In the red zone, after listening to Zhao Quan's report, the police completely recorded every word he said, and instructed him when he left.

Zhao Quan reported to the police what happened to him in the gray area of ​​Neutral City.

That is, being chased and killed by law enforcement officers in the Green Zone.

They wanted to bypass the regulations and directly arrest Zhao Quan and bring him to justice, and the decision was made on the premise that Zhao Quan himself did not break the law.

Well, no matter which side is provoking the matter, if you want to arrest someone, the red and green districts must act together to avoid partiality.

It is undoubtedly a violation of the rules for law enforcement officers to arrest people alone in the Green Zone.

What drives them to do this?

Zhao Quan guessed that it was probably because of his identity. As a rare person who had a good relationship with Ding Dangmao, he probably had a high value in the eyes of the Green Zone.

"Forget it, I don't want to do so much. I executed a lot of people in the gray area before."

I don't know if he can exchange another insect pill with his current points.

After inquiries, I found out that there are still a lot of points missing.

"I wanted to hug my thighs when I first moved here, but I would have thought that in Brother Ding's territory, the rules are so strict that even old acquaintances can't get the slightest relationship!"

"But compared to the Reform Club, the Spark Pavilion is more suitable for me."

His heart had long since become violent because of the departure of his wife and daughter.

The power of super power is also getting stronger and stronger.

And only when he kills the villain in his eyes will he feel happy.

"I don't know if Brother Xiangshan has joined the Spark Pavilion."

"If he can become a hunter, I can form a team with him."

Thinking so, Zhao Quan left the lobby of the police headquarters.

Naturally, he didn't know that Xiang Shan, whom he was thinking of, did not join the Spark Pavilion successfully, but became a worker on a construction site, working in full swing with his fellow workers.


In the office, Ding Dangmao picked up the information he had just handed over with the super energy field and checked it carefully.

"A T3 power user was brought to the red zone by Zhao Quan, an official member of Xinghuo Pavilion... eh? This person's whereabouts are strange? He did not join Xinghuo Pavilion because he refused to be probed, but instead became a building Worker......"

"This is not normal - causality?!"

Ding Dangmao was instantly refreshed.

A T3-level causal power user came to his own territory.

This can be said to be quite dangerous!

It is equivalent to someone holding a [lucky poker] and wandering around on the street a few times!

If he is proficient in architecture, he only needs to loosen a few screws to cause a major collapse; or if he is proficient in demolition, he only needs to cast spells from the air, and a little spark can set the entire building on fire... ..

Ding Dangmao got [Lucky Poker] for a long time.

He knows that the power user of the causal system can do anything.

"The cost of managing idealists is still too high."

He murmured, then took out a box of playing cards, picked up a stack of cards, and began to make a wish: "When 'Xiangshan' wants to do evil in the red zone, cancel his superpower, and find a way to use gentle way to warn me."

Soon, the poker cards disappeared.

Chapter [*] Good People's Clothing


Xiang Shan, who was laying bricks at the construction site, frowned and found that something was wrong.

He pinched his fingers and found that the rising dragon in the red zone was watching him, and a dozen Qi Luck Spirit Snakes were distributed, coiling around him.

Xuanzhi and Xuan's intuition told him not to do anything harmful to the red zone.

Otherwise, these transport snakes will turn into evil obstacles.

No wonder, the people of Xinghuo Pavilion, and even the hunters who have traveled far, have a blessing of good fortune.

Come to think of it, they have already sensed their arrival.

Just don't know, already know how many layers of identity you have?

When will you send someone to contact you?

Or should I watch it for a while?

It doesn't matter, just keep laying bricks.


Over time, the red zone continues to flourish.

After a large number of precision instruments were hatched, pieces of clothes with their own miniature cameras were distributed to everyone's hands. These clothes are super power props, which not only have the function of recording and recording, but also detect the heartbeat and emotional fluctuations of the wearer. Wait.

This dress can greatly improve the stability of the red zone.

If everyone wears a piece of clothing with a miniature camera, then the crimes in the red zone will be invisible, and internal bribery and even laziness will be recorded.

Of course, these clothes are not mandatory.

Except for the official members of Xinghuo Pavilion, everyone else can wear it if they want, and forget it if they don't want to.

But you must have!

And this thing is a lease, deliberately destroyed to collect money.

With this dress, if you are involved in any incident or have a conflict with others during your daily trip, you can use audio and video information as evidence—equivalent to everyone being the same as the police, Wear a body camera.

If you don't bring it, you are involved in the incident again, you have a dispute again, or you can't prove your innocence... Well, as the saying goes, there is never a suspicion of guilt.

But that is based on the premise that reality has no means of observation and memory at all.

In the super world, you can easily check your memory, why do you have to do so much bells and whistles?For most people, there is no doubt about it!

Any criminal offense must check memory.

For administrative crimes, just watch the audio and video.

Of course, if the person concerned takes the initiative to request to verify the memory and prove his innocence, the official will of course not mind... If you want money, using a [memory CD] at least consumes the power of T4 level.

If you don't like being flipped through your memories, and you don't like wearing this recorder outfit, you'll be quite passive if you get involved in an event.

Because you can't prove your innocence.

Unless you check your memory to prove yourself.

But that costs money...

Some people would rather go to the detention center than turn over their memories, so the official has to respect his choice.

Don't feel sloppy, this is limited to common civil offenses.

When it comes to criminal offenses, professionals will still be dispatched.

Rather, it is for social stability.

Rather, it's a social screening...

Those who want to run away from the red zone, quickly run!You are free, you can't stand the rules and political style here and roll around in a smooth and mellow way!

The will of Xinghuo Pavilion is naturally executed fiercely.

Although there were bumps and bumps in the process, it was harmless.

Many people ran out of the red zone, and they spread the rumors in the red zone, causing the blocked place to become more and more terrifying in the eyes of the world.

For a time, the number of immigrants decreased.

But the stability of the red zone continued to rise.

In the process of maintaining the stability of the red zone, some people could not help but remonstrate: "Ding Pavilion Master, the people have a lot of opinions on you..."

"Oh, what did they say?"

"A lot of people feel that you're too lenient, they'd rather be free than be monitored."

"Then don't wear it, what a simple matter." Ding Dangmao added: "The official members still have to wear it. They eat public meals, so they must fulfill this obligation!"

"But..." The people who were admonishing were speechless: "Everyone said that Xinghuo Pavilion interferes in too many things, and it's just illegal and criminal, and it even has to take care of housework!"

Ding Dangmao resolutely said: "State affairs must be managed, and family affairs must also be managed, so that it can be called sound! I think that the Xinghuo Pavilion can be managed widely, and the red area is not covered."

As soon as he said that, Jin Jian couldn't help rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Damn... how can there be such a person...

I know you are kind, but you have to give everyone time to adapt!

Suddenly, Ding Dangmao changed the conversation and said, "If the hunters go to Neutral City to carry out their mission, they don't need to wear that record... that dress."

A recorder, right?You just wanted to say recorder, right!

This policy, like the marriage right, was enforced by him.

And after Ding Dangmao made up his mind, he would bear all the reactions from all sides.

But in fact, he didn't care.

Because of the most basic right to life in the red zone, he can guarantee it.

It can also ensure that everyone is not hungry.

And on the premise of being able to eat a full stomach, who the hell would rebel?

Complaining...and just complaining.

From birth to the present, many people have personally experienced more injustice in society and even in school, and they have complained all their lives.

Ding Dangmao's policy, in the eyes of most people, is just a small fight.

They even clapped their hands.

Because every policy indirectly helps people at the bottom of the social pyramid.

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