It's like a monster that turned into a human and revealed its body.

After transforming into a bug-man form, Jin Sanxian only felt at ease all over his body.


The experiment continued.

Uchongdan is very valuable. If every experiment is not filled with divination and prophecy power users, Ding Dangmao would have to spend more money and effort if he wanted to experiment with the same results.

This is also the benefit of the super world.

Before the experiment, you can use the method of metaphysics to predict good and bad luck.

Counting 'fierce', 'big ominous' or seeing a bad prophecy, you don't have to do it directly, saving time.

Thanks to them, a lot of resources have been saved for the whole world.

The technology in this world is so advanced, and their application in the scientific community is indispensable.

In the following days, Ding Dangmao obtained more information from this:

If it is an insect pill, it is fine for anyone to take it, but some artificial humans who have undergone transformation surgery may have to take a few less pills, or the effect of pills is not so obvious - very few, taking a few more pills is not enough. Humanoid will be lost.

The Yuchongdan is different. If it is an ordinary person, the super energy field is not up to the standard. Even if it is specially trained, the success rate is higher than that of a dog, about half and half.

T5 power users, if they have been trained, can take one without any problems.

If you are a Taoist, you can even take two!

And T4 power users, including those who are extremely determined, are 2~3; T3 power users are 3~4; T2 power users, as a watershed for power users, are enough to take 4~ 6 pieces...

That is to say, if it is a T1-level power user, even if the person's mentality is just ordinary, he can take 6 tablets with the super energy field and nothing will happen - of course, it is best to take it when it is full, otherwise you will worry about the super energy field. too busy.

After getting the accurate data, Ding Dangmao was relieved.

He took out the egg-laying lamp, first let them produce many replica eggs, and then handed these things over to the 315 department to incubate and raise them, and it only took a year to grow into a batch.

Later, Ding Dangmao took out an upgraded version of the egg-laying lamp-split lamp!

【Split lamp】

[Artifact that can directly split items]

【Omit the step of hatching】

[Cannot be used on living creatures either]

The light was illuminated, and a large amount of willpower was injected, and there were signs of splitting on the spot on the spot. In less than a minute, he got two identical worms.

The upgraded version of the egg laying light, that is, the split light... saves the time of hatching.

Of course, the consumption of willpower is great.

A worm pill corresponds to the willpower of a T1 unit.

At first glance, it is no different from the consumption of the [Lumberjack's Fountain], which saves the willpower of the T3 unit of Insect Dan - but the speed of copying (splitting) is not its only advantage.

Rather, the item during division is the equivalent of a cell in mitosis... You can't say it doesn't respond, but it's like a pregnant mammal, which is pulled during division.

In terms of practicality, it is in a semi-obsolete state.

What if during the battle, use this split lamp to give the enemy's super weapon a shot?

Well, let's talk about that later.

After copying another version, Ding Dangmao found an empty place, swallowed the six worm pills and swallowed them all!

First, he felt the silence of the six insect pills.

Then, just like insect eggs breaking out of their shells, they burst out with six powers with different attributes. Based on the transformation of the previous six insect pills, they began to reshape Ding Dang Spear's body...

Severe pain swept through his body.

At this moment, Ding Dangmao's senses seemed to become extremely sharp.

He's like... no!He just can feel every cell in his body being torn, separated, twisted, transformed, reshaped...!

Such pain is unheard of!

The pain is overwhelming, and the pain from every cell converges into a torrent, which is transmitted to the brain—no, not just the brain, but to the heart, soul, and even the depths of consciousness.

Even in the consciousness space, those willpower oceans have swept up a monstrous tsunami!

The consciousness space is shaking, and the big sun in the sky has the meaning of crumbling points.

Even the entire consciousness space is flickering!

The super energy field is like a fire brigade, quickly repairing the places where the body may collapse, allowing the effect of the worm Dan to penetrate into every part of the body perfectly, transforming and remodeling his whole body from head to toe.

Bones are bursting, muscles are flowing like water.

In the eyes of outsiders, he swelled like an elephant for a while, and was soft like a liquid for a while. The whole transformation process was very strange and like a novel.

In the area transformed by Ding Dangmao, the square kilometer is like a natural disaster scene.

The earth is churning, and there are strong winds whistling and hurricanes around, and then there are flames and hurricanes forming a tornado of flames, and the divine power rich in life overflows to ripen the surrounding flowers, plants and trees. The scene is torn.

He was almost speechless in pain. Every twitch caused by the transformation would easily tear the ground, or smash the cliff next to him, and the surging power would spread thousands of meters away like an earthquake—

The sun rises directly above from the east in the early morning.

All this ordeal is over.

A humanoid monster wrapped in an insect shell exoskeleton was in the center of the ravaged natural disaster. With the blessing of the exoskeleton, he was two meters tall, and his eyes were red like blood.

Six powers from the Zerg converged on him.

Four kinds were introduced before, and the remaining two are as follows-


【 Baneling Dan 】

[The Zerg that controls the fire element]

[Has extremely powerful explosive power]

[Need to take 'Flea Dan' to lay a solid foundation]


【Life Insect Pill】

【The Zerg in charge of healing holy power】

[It is an indispensable logistical support for the Zerg]

[Need to take 'Cockroach Dan' to lay a solid foundation]

Chapter 3 Office Maniac and Financial Report ([*]K)

The six worm pills gave Ding Dangmao the characteristics of six zerg races.

It is not a reduced version of one-sixth of the insect pill, but the superposition of the six classics. The six different Zerg characteristics complement each other, giving Ding Dangmao more powerful strength than a single characteristic.

Uzumdan, although it is extremely dangerous after swallowing.

But after passing the test, the gifts you get are also extraordinary.

Better starting point, higher potential, stronger talent.

Even the exoskeleton insect armor on his body has become a colorful black armor with six-color patterns, which makes people know that this is not simple just by looking at it!

If there is someone, you can feel the surging momentum from far away.

And within a radius of dozens of kilometers, invisible coercion was released from his body, whether it was animals or insects, they all spread out and ran out, wishing they had a hundred more legs!

Their fear of the terrifying Homo erectus deepened.

And Ding Dangmao himself, how does he feel now...

The world became clear in his eyes.

Ordinary human beings have three different colors of photoreceptors with the naked eye, and the color space they see can only be expressed by three basic colors.

Some mammals can perceive four.

And the mantis shrimp can perceive sixteen species!

Now Ding Dangmao, he has obtained the vision from the Zerg, and can perceive the primary color, even more than the mantis shrimp!

When he looked at the world, there was only one feeling in his mind: colorful!

Originally, in the eyes of human beings, the world was so unremarkable.

In the field of view of the Zerg, it can be so spectacular!

The sky, the earth, the forest, the valley, the wilderness... colorful and gorgeous.

Even, his eyesight is enough to see the surrounding microorganisms and bacteria.

Whether on the ground or in the air, these little creatures are everywhere.

But he didn't have it on himself.

It is said that because the super energy field will automatically repel these creatures that humans subconsciously consider 'dirty', so humans are rarely contaminated with these things.

Especially the superpowers, they can clean their whole body without cleaning.

Even if it is contaminated with dust, it will be repelled by the super energy field.

Because your subconscious thinks this stuff is dirty...

And the super energy field will faithfully implement the master's idea.

By the way, the colorful world that Ding Dangmao saw, as well as the nuanced world of microorganisms and bacteria, were only the visual changes after he became a bugman.

In addition, he can also perceive something that sounds fantastic after all.

For example, space.

It's as if a layer of film has been plated on this world.

He could vaguely touch this glass-like membrane, as if he could shatter it with a single punch, but he didn't.

Actually, it can't do that either.

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