Lu Yueshan calmly finished the drink in his hand.

Then poured himself another glass.

"You said just now that you joined with your classmates?" Lu Yueshan said uncontrollably: "Why do I think that you two started to commit crimes before the establishment of Xinghuo Pavilion."

Hearing this, Lu Yuesheng stood up in a jiffy.

Then sat down...

He was embarrassed: "Brother, you already knew?"

"Do you really think I'm a fool?" Lu Yueshan lay down comfortably on the sofa: "It just so happens that I have a good relationship with the head of Xinghuo Pavilion. The day you joined, he gave me the list."

"But since you're not fighting on the front line, that's fine."

When Lu Yuesheng heard the words, he scratched his head: "With my super power, it is impossible to be assigned to the front line..."

His brother was silent for two seconds, then nodded: "Yes."

"Talk about other things, the classmate you're a girl the same size as you, right?"

He recalled the data from his own investigation: "Xiang Jingjing, his family can only be regarded as a well-off, and his grades when he entered school were good, but now he has plummeted, and he can only be ranked at the bottom of the grade - but he has super powers, T3-level speed department, Is it right."

Lu Yuesheng nodded awkwardly.

Second-class children of aristocratic families like them can't be corrected if they go to investigate other people's family affairs. Neither of them feel that there is anything wrong with it.

My brother is in a deep quagmire, shouldn't the elder brother investigate?

"Are you chasing her?" Lu Yueshan asked with raised eyebrows.


Lu Yuesheng shook his hand: "I'm just friends with her."

"It's okay to chase, but don't be a licking dog." Lu Yueshan said very seriously in this regard: "Although Xiang Jingjing is a high-level power user, generally such a person can find at least 5 partners, but I hope you can be the leader. side."

Lu Yuesheng almost jumped up: "It's so pure! She won't find five!"

"Then how many will you find?"

"I... just find one!"

The marriage model of the Wei and Shang kingdoms has the status of master and subordinate.

The leading person can legally open a harem when his strength or tax payment is reached; of course, whether the leading person is male or female, it is only their own choice whether to open it or not.

"You have to do your best, there must be many outstanding talents in Xinghuo Pavilion. It is difficult to be the leader based on your current role. You don't want Xiang Jingjing to look at others, right?"

Lu Yueshan patted his brother on the shoulder, then took out a badge from his clothes and shook it in front of him.

"By the way, by the way, I was invited to be the advisor of Xinghuo Pavilion." Lu Yueshan said: "I will help you with some weapons and armors later to make you stronger."

"You also occasionally go to the front for me, don't stay behind all day."

At this time, Lu Yuesheng was completely relieved.

I thought my actions would be reprimanded by my family.

But what he didn't expect was that his eldest brother was with him!

"One more thing, if we are both in the Sparkling Pavilion, will my parents not have an accident?"

He has this concern.

And Lu Yueshan was very calm: "No, they are very safe."

Because he is not just a consultant of Spark Pavilion.

And is also a full member of the Reform Council.


In the past two weeks, a great migration has begun.

The initiator is Xinghuo Pavilion, and the objects to be migrated are the relatives who need to be protected by the members... On the ground, there are also many Ding Dangmao.

In particular, after some useless abandoned factories and unfinished communities have been transformed, they can be moved in quickly;

There is no shortage of land in the hands of the Reform Association, and they even have their own base.

It's just isolated from the world, and even the network has built a wall, just like China.

Ding Dangmao's response is very simple. Most of the members are worried about the safety of their families, so why not gather their families to protect them?

If it is convenient, let their family members become their own employees, then not only can the lost jobs be renewed, but also the benefits and wages can be upgraded.

From now on, Ding Dangmao's company is their home.

Supporting facilities, such as staff dormitories, staff vegetable markets, staff supermarkets, and even primary and secondary schools for staff children can be built!

Earning the company's money, living in the company's house, buying the company's things, going to the school built by the company, and enjoying the company's security is a beautiful thing!

Of course, after the members of each channel confessed, their experiences were different.

Among the many members, the family had long known that they were in the Spark Pavilion.

The rest hide their identities very thoroughly. After they confessed, they were either slapped, reprimanded, or celebrated... Some even broke up because of this.

In short, no matter what the bumps are.

The massive move was completed in this short half month.

Most of the members' families have completed the relocation.

Chapter 109 Changes in the National Situation [343/[*]]

Sky Cloud City, on Pojiang Bridge.

The two figures chased after each other one after the other.

Running ahead is the T4 power user who has recently become a bounty hunter. The joy he had when he got the hunter badge before has been washed away by fear.

He just knew from the news that there were many fellow hunters who made a fortune by hunting wanted criminals, gained a reputation, and went further in the association.

Flowers, applause, women, name it.

But they never said that the profession was so dangerous.

And, if you're not careful, you can die.

He was the only companion who entered the hunting area with him.

When his companions fell one by one, he remembered those rumors on the Internet, that is, it was said that the danger of bounty hunters was much higher than imagined - but these statements did not last long on the Internet, and they would Deleted by the administrator.

It is said that it violates the relevant laws and regulations of Wei Shangguo.

In other words, delete posts and titles in the name of spreading rumors.

...gou management! ! !

I knew it earlier!I'm a fucking bounty hunter! ! !

Behind her, the chasing figure is getting closer, her speed is very fast, she can jump dozens of meters high with a single jump...

"Go away!!!"

Suddenly, under the pressure of the surging gravity, his steps of escape stopped.

The people chasing after shouted angrily, making the bounty hunter in front couldn't help but turn back.

A figure approached at high speed, and the Thunderbolt spear in his hand let out a thunderous roar, piercing the bounty hunter's super energy field in an instant, and submerged in his torso!

The thunderbolt electricity entered his body, causing his whole body to almost stiffen and twitch.

"The safe zone...I'm in the safe zone...!"

In the turbulent current, he couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Really? Look carefully!"

The female wanted criminal couldn't help laughing: "You're still dozens of meters away!"

The thunderbolt gun was drawn, and the bounty hunter was paralyzed on the ground. Now that his willpower has been exhausted, it doesn't matter what his superpowers are...

The vision looked forward, which was the other side of the bridge.

He saw his fellow bounty hunters, the guards stationed in the safe area, and he seemed to be able to see the footage of himself bragging to his friends, and the worried expression of his wife and children when he left...Is this a lantern?

The safe area is only a few dozen meters away...

It's only a few dozen meters away...

The thunderbolt gun didn't enter the body, pierced the heart, and stiffened his whole body.

There was a burning smell all over.

Pulling out the thunderbolt gun, the bounty hunter's super energy field in front of her was gradually disappearing, indicating that his life had passed, and she followed the tradition and pulled out the head cutting knife around her waist.

It was chopped off with a knife, and its head rose into the sky.

Holding the bounty hunter's head, she turned and left.

...... noon, the bell rang.

This means that this week's hunting time is over, and the guards on the other side of the Pojiang Bridge professionally walked into the bridge with body bags and began to skillfully pack the corpses.

"It's too bad, do we have to clean up the bodies on the bridge?"

The guard who said this was a new recruit, and he couldn't help but look at the other half of the bridge, where the deck was clean and obviously cleaned.

Only on the opposite side can you dare to go out and clean up during hunting time.

"How many we have here, I'll count... dozens." A guard complained: "New here, you haven't seen the grand occasion of the first week, on the bridge that day. It was so full of corpses that the bridge almost collapsed."

The newcomer installed a headless corpse with the help of the senior, and he sighed: "Damn, how did the world become like this?"

"Who made us at the junction of the green zone and the yellow zone."

The old guard is obviously a past person, he explained: "The salary of this profession is quite high. I hope you can work for a longer time. The last person resigned because he couldn't bear the psychological pressure... Then you It's on top."

"What psychological pressure?" The newcomer was puzzled.

The old guard said: "He can't see dead people."

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