For people in the Yellow Zone, the sky is gradually falling.

A large number of employees have been laid off, the company has closed down, their own safety cannot be guaranteed, and what’s more, they can’t even afford to eat... In the world of superpowers, there are plenty of martial arts. When people can’t afford to eat, they will never choose Silently starved to death.

They will pick up their weapons and move.

Want to overturn the mountain above your head?No, most of the people who can't afford to eat are just ordinary people at the bottom, and they don't have the ability for the time being.

However, they can choose to take action against some people outside the protection of the law.

These people are also the maintainers of the old order.

More importantly, they are worth the money!Whether it is super power props or their Xiang Shang heads, they are all very valuable!

The hunter in the red zone is too strong!They can't be bothered!

Besides, people in the red zone often help the poor, and they have a good reputation in the eyes of the big guys. They won't attack the people in the red zone unless they have to.

The bounty hunters in the Green Zone became their target.

Dozens or hundreds of people acted together, and everyone smartly brought sharp and sharp cold weapons such as knives and guns, and occasionally a few ruthless characters could get firearms...

After the hunting time was over, they spotted the injured bounty hunter who had consumed too much energy. Hundreds of people rushed up with their weapons and beat him to death!

When the fight was over, a corpse was left behind.

Dividing the spoils, the crowd will be scattered again.

And every time it is hunting time, they will receive a signal to silently gather together, pull up a team of dozens, hundreds or even hundreds of people, select targets just like the online game dungeon, and swarm out after the hunting time is over. ......

Since doing this kind of thing a few days ago, everyone has gradually become addicted.

It's quick money, and it doesn't have to be a fucking easy job?

What?Dangerous to life?I wonder if you starve to death if you have no money!Is it life-threatening then? !

Similar ideas and behaviors gradually spread.

Most of the yellow areas have begun to imitate their actions.


"Who stole our food?"

"It's a super dog!"

"Who made us lose our jobs?"

"It's a super dog!"

"Who made us lose our loved ones?"

"It's a super dog!"

"Who made us fall into such a field?!"

"It's a super dog!"

Neutral city, gray area, on the dilapidated square.

Standing on the stage and shouting loudly, the person who presided over this speech was a young man who had just turned eighteen years old.

He came out of the green zone, and his college entrance examination score was above 850, but the gentlemen in the green zone declared his score illegal, not only cleared his score, but the whole family was fined several hundred crystal coins...... .

The anger towards the Super Association erupted on him like a volcano.

"Superpower Association! It's the blood-sucking worms that entangle our people! We work hard, and most of the wages we should get will be scraped away, and all of them will be used to feed those worms who don't do shit production! Go and feed that group Silly lackey of the Association!"

"Every one! Every rubbish wearing a Super Association dog tag on their chest, they don't have to do anything, they can receive a large amount of relief money from the association! In recent years, according to statistics, Wei Shangguo's super power users have increased. Five times!"

"Tell me, where do those lackeys get their money every month?!"

Under the stage, people raised their arms and shouted: "That's our money!!!"

The voice shook, and everyone in the gray area looked sideways.

Before, they were the aborigines of the grey zone.

But nowadays, it is not uncommon for the gray area to be occupied by outsiders, not to mention that these outsiders are quite... brave!

Quite a few people even joined them.


The youth's roar was exhausted: "Daisy Association! They stole our wages, and then distributed them to those worms who don't do shit! Now they think we are useless, and they kick us away, Let me wait and die in the rubbish heap!"

He pointed at everyone under the stage, his face grimacing and contorted.

"Nobody! Fuck! Care! Ours! Live or die!!!"

Clenching his fists hard, he raised his right arm high: "Gan death Super Association!!! Gan death Super Dog!!!"

Under the stage, people roared:

"Gan death super power association! Gan death super dog!"

"A tooth for a tooth! Blood for blood!"

Thousands of people roared in the square.

The voice is loud and the mood is high.

With so many like-minded partners, people even feel that their blood is boiling, and their superpowers seem to be on fire, urging them to do something.

That is the transformation of mentality from 'ordinary' to 'vigorous'.

On the other hand, the young man with the grim face on the stage had already reached the level of 'seeking the Way'!His super power is jumping for joy and needs to be released!

Destroying the Super Association has become his lifelong pursuit.

Soon, the roar of vehicles broke the speech.

Led by a T4-level power user, several police armored vehicles drove over and directly surrounded the entire square.

Coming down from above were policemen with live ammunition.

"What are you doing? All spread out!"

The leader, the T4 power user with anger and arrogance, held a loudspeaker and shouted: "Illegal assembly! The mayor is very angry now, your behavior has violated the law! Who started this assembly? Hand him over Come out, and the rest of the people can forget about it!"

The square is very quiet.

It was even eerily quiet.

Are people looking at him, or... at the badge on his chest?

It's just a badge issued by the Super Association, what's so good about it?

This was several years ago.

"Drawing hemp super dog-"

In the square, on the podium, the young man holding the microphone burst into a sharp roar: "It's time to fight back! Kill the lackeys of their association!!!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw him overturn the tables and chairs of the podium, and a dozen different firearms stood up out of thin air - including two heavy machine guns, which were aimed at those armored vehicles and fired angrily!

A storm of bullets whizzes by!



"As expected of my good dog!"

In the laboratory, in the training cabin, a majestic big dog was covered with an insect-like carapace.

Of the three dogs, only one survived and was successfully upgraded.

Congrats, congratulations!

Chapter 121 Extermination and Clinical Trials [343/[*]]

"So many animals died, why did it survive?"

After the experiment was successful, the dog acquired the ability of "Insect Repellent Pill", which not only grew a worm-like carapace all over its body, but also possessed the power to control the earth element and the power to control the leylines.

The experimenter, who is also a specialized animal control power user, stepped forward, soothed the dog that was paralyzed on the ground, and fed him a lot of nutrient solution.

After a while, the dog finally calmed down, closed his eyes and fell asleep. It is always a dog, and it has not evolved intelligence comparable to humans because of the genes of the Zerg...

Otherwise, this old man is only a T5-level beastmaster, and he can't control it at all.


Neutral city, gray area, on the dilapidated square.

There are corpses everywhere, some of the police, and more of the people.

The T4 power user from the police station was seriously injured in the initial bullet storm, and later died under the chaos of the people.

Thousands of people, the vast majority without guns.

They can only use their flesh to block bullets.

Hundreds of bodies were left behind.

Fortunately, if the young man had made arrangements in advance, the classmates who came out with him held firearms in the dark part of the gray area and fired several black guns before suppressing this group of policemen with live ammunition.

In the end, they were rounded up and hacked to death.

The young man staggered to his feet from the pile of corpses, and soon someone supported his crumbling body. A young girl stepped forward with a gentle light in her hands.

He realized that his injury was slowly healed by this light.

The girl explained to him, "It's my super power that can help you heal."

The flesh was converging, bursting with uncontrollable tingling, and the young man rolled up his sleeves and bit them, and then he cried out without shame.

Bullets were squeezed out by the healed muscles and fell to the ground.

After the treatment, the gunshot wound was healed, and the girl said, "My name is Xiaoyu, how about you?"

The young man loosened his gripped sleeve, took a few breaths, and said, "Shen Zizhen."

He stood on the pile of corpses and looked into the distance, and saw people slowly gather around the square, stepping over the corpses of the enemy and his own people, and they all set their eyes on him.

Someone brought a badly wounded police officer who was still breathing.

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