And this time, after she left, a blue bomb was left in place.

Blue Liquid Bomb!

In an instant, the light of thunder lit up, and the radius of a thousand meters turned into desolation.

Countless blood-colored bats were vaporized on the spot...

"Hey hey hey, I won't take you like this!"

His voice came from the air.

The figure was resurrected in the river of blood that appeared out of thin air, and the blood king stepped out with a strong smell of blood, and the gentleman-like manner was a bit unbearable.

"The power is astonishing, the speed is so fast that I can't even react, plus I can teleport, and there are many props... Madam, how can I fight like this?"

He is a restrained speed type power user, that's right.

Because he can control his own blood, as long as the other party is contaminated, he can affect the other party's movements - but, who would have thought that the power of others is so great.

Strength, he can restrain; speed, he also has a way to restrain; simple teleportation and dropping explosive props, the blood king also has a way to deal with...

But when the three are combined, the Blood King has no choice.

Alas, this is too perverted.

Chapter [*] The Blood King Wants to Surrender (Part [*])

"The Blood King, with his ability, is not Qin Lele's opponent..."

While dealing with official business, he will also take time to watch live broadcasts.

In the 'Dreamland', the Blood King used to be his subordinate, and Ding Dangmao knew exactly what kind of magic he would show after T2 level.

Even if there is a difference between reality and dreams.

But since the identity of the blood clan is still maintained, the power displayed is also inseparable.

During the T3 period, he had the abilities of "blood slave manufacturing", "blood control", "blood bat transformation", "sucking memory", "charming others", "first embrace" and other abilities.

But after reaching the T2 level, he developed the "River of Undead Blood", which can increase life by devouring others, and the advanced version of "Blood Apostle", which specializes in cultivating blood slaves... Of course, what he shows now Those thin lines of , is the place that is different from the dream.

Probably, it was his exclusive weapon.

He even made this exclusive weapon his own "Blood Apostle", so that he could use it well and strengthen himself.

Strong, but strong.

But it is not as good as Qin Lele, which has both 5 insects.

What's more, Qin Lele only used the ability "Teleport", and the "Psychic Power" and "Magic Eyes" were still useless; he didn't wear the Ji·Hunyuan Baoyi, and he didn't even take the exclusive weapon. When he came out, he even used only two abilities, "Power Insect" and "Quick Insect".

It's just power, speed, teleportation, and the weapon, the Thunderbolt Gun.

All are T2 and even T1 level.

Cooperate with your own super power [deduction].

In addition, there are a bunch of top-notch super powers in the storage ring.


"It's the blood king, there are many ways to save one's life."

"The River of Undead Blood has given him many lives to die for him. Even if these extra lives are cleaned up, there is no guarantee that he will be reborn from a drop of blood outside the arena."

After all, the blood king of T2 level is already an advanced power user.

A fantasy bloodline like him is no different from a kung fu system.

Willpower, once born in their instincts, will be transformed into 'blood energy', 'internal force', 'true energy' and other energies, these special energies endow them with extremely powerful strength and ability.

Compared with the average power user, it is so high that I don't know where it is.

However, it is precisely because of this that they are excluded from modern superpower technology.

Ordinary super power props need to be driven by will, and such people can't use them at all.

In today's era, people who can't even use super powers can't participate in social activities, and they are out of tune with the whole society.

As for hitting...

Before becoming an advanced power user, it was like that.

Besides, what era is it, war is not something that can be decided by a small group of people who fight fiercely; this has led to the fact that power users similar to the practice system have withdrawn from the stage of history, and only a small group of people are left. persisting.

Like the blood king.

After using his super power and exclusive weapons, there is no other way.

Even if there are powerful superpowers, he can't use them.

Therefore, when the Blood King is at a disadvantage, there is basically no chance of a comeback.


Bang! ! !

The vast force came upon him, penetrated his super energy field, and then shattered his body, which was strong enough to resist large-caliber mortars!

The Blood King dies again...for death.

A person who was once devoured by him, his body was shattered by such a surging attack, and the Blood King took this opportunity to escape——

Qin Lele, who had just stood firm and became more and more skilled, was approaching.

Superpower [Deduction] After many battles, she has collected enough information. Now, even if the blood king's eyelids twitch, she can estimate what the opponent is thinking.

At the speed of Mach ten, the spear stabbed and shattered the blood king's head.

Then, another ghost was thrown out.

After many times, the competition area was filled with corpses.

He was in a rare hurry: "Hey! This lady! How about we discuss..."

Teleport!Wear your head!leave!

Where she left, a large number of blood lines shot up and gathered, but only caught an empty one.

Even a little, let her leave even a little blood...

Unfortunately, the Blood King can't do it.

"Okay! You win! I surrender!"

Appearing from the river of blood without source again, he shouted loudly as soon as he came out, with a sincere tone: "You won! I surrender! I really intend to surrender!"

His shouts came through.

Everyone watching the live broadcast frowned.

In the middle of the arena, Qin Lele sneered, "Surrender? Why?"

"I gave you a chance!"

Where do you think this is, the regional competition!

Said to be a competition, in fact, is a fight.

If you want to surrender, you can't rely on your words. Unless you can run out of the field, it is not a crime for your opponent to chase you to death!

Without further ado, the Blood King withdrew on the spot.

The blood line instantly wrapped around the upper body and turned into a blood line armor.

His speed soared, but Qin Lele's attack followed closely, and a rushing attack reached his side, and then pressed down with a heavy punch!

With a bang, the Blood King was smashed into the ground!

The ground with a radius of [*] meters collapsed. She stepped on the blood king with one foot, then raised the long spear in her hand, and stabbed it towards the opponent's head!

In an instant, the Blood King turned his head—

Oh, was expected, didn't avoid it.

The tip of the gun pierced directly through the skull, and the wild electric current entered his body, scorching his entire head...

But soon, the death was activated again, the blood king's body drilled out from another place, and instantly ran away, the blood line automatically spread out and retracted.

beat?Fuck it!

The blood wings gathered behind him, and he soared into the air, soaring for hundreds of meters.

Then Qin Lele jumped up and caught up easily, grabbed his head and smashed it to the ground, the latter's brain burst into juice.

After dying dozens of times in a row, the Blood King ran out of the barrier.

As soon as he came out, many people came forward, guarded the Blood King behind his back, looked at Qin Lele who was standing on the edge of the barrier, and said, "You won, stop chasing!"

"Have mercy and forgiveness."

"He has surrendered, why are you doing this?"

Not only saving people, but also taking advantage of words.

Qin Lele heard the words, she snorted coldly, turned her head and left with her spear on her back.

This single match between the green zone and the red zone came to an end.

It didn't take long for the other single matches to come to an end, and the red zone won a big victory.

On the other hand, there was a small error at the Reform Club.

You know, the change will cover less area, which means high quality!

An area is enough to be guarded by 3~4 T2 power users.

After the gauntlet issued by the green zone, he also won two games very rudely.

By the third game, it was deadlocked.

Chapter Thirteen Forbidden Demons and Ultimate Creatures

The battle between the Green Zone and the Change Club is also the last single-player match.

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