"Wouldn't it be over already?"

After going around in a big circle, that's what it meant.

However, Marshal Lei Qian added: "Since he wants equality, then give him equality - Hongzhuang, if we meet on an equal footing, I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate for you to stay by his side."

Hongzhuang blinked: "Is there? I think it's very suitable!"

"As far as I'm guessing, he doesn't necessarily want you to stay by his side."

"Marshal Lei is really joking..."


At night, Ding Dangmao waited in the wilderness outside the headquarters.

It didn't take long for Marshal Lei Qian to arrive after he was stuck, along with him and his adopted daughter Lei Beibei.

"Little guy, it's just the three of us here, we want equality!"

He stepped forward and exhorted Ding Dangmao: "But equality is not a good thing, it means that your elders can't shield you from the wind and rain, it means that the rules of this society's law of the weak will be revealed in front of you. You must accept it!"

Ding Dangmao listened to him patiently, and then asked, "Have you always liked to talk like this?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"It's all right, except it's all bullshit."

Marshal Lei Qian felt that Hongzhuang's advice to him was correct.

Talk to this kid and blood pressure will go up.

It was clearly stated in the intelligence that Ding Dangmao was a somewhat eccentric but elegant and easy-going person, but after real contact with him, he found that this guy can really make people angry.

It should have become stronger, and more and more open-mouthed.

It's normal, many people release their nature more and more after they become stronger, and no longer cover up as they used to - for the strong, this is called true temperament.

"Forget it, not much else to say, let's get down to business."

Marshal Lei Qian pointed to the direction of the headquarters of the Reform Association: "Your Spark Pavilion, to be honest, is no different from the Reform Conference. If it can bring benefits to this rotten country, I will even support your approach."

He emphasized: "As long as the sword of your reforms, don't touch the army blindly."

Ding Dangmao said calmly: "How can a country not have an army, an army that is self-sufficient abroad like you is a deformed manifestation - if one day we really want to reform, the army must be firmly bound to the country. !"

When Lei Gan heard the words, he was not angry: "The current government is not qualified to rule the army I built. If you can create a strong country in the future, my army and I will follow your orders."

Marshal Lei Qian's mentality is very simple, he does not see himself as a warlord.

Instead, he felt that he was a part of Wei Shangguo.

Just thinking, the current Wei Shang Kingdom is not worthy to manage the army.

If the reformed Wei Shangguo can bring more benefits than what he is doing now, then it is not impossible for the army to be loyal to the country...

"I can sell you weapons, props, tactical ideas, and even transformation operations like I do business with the Reform Association, but if the Spark Pavilion wants to get these prerequisites, you have to prove to me that you have the strength to protect them."

Ding Dangmao said, "The way to prove your strength is to fight your daughter?"

Lei Beibei suddenly said, "It's the adopted daughter."

...well, adopted daughter.

"What the Xinghuo Pavilion provokes is the current system of Wei Shangguo, and there are as many as the stars in the vested interests. If there is no strong force in the battle, the Xinghuo Pavilion will undoubtedly lose."

"So, I want to see your ability, is this too much?"


Do you guys think that it's very watery to talk all the time?

Chapter [-] Winning and Losing and Mixing Yuan Baoyi

There is no unified view on the definition of the strong in the super power world.

Without a unified training system, the super power world is naturally full of flowers. There are T2 super power users who can do their best to set off a tornado comparable to a million-ton nuclear bomb. There are T1 super power users who can even break the anti-rabbit. ....

Therefore, Ding Dangmao didn't know what a strong man was under the standards of Marshal Lei Qian.

"I still don't want to fight." Ding Dangmao lacked interest: "It's boring, Xinghuo Pavilion doesn't necessarily need the help of the military."

Lei Gan replied: "But the army can't just sit back and watch you mess up the country."

"What do you mean 'can't mess up the country'?" Ding Dangmao said: "The big guy can't live anymore. I lead the people to revolt against the corrupt system. This is also called messing up the country?"

"For me, count!" Lei Gan said solemnly.

Ding Dangmao said: "Then you can go to the aristocratic family and find trouble with the Super Energy Association; kill them and help us take over Wei Shangguo, and the country will not be in chaos."

"Do you think this is possible?" Lei Gan snorted coldly.

"Then according to what you mean, you have to go against me, right?" Ding Dangmao sneered: "Okay, isn't it just a violent revolution and then the army is gone, which country in the past dynasties will not dispatch the army to suppress the insurgent army?"

"Set up a character for yourself that is detached from politics, upright, or clean and not demonic, saying that you will not interfere in the country - as soon as you see the people's uprising, you will come to suppress it non-stop."

"What did you say before who seized power with whom? Do you really think you are fooling the child?"

Ding Dangmao shook his head gently, deliberately staring at Marshal Lei Qian with the eyes of a clown, and said, "You said, what are you pretending to be with me? Let's make an honest announcement, can't we be sincere?"

When Marshal Lei Qian heard the words, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then exhale...

His super power [Magic Eye] can discern the truth and falsehood, and also has the ability to detect. The word is false.

He said he didn't care about working with the military...

Not a lie.

"You bastard is even more extreme than before Hongzhuang." Lei Gan sighed and said, "Do you have to follow the line of revolutionary bloodshed? Can't you reform peacefully? The Wei and Shang kingdoms were in war and it was not innocent people who suffered."

Ding Dangmao said: "Peaceful reform is certainly possible, but I can't stand someone who has to bring his army to the end, aren't you forcing me to engage in violent revolution! Besides, there is no way that people will die in a revolution, and the suffering and sacrifice of the people now. , for a better future.”

He tossed the question back.

He said that the reform of Wei and Shangguo is necessary anyway, whether to take the line of peace or the line of violence, the right to choose is in your hands.

We little scumbags can only act according to the choices of your big men.

"Suffering and sacrifice... It's not you who co-authored the sacrifice. Of course, you have no scruples to say such things." Lei Gan looked at him coldly.

Ding Dangmao said: "It's not impossible to want me to sacrifice, but you don't have the ability, you can only defeat me at most, and then watch my wildfire burn and the spring breeze will make a comeback..."

He was confident in everything he said and did.

Lei Gan saw it clearly, and this was the fundamental reason why he didn't act.

This guy doesn't feel that he is bluffing, and he doesn't know where the confidence comes from. He is convinced that he can compete with the Super Power Association and the military.

But Ding Dangmao is poor and white... No, he is also a great family.

It's just a simple sacrifice.

In the eyes of Marshal Lei Qian, Ding Dangmao, as a seeker, may naturally not care what kind of price will be paid after the chaos of Wei and Shang. Maybe in his eyes, as long as the goal can be achieved, it is worth sacrificing hundreds of millions !

The Super Energy Association will fight if they are hostile, the military will also fight if they are hostile, and the foreign forces will also fight when they make troubles. They will drag the Wei Shangguo billions of lives up to fill, and there will always be a time for complete victory!

Alas, seeker...

Success also seeks the Tao, and defeat also seeks the Tao.

Lei Gan said: "To tell you the truth, I have an idea now, that is, I will kill you with lightning speed.

"And then having a bad relationship with change?"

"So, it's just an idea."

Marshal Lei Qian said seriously: "Wei Shangguo can't be chaotic! The military promises that it will not end in exchange for your Xinghuo Pavilion to converge in the country, don't really develop into an uprising army and fight again!"

"Sounds like a very good proposal." Ding Dangmao touched his chin: "What if the other party is the first to tear up the contract and take the initiative to make things worse?"

Marshal Lei Qian said: "The army will deal with the party who broke the rules first, so be satisfied!"


Ding Dangmao nodded and said, "I can restrain Xinghuo Pavilion's behavior, but I can't restrain what other heroes will do; if you take action against them, I won't care."

In this way, the two reached a preliminary verbal agreement.

The military does not end, and the Spark Pavilion does not cross the line.

Control the intensity of the war to a minimum, and the Wei and Shang kingdoms cannot be chaotic!

"Anything else?" he asked.

Lei Gan said, "Does a fight with my adopted daughter give me a bottom line?"

Ding Dangmao: "Don't fight, it's too revealing."


"Expose my strength and means!"

Oh oh, that's what it means.

Marshal Lei Qian was already prepared, and when he flipped his hand, there was a shiny leather jacket in his hand, he said, "This item is called the Hunyuan Baoyi, which can be used in red liquid bombs and blue liquid bombs. The explosion center is intact, and it can even charge up the Primordial Shield, which is enough to resist the explosion of the big blue liquid bomb."

"If you win, I will give you this treasure."

Dang Dangmao immediately recovered.

The red liquid bomb with a killing radius of 1000 meters, he knows how powerful this thing is - let's just say, the killing radius of the little boy is less than 1000 meters.

If it is hard to calculate, a red liquid bomb is equivalent to 2W tons of TNT explosives.

It can be intact in a red liquid bomb that is comparable to a small nuclear bomb, and it can even be recharged by willpower to raise the shield, which is enough to resist the explosion of a large blue liquid bomb - this is not a matter of money, it has a price. No city belongs to is.

"If you lose, then... take your participation fee of 10 crystal coins."

Marshal Lei Qian shook the leather jacket in his hand and asked, "Accept the challenge?"

As soon as these words came out, Ding Dangmao looked at Lei Beibei with shining eyes.

His eyes were full of undisguised greed.

"Father, what about me?"

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