Some of them maintain a pilgrimage-like belief in themselves.

Others didn't care much about this matter, and just cast their eyes on it.

Some people just want to have fun.

All beings in the world are strange.

When sorting out these willpowers, Ding Dangmao can feel that all beings are real, they also have their own joys, sorrows, sorrows, and their own lives...

All living beings have supported me.

I should repay them.

Even from the point of view of pure profit, I should make their lives better.

More people means more willpower, more props, and stronger power!



Ruins, fire, stumps, death, wailing, silence...

All beings in the world, their existence is real.

I can feel his suffering, sorrow, sorrow, despair...

It's just that this has nothing to do with me.

In my eyes, whether it is a superpower at the top or a mortal commoner at the bottom, it is all my feed.

Blood King, Wolf King, Split... and other subordinates.

It's just a high-end food that I raised in captivity.

I waved my hand and dismissed the subordinates who were still fighting and besieged, and then I saw the girl in the center of the ruins, who still had a firm and bright gaze...

"Lei Beibei, Lei Gan's daughter, your super powers look familiar to me. It seems that the leader of the Reform Society has the same powers as you - but he is much stronger than you."

She slashed at me with a broken knife in hand.

"It's an adopted daughter!"

On the way, she did not forget to emphasize to me.

But the snail's stagnant field slowed her down a hundred times...

too slow!

I cut off her knife-wielding arm.

"The leader of the Reform Society, he ran away from me, which is a pity."

"But you slammed into the door on your own initiative."

"Your super power is very good, it belongs to me."

I devoured her.

Then, under the awe-inspiring eyes of my subordinates, I picked up an arm belonging to Lei Beibe on the ground and handed it to the split body.

"Take this thing and tell Lei Gan that his daughter died in my hands."

"Presumably, it can really help that Lei Warlord make up his mind."

"The flames of war should spread across the country, and countless people will suffer."

And their suffering is because of it.

Their struggles will become my strength.


After waking up, Ding Dangmao opened his eyes.

He sat up, rubbing the bridge of his nose, trying to wake himself up a bit.

"The dream this time... is enough!"

"What is he going to do, keep killing?"


Five shifts, good night everyone

Chapter [*] Can I quit?

Three days later, Spark Pavilion.

Headquarters, a total of tens of thousands of people.

Everyone who can come has come, and even those who haven't come are watching the local live broadcast elsewhere.

In the open-air stadium, tens of thousands of people formed a team, and Ding Dangmao walked to the stage with tens of thousands of pairs of expectant eyes... Today, the heroes all took off their masks.

I don't know what kind of agreement they reached in private.

But now they don't want to hide their true identities anymore.

"Cough, hey hey, audition audition!"

Ding Dangmao patted the microphone, and the sound of electricity came from the speaker, and every word he said spread throughout the audience.

"It's good to hear... Today, I invite everyone to gather together. I think everyone knows the reason. All the corrupt forces such as the government, super power association, business alliance, aristocratic family, etc. have finally revealed their evil spirits. tooth."

"They are afraid of the rise and growth of the Righteous Heroes, afraid of what we will do in society, and are not willing to harm their own interests; therefore, they united under the trend of dirty interests and vowed to wait for me. Start the siege!"

"The official declared Yi Xia illegal, blocked our voice channels, let us disband this so-called illegal organization, otherwise - we are criminals."

There is no sound in the stadium, these are things that everyone has known for a long time.

Ding Dangmao took them to do a review of the previous situation.

But these words came from Ding Dangmao's mouth, and they still had a stronger effect than when watching the news in the past. People looked at each other, and there were signs of commotion.

Ding Dangmao's personal admission smothered everyone's luck.

Now, it's time to face reality.

"As everyone thinks, once we are still active after half a month, then our identities in Wei Shangguo will become criminals, and we are wanted criminals with a reward; our real identities will be published on the big screen. , then everyone in the country will know who we are!"

"I don't know about other Yixia organizations; but Xinghuo Pavilion has never been a compulsory political force, so Xinghuo Pavilion comes and goes freely, and may mix in a lot of ghosts and spies to steal information, so the official knows you all. It's not difficult to identify your true identity."

"Not every righteous hero has the determination to die."

"I hereby announce that the time for parting has come. Anyone who wants to quit can leave now - don't have any psychological pressure, we will not stop it, whether it is me or Xinghuo Pavilion, will understand your choice."

His voice echoed in the ears of tens of thousands of people in the stadium: "Xinghuo Pavilion, thank you for your contributions to the society during this period."



Has it come this far?

The reason why I joined Xinghuoge incognito is because one is not used to this trashy society, and the other is because of my longing for Brother Ding... However, if my identity is exposed, what will my parents think?How will your girlfriend see you?How should relatives and friends deal with you?

I have to quit. I have been a hero for so long, and I have made a lot of contributions to the society. It is time to retire.

"I... Maybe it's time to leave."

A hero showed a relieved smile, he took a step and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" someone called out to him.

He turned around and saw the person who spoke out, a strange hero.

He said, "I, I quit..."

The man stared at him, then pointed to his face: "Did you see what I look like?"

"Look, of course I can see clearly." An unpleasant feeling rose in his heart: "What's the matter, Brother Ding is allowed to withdraw, you heard it."

The man nodded, then threw another question: "So are you a spy?"

"...What nonsense are you talking about!?" He felt insulted.

Everyone around looked at him.

I heard the man gradually raise his voice: "For today, everyone has taken off their masks, or removed their disguise, and you have seen our true identities in your eyes!"

"Now, you say you're going to quit, the ghost knows what you're going to do after you quit!"

Suddenly, he realized.

The righteous man realized that not everyone joined the Spark Pavilion as an important hobby on the spot... Among them, many people regarded it as their belief, and even the whole of their lives!

"I still have family to take care of," he said in a low voice.

"Who doesn't?" A young man in his twenties said, "My daughter has just been born a few months ago."

"I also have parents to support, but I don't want to leave." Another humane said.

"If Wei Shangguo's social problems are not resolved, do you think that if you stay out of it and cover your head with a quilt, then everything will get better?"

"As long as this country is not fundamentally changed, it will continue to rot, and all of us will not be able to escape! Rather than perish in silence, it is better to fight for the chance of survival - and we will not necessarily lose. "

But, but I really...

"...Traitor!" An angry shout came from afar.

He was shocked, only to realize that he was not talking about himself.

Looking around, the stadium that accommodated tens of thousands of people unknowingly became chaotic. Some people expressed the idea of ​​quitting, and a group of people surrounded the past and gave verbal reprimands...or moral kidnapping. .


"You swore never to betray you!"

"Coward! Go away!"

"I see you as a spy!"


A small number of people ignored the shouts of the crowd, buried their heads and rushed out, leaving the stadium.

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