The shape is like a weapon, but its power is much greater than that of gunpowder weapons. They slashed overwhelmingly, like compressing the energy of a mortar, and then cutting it sharply, even the T2 super energy field could not hold it.

Ding Dangmao suddenly felt that it was not easy to resist.

Can resist, but not necessary, because the opponent is still preparing for the next round of attack.

So, [Swimming Powder] was smeared on his body.

Ding Dangmao instantly escaped into the ground and disappeared.

Letting the empty blade slash within a few hundred meters, the entire land was ploughed.


"She understands the wind quite well."

In the distance, Hongzhuang couldn't help but complimented him, and then moved his eyes to another place: "It's Ding Dangmao, how could he still escape?"

Lei Gan was also suspicious: "That kid, wouldn't he also be in the cultivation system?"

Hongzhuang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, it should be just a super power item...probably."

And Lei Gan didn't give up and speculated: "It has both power and speed, and also has the characteristics of insects. Could it be an insect visualization?"

"How can anyone visualize insects!"

"You don't even spare volcanoes and thunderstorms, so what happened to the insects!"

While the two were talking, their eyes still did not leave the area.

Seeing Lei Beibei kneeling on one knee, holding the ground with both hands, his eyes were cold and harsh: "Get up!"

In an instant, the earth and rocks splashed, and the ground within a few hundred meters rippled like a pool of water, and then a large number of earth and rocks rose into the sky like waves, and were thrown into the sky over a hundred meters!

As for Ding Dangmao, his entire body was thrown out directly.

Wind and soil... This is no longer a martial arts!It's fantasy!

What's next?What else would she do?Kaneki Sui Raiden multi-attribute attack?


Lei Beibei shouted loudly, and the earth and stones that rose to the sky suddenly turned into ferocious dragon heads one by one, and then aimed at Ding Dang Spear, who had just opened his wings in mid-air, and spewed out a viscous flame like lava!

The blazing flames almost enveloped most of the sky.

Ding Dangmao once again entered the state of time acceleration, this time at 10 times the speed without reservation. After an instant escape, he landed on the ground in an instant——

The earth swelled, the wind howled, and hot magma fell from the sky.


Lei Beibei waved her hand, and a large amount of lightning spewed out of her hands. In an instant, he caught up with Ding Dangmao, and hit the ground because of a wrong estimate... 10 times the speed is very fast, he is in the thunder The moment Beibei raised her hand, she ducked.

The thunderbolt has been used, and it can't be delayed any more!

At this moment, he ran on the ground at supersonic speed, approached Lei Beibe in an instant, and threw a punch at the vest!

The other party seemed to have eyes behind his back. He turned around in an instant to take a photo. Since the speed was barely keeping up with him, he hit the punch he punched, turning his offensive into invisible.

In an instant, Ding Dangmao withdrew and attacked again!

His body turned into a black line that kept wandering on the battlefield, trying to find the opponent's flaws from the continuous attack.

And Lei Beibei, who is located in the center, has no flaws.

She stood in the center, even closed her eyes, watching her surroundings with extreme vigilance—in the center of the mimetic formation, Lei Beibei could gain exceptional perception and speed within a five-meter radius.

But only within five meters.

But only passive defense.

In the distance, seeing this scene, Hongzhuang was very interested: "The sitting spirit formation is also well placed, it can be regarded as both offensive and defensive, but there are still shortcomings, unable to make the leylines form a body shield, even to deal with Ding Dang spear It's also a bit exhausting."

"Hmph, what kind of formation sounds nice, but it's just a target for standing." Lei Gan was obviously not interested in this 'Sit Spirit Formation'.

"It's alright, once you're proficient, you won't be able to stand, you can move." And Hongzhuang comforted with a deep question.

"However, with Ding Dangmao's current speed and his excellent fighting consciousness, he should not fall into Lei Beibei's trap..."

Hongzhuang speculated, and then shook his head: "If Lei Beibei wants to win, he can only use that is impossible to win."

"You can win! Go to hell with Wude!"

Marshal Lei Qian was disdainful: "Any practice is false, isn't I training her just for your strangeness?"

"Besides, when you used this trick to fight against me before, you didn't say you wanted to talk about martial arts."

Hongzhuang pouted: Can it be the same?

You are T1 and I am T2, how can I win if I don't open?


"Brother Ding, please pay attention to one or two next..."

During the defense, Lei Beibei frowned, and she finally made up her mind, saying: "You can force me to this point, it is quite strong, in order to win this battle, I must use some dangerous means against you. ."

"I hope Brother Ding... Be careful! Don't die!"

The next moment, when Ding Dangmao approached again, Lei Beibei's body suddenly erupted from 360 degrees of sharp invisible spikes... invisible, but felt.

Bah! ! !

With a heavy punch, the invisible spiked armor shattered and dented, and a huge kinetic energy hit.

Lei Beibei's figure flew out directly!

In the distance, the two watching the battle widened their eyes and almost uttered foul language!

"Super energy field?!!" ×2

In the pitted wilderness, Lei Beibei was hit hard. She gritted her teeth and trembled from the ground, and saw Ding Dangspear who was slowly approaching from not far away.

She said in surprise: "You..."

"I didn't expect that I would meet a second person who can control the super field like me." He walked in gradually, and the super field glove disappeared without a trace.

Then, it turned into an invisible heavy hammer in his hand.

"I always thought this was my patent."

"Even the seekers I know can't control the super energy field like me."

"Until today, I met you."

In order to maintain the character design, he said something that he didn't believe in bullshit: "It seems that I can rarely have a good time today!"

In an instant, Ding Dangmao approached, and the heavy hammer slammed down!


Five shifts, good night everyone

Chapter [*] Pulling out weapons and not talking about martial arts

Across the distance, even the [Magic Eye] cannot discern the truth from the false.

But the familiarity with the super energy field allows the two to understand the battle in the distance.

Ding Dangmao stepped forward and slammed down with a heavy hammer, but he still maintained the speed at a level that the opponent could react to.

A super-energy field shield solidified, and Lei Beibei only had time to block with one arm in front of him, and the shield was dented by the incoming heavy hammer, and the whole person flew out again!

The moment she was knocked into the sky, the super energy field turned into a sharp, thorny chain in her hand, and it was thrown out like a thought force. It was like a snake in the air, winding up towards Ding Dang Spear.

But the latter just stepped back, the super-energy field hammer turned into a fist, grabbed the barbed chain, and then released the ant's power with all its strength, pulling it hard!

The other party couldn't use the force in the sky, but the whole person was pulled back on the way to fly upside down, while Ding Dangmao grabbed the chain and slammed her directly into the air, spinning in the air like a top!

Lei Beibei couldn't, melted his super energy field chain on the spot, and the whole person fell down inertialy, but before he landed, he felt that the sky and the earth were hanging upside down - the gravity was directly reversed 180 degrees!

As soon as the talent landed, there were signs of flying backwards into the sky.

And Ding Dangmao came over as if he was standing upside down and stepped on the 'over the sky', the super energy field turned into a long stick, and the offensive was turbulent like a surging river.

Lei Beibei had no choice but to use his 'internal force' to hold on to the ground. The whole figure seemed to be fighting upside down on the beam of the house. With two fists in both hands, he slammed against Ding Dangmao's long stick.

The two sides come and go, and the super energy field meets the super energy field.

Moving around, the ground is cracked, one step at a time.

The two of them have a sense of proportion, knowing that this is a discussion, and they have not used the super power field to show sharp objects such as blades, but Rao is a blunt weapon such as a stick and a glove, and it is dangerous enough.

After a long attack, there are even signs of deliberately releasing water on the opposite side.

Leibebe made his decision after a few seconds of attacking and defending.

"Ground lead!"

She shouted loudly and stepped on the ground at the same time, and the gravity within a radius of [*] meters increased several times!

Her whole body rose like an arrow, because in her perception, the gravity towards the sky had increased several times—meaning that the direction of gravity was deflected, not that the opponent reset the gravity.

This is easy to do.

Standing at a height of [*] meters, the deflected gravitational force suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Wind and thunder!"

When he closed his hands, and opened it again, Lei Beibei hovered high in the air, and the strong winds gathered together to form several small tornadoes.

They seemed to have spirituality, and they closed towards Ding Dangspear's position.


Can you still fly?

To be honest, Ding Dangmao was shocked by the suddenly heavier gravity, and the energy consumption of the [Gravity Bending Machine] actually increased several times with the change of gravity... This It's a new discovery.

The next moment, lightning and thunder spread hundreds of meters in a radius, and the howling wind made him never want to fly.

What to do in the event of a large-scale attack?


On the spot, Ding Dangmao's figure disappeared, already relying on [Swimming Powder] to integrate into the earth, no matter how powerful the lightning strikes, it must be distributed by the earth.

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