
The tooth and blood party, it sounds like a gangster name.

In fact, they are the prototype of the third reform organization after the Reform Club and Spark Pavilion.

In Wei Shangguo, the Reform Association was born first. This organization includes elite power users who are dissatisfied with the status quo in Wei Shangguo. There are many seekers and advanced power users, and the number of elites is also quite top-notch.

But when they chose to hide from the world, Wei Shangguo's environment did not get better.

During the period when they are accumulating strength, more people will be dissatisfied with this society, thus forming an organization similar to that of the Reform Association-although the Reform Association has always had the habit of recruiting talents, but after all, it is a hidden organization that attracts talents. strength is not great.

As a result, it led to the rise of Spark Pavilion.

It is different from the elite policy pursued by the Hidden World Reform Association, because the elite group of insightful people have been accepted by the Reform Association, and the quality of the rest is naturally worse; after the rise of the Spark Pavilion, all superpowers are in their eyes. is the elite.

As a result, Xinghuo Pavilion almost always refuses to come to the power user.

Afterwards, life incidents happened, and everyone knew that Xinghuo Pavilion refused to hide from the world, and established a red zone with other forces of Wei Shangguo.

At the same time, many superpowers were also separated.

That is to say, the rise of the Reform Society has taken away the elites in the power user.

And the rise of Spark Pavilion took away the power user.

Then after these three, the rise of the Tooth and Blood Party will naturally decentralize the standard of income again, and the large number of people collected at the beginning are ordinary people.

In order to strengthen cohesion, their thoughts naturally become more and more extreme.

Extreme circumstances create extreme thoughts.

The elites of the Reform Association were still rationally reluctant to cause too many killings to hide from the world; so the Spark Pavilion was born, which was unwilling to hide from the world, had a slightly extreme ideology, and dared to cause a major change in the political situation of Wei Shangguo.

Xinghuo Pavilion got the red zone, but the days in the yellow zone and green zone are still hard.

The relatively scattered yellow zone will also be exploited by the green zone.

Therefore, the people in the yellow zone live even harder.

A group of elites have gone, and a group of superpowers have gone, so the people of insight who have awakened for the third time are not the only group of people from the Tooth Blood Party?

They are the party that best represents the general public.

Also shaped by extreme thinking.

For example, in the case of confiscating homes, the Reform Society can squeeze out the property of a certain family without anyone's attention, and by the way, it can also kill some evildoers.

As for Xinghuo Pavilion, they will not only raid their homes, but also be responsible for the trial, open up their memories and check, those who should go to prison will go to prison, and those who should be shot will be shot.

Both forces have one feature in common: they do not implicate innocent people.

But after reaching the tooth blood gang, how can there be so many twists and turns.

Most of their members came from the bottom, which means that these people will not act from the perspective of the masters. In addition to fairness and justice, they need venting and revenge...

Family?Walk!Copied their entire family!Kill their whole family!

A group of super dogs and blood-sucking worms deserve to die!

What?And unwitting children, heirs of a family?

That is the super dog and blood-sucking worm that has not yet grown up!Killed together!These little bastards are born by sucking the blood of our bottom, and their existence is a sin!

A family servant?Come on, come on, this is your master, show it to me!One person, one knife and one knife, slowly cut, and trade names.

What?Can't do it?You must be an aristocratic lackey who still doesn't give up, fuck me!Cut their heads off and hang them on poles!

Family!Rich!bureaucracy!A bunch of rubbish standing on people's heads sucking blood!

Your whole family must die!

...that's basically it.

The Teeth and Bloods, and similar groups, behave like that.

Meet the extreme with the extreme, and meet the iron with blood.

For those who have exploited themselves, a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood!

If you replace it with the old forces, you can easily suppress these organized gangs composed of most ordinary people.

But unfortunately, the reforms will kill one crop, and the Spark Pavilion will kill one crop, so even T3-level power users are rare in the yellow area, and the threat of the old forces plummets.

The former gangsters, those provincial and municipal black bosses, all had the strength of T3.

After being suppressed by Xinghuo Pavilion, even T4's are rarely seen.

Because of this, the Tooth and Blood Party was able to easily occupy the gray area, repelled those gangsters who were eyeing them, and organized a large number of members, and the party was still growing day by day.

Now I can still fight with the official people.

Well, the official of the yellow zone still has to have no T2 kind.


Now, back to the tooth and blood party, Lu Yuesheng.

"The Mutual Aid Association, is there really such an organization in the world?"

He thought it was a big deal.

As the people of a sovereign country, he instinctively refused to interfere in the internal affairs of foreign forces.

In the red zone, it seems to be a little bit afraid of outsiders.

In this case, the matter of the Tooth and Blood Party has to be reported to the red zone.

Otherwise, why did he apply to be this 'consultant'?

Just when he was about to notify the red zone, a voice came lingeringly...

"Your Excellency Hunter, can you please not report the fact that I am here?"

When Lu Yuesheng heard these words, he didn't even look in the direction of the words, he just felt a little dizzy, as if his thinking was blocked.

"We have a good heart, but if too many people know about this, I'm afraid it will cause misunderstandings."

Ah, he was right, there was a misunderstanding.

In the red zone, supplies to the Tooth and Blood Party cannot be given.

In this case, why not let the mutual aid society do the work for you?

Yes, that's it, the logic is correct.

Lu Yuesheng only felt that there was nothing more correct in the world than this.

He muttered to himself and nodded, and a figure gradually approached him from behind and stretched out his hand towards his head...

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that he wanted his life.

Instead, he wanted to modify Lu Yuesheng's memory.

At such times, the living hunter is more useful than the dead hunter.

"Not right."

The broad palms ruthlessly pinched the outstretched wrists of the people who came.

The strength was multiplying, Lu Yuesheng turned his head gradually, squeezed the person's hand and continued to exert force, he said, "I always feel that there is something wrong with what you said, but I can't tell where the problem is, maybe I was hypnotized. …”

"If that's the case, then I have to find a way to kill you."

Suddenly, Lu Yuesheng took a kick, and the speed of his kick even broke the sound barrier.

This is more than the voice's kick, and directly kicked the person's stomach!

The latter was slammed and flew out on the spot, smashing the wall severely.

They didn't attract much attention in the rarely-traveled area of ​​the gray area; and Lu Yuesheng, who had taken the "Tiger Beetle" pill, was faster than anyone imagined.

The collapsed wall, the man stepped out.

Looking closely, he was a member of the former self-proclaimed 'Co-Aid Society'.

He was unscathed, just sighed, and said in Qingtang's official language: "Why, do you have to force me to kill, we don't want to get into the red zone just yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, he burst out!

It broke the speed of sound with ease, and its speed...even faster than Lu Yuesheng who took the "Tiger Beetle Pill"!

Chapter [*]: Chasing and Killing Failed

After this kick, Lu Yuesheng suddenly felt his mind clear.

Previously, my brain was like a dream, I always felt that whatever happened was reasonable, and my thinking was like a stuck gear; it was not until this kick was kicked out that I felt much more comfortable.

Nimama, dare to use super powers on me?

Spiritual?Or spiritual?

"Looking for death, right!"

He was angry and took out the high-frequency war knife on the spot, and the other hand took out the strong psychic shield. After seeing the smoke and dust dissipated, an unharmed figure rushed toward the face!

so fast-

but!I am faster!

Super power, analysis and engraving, extreme speed!

At this moment, he re-engraved the speed-based superpower that was analyzed from Xiang Jingjing, although as a T3 power user, the effect of his analysis is not half of other people's T3 things... That's it!

In an instant, Lu Yuesheng's speed increased by [*]%.

Following the opponent's breakthrough of the sound barrier, the enemy quickly put on a pair of black metal gloves, reached out and grabbed towards him!

And Lu Yuesheng was also unequivocal, he chopped out the high-frequency knife on the spot.

When this knife is charged with willpower and vibrates with high frequency, it can be said to cut everything.

It is said that Xinghuo Pavilion purchased weapons from the military, and Lu Yuesheng spent thousands of points to exchange it.

This thing is sharper than [Blade of Broken Gold], and cutting steel is easier than cutting tofu.

However, the latter just stretched out his hand wearing a metal glove...

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