"If you want to set the rules, you can." He emphasized: "But don't give me any privileges beyond the rules."

Chapter 146 The rules are set by me [343/[*]]

It's not that they don't understand red zone policies.

That's really... harsh and democratic.

If you abide by the law and have basic common sense of life, then you can live in the red zone naturally without any nonsense, no matter what level of power user is the same.

But if you want to use your superpowers or powers, or other ways to make money, there really is no room for manoeuvre!

Even if there is, it will be quickly added after it is implemented once.

In the red zone, both Wei Shangguo’s original Wei coins and even crystal coins are useless. There is nothing to buy with crystal coins—but they can be turned over and exchanged for points, and then the points can be used to buy other items.

With a stubborn attitude, the red zone implemented 'currency dematerialization'.

There was a lot of noise at that time, and everyone was watching the excitement, thinking that either the red zone would be finished, or the Xinghuo Pavilion would have to withdraw the decree... What I didn't expect was that such an outrageous decree would be forced out. Executed!

Today, the currencies in the red zone are all virtual currencies.

Moreover, they are not allowed to transfer money to each other, and they can only obtain virtual currency by working.

Only virtual currency can be used to buy officially listed items - and the types of virtual currency are different, ordinary liberation can only buy ordinary items, military points can buy arms, hunting points can buy weapons and props...

With Wei Shangguo's technology, it is not impossible to virtualize currency.

On the contrary, it's actually quite easy.

But the people are not NPCs. It doesn't mean that they can do anything theoretically, but they can do it in practice. If they dare to implement the same system in the Green Zone, they will be met with an extremely turbulent public backlash on the spot!

In addition, the red zone has successively implemented many systems that make the two look outrageous, such as 'good civilian clothes', 'freedom of marriage', 're-education in vocational high school', 'housing allocation', 'cancellation of private property car'......

Really, each of these policies is more aggressive than the other.

Nowadays, there are no private cars in the red area, only buses, light rail subways, and official vehicles that pass through the streets.

Adhering to the principle of 'no housing speculation', Ding Dangmao implemented the system of not buying housing and allocating housing; he made a detailed division of the high-end level and grade of talents, and then allocated housing according to this requirement.

Oh, by the way, there are also thieves who sell the outrageous tobacco and alcohol lottery, red wine, white wine, beer, and various wines mixed together, smoking by luck like a mobile game drawing card... The same is true for cigarettes.

They felt that Ding Dangmao did not want to be a government leader.

He wants to be a dad!Be the father of all the people in the red zone!Take care of their food, clothing, housing and transportation, try to let everyone find a job, and let those who can't find a job also receive training!

At the same time, he also regards people as cogs and screws in society, and these people are also willing to be screws.

At least, the environment is fair.

You will no longer be oppressed for no reason, and if you encounter unfair things, you will no longer be called Tiantian should not be called groundless... Being able to live in such a society, for most people, They are willing to make screws.

Eight hours of work, eight hours of rest, and eight hours for yourself.

Even screws are just eight hours of screws.

Therefore, although the outside world is widely rumored that the red zone policy is harsh and inhumane, there are also many people who go to the red zone non-stop.

Most of these people are ordinary people or low-level power users.

Voting with their feet is their truest portrayal.

Mi Dantong and Huang Wuyanghua don't like this kind of society... Of course, they just don't like it. It's not that you live or die. For power users like them, where are you not going to the top?

In the green area, they can enjoy flattery, can enjoy extremely luxurious clothing, food, housing and transportation, everyone is servile to them, and they can do anything they want!

In the red zone, you can't even open a company, and you can't even be a capitalist.

Although according to the rules of the red zone, a power user like him is the top talent, and a casual action is tens of thousands of times the contribution of ordinary people - naturally, they can also enjoy the corresponding rewards.

But, after all, it's your own money.

How can you lie in bed, waiting for someone to send money to come easily.


"Brother Ding, I know what you think, but not everything in the world is black and white." Mi Dantong said with a light smile: "We will abide by the rules we make."

Ding Dangmao: "Well, I've seen it, it's the kind of contradictory law, there are so many loopholes that you can wash rice, and you still insist on changing it, saying that all interpretation rights belong to the court of justice... Then you guys It does follow the rules.”

But this rule has a tricky use.

Found a problem, you have to correct it!

I thought I didn't know that those legal loopholes were reserved for you upper-class people. When people criticize them, you will come up with legal provisions to declare that you are legal and compliant...

I wondered, it was innocent to keep slaves thousands of years ago, do you want to try?

Huang Wuyanghua felt that this person was simply annoying: "Do you have to be black and white?"

"Why not?" Ding Dangmao said.

Huang Wuyanghua: "Society doesn't work that way."

Ding Dangmao said: "I think the red zone works pretty well."

"Sooner or later there will be trouble."

"Really, I don't believe it."

Huang Wuyanghua was in a hurry and opened up on the spot: "Really! I heard that if you want to eat public meals in the red zone, you have to hand in your memory, so it's possible that you handed in your own memory too!?"

I am super, lore!

No, I still have an excuse!

Ding Dangmao was stunned for a moment, and said decisively: "Of course it was handed in!"

And it's the most confidential one.

It is safest to carry it in the storage ring by yourself!

"Who came to see? Who supervises? You yourself?!" He exclaimed.

"Otherwise? I've already sealed my head, and my head is on the ceiling. Who the hell can I be supervised?" Ding Dangmao exclaimed: "My mind is full of secrets! Do you understand the secrets! Except for me in the red zone, No one has access to all the secrets!"

"My actions are reasonable and legal!"

Yes, that's how it should be said.

The memory of the pavilion owner must naturally be preserved by the pavilion owner.

It's all secret!Is it possible to show confidential things to others? ?

Huang Wuyanghua sneered: "Could it be that after you abdicate, you will give your memory and hands to the new pavilion master?"

Ding Dangmao was puzzled: "What abdicate?"

Huang Wuyanghua: "..."

Nima, a fellow man.

He snorted coldly: "You are the only gray!"

Ding Dangmao already understood what this guy wanted to say.

He was right, there must be gray in the world, and he is the plaster.

Because no one can supervise me, only I can supervise myself.

The red zone can only develop so well with the help of its own golden finger; therefore, this absolute secret must not be told to anyone.

But the golden finger thing exists objectively, and it is necessary to use it.

Even if he can rule the whole world, he will never be able to distinguish black and white, because he is the absolute ash.

"You are right, this is not a problem that the system can solve." Ding Dangmao sighed.

A system has meaning only if someone abides by it.

Those who do not abide by the system will be forced to comply with violence.

But what about yourself?I am absolute violence, who can restrain me?No matter how detailed the rules are, if you really don’t follow them, what’s the difference between them and paper?

After he realized it, he strengthened his thoughts even more: "You can come to me to discuss this kind of thing, you can! But I must be the only gray in it, hand over the decision-making power to me, and I will not abuse this power. "

Fairness and justice, Ding Dangmao consciously can guarantee.

However, the couple naturally don't think so.

"Look, I knew I had to do one in the end."

Mi Dantong smiled helplessly, shook the treasure of law in his hand, and said, "Originally, the decision-making power should be in the hands of you and the three of us, and we can restrict each other, but you have to be the boss... ."

I thought that, in a treaty like this separation of powers, I thought you were fighting for authority, but I didn't expect you to want to rule.

That's a bit beyond my bottom line.

How can there be a T0 powerhouse who is subservient to you, a T1 power user?

"We, make the rules."

"Let's decide the authority based on the outcome."

The four-yearly competition is a regional competition on the bright side.

The regional competition also has rules. The above rules are from the top-level power users of Wei Shangguo...

Ding Dangmao took out the divine sword.



The sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and the large golden sword qi turned into thin lines, stirring thousands of meters.

In an instant, the two were surrounded by them.

However, Huang Wuyanghua didn't pay attention to it at all. He stepped out and let these thin lines come to him, and with a slight shock, he turned them into golden shavings all over the sky.

Huang Wuyanghua's power user is [Power Direction].

He only needs to touch it, and he can turn a person into a puddle of flesh and blood that burst open.

'You should know that physical attacks don't work for me. '

He wanted to say so.

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