was too naive..."

Xiang Jingjing took out the Thunderbolt Spear exchanged from Xinghuo Pavilion, and hung the Psychic Power Shield around his neck ready to activate at any time. He even held a laser rod in his left hand.

"Go! Don't let that little girl run away!"

"She's seriously injured! Kill her!"

"I saw her—"

Seriously injured?

Xiang Jingjing frowned. She thought that although she was bombed and seriously injured, it wasn't serious injury, right?

The power of a battle is there anyway.

Night vision goggles in a satchel... not broken!Fortunately it didn't break!

Today, I was really lucky. Fortunately, I was only standing on the edge of the explosion when it exploded. I was not seriously injured by the explosion, and even the props were not damaged.

She quickly took it off and put it on her head. Suddenly, the night was like day in her eyes. Xiang Jingjing could see the approaching person clearly, and then her entire figure disappeared.

Fight, start!

While moving at a high speed, shrill screams continued to be heard under the night.

Ten minutes later, the battle ended, and a blurred figure of Xiang Jingjing appeared.

After several battles, she felt very weak, her legs staggered softly, and her body leaned forward a little—

At the same time, a silver gunpowder bullet grazed her body.

She hit the stone wall dozens of meters away from Xiang Jingjing's body, and the violent explosion and fire soared into the sky, and she was stunned for a moment...

Me, my mother.

If I hadn't leaned forward just now, I would have definitely sent it.

"Who? Who is stalking me?!"

Her eyes became cold and she looked in the opposite direction of the explosion: "Very good! I saw you! Take your life!"

While speaking, her figure disappeared, and after two seconds, she crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, came to the sniper who fled in a hurry, and stabbed with a shot!

Stab him in the face!


"The righteous heroes who shelter the Spark Pavilion, stay away from the threat of serious injury and death."

"Number one hundred...ninety...seventy...thirty...fifteen...ten! Okay , can only be ten people at most?"

A poker card was consumed again, and turned into a mysterious and mysterious lucky blessing attached to the righteous heroes of Xinghuo Pavilion. Under the protection of luck, they should be able to avoid the threat of death during the mission.

Ding Dangmao had read the information in Xinghuo Pavilion.

According to the above records, every day there are heroes killed and injured.

Compared with the reform meeting that only let the T3 seekers be fully armed for the task, the Xinghuo Pavilion, which is extremely poor and does things for nothing, obviously has more casualties.

Both parties are good people, but the Spark Pavilion needs more help.

Tens of thousands of righteous heroes scattered all over the country, I wonder if some more people will survive after this round of shelter?

Go to Xinghuo Pavilion next week and you will find out.

At night, the playing cards disappeared in Ding Dangmao's hands, turning them into lucky shelters, and finally stopped when there were only two cards left.

"What are you doing?" Qin Lele's voice came from beside him.

Ding Dangmao turned around and said with a smile, "I'm praying."

"I don't even know that you still believe in those things." Qin Lele approached Ding Dangmao and handed him the ice cream he just bought: "Here, I bought it for you, chocolate-flavored."

"Believe with the spirit, and believe without the spirit."

Ding Dangmao took the ice cream that she handed over, and unknowingly it was almost summer, the temperature gradually began to rise, and sorbets were also sold on the street.

Compared with the past, the current Kuimu City is much more lively.

Due to the activity of the Reform Club and the Spark Pavilion, and the new jobs created by Ding Dangmao, the night in Kuimu City was no longer as dangerous as usual, but became safer.

Even some female college students dare to walk alone at night... uh, walking together at night.

Even walking alone at night in the middle of the night will not necessarily cause an accident.

After disguising, Ding Dangmao was like a superman with glasses on. He changed his hairstyle, changed his style of dress, and put on a pair of flat glasses. No one could recognize his true identity.

After watching the movie, he and Qin Lele strolled along the street food street for a date.

"Spear, do you still remember, you used to say you wanted to change the world."

"Tong Yan Wuji, it's a little embarrassing to think about it now."

"No, I think it's very handsome, at that time I was the person who agreed with you the most!"

"Hammer! You laughed the most at that time! You also called on everyone to laugh at me together!"

"Oh, is it me? I don't remember pinching!"

Qin Lele took Ding Dangmao's arm and walked with him through the brightly lit snack street, chatting while eating, enjoying it very much.

"Miaomao, I think Wei Shangguo has changed a lot recently. Has your ideal been realized?" Qin Lele asked.

In fact, after living with Ding Dangmao for so long, she knew the answer.

"It's not enough!" Ding Dangmao assured: "What I want to do is much greater than what I am doing now!"


Because of Ding Dangmao, Kuimu City was estimated to be the safest city in the Weishang Kingdom. At night, there are at least hundreds of righteous warriors patrolling, looking for clues of crime.

Sometimes the criminals can't be found, and the righteous heroes are so busy that they take care of the trivial matters in the neighborhood, including where to drink and cause trouble or domestic violence, the righteous heroes will take care of them according to their own preferences.

The crime rate plummeted, and the happiness of residents rose sharply.

Even some police functions have been taken over.

Many police stations have established cooperative relations with the heroes.

In the eyes of the general public, the favorability of the righteous heroes headed by Xinghuoge is rising... In contrast, the change will be too low-key, and there is no topic at all among the people.

Even if a good deed is done, it will be attributed to the righteous heroes.

Whether it is according to people's observations or what Yi Xia said, the reason why most people become Yi Xia is precisely because of the encouragement of Ding Dangmao.

The power of example is endless.

Therefore, Ding Dangmao's reputation is still rising.

Perhaps only he himself knows how big his reputation is.


Fourth more

Chapter 8 Memory Library and Views from Various Parties【343⑨/[*]】

The Wei Shang state has a population of nearly one billion.

But it doesn't mean that the Wei business country is developed. On the contrary, there are many poor places that don't even have the Internet, and some areas are as closed as China.

There are many people who know Ding Dangmao's name, but by no means all.

And even fewer were deeply influenced by Ding Dangmao.

If Ding Dangmao wanted to influence everyone in the Wei Shang Kingdom, at least he had to spread his will all over the country!The premise of achieving this goal is to at least lay infrastructure, roads, and new industries across the country.

It's just a lucrative industry for 30 families. How many people can they help and how many jobs can they create?Looking at the entire country, it's a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, the high-end industries of Wei Shangguo have long been occupied by foreign goods.

Even the mid-to-upstream industries can't keep up.

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