Every now and then, a dazzling miniature sun rises up and swallows three times!

Occasionally a huge ball of lightning bursts out, turning a thousand meters into ashes.

The bomb filled with green liquid exploded, and the green vitality spread to [*] meters away, and the wounds, whether enemy or friend immersed in it, quickly stopped bleeding and healed under this vitality, and the closer they got, the faster they healed.

Yellow liquid bombs, purple liquid bombs, red liquid bombs, blue liquid bombs, green liquid bombs, etc., the highest-scale props that can be used in the legion competition are successively blooming on the battlefield, tearing the black night.

From time to time, a large number of silver gunpowder mortar shells descended, and the huge explosion power was no worse than that of the cloud bomb, which was enough to smash the entire hundred meters into the sea of ​​​​fire.

Someone was fighting on the main battlefield.

There are special forces infiltrating, assassinating, and being killed.

The battlefield is orderly and chaotic. Soldiers at T5 and T4 levels may face the enemy's T2-level generals and lose their lives without resistance.

Of course, even T2-level generals are at risk of being replaced by minions.

The sound of artillery fire continued, the night was almost torn into day, and a battle went on without millions of crystal coins. It was burning money!

This is just a war on a scale of a thousand people, not even a war.

It's just a game.

In the green area, Qin Yi held a special enhanced version of Gatling weighing several hundred kilograms and activated the long-standing speed force in his body. He leaped across the battlefield at a speed that broke through the sound, and the Gatling in his hand spun mercifully and mercifully. stand up......

The sterling silver gunpowder bullets shot out, and with the increase of silver Gatling, each bullet could hit the power of a [*]mm mortar.

In the place where Qin Yi was ravaged, the fire after the explosion exploded, and then a mushroom cloud rose up!The bombardment of thousands of bullets per minute is equivalent to the suppression of thousands of mortar firepower... This is only done by him alone.

There are dozens of soldiers like him who have swallowed the power, speed, and defense of the insect Tango, and integrated the "Speed ​​Runner" super tape!

In legion battles, T5 and T4 soldiers like them don't need to use their own superpowers, just use the superpowers well - once the consumption is too large, immediately return to the camp to replenish energy, and then set off after reaching full!

Qin Er was in the mage camp. Hundreds of mages of the same family formed a battle formation. After casting spells together, the thunder and flames of the red liquid bomb and the blue liquid bomb were gathered together. After rising into the sky, it turned into a dazzling flaming explosion and falling thunder. , blooms in enemy positions.

All of a sudden, dozens of large earthquake flames roared down into the sky, quickly defending [*]% of the air, and the remaining [*]% ​​fell into the mage's open formation, turning this area into a sea of ​​fire on the spot!

The flames filled the kilometer, Qin Er reacted very quickly, the pure "Iron Ingot Beetle" defense was fully open, the powerful boots were activated and stepped away, and rushed out of the sea of ​​fire first, so as to avoid the end of being involved.

In this round of bombing, at least [*]% of the mages were lost. Qin Er watched his comrades die in the sea of ​​​​fire, and she could call out each of them by name.

...because of the Super Memory Potion, everyone in the army can't forget it.

Such a tragic situation was deeply branded in Qin Er's heart.

It was much more tragic than the illusion during training.

He couldn't help turning on his superpowers, glanced around, then closed his eyes, and instantly turned off his superpowers - this is real, not an illusion, don't lie to yourself.

According to the training content, escape, hide, return to the team and continue to cast spells.

Spirit Mage links everyone!

In terms of cooperation, they are much stronger!


Compared to the cruel and tragic battlefield.

The battle between Ding Dangmao and Hongzhuang could be regarded as a real shattering!

They switched places, out of sight of others, and fought in the desert.

A few years ago, Ding Dangmao could only fight with Lei Beibei, who had just entered T2.

Now, Ding Dangmao is facing the president of the Reform Association, Wei Shangguo's strongest power user, the legendary...

The battle between the two started silently.

Then came the extremely dazzling special effects, accompanied by a violent roar!

Not daring to keep his hand, he secretly swallowed [God Speed ​​Candy], Ding Dangmao's body was raging with thunder, and he had to consume several gallons of speed power every minute.

He has no reservations in terms of speed. Even if he drives to a top speed of over Mach 30, Hongzhuang can still keep up with it and make an attack.

At this moment, Ding Dangmao seemed to feel that Hongzhuang had turned into heaven and earth.

It seems to be the realm of 'harmony between man and nature'.

The power user of the power law system becomes more and more fierce in the later stage.

Heaven and earth with a radius of [*] meters have become his servants. With every move, the wind whistled to form a tornado, the earth surging into a mad dragon, lightning flashes and thunders on the sky, and sometimes flames rise around the surrounding, and water flows into it. The ice imprisoned the body...

Ding Dangmao felt that he was not fighting alone.

And in a showdown with this world!

The source of insects swayed in the body, and the punch that was enough to shatter the mountain was blocked by Hongzhuang, and then the explosion sent him flying thousands of meters away.

But the latter stood up like a normal person, waved his hand and attacked by thunder, and the whistling tornado was full of golden lights that contained the benefits of cutting, and it was hard to guard against.

Under Dang Dang's charge, he slashed out with a sword!

The sword energy was released vertically and horizontally, splitting the tornado and breaking the earth. Looking around, the sword energy like a beam of light descended into the sky, forcibly splitting the heaven and earth—

In this way, a serious wound was added to Hongzhuang's body.

Blast, straight forward, give up dexterous steering, and reach a speed of over Mach 50. The divine sword wrapped in the super energy field collided with the spear. After the two collided, the ground collapsed and exploded, and the gravel flew in all directions like a volcanic eruption.

Ding Dangmao moved forward, teleporting through the space and flashing.

However, the figure of Hongzhuang appeared in the mysterious space. Ding Dangmao was caught off guard and was pierced by a gun. Insect armor and Ji-Hunyuan Baoyi looked like fakes in front of this gun!

He also slashed down with a sword, adding a terrifying damage to Hongzhuang's handsome face, and the opponent's inner qi defense shield was equivalent to folding paper in half in front of his sword.

The two fought frantically, and the anhydride was dripping.

When beckoning, a large number of red liquid bombs were held by the mind power, and hundreds of bombs were smashed at Hongzhuang, trying to explode in the face!

In the desert, one person retreats and one person chases, and the colorful rays of light tear through the night sky.

The roar was endless.

Chapter [*] The End of the War (Part [*])

If there is ecology in the desert.

Then this place is equivalent to being bombed by a nuclear bomb, and the ecology has been destroyed in a mess...

Hundreds of X-liquid bombs blasted past, and they were just resolved by the opponent one by one.

In fact, there is no need to resolve it. The pure Hongzhuang speed is too fast. When the explosion just lit up, it jumped several kilometers away. Even if it was a covering bombing, it would return with speed + defense.

A round of turbulent testing dispelled Ding Dangmao's assumption that he was trying to use bombs to deal with powerful enemies - it's not that there were no more powerful bombs in the storage ring, such as "Red Crystal Yang Bang" and other super-energy nuclear bombs, but that thing Taking it out is not a competition, but a face-turning.

After all the battles were thrown, Hongzhuang approached Ding Dang Spear in an instant, the two men's exclusive weapons collided with each other, and the swords and spears intersected and moved at an extremely fast speed. The aftermath of each collision can be seen in the desert. Blast a deep hole.

Ding Dangmao was thinking, to what extent should his trump card be exposed?

In terms of super tapes, Ding Dangmao has completely integrated "Speed ​​Runner" and "Spiritual Mage". The former has only been used for three months, because there are Speed ​​Candies to give him unlimited battery life - the latter has to use mental power , can't have unlimited battery life, so it took a full year to fully integrate.

Later, for the sake of office efficiency, he integrated "overclocking thinking", which was enough to allow him to have extremely high computing power in a short period of time, but it has not been completely integrated until now.

In battle, this ability doesn't help much, or it's okay to say it to others, but it's not suitable for Ding Dangmao, his fighting style has nothing to do with computing power.

Think about other things, such as the upgraded super power item——

In an instant, Ding Dang spear slashed the sword energy and separated Hongzhuang.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he took out a long-stored CD-ROM from the treasure bag.

It is an upgraded version of the memory disc:

【Thinking CD】

【Discs with unimaginable information flow】

[Can even engrave inhuman perceptions]

【Memory is like your plaything】

He held the Thinking Disc high above his head, which was much larger than the memory disc, at least a little taller in diameter than the Dangdang Spear.

An obscure light burst forth from the thinking disc, shrouding Hongzhuang, who was planning to approach again. At this moment, Hongzhuang seemed to feel that countless unwillingness, suffering, sadness, decadence, and pain poured into his mind—

That's not to mention, it even collides with his heart, trying to arouse his emotional resonance, letting him fall into such a wide range of negative emotions and fall into boundless misery.

...is a psychic attack!

In fact, after this thing was upgraded to a thinking disc, not only the capacity was increased, but also many functions were added.

Ding Dangmao used it to store a lot of negative emotions such as sadness and pain.

The light released by the thinking disc can transmit the information contained in it within a radius of one kilometer, and a lot of extreme sadness is pouring out, enough to drown people into depression. Which animal after the experiment did not commit suicide on the spot?

Ding Dangmao named this move: All beings are suffering!

The suffering of all sentient beings is blessed on you alone through the mind disc.

How can people not collapse?

At this moment, Hongzhuang looked confused, as if he had fallen into endless misery—but!Such a state did not last even for a fraction of a second!

With the mentality of a seeker, he forcibly broke through all the misery.

Your suffering, I can feel it, and I can resonate with it...but it will never overwhelm me!Never make me back half a point!

A shot was stabbed, and the situation changed.

In him, the feeling of the unity of heaven and man is a little richer.

Ding Dangmao's expression changed: This dog won't realize anything, right?

During the battle, because of the opponent's unique move, he sighs and breaks through. What the hell is the treatment of the protagonist?Am I the protagonist or are you the protagonist?

Ding Dangmao put away the disc and drew his sword to fight!Give it your all!

In the battle, the power of the six insects was used more and more skillfully by him.

The injury caused by the spear can be quickly healed in the breath. Based on the "Kung Fu Master", Ding Dangmao used his fists and feet to resist Hongzhuang's attack one by one.

The dark energy that penetrated into his body, with the help of the Baneling ability, exploded a dozen bloody potholes in his body, looking extremely hideous.

Pushing back the enemy again, Ding Dangmao continued to take out the thinking disc——

Since this thing can be filled with memories and emotions through the air.

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